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  • File : 1284521416.jpg-(29 KB, 375x468, 48589249.jpg)
    29 KB Man raped 4-year-old girl before her death Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:30 No.2292515  
    Prosecutors this morning said Lucas Coe raped 4-year-old Emma Thompson shortly before her June 2009 death from abdominal trauma that included a severed pancreas.

    "The defendant shoved an object or his male sexual organ into that poor child and ripped her apart," Assistant Harris County District Attorney Tina Ansari told jurors during her opening statements.

    Shouting as she pointed at Coe, Ansari told jurors they would convict him of super-aggravated sexual assault of a child, "You will say to Lucas Coe, 'You did this! You are guilty! You are guilty! You are guilty!'"

    More in the link below
    >> Fire Lord !AZULaFMcQ. 09/14/10(Tue)23:30 No.2292526
    Is there such a thing as charge inflation?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:32 No.2292542
    lol dunno
    >> Kimmo Alm !!TAPh5M5QXV0 09/14/10(Tue)23:33 No.2292552
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:34 No.2292567
    Fucking white people are so disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:35 No.2292583
    Fucking white devil scum. Why do we allow people like this on the street? Honkies should be locked up in cages like the animals they are. Fucking disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:37 No.2292596
    >The state agency's investigation was stymied by Abigail Young's lies, Ansari said.

    >A former registered nurse, Young was sentenced in July to 20 years in prison for failing to protect her child.

    >Young left her husband for Coe, "a bad boy without a job or any ambition," about three months before Emma's death, Ansari said.

    >She said Coe frequently babysat the child. He also spent an hour alone with her, the day she died.

    Stay classy, women.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:38 No.2292607
    >The defendant shoved an object or his male sexual organ into that poor child and ripped her apart
    >death from abdominal trauma that included a severed pancreas.

    That's sickening.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:40 No.2292626
    dude must have been hung like a horse
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:40 No.2292633
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    kids these day's just don't know how to take a beating.

    It's all because of these pussy liberal values I tell you h'what.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:40 No.2292634
    >white people not saying anything to defend themselves

    lol white people
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:41 No.2292638
    She's four. You could kill her with a four inch penis.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:41 No.2292646
    Why can't we shoot these people anymore. Gosh, I miss the 19th century so much.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:42 No.2292659
    Somebody is trying to make a Mr. Hands reference.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:42 No.2292660
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:43 No.2292665
    Fucking lol'd
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:43 No.2292671
    it's awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwright
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:45 No.2292687
    This is revolting...ugh. Inb4 pedos making excuses for this bullshit. He should be lynched.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:47 No.2292710
    And the liberals will say, "All love should be okay."
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:47 No.2292712
    He's probably not guilty. When will this hysterical witch-hunt end? It's a thousand times worse than McCarthyism.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:49 No.2292725

    There was real danger of communism though.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:49 No.2292727
    FACT: 98% of pedophiles are liberals.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:50 No.2292731
    If found guilty he should be executed. No appeals. Just walk him out back and put one between his eyes.

    Yes. I mad.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:51 No.2292741
    Burn him at the stake
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:51 No.2292742
    he will probably die a horrible death in prison
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:51 No.2292743

    I mad all the damn time.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:51 No.2292751
    10 bucks says that he was a regular on /tv/.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:52 No.2292754
    >implying two men consenting to have sex is the equivalent of a man raping a helpless toddler/child to death
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:52 No.2292755
    >Coe's defense attorney William Van Buren said the evidence in the case was "terrible" but that Emma was not sexually assaulted.

    >He said the vaginal tear could have resulted from a "straddle fall," and a neighbor would testify that she saw blood in the child's panties.

    I'm guessing this is what actually happened.
    >> Durruti !!rCAtisxVTOF 09/14/10(Tue)23:53 No.2292758
    Sometimes shit like this really does justify the death penalty.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:53 No.2292759

    well yeah, i can see where you'd have to be pretty liberal minded to think fucking a 4 year old to death is a good idea
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:53 No.2292763
    look at that neck-beard.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:53 No.2292765
    I've always wanted to fuck a girl so hard she had organ failure to be honest
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:54 No.2292769

    Well, they are both sins...
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:55 No.2292774
    that guy is gonna get fucked with a crowbar in prison
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:55 No.2292782
    He probably got carried away, anyone who has seen the BabyJ vids knows vaginal and anal can be done to a 5yo without harming her if done with care.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:56 No.2292787
    I guess hentais don't actually work in real life after all
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:56 No.2292794
    >implying that genocide is the equivalent of stealing candy from a store because they're both sins
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:57 No.2292796
    We need more people like this

    Kills guy who kidnapped his son, most likely molesting him

    He only got 5 year probation for manslaughter
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:57 No.2292799
    You have no idea whether or not this happened. You're attempting to be open-minded and accepting by making excuses for child rapists. You have no evidence for that happening; all the evidence indicates that this man raped a little girl and gave her organ failure.

    Why do pedo-defense, liberalism, and atheism all go hand-in-hand?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:57 No.2292800
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:57 No.2292801
    ...fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:57 No.2292806

    Every sin has its punishments.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:58 No.2292815
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    >implying that we watch child pornography
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:58 No.2292819
    >Shouting as she pointed at Coe, Ansari told jurors they would convict him of super-aggravated sexual assault of a child, "You will say to Lucas Coe, 'You did this! You are guilty! You are guilty! You are guilty!'"
    I was ready to really hate this guy to death, but that DA is fucking insane. How are we supposed to even pretend this man is getting a fair and unbiased trial by a jury of his peers when the DA runs around shouting "He's guilty!" like some sort of lunatic?

    I'm gonna have to hope this disgusting murderous pedophile gets acquitted just on principal now.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/10(Tue)23:59 No.2292830
    >implying that it still makes gay sex and raping a toddler on the same level because they're both sins and they both have punishments according to the bible
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:00 No.2292834
    >implying that doing things on principle is practical

    Not trying to drink Haterade, but that's why I can't take political or philosophical views seriously. It's all well and good fantasizing about how things should be, but when people start acting "on principle" in an imperfect world, bad shit happens.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:00 No.2292835

    Where is your sense of "justice?"
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:00 No.2292837
    What evidence? I haven't seen any. How do you know he is a child rapist? Because he is being a accused of it? I guess that means he is guilty now. Sorry if I put more stock in a normal injury than some guy all of a sudden deciding to impale a little kid on his dick. But that's just my guess. The only decision that matters is that of the jury. I think you're just mad.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:02 No.2292848
    Typical white people.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:02 No.2292851
    It's times like this that I've got to remind myself that I don't believe in torture.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:02 No.2292852
    There would have been more evidence, but he learned how to wash his cock properly with a grant from the obama administration.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:02 No.2292854
    How many court cases have you watched? That's typical stuff in opening statements. Prosecutors always say stuff like this along with the why. It's how you open any sort of presentation from one at work to court. Here's the situation and here's why you should agree with me. Normal argument structure.

    What do you want her to say?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:03 No.2292862
    Burn 'im.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:04 No.2292868
    >Ansari also said Coe, Emma and her mother, Coe's girlfriend, Abigail Young, had genital herpes, a sexually transmitted disease.
    >Weeks before Emma's death, a doctor who discovered the child had genital herpes notified Texas Child Protective Services.
    >Sitting in a black suit, blue shirt and a tie, Coe, 28, quietly watched Ansari tell jurors that an emergency room nurse will testify that the pre-schooler had a "giant tear of her vagina, not a baby tear, but a giant tear."

    Any gymnast who's ever fucked up on a balance beam can testify that straddle falls don't put massive holes in your vagina or give you genital herpes that your mother's boyfriend also coincidentally has.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:04 No.2292870

    No man can judge the level of the eternal punishment, I can't; but I know Jesus himself spake of what the fate of those who violate a child of God in sin shall be.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:04 No.2292872
    nice shot. and only 5 years probation. What an uplifting story. Thanks, man
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:04 No.2292875

    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:05 No.2292881
    Something like, you die, and then there's eternal nothingness whether you raped a child or lead a life of saintly virtue? If it was anything else, christ is lying to you dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:08 No.2292904
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    > Why do pedo-defense, liberalism, and atheism all go hand-in-hand?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:10 No.2292925
    >Where is your sense of justice?
    It's right there in my post.

    Justice is a fair trial, not a lynch-mob. You can't pretend that the DA isn't trying to appeal to the emotions of the jury and get a quick conviction here.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:10 No.2292926
    Look, just saying. It's weird to me. The three seemingly don't have that much to do with each other on their own but they unite and form a holy trinity for pedos and angsty lib teenagers to unite around.

    Kind of like how people who wear fedoras tend to be really sweaty and have a vague knowledge of anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:10 No.2292929
    >post news thread about despicable pedophile rapist
    >flood thread with "HURR LIBERALS" troll posts

    Stay classy, conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:13 No.2292950
    and the conservatives will jump to such polarized conclusions.
    >dont' forget to add
    >this rape will lead to socialism
    >a communist mosque on ground zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:17 No.2292983
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:18 No.2292990
    Really? You realize that people who call themselves liberals and atheists hate Pedophiles as much as the next guy right? Sure pedophiles can also be registered liberals or atheists....but they can just as easily be christians and conservatives. Lumping everything together just shows how you aren't able to see anything but what you like and what you hate.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:18 No.2292991
    >holy trinity for pedos and angsty lib teenagers

    Sure is Catholic Church priests and altar boys in here.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:21 No.2293018
    Really? Because it seems like a lot of prominent liberals and atheists have written about/spoken out against society's shunning of pedos. Assange (and Mr. X or whoever) and Dawkins, for instance. Little liberals spout their quotes and treat you as if you're a closed-minded Neanderthal if you dislike pedos.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:26 No.2293052
    Like, in the God Delusion, Dawkins talks a lot about pedophilia and kind of brushes it off. I know he didn't intend to sound that way, but he really comes off as saying, "No big deal, I got molested and lulz were had, stop whining faggitz," and it rubs people the wrong way. I don't hear conservatives talking like that.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:29 No.2293076
    I know you're trolling, but still...
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:30 No.2293085
    /new/ mad?
    mind as well ask, "are you on 4 chan?"
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:31 No.2293091
    Fucking white people are trash. They ought to be eradicated.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:32 No.2293096
    I know about Catholics and all that shit, I'm just saying, libs and atheists give lip service to pedophilia and compare it to gayness for the purposes of sounded open minded and shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:32 No.2293097
    My problem is that too many people treat some guy having consensual sex with a 16 year old hottie the same as this sick asshole. Forcing non-dangerous offenders to live under bridges is just as stupid as having any sympathy for this about-to-be-dead scumbag.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:34 No.2293114
    The Nazis sent pedophiles to concentration camps. Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:35 No.2293120
    Yeah, agreed. People confuse pedophilia with normal sexual desires...if pedophilia is wanting to sex up someone under 18, then probably a majority of men in the world are pedos.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:35 No.2293125
    lol @ white conservatives and white liberals arguing

    this goes to show you whites need to all be wiped off the face of the planet
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:36 No.2293129
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    Uh huh.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:38 No.2293147
    are you serious? have you ever been in a pedophilia thread on here or on /b/? they're chock full of assholes trying to justify their behavior and brush it off as nothing
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:39 No.2293160

    Well, I still think we should kill them.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:39 No.2293161
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    You made your point, junior. Calm down.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:41 No.2293173
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:41 No.2293175
    Being sexually attracted to prepubescent, pubescent, and post-pubescent individuals should all be classified differently:

    prepubescent = pedophilia and fucked up
    pubescent = not pedophilia but still fucked up, though less so
    post-pubescent = A.O.K., though you should still lay off until they're legal just so you don't beak the law
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:45 No.2293206
    rationalizing pedo spotted
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:47 No.2293222
    Oh come on.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:48 No.2293229
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)00:48 No.2293234
    Reason-rejecting moralfag detected.

    Seriously, how fucked in the head do you have to be before you use "rationalizing" as an insult?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)02:43 No.2294018
    you guys are so silly
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)02:45 No.2294035
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    Your move
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)02:46 No.2294046
    Typical conservative.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)02:48 No.2294065
    Just a nigger fucking it's niglet, you couldn't possibly compare that to the thread topic.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)05:34 No.2294844
    Liberal here. First, a couple of pipe hitting niggers need to go medeval on his ass with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. Then it's Muslim time; 500 lashes and then stoned to death.

    Or we can throw his ass in prison where he'll be raped and beaten daily for the rest of his pathetic existance.

    Either way is fine with me. Although I'd prefer the first one.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)05:45 No.2294878
    he was just trying to cure his AIDS by raping a virgin
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)05:48 No.2294887
    socialist atheist here.
    If he is found guilty of raping that child to death, I think killing him by feeding his blood with fear hormones and feeding his nerve system with pain sounds like a swell idea.
    Whatver can be done to give him a horrible horrible death. Thats what we should do.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)05:48 No.2294888
    Less likely than him just serving his time segregated.
    You never know though, his story could get a lifer motivated.

    The chimo's are generally protected and only out when everyone else isn't, but it doesn't take long to shank someone.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)05:51 No.2294893
    Fucking honky animals. It's time to final solution these cavemen motherfuckers.

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