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  • File : 1284277554.png-(331 KB, 623x333, CaptureCrowdUnyaa.png)
    331 KB Anime Turns Otaku Into Nazis Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:45 No.2269010  
    Jewish media tries to teach whites that whites are morally inferior.

    However, disturbingly, some white people watch media that has not passed Jewish censors. Some of these shows trivialize Nazi gestures and fetishize blond hair.

    Watching anime will turn you into a Nazi.

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:46 No.2269014
         File1284277588.png-(308 KB, 601x331, CaptureUnyaa.png)
    308 KB

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:48 No.2269024
         File1284277688.png-(415 KB, 602x332, CaptureADirectMessageFromGod.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:49 No.2269035
         File1284277785.png-(420 KB, 604x334, CapturegodsVeryBenevolence.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:49 No.2269036
    Right.. Israel doesn't exist. Got it, thanks
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:50 No.2269040
         File1284277834.png-(401 KB, 603x332, CaptureCoincidence.png)
    401 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:51 No.2269046
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:52 No.2269049
         File1284277921.png-(420 KB, 604x335, CaptureAryanBlueEyes.png)
    420 KB
    Aryan blue eyes and violent oratorical gestures ... this girl is clearly meant to be Hitler.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:53 No.2269058
         File1284277994.png-(326 KB, 607x335, CaptureNaziSalute.png)
    326 KB
    And the Nazi salute is unmistakable. She is clearly an incitement to hate speech.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:54 No.2269066
         File1284278060.png-(391 KB, 602x332, CaptureSecondNaziSalute.png)
    391 KB
    They're brainwashing the otaku to make the Nazi salute...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:55 No.2269076
         File1284278150.png-(286 KB, 612x331, CaptureParamilitaryCorpsLikeHi(...).png)
    286 KB
    They're romanticizing the HitlerJugend.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:57 No.2269092
    MORON! It's the risen Punch depicted here, it's the communist Gesture, NOT THE NAZY ONE!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:58 No.2269102
         File1284278334.png-(325 KB, 600x329, CaptureCultOfPersonality.png)
    325 KB
    ...the cult of personality ...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:59 No.2269104
    Blond hair is lazy shorthand for "white foreigner" in animu.

    I sometimes wonder if Japanese otaku ever visit the U.S. and are shocked to find that most people don't have blond hair.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)03:59 No.2269106
         File1284278378.png-(348 KB, 607x334, CaptureClenchedFist.png)
    348 KB
    ... the clenched fist...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:00 No.2269116
         File1284278457.png-(335 KB, 601x333, CaptureEmotionalFervor.png)
    335 KB
    The call-and-response chants of "Unyaa!" as the orator whips the crowd into fanatical frenzy ... Nazis, Nazis everywhere...
    >> PosseComitatus !!/Lox48+CH8e 09/12/10(Sun)04:03 No.2269131
         File1284278588.jpg-(29 KB, 294x374, get-a-brain-morans.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:03 No.2269132
         File1284278598.png-(323 KB, 604x337, CaptureUnyaaMeansSiegHeil.png)
    323 KB

    When they say, "Unyaa," they really mean "Sieg Heil."

    It's a code, and those deceptive WOMEN are using it to LAUGH in our faces ...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:04 No.2269140
         File1284278653.jpg-(45 KB, 330x451, wonfest_2010_cosplay_nazi.jpg)
    45 KB
    nothing beats furry nazi
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:08 No.2269163
         File1284278888.png-(190 KB, 481x343, CapturePleaseGiveMeMilk.png)
    190 KB
    >Nazis, Nazis everywhere

    They're Communists. They want our precious bodily fluids.

    Examine what they say about "milk"
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:08 No.2269166
    wait until her voice actor reveals she has a boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:08 No.2269167
    Japan's had a nazi fetish since they lost the war.

    You're just catching on? Fucking dense.
    >> Ausfag !!gAVDY1puR3J 09/12/10(Sun)04:10 No.2269178
         File1284279012.jpg-(57 KB, 333x500, nazi-cos3.jpg)
    57 KB
    Oh really?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:10 No.2269180
         File1284279028.png-(212 KB, 491x361, CaptureFillMeWithMilk.png)
    212 KB
    They want to be filled with milk ...
    they want BODILY FLUIDS
    >> Ausfag !!gAVDY1puR3J 09/12/10(Sun)04:11 No.2269183
         File1284279065.jpg-(63 KB, 380x569, japanese_nazi_girl_2_md.jpg)
    63 KB
    Jews are the real nazis.
    >> Ausfag !!gAVDY1puR3J 09/12/10(Sun)04:11 No.2269190
         File1284279109.jpg-(139 KB, 401x500, bonus-round-picture-hot-nazi-j(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:12 No.2269192
         File1284279142.jpg-(354 KB, 1130x800, 1277868005756.jpg)
    354 KB
    Nächstes mal ohne Italien!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:12 No.2269196
         File1284279160.jpg-(204 KB, 950x711, 1282215610290.jpg)
    204 KB
    Nazis. Definitely anime Nazis. The reason they resemble Commies is the socialism.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:13 No.2269202
         File1284279192.jpg-(70 KB, 566x760, 1275035522811.jpg)
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    nazi's are moe
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:13 No.2269206
         File1284279211.jpg-(82 KB, 566x760, 1282216018653.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:14 No.2269210
         File1284279263.jpg-(80 KB, 570x800, 1282216114228.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:15 No.2269215
         File1284279313.jpg-(499 KB, 768x960, 1282216182896.jpg)
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    Does everyone on /new/ have the same image folder full of Nazi moe?

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:15 No.2269219
         File1284279341.jpg-(486 KB, 812x898, 1276445540084.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:16 No.2269221
         File1284279363.png-(594 KB, 600x827, 1282216318316.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:16 No.2269222
         File1284279365.jpg-(255 KB, 740x530, anime nazi.jpg)
    255 KB
    Nazis were always moe.
    >> Ausfag !!gAVDY1puR3J 09/12/10(Sun)04:16 No.2269226
         File1284279415.jpg-(9 KB, 150x200, 6a00d8345192e469e200e54f1ccbaf(...).jpg)
    9 KB
    If I found a girl who would cosplay in Nazi gear, I would marry her.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:17 No.2269229
    What's the source ont his anyway, op?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:18 No.2269234

    So far, yes.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:18 No.2269237
         File1284279536.jpg-(40 KB, 567x480, Zomg_hot_asian_nazis.jpg)
    40 KB
    Like this?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:19 No.2269239
         File1284279542.jpg-(48 KB, 304x447, 1282979432479.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:19 No.2269241
         File1284279555.jpg-(706 KB, 964x1486, 1282216063832.jpg)
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    Asobi Ni Ikuyo, Episode 4 is the source of the blond Hitler girl. The other moe images are just /new/ stuff...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:19 No.2269243
         File1284279563.jpg-(1.54 MB, 3411x2633, 1217576770924.jpg)
    1.54 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:19 No.2269246
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:20 No.2269249
         File1284279601.jpg-(175 KB, 600x936, 1282216127077.jpg)
    175 KB
    So you probably have this one already...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:20 No.2269253
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:21 No.2269259
         File1284279706.jpg-(283 KB, 770x1100, 1282216271921.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:22 No.2269264
         File1284279746.jpg-(67 KB, 530x750, 1282216382318.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:22 No.2269265
         File1284279748.jpg-(216 KB, 600x800, 1280969672218.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:24 No.2269273
         File1284279861.png-(2.47 MB, 1280x800, 1282352293512.png)
    2.47 MB

    My wallpaper
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:24 No.2269274
         File1284279869.jpg-(276 KB, 700x490, 1282216431107.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:25 No.2269277
         File1284279906.jpg-(313 KB, 800x1184, 1282216498603.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:25 No.2269282
         File1284279957.jpg-(178 KB, 850x1770, 1282216578708.jpg)
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    Very nice color filtering.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:26 No.2269286
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:27 No.2269287
         File1284280020.jpg-(1.16 MB, 1209x1198, koanz.jpg)
    1.16 MB
    I'm no Nazi-lover, but damn did they have some slick uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:27 No.2269288
         File1284280034.jpg-(140 KB, 700x1527, 1282216799659.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:30 No.2269301
         File1284280230.png-(1.43 MB, 1000x1416, 1282216530564.png)
    1.43 MB
    Is "Voile" just Touhou fanfic, or has an actual animation company produced it?

    I see some episodes labelled "voile" on Youtube, but I don't know if they're gameplay vid or anime or what...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:31 No.2269306
         File1284280280.jpg-(85 KB, 640x853, real nazis.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:32 No.2269313
         File1284280373.jpg-(47 KB, 717x768, nationalBolshevik.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:37 No.2269337
         File1284280676.jpg-(27 KB, 388x599, 388px-Kas_ir_Perkonkrusts.jpg)
    27 KB
    They're all Latvian
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:43 No.2269358
         File1284280989.jpg-(33 KB, 604x402, impressive.jpg)
    33 KB
    I had not known that people could bend like that...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:51 No.2269392
         File1284281460.jpg-(110 KB, 1024x768, anime nazis.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:51 No.2269395
    jews should have fought back. the more powerful always defeat the weak.


    sorry jews
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:52 No.2269399
    GTFO americunt
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:54 No.2269405

    u mad the jews wouldn't exist if the allies didn't save them?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:57 No.2269412
    Implying I care about jews.
    >> Wisemanoncesaid !!SYEmrD9hNGN 09/12/10(Sun)05:04 No.2269445
    never said you didn't care though
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:11 No.2269470
         File1284282684.gif-(9 KB, 320x224, forGreatJustice.gif)
    9 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:23 No.2269508
    japs are secret nazis
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:23 No.2269509
         File1284283396.jpg-(74 KB, 500x350, moeMoeNijiTaisen.jpg)
    74 KB

    Moe Moe NiJi Taisen
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:30 No.2269531
         File1284283841.jpg-(55 KB, 750x600, desuorgtfo.jpg)
    55 KB
    Needs moar desu...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:55 No.2269626
         File1284285318.gif-(35 KB, 525x400, didsomebodysaydesu.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:56 No.2269631
         File1284285361.jpg-(328 KB, 850x843, 1283778498731.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:10 No.2269700
         File1284286218.jpg-(102 KB, 1190x1063, nazi_mengy-kun.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:17 No.2269733
         File1284286656.jpg-(45 KB, 420x609, NaziTrowa.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:22 No.2269754

    Hello new picture. Anymore like this?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:35 No.2269817
         File1284287739.jpg-(36 KB, 300x423, blondRedhead-hetalia_axis_powe(...).jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:40 No.2269841

    Thats because of niggers and muds breeding with true white people.

    Real white people carry the blond and red hair genes, and light colored eyes.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:41 No.2269844

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:50 No.2269880

    Its ok to mix with Asians though...pale Asians, not nigger Asians.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:51 No.2269889
         File1284288688.jpg-(72 KB, 336x460, APH_Prussia_by_tenzuki.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:52 No.2269892
         File1284288728.jpg-(49 KB, 225x350, prussiaAgain.jpg)
    49 KB
    Prussia. Not really Nazi moe.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:52 No.2269895
         File1284288779.jpg-(46 KB, 275x350, prussia.jpg)
    46 KB
    I must restrain myself from posting Prussia immediately to avoid the horrors of flood control.


    Soon it will be time to type the special code and hit "submit."
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:02 No.2269922

    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:08 No.2269953

    Pale Asians are similar to white people, before African genes were introduced into Europe by Romans.

    Whites pre-Roman times, had IQ's as high as Asians, and were as pale. However Romans brought African Slaves because Northern European barbarians often refused to work as cheap labor. The result was a small mingling of Nigger Blood as far as Northern Germany and into England. The highest concentrations of Nigger blood in Europe was in Italy, Spain, and the Balkans.

    Over the last 1000 years the diluted Nigger blood spread into Scandinavia, Russia, resulting in an entire race that was slightly inferior to its pre-Roman times.

    Every white person has some Nigger blood in them from this source, although usually it is very diluted, and in the more exceptional White individuals likely extremely diluted.

    Today traces of this Nigger blood can be found in the E Y-chromosome of some Europeans, Nappy hair. Nearly all racial Genetic testing given to whites shows 2-5% admixture with Niggers.

    The purest race on the planet today are northern Asians, usually with Pale skin. They can only be found in Japan, Korea, and parts of China. They have no nigger blood in them, not one drop. This is why their IQ's are higher.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:12 No.2269966

    truth is too painful for most to grasp.

    notice the same people who brought niggers to Europe the first time, did it again.

    Its happening all over again and the resultant race will be even more inferior than today. This is inescapable.

    The only possible upside is Eugenics which will have to be implemented to preserve the HUMAN race from degrading back into nigger apes.

    Remember, reverse evolution is possible. Intelligence isn't an essential factor in breeding anymore, hasn't been for the last few generations.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:12 No.2269967
         File1284289962.jpg-(95 KB, 640x480, maidnazi..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:14 No.2269976
         File1284290072.gif-(359 KB, 350x350, God_kills_catgirl.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:16 No.2269981
         File1284290165.jpg-(110 KB, 426x600, 1266743539890.jpg)
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    whats going on in here
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:16 No.2269984
         File1284290203.gif-(81 KB, 551x414, russia map.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:19 No.2269991
    holy fuck this is so false.No, modern europeans are not actually niggers or half niggers or quadroons.This post reeks of an asian with a superiority complex thats butthurt about europeans being superior.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:22 No.2270005
         File1284290572.jpg-(57 KB, 350x350, yuno-gasai-resized.jpg)
    57 KB

    You will never be as samurai as this potato.

    Feels weird man.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:24 No.2270011

    They are. All white people have at least one nigger ancestor from this period, except for a very small number of Northern Europeans likely in Norway, Finland, and Siberian Russia.

    Remember, this is very diluted blood. It is not readily apparent, but it is there. Some of the people with the bluest eyes, and blondest hair have those nigger genes in them. Out of 1000 white ancestors going back 10-20 generations, the vast majority are white, however, there are 5-10 that are not all white.

    It is true that Romans brought Black slaves from Africa to Europe. This is irrefutable. It is also irrefutable form Genetic testing that millions of Whites have small percentages of Nigger in them.

    Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to change this, however we can stop it from happening again. It is happening again and unless you white people stand the fuck up, have more children, and start kicking muds out of your countries in Europe, America, and Australia the end result will be the same, even more Nigger genes mixed in with White blood.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:26 No.2270015
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:33 No.2270029
         File1284291198.jpg-(12 KB, 440x115, images..jpg)
    12 KB

    The true European nose is thin, often straight, and has only a slight bend.

    This is represented by the Greek, Dinarid, and Roman.

    Notice how many Europeans do not have noses with a small tip? Notice how many Europeans have nappy hair? Genetic testing of the male Y chromosome also reveals E, J, and other impurities in the European I,R,G family groups.

    These are NIGGER genes left behind from the breeding of Black Gladiators and Slaves from the Roman Period with the indigenous White population.

    Rome collapsed because it started becoming predominantly Jew, Black, and Middle Eastern. These groups were inferior, even with their technology and civilization handed to them from whiter Romans that were slowly mudded down and mixed as Rome aged.

    Not only was Rome watering down its currency to pay its wars, it was watering down its genome. Eventually once all the Gold was gone from its currency, and the White genes mudded with Nigger, Rome collapsed.

    SOUND FAMILIAR???????? If you are a white person and care about preserving your race, don't let it happen again! Spread the word! Spread the truth about your history! Don't let it repeat!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:38 No.2270047
         File1284291538.jpg-(967 KB, 1980x3000, 12446-scarlett_johansson_nose_(...).jpg)
    967 KB

    Think her nose is native European? Look around you at all white people, and you will see little impurities that result from this mixing.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:40 No.2270058
    We share 99.9% of our genes with all other humans, what matters is whether the negro brain gene has been passed on through the aeons or not, otherwise the occasionaly negro gene is mostly irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:42 No.2270068
         File1284291728.jpg-(92 KB, 500x335, azn.jpg)
    92 KB
    Let's compare her nose with the noses of these 2 niggers. Hey wait, they're not niggers!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:44 No.2270078
    That picture is labelled "Scarlet Johansson."
    Scarlett Johansson is Jewish.

    Less talk, more UNYAA.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:55 No.2270112

    You share 60% of your genes with a sponge as does all life.

    Likely, you would even share large amounts of genetic material with extraterrestrial life derived from Martian ice.

    Modern Humans came to be from two distinct species. A small group of Neanderthal and a more diverse group of Homo Sapiens.

    The Homo Sapiens were divided into three distinct groups. The one that remained in Africa (Niggers), the first group to leave Africa which was only slightly smarter (Muds), and the second to leave Africa which had the highest intelligence (Thinking Man).

    All Non Africans are descended from the Muds, Thinking Man, and Neanderthal.

    Most Africans today are descended primarily from the inferior group that remained in Africa because it was too stupid to leave, and Muds that back migrated into Africa.

    Over thousands of years, two distinct races arose that were less mud than the rest of humankind, Asians, and Northern Europeans. Both were characterized by pale skin and straight hair. Asians tended to have dark reddish brown hair, and dark eyes. The purest Asians lived in Northern China, Japan, Mongolia, and Korea. They had similar intelligence with original Europeans.

    Europeans were also characterized by pale skin, however they were more likely to have freckles, and this gene that causes freckles is also related to red hair and sometimes even light colored eyes. Blond hair, Blue/Green eyes also arose. ALL Europeans were characterized by having either light colored eyes, or hair, or having those traits in their family line. Originally European intelligence was as high as Asian intelligence.

    These eye color and hair color genes spread into Arabia and even as far as India through conquest. Modern Blacks may have these traits but that does not make them white.

    Then Rome happened, and well...Europe was changed forever.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:59 No.2270122

    I should point out that its not clear if the second group to leave africa was derived from Muds or from the original Niggers that still lived in Africa, no one knows and there is no way to tell from who this group descended.

    Basically, Niggers stayed the way they were for eons because there was no genetic reason to adapt (no natural selection for intelligence).

    Muds had some natural sellection for intelligence, and thinking man had the highest.

    In essence, niggers are basically unevolved human ancestors still left in the gene pool. By breeding with one you are essentially undoing hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and selection for intelligence.

    The end result is lower IQ.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:00 No.2270127
    By that reasoning Asians can tan therefore they are niggers as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:03 No.2270138

    Many Northern Asians will have narrower smaller noses. Larger noses are derived from the Mud group, which all humans are part of, regardless of location on the planet.

    Asians as you travel further south towards Indonesia and India get darker, and have broader noses, and are more mud in appearance.

    The same is true for Europe. Interesting trend.

    We need eugenics. There's nothing wrong with smart people, no matter what race they're from, we just need to selectively breed for those qualities and all the damage done can be undone. Barring that, there needs to be deportation and mass sterilization of the more mud-nigger groups. Exceptional individuals that display intelligence should be spared. Only way to save the human race.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:04 No.2270143
    Doesn't matter anyway, the white man invented modern science and transhumanism so now humanity can take control over it's evolution.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:05 No.2270150

    You are aware that eugenics oriented around the intelligent and capable would also kill 90% of the white race, right?

    I mean, the average American is horribly obese and not too smart. We'd lose the South in a heart-beat.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:07 No.2270155

    You are putting all Asians into one group. That couldn't be further from the truth.

    If anything there are many groups in each race of people.

    The most intelligent group by far though is pale skinned, straight haired people, usually with either Asian or White(blond/red hair or light eyes).

    Skin color is a very important indictator for intelligence, because low light, cold climates were where intelligence was absolutely essential. Thats why only the best survived there.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:09 No.2270163

    Thats right, we can take control ONLY through Eugenics and sterilization/deportation. We must stop the muds and niggers before their genes bring the WHOLE WORLD DOWN.

    That doesn't mean kill all the muds/niggers. That means select only the superior ones based on intelligence, which is something the Romans definitely did not do, and something the slave traders definitely did not do.

    Basically we took the dumbest worst example of humanity and are cross breeding it with the best examples. What do you expect the result to be?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:09 No.2270164
    You say that like it's a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:09 No.2270165
    >>Romans brought African Slaves because Northern European barbarians often refused to work as cheap labor. The result was a small mingling of Nigger Blood as far as Northern Germany and into England.

    Northern Germany was considered a wasteland to the Romans after Varus lost too many men fighting the Alemani.

    A terrible historical oversight on your part. Worse, you have apparently forgotten the glory that was Rome, boy. They weren't bound by our stupid morality and would never have suffered huge populations of niggers breeding out of control. The Ancient Whites were in every respect superior to us. IN EVERY RESPECT.

    Romans and the Byzantines commonly castrated male slaves, and especially Africans, to make them stronger. Later European slave traders didn't do this because it was a waste of capital, some foolishly bred them to make money, but in many Roman areas slave children were born free, meaning that there was no advantage to breeding them. In fact there were other advantages to turning slaves into eunuchs. For example, Emperor Nero once had his favorite boy slave castrated so that he could take him as a wife.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:12 No.2270175

    Exactly, it would be purified, as would every other race.

    Eugenics makes PERFECT sense, is not racist, and will bring up EVERY race.

    The only problem is we all live in democracies were the dumb are allowed to vote.

    Even more unfortunately, the left side of the political spectrum is the least likely to have offspring.

    This makes it virtually impossible to implement Eugenics without a totalitarian government. Basically we would need some kind of Matrix or Irobot type scenario to implement the program.

    There are too many dumb humans to consent, too many dumb humans with no utility or use, they only exist because of excess, waste, and inefficiency of the past.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:15 No.2270191

    What is stunning is how you use a few examples.

    There were Roman settlements in Germany, England, France, and the Balkans.

    These Roman settlements featured Nigger slaves from all parts of the Roman empire, which included large parts of Africa.

    You are missing the truth because you are afraid to admit that it is fact, to acknowledge that the Romans turned our proud White Race into something less, and that all of us White people are invariably part Negro, and there is nothing we can do about it other than implement species wide Eugenics which means most of us will not be able to pass on offspring.

    You are afraid to admit the truth even to yourself. A very sad case. An example with what must change for progress to be made.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:16 No.2270193
         File1284293777.jpg-(37 KB, 620x348, naziCatgirlsWithToast-asobijpg(...).jpg)
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    Fact: Nazi catgirls chew toast.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:17 No.2270199
         File1284293871.png-(52 KB, 600x463, chara_antonia.png)
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    Needs moar Unyaa.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:19 No.2270208

    Like castrating Niggers ever stopped them from being Niggers.

    I have a gut feeling only a few Niggers were actually castrated, only as examples. Basically if you didn't obey and perform you were castrated. Probably made slaves horribly obedient. Would make anyone obedient.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:21 No.2270218

    Its obvious there are whites here who can't admit to the truth, are afraid to admit it, and will do everything to reject it.

    Thats the problem, if they can't find out whats wrong, they don't know what to do thats right. and whats right for the ENTIRE human race is Eugenics and stopping 90% of humanity from making offspring, and yes huge parts of that would be white people.

    I don't have to look far to see the NIGGER gene in whites. So much NIGGER bringing down human kind, so sad. Only one way to fix it, Eugenics.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:24 No.2270237

    So 90% of whites don't make offspring, 99% of blacks, and probably 80% of Asians or something?

    I'm ok with this, considering Asians have so few offspring anyways.

    Actually now that I think about it, this makes complete and perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:25 No.2270243
         File1284294349.jpg-(70 KB, 308x377, I-have-a-gut-feeling-that-this(...).jpg)
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    I have a gut feeling too...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:29 No.2270253

    Google "the limes" in Germany. They don't extend into the north. Furthermore, the North and the East, that big swath of German states called Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen is a historical region called "Saxony". Ring a bell? This is where them big bad motherfucking Saxons came from, who kickstarted England after making the Netherlands their bitch. It's why Dutch, English, and German are closely related languages. This region combined with the Prussians has dominated Germany since forever, up until the end of WW2 when half of it became East Germany and the other half stayed in the West under British occupation. There was absolutely no nigger DNA in the Anglo-Saxons. We know this because of the Doomsday Book and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. Niggers never write any shit down.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:36 No.2270284
    >>castrated if you didn't obey and perform

    Just using that standard right there, it shouldn't shock you to hear that upwards of 70% of nigger slaves historically were castrated. The gentle black slave eunuch is sort of a fictional staple that has a ring of truth. Cut off a nigger's johnson and you remove the most devious, malicious, evil part of him that's genocidal to whites. He becomes a tame and useful creature.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:38 No.2270294

    Hate to say this, but the women they raped in the countries they conquered WERE part Nigger.

    You fail at Ancient World HERP DERP.

    Guess what...that was 1500 years ago. Those nigger genes in the raped women eventually spread. Soon Kings had the blood, and usually every King had tons of concubines. Every part of Europe has a small part of the Nigger blood.

    I know it sounds revolting, but its absolutely true. We need to admit it, and accept it, and realize the only way to fix it is Eugenics.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:42 No.2270320

    Obviously not doing 100% really fucked the White race over. Greedy white jews breeding slaves.

    Also, may I remind everyone, all White people are also part Jew...

    The Roman citizens you see, also included Jewish.

    This is how J haplogroup Y chromosomes ended up in Europe. J is not native to Europe. Hitler had an E chromosome, but he did the right thing by not breeding. Its amazing how good of an example he was.

    Some speculate that he cut off his own testicles at the thought of having Jewish seed. If this is true, that makes him a saint.

    To preserve the White race he was willing to destroy himself. How many of you have that kind of dedication in you? Eugenics is the only answer.

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