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  • File : 1283866585.gif-(6 KB, 446x361, 1283583683090.gif)
    6 KB Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)09:36 No.2219841  


    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)09:37 No.2219845
    > tripfag demanding the ban of another tripfag.

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:38 No.2219851
    Fuck off. You have no idea how quaint it is for Australians to have a libertarian. He's slightly below Scientology on the credibility scale, and keeping him around is worth it for teh lulz.

    Also, given his incessant anonymous samefaggery, he's probably the OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:38 No.2219853
    >another tripfag thinking he's relevant
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)09:39 No.2219858

    > he thinks i think i'm relevant.

    Awww, how sweet.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)09:39 No.2219862

    You have to agree though. This is the worst tripfag on /new/.

    I'm guessing his parents have Capitalist interests.

    Fucking basement dwelling cunt, and his parents must have brainwashed him as child.

    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 09/07/10(Tue)09:40 No.2219864
    Because in your opinion the existence of government programs invalidates the entirety of libertarianism.

    I never samefag and when I accidentally post without my trip I follow it up with another post.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)09:41 No.2219874

    No... i don't think i have to do anything you tell me...
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:42 No.2219881
    Strawman followed by a straight-up lie. Like I said: for teh lulz, for teh lulz.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)09:43 No.2219884

    Freewill doesn't exist.

    Only different dimensions of reality.

    BTW While we're polarsing tripfags, I would like to say you're the only one here who makes any sense.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)09:47 No.2219905

    > polarising.

    See, i don't believe people can be decidedly this or decidedly that, it conflicts with my understanding of free will.

    For example, someone can be the very definition of the word stubborn, but that doesn't mean they won't change their mind at the least predictable moment.

    For all i know, free market might just be trying out his debating skills.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)09:51 No.2219929

    This is day 4 of no sleep for me.

    My brain is full of fuck.odc

    Can we discuss this another time ;)
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)09:52 No.2219936

    Sure we can, that's your choice.

    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)09:54 No.2219947

    haha oh wow, so gifted in the subjectivity field.

    I'm jelly.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:55 No.2219951
    This is the song playing when FREEMARKET is banned:
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:57 No.2219961
    I'm going to make a deliberate attempt to employ that term in future.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:57 No.2219966
    Everyone in this thread should commit some form of honorable suicide because you're all a disgrace.

    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:00 No.2219980

    I had a bit of a mindfuck to do with objectivity/subjectivity a few years back when i started looking into the mind and the various concepts that are attached to it in regards to the psycho-somatic derivatives, but this kind of talk tends to bore me.

    Why can't you just leave free market alone, anyway, it's not like he (or she) is doing anything particularly bad, right?
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:05 No.2220011

    >psycho-somatic derivatives

    wat (I don't know what that means plurally, is that some of neologism? cbf googling)

    It's just how some people are orientated (though I'm making an assumption because I don't know you and I'm new to 4chan)

    MBTI might answer your dilemma.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:06 No.2220022
    >Why can't you just leave free market alone, anyway, it's not like he (or she) is doing anything particularly bad, right?

    Because his opinions are impacting the general direction of our collective hivemind.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:06 No.2220023


    What i know about it is self-taught, so there are plenty of gaps in my knowledge i have yet to address.

    As if it's possible to address something you have no knowledge about.

    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:07 No.2220026
    oh i get it.

    not as economy derivatives.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:08 No.2220031

    > hivemind.

    Oh lol.

    I love it how people argue for anonymity and then try to attach an identity to it.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:09 No.2220036


    Think of it more as theoretical studies, i just use derivatives as a simplified term for it.

    Self-teaching does that...
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:09 No.2220043
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    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:16 No.2220079

    fucking HFA

    how does it work.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:17 No.2220087
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    HFA is one of the derivatives of which i speak.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:21 No.2220109

    This is a matrix, you do realise that don't you?

    I see synchronism on a daily basis, it doesn't even phase me anymore.

    The night before 9/11 I dreamed about planes smashing into towers.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:26 No.2220135

    > the matrix.


    I try to avoid things like that when it comes to understanding the world, what you call synchronicity (i assume you're referring to wolfgang's perception of it and not einstein's) i simply see as a series of extraordinary coincidences.

    If you wanted to disagree, you'd be straying into parapsychology there, which is where the real mind-fuck territory lies.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:31 No.2220168
    >If you wanted to disagree, you'd be straying into parapsychology there, which is where the real mind-fuck territory lies

    brb parapsychology.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:34 No.2220189

    Enjoy re-evaluating your entire system of beliefs about reality, bro.

    Do yourself a favour and take it at face value.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:35 No.2220199
    It would literally take up the whole capacity of the internet (in .txt form) to explain not only the neurological and physical side to our existenialism but the universe as well.

    Our argument is invalid

    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:37 No.2220210
    tripfags should be banned for tripfaggotry
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:38 No.2220215

    > implying you could explain the reality of neurology and physiology behind the universe using simple words or even mathematics and that it wouldn't blow our fucking brains apart if we didn't grasp even the slightest element of fact behind it.

    Fair cop, guv.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:39 No.2220220

    I agree.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:41 No.2220234
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    hahah i fucking lol'd out loud, still laughing

    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:44 No.2220248

    Actually, i was saying that your argument that the argument was invalid is invalid, because the idea that humanity could ever even give cause to a valid argument is invalid as of itself.

    In otherwords, the fact we are even talking about it invalidates our entire existence.
    >> Blaque !zHyeCrwMvc 09/07/10(Tue)10:47 No.2220269

    Do you ever think that one day you'll snap?

    I snapped once, it was the greatest feeling ever.

    It was better than smoking meth.

    I could play MP3 AND MP4 on demand.

    Have you ever experience that?
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!30N9XkJEmLh 09/07/10(Tue)10:51 No.2220289

    > Do you ever think that one day you'll snap?

    No, not really.

    I suppose i should do.

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