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  • File : 1283783438.jpg-(50 KB, 370x499, some men just want to watch the world bu(...).jpg)
    50 KB Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:30 No.2211586  
    >Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry and among the fastest growing criminal segments on the Internet.

    >NCMEC claims that around 20 % of all pornography contains children.

    >There is an increasing trend towards younger victims and greater brutality; according to Flint Waters, an investigator with the federal Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, "These guys are raping infants and toddlers. You can hear the child crying, pleading for help in the video. It is horrendous."

    >In 2007, the British-based Internet Watch Foundation reported that child pornography on the Internet is becoming more brutal and graphic, and the number of images depicting violent abuse has risen fourfold since 2003

    Okay, guys. I'm very, very against pre-pubescents having sex with older people. I'm against child pornography and child molestation; there are people who say it doesn't damage children, but I know for a fact that it does. I think that pedophiles who act on their desires by manipulating and coercing children are terrible human beings who should be in prison.

    But I fucking question that child pornography is so commonplace, so brutal, and would involve INFANTS. I mean, it just seems fucking way over-the-top and insane. I don't even understand where people find these videos (if they even exist, which I doubt), and how they are made without anyone finding out about the child. It just seems so far-fetched to me. What do you think? Is this problem exaggerated? Is all that shit above actually legitimate? I just pulled it off Wikipedia, everything is well-cited there, but I just question the factual accuracy of the citations.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:31 No.2211594
    most of that shit comes from eastern europe and russia. they can't stop it, those places are hell on earth
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)10:36 No.2211614
    >Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry and among the fastest growing criminal segments on the Internet.

    great! more cp for me to masturbate to!

    >NCMEC claims that around 20 % of all pornography contains children.

    then how come theyre so hard to find?

    >There is an increasing trend towards younger victims and greater brutality; according to Flint Waters, an investigator with the federal Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, "These guys are raping infants and toddlers. You can hear the child crying, pleading for help in the video. It is horrendous."

    that is your opinion. some people DONT find it horrendous. as a matter of fact, they are aroused by it.

    >In 2007, the British-based Internet Watch Foundation reported that child pornography on the Internet is becoming more brutal and graphic, and the number of images depicting violent abuse has risen fourfold since 2003

    sounds like propaganda to me and sounds like the IWF wants the government to give more money to them
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:38 No.2211630
    ...I didn't say any of that was my opinion, I was asking other people if it was legitimate. Read the post before you give an angsty one-dimensional reply.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:38 No.2211633
    Oh man, with the bank fraud, housing crisis, and war in Iraq; I'm starting to get an 80s buzz.

    Look up the SMART campaign associated with Keating. Same outrageous claims, very little substance to back them.

    And like his, I bet this is just a front to funnel money, or lock-down the internet.

    The rates and types of child molestation stay pretty consistent year to year.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:39 No.2211637
    how would you know something like that?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:39 No.2211642

    Oh hey, our own local pedophile. Wave to the kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:40 No.2211646
    children in porn and prostitution is bad in my book. in ny opinion, adult prostitution is also bad.

    but sex education is important too.
    sex is important. but when money is involved, it's bad.
    also, raping children is bad.
    >> Progressive Right-Wing Nationalist !dGem/yE082 09/06/10(Mon)10:41 No.2211654
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    In a perfect world, your kind would be purified by fire.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:41 No.2211656
    it's common knowledge everywhere. do you think it's just kids who get sold into the sex trade? women and even men are sold too, the sex trade is one of eastern europe's biggest exports. they have nothing else to market except their bodies, it's a sad life.
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 09/06/10(Mon)10:42 No.2211659
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:42 No.2211660
    Lol, we had that in Germany last year. Turns out you can't make much mony with CP because people usually trade it for free.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:42 No.2211661
    I'm surprised it is 20%. The government must have an incredible censor agency to block all the sites that pop up.
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)10:42 No.2211664

    >Okay, guys. I'm very, very against pre-pubescents having sex with older people. I'm against child pornography and child molestation; there are people who say it doesn't damage children, but I know for a fact that it does.

    got any proof that child sex damages children 100% of the time?

    >I think that pedophiles who act on their desires by manipulating and coercing children are terrible human beings who should be in prison.

    what about pedophiles who engage in mutual sex with children without manipulation and coercion?

    >But I fucking question that child pornography is so commonplace, so brutal, and would involve INFANTS. I mean, it just seems fucking way over-the-top and insane.

    wow, you obviously dont know anything. just because you havent seen any doesnt mean there isnt any. theres LOTS of cp with babbies. ive seen it before. i'm not into babbies though. my age range is 10 year old girls to 15 year olds. i might go as low as 7.

    >I don't even understand where people find these videos (if they even exist, which I doubt), and how they are made without anyone finding out about the child. It just seems so far-fetched to me. What do you think?

    having sex with babbies and taking videos of it is EASIER than having sex with delicious 12 year olds. the babby wont remember it. not very far-fetched anymore, is it?

    >Is this problem exaggerated? Is all that shit above actually legitimate?

    well its possible that the internet watch foundation is just hyping up all the cp to justify the public to give them more money.

    >I just pulled it off Wikipedia, everything is well-cited there, but I just question the factual accuracy of the citations.

    lol. if you want to learn about child porn, then child porn is a topic that is best done when you research it yourself (and watch the child porn first hand).

    here are some good keywords: pthc, r@ygold, vicky
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:45 No.2211679
    It's true that there's quite a lot of CP on the net.

    It's also true that various groups are scaremongering and using CP as an excuse to mandate Internet censorship.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:45 No.2211680
    i think it's kind of common sense that raping a small child is damaging...
    >> amurica !!zwO4qNrg7rp 09/06/10(Mon)10:45 No.2211682
    >raping infants and toddlers. You can hear the child crying, pleading for help in the video. It is horrendous.

    Although that sounds hilarious, the reality is that most rapists have been raped themselves. They don't just turn into werewolves and start attacking children in the street. Infant rapists might have gone through a sustained period of extreme abuse themselves.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:47 No.2211689
    Yeah, I definitely agree. It is a horrible cycle. I know these two dudes whose dad was a crazy bipolar alcoholic child-abuser (not sexually, but physically and emotionally) and I can already see them on their path towards lifelong failure, emotional problems, and probably abusing their own children. Pretty sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:47 No.2211693
    >Doesn't realize 4chan is a sting operation for the feds to catch predators.
    >> amurica !!zwO4qNrg7rp 09/06/10(Mon)10:48 No.2211694
    >got any proof that child sex damages children 100% of the time?
    Are you fucking shitting me Investment Banker? Pedos in denial... go back to /jp/ and babble on about how much you love cartoon porn.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:49 No.2211703
    do you learn about the world from hollywood films? what you said hasn't in any way supported your first statement.
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)10:51 No.2211719
    >i think it's kind of common sense that raping a small child is damaging...

    common sense isnt common. the sense that is common isnt necessarily right.

    >Are you fucking shitting me Investment Banker? Pedos in denial... go back to /jp/ and babble on about how much you love cartoon porn.

    i love cartoon children porn but i like real child porn better. if child sex was legal, id be the first person to have sex with a delicious 10 year old girl.

    the folks at /jp/ arent honest enough to say the same thing i just said.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:53 No.2211730
    these internet watch foundations consider some japanese cartoons child porn. that's where they got the 20% figure. the real % is probably a lot lower.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:53 No.2211733

    >where are they?

    Judging from the arguments against, all over the boards.

    Sad truth is Mr. Banker has the facts on his side, even if I don't agree with what he does.

    The anti-porn crusades actually put more children at risk.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:54 No.2211740
    We're not soliciting child pornography, so if you want to post details about where to find it, go back to /b/. Is it fucking impossible to have any semblance of an actual discussion here without the thread being IMMEDIATELY hijacked by trolls?

    And for fuck's sake, no child should be forced to decide between prostituting him/herself and eating. There are other ways to solve poverty you really think that little kids voluntarily become sex workers? Kids are curious and it's normal for them to play sex games (like "doctor" and whatnot) amongst themselves, but when money, adults, and coercion get involved and it gets organized and has to be kept secret, it's a fucking problem.
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)10:55 No.2211745
    >these internet watch foundations consider some japanese cartoons child porn. that's where they got the 20% figure. the real % is probably a lot lower.

    really? if so, then i guess that makes sense.

    still, i am disappointed because i need more child porn to masturbate to. after all, you dont want me to rape real children right? THEN GIVE ME CHILD PORNOGRAPHY
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 09/06/10(Mon)10:55 No.2211747
    Hey Investment Banker! I remember you from other kiddy fucking threads. Keep fighting your own fight, brother.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:57 No.2211757
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    >20 % of all pornography contains children.

    Impossible to know considering the countless amounts of porn that exist on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)10:57 No.2211762
    He hasn't posted any facts, he's just trolling. Also, how do anti-porn people put kids at risk? Do you mean porn in general or child porn? Because I'm totally for comprehensive sex ed and children being taught that sex is a good thing and it's natural. As soon as I was curious about sex/reproduction, my parents answered all my questions and bought me a health-type book about it, and they always gave me privacy and shit like that. I know a lot of people who are fucked in the head from sexual repression. But does it really have to be an all-or-nothing situation? I don't think that violent child pornography should be allowed, but I also think that pornography in general is okay.
    >> amurica !!zwO4qNrg7rp 09/06/10(Mon)10:59 No.2211772
    >if child sex was legal
    Well it isn't legal for a reason. Pedos live in a fantasy world where they choose not to realise the devastating impact they have on peoples' lives, and that children enjoy the sexual experience as much as they do. Seriously, if you're into kids, you belong behind a set of thick iron bars.
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)11:02 No.2211789
    >Hey Investment Banker! I remember you from other kiddy fucking threads. Keep fighting your own fight, brother.

    thanks pal.

    >We're not soliciting child pornography, so if you want to post details about where to find it, go back to /b/. Is it fucking impossible to have any semblance of an actual discussion here without the thread being IMMEDIATELY hijacked by trolls?

    i am not a troll. i am a pedophile and ephebophile in real life and i satiate my lust for little girls by downloading child porn on the internet. i am giving this topic first hand details about my experiences with child porn.

    >And for fuck's sake, no child should be forced to decide between prostituting him/herself and eating. There are other ways to solve poverty you really think that little kids voluntarily become sex workers? Kids are curious and it's normal for them to play sex games (like "doctor" and whatnot) amongst themselves, but when money, adults, and coercion get involved and it gets organized and has to be kept secret, it's a fucking problem.

    there are other ways to solve poverty... but no one is doing it. for now, these children need money for food and the only people giving them money are pedophiles looking for sex.

    put your money where your mouth is.

    until you do so, i will put my penis in where the 10 year old asian girls mouth is.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:02 No.2211792

    How about this/?

    How about you learn what the fuck you are talking about? Do the research yourself. Start with the 1st Meece Commission report.

    Anyone who has looked into this with any depth knows the think of the children hysteria starts with people on the take and ends with the McMillian preschool trial.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:03 No.2211799
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    >pay for ILLEGAL things on the internet
    their crimes against common sense are more horrible than the ones against children
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)11:04 No.2211803
    >Well it isn't legal for a reason. Pedos live in a fantasy world where they choose not to realise the devastating impact they have on peoples' lives, and that children enjoy the sexual experience as much as they do.

    >Seriously, if you're into kids, you belong behind a set of thick iron bars.

    that says a lot about you, wanting to look up people for thought crime.

    how are you going to put us pedophiles in prison? by giving us a survey?

    question 1) are you pedophile?
    [ ] yes
    [ ] no

    please note, if you tick yes, then you will go to jail

    you anti-pedos are hilarious
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:08 No.2211828
    Its easy to find out, just watch their web history.
    >> amurica !!zwO4qNrg7rp 09/06/10(Mon)11:09 No.2211832
    >that says a lot about you, wanting to look up people for thought crime.
    You really must live in a mindset of denial. I hope they throw away the key.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:11 No.2211846
    No one is advocating thoughtcrime you stupid faggot. If you contribute to the harm of children by trafficking porn, then it's a crime. Just like how people who traffic drugs from Mexico contribute to the cartel crime thee.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:12 No.2211854
    congratulations, you're a fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:12 No.2211858
    locking you up isn't good enough, you should be burned at the stake.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:12 No.2211860


    This is the cause for brutal molestation of children.

    Fuckers too dumb to see cause and effect.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:14 No.2211868
    /child porn...not porn in general.

    If you're talking about lolita and simulated images, that's cool with me. Same with ageplay.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:14 No.2211869

    Apt comparison, and we know how well the war on drugs has been going, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:17 No.2211888
    lol babby's first troll

    I agree, though.
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)11:27 No.2211945
    >No one is advocating thoughtcrime you stupid faggot. If you contribute to the harm of children by trafficking porn, then it's a crime. Just like how people who traffic drugs from Mexico contribute to the cartel crime thee.

    people who traffic drugs contribute to crime by paying money for it

    how do pedos hurt children by downloading child porn for free and masturbating to it in the privacy of their own home, without anyone knowing?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:33 No.2211969
    lol @ "20% of all pornography contains children"
    I stopped reading right there.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:36 No.2211983
    >But I fucking question that child pornography is so commonplace, so brutal, and would involve INFANTS

    I browse some cp sites for jb content, and yes I've seen entire sections devoted to both babies, and "hurtcore" (like a toddler getting a knife shoved up her vagina and stuff like that). It's pretty common from what I've seen. I don't understand how people can fap to that. No I wont post the link.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:38 No.2211991
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    >toddler getting a knife shoved up her vagina
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:38 No.2211993

    pics or it didn't happen
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)11:38 No.2211994
    >I browse some cp sites for jb content, and yes I've seen entire sections devoted to both babies, and "hurtcore" (like a toddler getting a knife shoved up her vagina and stuff like that).

    i think you're confusing some of the cp you have seen. the one that involves the knife is the tara series (about 12-14 years old) where her father threatens her with a knife.

    if thats not the one, could you describe the one youve seen?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:42 No.2212011
    I download pirated cp 24/7 to bankrupt the sick fucks stabbing babies in the vagina.

    Don't call me a hero. I'm just doing what any responsible citizen would do.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:44 No.2212018
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:48 No.2212037
    >implying animals didn't fuck their children
    not giving a shit, it's all natural just like fags
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:53 No.2212066
    Citation? I'm curious. I Google'd it and found nothing of relevance.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)11:57 No.2212085
    >Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry
    Paying for cp no paper trail there sounds like the quickest way to get v&
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:00 No.2212094
    CP costs money now?

    No, seriously, how is this "multi-billion dollar industry" making any money when, from what I've heard, it's all file-sharing and IRC channels and tor chans and shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:02 No.2212106
    Yeah, that's why when I read it I was like "". Maybe they're talking about those Russian nudist magazines?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:03 No.2212113
    >Flint Waters, an investigator with the federal Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
    Was this one of the guys the Pentagon decided not to investigate for buying child porn online with his pay pal account?
    Uh, know much about elite pedophile rings? The key word being "elite" ?
    The idea of people like this looking at child porn all day really freaks me out, how do they interview people for these positions? Do they need to be a Catholic priest?
    >> Anomynous 09/06/10(Mon)12:10 No.2212146
    >There is an increasing trend towards younger victims and greater brutality;
    I call bullshit. The hurtcore boards are the least active.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:13 No.2212167
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    im surprised trolls havent started posting cp in this thread by now
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:17 No.2212184
    If the feds are watching any 4chan board, it's /new/. They'd probably ignore cp and keep looking for Timothy McVeighs, but why take the chance?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:21 No.2212214

    Give that a read faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:23 No.2212221
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    trolls, i am disappoint
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:23 No.2212223
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:31 No.2212259
    i am raging so hard right, fucking pedophiles, if i saw one on the street or it was indicated on a map for me, id go burn their house down, mob rule is effective for these people, they are deserved of a crusade against them. Pedophiles are pathetic and harsher penalties are being drafted every day by both the left and right, soon we will just kill these fuckers on the street, that will be a good day.
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 09/06/10(Mon)12:32 No.2212268
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:33 No.2212272

    >some faggot underageb& troll trying to stir the pot

    Let it die kid.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:40 No.2212308
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    1: CP is ridiculously overblown because it's guaranteed ratings for media fearmongers. These people subsist on fear and hatred, so that's how they write their stories. You want to take a look at how many armageddons we went through over all the other "threats to our children?"

    2: Most pedophile stuff just comes from Russia and its former territories, largely from willing parties even. It's because they have nothing else to do for money and being sexually exploited isn't even the worst part of their childhood in most cases.

    3: 99.99% of underage sex is just irresponsible kids screwing around behind their parents' backs. It doesn't even get people's attention these days to hear little girls are entering high school post-virginity. Beware the oozing pustule.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:43 No.2212327
    Pedophilia is being used to censor and regulate the internet.

    There's a reason there's so little done about child trafficking.

    Fucking sick fucks at the top of the chain fuel the market of the sick fucks at the bottom.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:44 No.2212333
    I think the fact it is so popular is saying something don't you think?

    Adults want to fuck kids or at least younger teenagers. To be honest I never considered myself a pedophile but this cute 13 year old girl has been flirting with me at work and I really am finding it hard to resist to be honest. Especially since she is already stunningly beautiful and will easily be a 10/10 when she hits 18
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)12:58 No.2212380
    >how do pedos hurt children by downloading child porn for free and masturbating to it in the privacy of their own home, without anyone knowing?

    it creates the demand for more child pornography

    1. to make cp a child has to be sexually abused watch cp and help fuel demand
    3. by increasing demand more cp has to be produced
    4. when cp increases in production more children are abused
    5. hence, you contribute to the abuse of children, ergo, you are part of the problem
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:00 No.2212392
    but they're getting it for free, without money changing hands there is no demand.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:01 No.2212393
    You don't need money to fuel demand.

    See: Amateur porn
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:08 No.2212427
    amateur porn means that the actors aren't being paid not that the porn is being produced and distributed for free.
    Is there a site that is 100% free? no login/email required? and original content?
    >> Antopathos 09/06/10(Mon)13:08 No.2212428
    When somebody downloads porn for free, it fuels the porn industry... but when somebody downloads music for free, it kills the music industry. Your logic fails.

    I'm against childporn, but I'm also against stupid people who don't know what childporn/pedophilia means. It means sex with pre-puberty kids. Anything after that is not a child anymore; however, it depends on the individual (and the nation in question) whether it's okay to have sex with such. For example, most muslim countries don't have age of consent - though they require marriage in order to have sex. Other example is Vatican and Spain, where ages of consent are 12 and 13.

    Of course, it would still be illegal in USA to watch legal teenporn made in spain.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:10 No.2212435

    So by looking at pictures on of bloody horrific murders and torture and abortions you're contributing to more murders

    What a cop out rationalization for thought crime
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:12 No.2212452
    My point was these people aren't getting paid for doing what they do so why do it? Because they like doing it right? What more reason for a pedophile to do the same except he gets to film it.

    Either way, if you have a pedophile that films himself molesting children he will continue to do it to other children, film it and distribute it. Making more and more people watch it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:13 No.2212457
    I know I'm just echoing what other people have said but your step 3 is fucking stupid.

    It's implying that there's some pedophile sitting in his basement with several litte girls chained up watching his uploads. "Ok...if ONE more person downloads this video...I'll make a new one!"

    That's not how it works.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:13 No.2212458
    >When somebody downloads porn for free, it fuels the porn industry... but when somebody downloads music for free, it kills the music industry. Your logic fails.
    >downloads porn for free, it fuels the porn industry
    >free porn...fuels industry
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:14 No.2212461
    I think it works with the mindset of an exhibitionist
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:15 No.2212467
    No because watching people get killed isn't the same as murdering people so you can watch people get murder.

    Censoring cp would be like censoring snuff films.
    >> atheismIsGay !hRLN86ow8I 09/06/10(Mon)13:15 No.2212468
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    theyre just trying to make you feel guilty for things that happen in other parts of the world (things that have always happened except there wasnt video tape to record it).

    niggers in africa, for example, rape babies on a daily basis to avoid HIV from women because they feel compelled to rape something, anything. also dont forget that the US government found its pentagon, NSA, CIA workers looking at child porn and let them get away with it.

    this is all just an excuse to get you, the citizen, to give up your freedom. they want to convince you that censoring your internet will save children, but it wont.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:17 No.2212478
    he'd film it regardless of download numbers, in fact with enough downloads he'd try and earn money from it increasing the chances he'll be caught.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:18 No.2212483
    lol op is butthurt
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:18 No.2212485
    >that is your opinion. some people DONT find it horrendous. as a matter of fact, they are aroused by it.

    And those people should be shot
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:21 No.2212493
    Nice knee jerk there. What does it feel like being a spoon fed fear monger? People like you will but Tyrants in power to "protect da children!", all while your own rights are eroded away by made up statistics and non-threats.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:22 No.2212499
    >No because watching people get killed isn't the same as murdering people so you can watch people get murder.

    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:22 No.2212504
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:25 No.2212511

    Hmm shooting people because of involuntary chemical reactions in their body and for their thoughts, you are aware this is what you're saying
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:38 No.2212584
         File1283794723.jpg-(71 KB, 700x589, metastasizing_cancer.jpg)
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    those harmful involuntary chemical reactions wont be passed onto another generation once that fucker is dead.

    I understand that everyone is against net censorship, but how can one not be against cp. Its baffling.

    pic related: its also the result of involuntary chemical reactions - cancer.
    >> Investment Banker !pEDohWf/uE 09/06/10(Mon)13:43 No.2212608
    >those harmful involuntary chemical reactions wont be passed onto another generation once that fucker is dead.

    you do realize that there are more pedophiles and especially ephebophiles than society expects?

    you are basically trying to exterminate men who find young girls attractive.

    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:44 No.2212613
    >but how can one not be against cp.
    Because it is fucking wrong to lock someone up for possessing a picture. It is mother fucking wrong.

    It is WRONG to lock up someone because they MIGHT do something

    You must acknowledge this. You cannot be that blinded by emotion.
    This whole issues is nothing but a power garb for internet censorship and monitoring. Using something the Government KNOWS will get a reaction "Think of the children".

    Think of the children while we erode your privacy rights
    Think of the children when we cut off you internet access to Russia or China or France.
    Think of the Children when we raid your house after seeing "hate speech" coming from you computer
    Think of the Children when we ruin your life.
    Think of the children when thousands of innocent men and women are locked up for nothing more than possessing images.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:44 No.2212615
    cp does not equal jb.

    learn the difference
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:45 No.2212622
    The media does not know the difference, and cares not to inform the population.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:49 No.2212647
    I agree, it is wrong that someone can be sent to prison for having an image on their computer, the society we live in only like freedom when it is convenient and safe.

    Move To Finland
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:51 No.2212658
    i completely agree. if you're not an ephebophile you ARE some kind of deviant, like a faggot, or one of those guys who fucks 500 pound bitchs or takes horse cock up the ass.

    I also think the age of consent should be reduced to 14 and therefore porn that is in every other way ordinary should be likewise legal, as long as its consentual. rape is rape regardless of age (in that its a crime).
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:53 No.2212670

    its just like drugs
    owning and distributing illegal shit is.. surprise surprise, illegal
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:55 No.2212675
    >comparing images to drugs.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:57 No.2212683
    No, no it is not just like owning drugs. What a horrible compression.
    One is an Image, which is protected by the 1st amendment.
    The other is a substance that changes one mental state which is not even mentioned in the Constitution.

    You are attempting to rationalize away peoples rights.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)13:59 No.2212691
    Owning an IMAGE should not be illegal in the first goddamn place. Do you not understand this?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:04 No.2212719
         File1283796272.jpg-(24 KB, 366x391, cp-cavafy.jpg)
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    >do a google image search for cp
    >find lots of images like this, but no actual child porn

    20% of all pornography? I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:06 No.2212733
    You are now on the FBI watchlist.

    They wast millions on their anti-CP shit and they will waste 10000 dollars watching all you internet activity for the next half year.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:06 No.2212737
    while I agree with you regarding the freedom of speech issue, I feel obliged to point out that while

    >The other is a substance that changes one mental state which is not even mentioned in the Constitution.

    the constitution is written on it and the founding fathers all grew it because it is a stupefyingly useful plant and the constitution states that anything not specifically mentioned in it is left to the states i.e. the voters.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:09 No.2212755
    Thank you for your in sight.

    This is another problem, While our "police" organizations waste millions in Tax payer money every year tracking "dangerous" criminals and bugging other nations about CP, they could be doing REAL work.

    But hey, someone needs to fill those privately funded Prisons.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:10 No.2212763
         File1283796644.jpg-(24 KB, 480x320, cp1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:31 No.2212911

    Rig your computer with a fail-deadly thermite bomb security system.

    If a password isn't entered every 48 hours, or the password is entered incorrectly too many times, the bomb detonates destroying any evidence.

    There is a chance this will burn your house down but it's worth it to jack off to naked kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:35 No.2212946
    >For example, most muslim countries don't have age of consent - though they require marriage in order to have sex. Other example is Vatican and Spain, where ages of consent are 12 and 13.

    None of these things is true.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:36 No.2212952
    or just make a RAM drive and keep it on an uninterpretable power supply.

    When they unplug the drive to take it for evidence, it wipes everything off the RAM
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:36 No.2212956
    that would DEFINITELY burn your house down, getting you arson and bomb charges as well as a slew of other shit like reckless endangerment, possibly murder or attempted murder if you burn down an apartment building, and in this day and age, probably terrorism charges as well.

    though it will definitely vaporize your cp collection, so at least you won't have to register as a sex offender and go around introducing yourself to all your neighbors.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:39 No.2212964
    This, IT is MUCH safer, cheaper and there is no way to recover stuff from RAM
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:39 No.2212967
    what if the power goes out for more than 20 minutes? still a good idea though.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:40 No.2212975
    I just ordered this
    Can't wait for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:41 No.2212978
    There are Power supplys that last well into the 5 hour range, but they cost 600 bucks or more.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:43 No.2212987
    lol, i don't even need to worry about this shit because i live in the 3rd world.
    >> K !tsGpSwX8mo 09/06/10(Mon)14:44 No.2212995
    I would want it deleted asap.
    Better safe than sorry.

    Another question: how often do you have to worry about downloaded files being tracked or traced back to you specifically.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:45 No.2212999
         File1283798719.jpg-(18 KB, 389x335, millen.jpg)
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    >20 minutes
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:46 No.2213005
    That only happens to dumb shits who give any information, or the producers of the content.

    No one has ever been caught on freenet
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:48 No.2213019
         File1283798895.jpg-(27 KB, 500x333, free_candy_van.jpg)
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    You know it is much easier to just kidnap kids and rape them? As long as you don't meet them over the internet, there's no electronic logs, and you don't have to worry about all this secret spy crap. The CV (that's what they call a "candy van" in the scene) works just as well today as it did 50 years ago. The payoff is much better, and there's little to no chance of getting caught. The cops probably won't even investigate the crime because it can't be solved with a google search.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)14:59 No.2213072
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:02 No.2213085
    hard core child porn is like impossible to find. also this report is from like 8 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:20 No.2213190
    9/10 child porn films feature white children.

    Coincidence? Or just the master race being superior yet again?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:29 No.2213245
    Here you go bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:30 No.2213250

    lol Dont be silly. Everyone knows niggers cant use cameras. Besides, if anyone wants to see little chimps they just go to the zoo.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:32 No.2213260
    How do you even come up with something to support this whole "20% of porn is CP"? They pulled that statistic right out of their ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:37 No.2213305
    It's cause they know noone wants to see little black nigglets
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:39 No.2213314

    Agreed. For that to be true, I cant even begin to calculate the physical realities that would have to exist. Think about storage. Websites. Traffic. Enforcement. Distribution. Exposure. "20%" That statement is rather blatently spurious.
    >> OP !xTbfEU4TEM 09/06/10(Mon)15:41 No.2213328
    >Criminal segments on the internet

    Did anybody else snicker at that?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)15:41 No.2213330

    I just figured cameras bought more crack than diplomas. You know they cant afford them, so who knows where they steal them. Besides, they consider it normal to be pregnant at 11, so Im not even sure they have a concept of molestation.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)17:19 No.2213997

    Mike 18! :3
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)17:22 No.2214021
    it's all Ukraine's fault
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:19 No.2214399
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    >what about pedophiles who engage in mutual sex with children without manipulation and coercion?

    >Implying children who imitate adults should be able to make their own bad decisions, especially as toddlers.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:22 No.2214422
    Do you really think that people who are aroused by images of toddlers being raped aren't totally worthless? I mean...Jesus. I'm not trying to generalize, but that's what Investment Faggot said, that some people are aroused by sadistic videos of toddlers being raped (that theoretically exist).
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:22 No.2214425

    >implying it is always a bad decision
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:24 No.2214442

    So let's lock down the internet and go house to house to insure these scum are put in jail!

    All 10 of them.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:27 No.2214462
    I'm not trying to be like that, I don't believe in thoughtcrime and this is obviously a delicate issue that could potentially damage our freedoms, but just saying...without trolling or exaggerating or inferring things, how could someone legitimately say that it's cool/okay/not pretty awful that people get off to little kids getting raped with knives or whatever? I feel like people defend that shit to be edgy or something, no one could actually not see an issue with it or misunderstand why society punishes that behavior.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:29 No.2214475
    lurk moar, OP
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:29 No.2214476
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:30 No.2214479

    Rape itself is a crime that should be prosecuted.

    But like people who like crime scene photos; what difference does it make what the crime is?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:31 No.2214482
    >I have no face.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:34 No.2214504
    Just need more street/prison justice like this, but actually kill them

    >The 29-year-old former Connecticut man was heading back to his cell block from a recreation area when he was ambushed by an inmate with a history of violence who was supposed to be locked down — but wasn't. The inmate knocked him to the floor and stomped on his head at least 15 times "with all his might," according to a police report. Pinto's face was shattered, and he suffered brain injuries that left him comatose.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:36 No.2214512

    Ah, a true believer in law and order.

    I feel the same about people who subvert the ideas of justice.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:41 No.2214533
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:51 No.2214604
    You mean using the law to fulfill misplaced desires for revenge and/or petty temper tantrums?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:54 No.2214616
    >But I fucking question that child pornography is so commonplace, so brutal, and would involve INFANTS.

    Here we have an islamophobe pastor fighting vile islamic terrorism with nude pictures of children.
    >>2214553 So I don't think it's too far fetched to say CP is more commonplace.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)18:58 No.2214644
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    Funny story about that...

    Same with people that get off to scat, or femdom, or anything I don't like. Jesus, how pathetic do you have to be to get off to ___? All of them should just kill themselves, since what you jerk off to obviously corresponds to your worth to society, and I even believe that the lazy, worthless trash that live off of welfare and sit on their asses all day long until the day they die of clogged arteries are much, much more beneficial to society than these disgusting pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:04 No.2214692
    What's that have to do with the line you quoted?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:05 No.2214697
         File1283814335.jpg-(70 KB, 523x367, woah.jpg)
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    >implying scat, femdom, or other generic fetishes are at all comparable to child rape
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:07 No.2214711
    Forgot to put normal rape in there too.
    Sorry bout that. Rape fetishists are pretty fucking disgusting and worthless too.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:14 No.2214763

    I agree, most women are pretty worthless.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:15 No.2214768
    Ever noticed how fucked up child actors become when they grow up? We should ban child actors entirely. Clearly it has a negative mental effect on the children, and the children don't even enjoy it. They're just told that they enjoy it by their parents, who are using them for money and their own short term satisfaction. The fact that it is filmed is even worse; it preserves that awkward period of their life, and it never goes away.

    These traits sound incredibly similar to CP, do they not? I'm just saying -- we should ban child actors, too. Especially in horror movies and such. It has the negative mental effects, and all of the mental conditioning, but no one questions it.

    The irony is that most people would go against a total ban on child actors. Because our entertainment overrides possible negative consequences in the future for these actors. But when a pedophile uses the same reasoning, he is called a monster. I wish to say that you are both monsters.
    >Probably the most alarming con of being a child actor is the environment they are thrust into. Even with constant adult supervision, there are bad influences lurking around every corner. The entertainment industry is filled with adults, just like any other business, and this means that a child actor may be prematurely introduced to drugs, alcohol, and sex
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:16 No.2214776
    >> Anonymous ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 09/06/10(Mon)19:18 No.2214791

    Oh fuck, you're right.... How about the Harry Potter movies. Do they count? Or were they in a more protected environment?
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:18 No.2214792
    Regarding that as a valid comparison pretty much disqualifies you from humanity.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:20 No.2214806
    I don't think you have an accurate vision of humanity.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:21 No.2214813
    How so? I've stated my position; you state yours.
    I really have no idea. In the later films the actors are much older, so there isn't a huge problem or anything, and the early films weren't even that frightening.

    All I'm saying is this. It is hypocritical to be okay with
    >child actor in a film/television show about murders, rape, sex, etc
    under the guise of "it's just entertainment, they enjoy it anyway, there's no proof that they're psychologically harmed by it later"
    While railing against CP when pedophiles use the exact same fucked up reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:23 No.2214821

    >I hate, it HATE IT when someone calls me out on my bullshit reasoning.
    >> Anonymous ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 09/06/10(Mon)19:27 No.2214850

    Hmmm. Well, you've certainly given some food for thought. I'll have to go through some of the movies I own. I don't really own any horror movies, so I think I'm pretty much in the clear. I'll try to be more conscious of this in the future
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:31 No.2214880
    If that were true than some huge percentage of men are apparently pedophiles and that makes these laws fundamentally unenforceable and wrong.

    Good job undermining your own arguments.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:35 No.2214900
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:47 No.2214982
    What people fail to recognize is this furor is a recent development. The first federal laws against CP were enacted in 1977. Things have gotten progressively worse since then.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:52 No.2215017
    More propoganda by western governments to use as a diversion whilst they strip away basic rights of expression. They don't fucking stop.

    And I don't know what's sadder, the fact that they're trying to restrict what people say and think, or the fact they're so willing to trivialise a genuinely serious issue whilst doing little or nothing to actually help or rescue the victims. They just "catch the pedophiles" and pretend that's somehow useful.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:52 No.2215018

    When my grandparents were my age...
    And when my parents were quite young, they could...
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)19:57 No.2215051
    I was actually pleasantly surprised that no one reacted rashly in >>2214644 toward the whole 'a book detailing how to fuck children is legal'. Least in the news report itself, especially for abc. Haven't read the comments, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)20:45 No.2215407
         File1283820322.jpg-(9 KB, 251x221, wow.jpg)
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    >mfw pedos

    Seriously guise...what the fuck? You try so hard to rationalize your fucked up desires.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)22:08 No.2216015
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)22:36 No.2216224
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    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)22:40 No.2216259
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    >my face when my grandfather molested all 3 of his daughters and I've been hearing them whine about it for decades
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)22:42 No.2216274
    just more motivation not to molest children
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)22:45 No.2216298
         File1283827505.jpg-(116 KB, 1000x749, feelsgoodman.jpg)
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    Not your own anyway.

    From what I gather they all did the following:

    Stopped speaking to him at various times, sometimes for years.

    Wrote him tl;dr letters.

    Went to counseling.

    Whined about it to every guy they ever dated or married or got close to.


    Not worth it. Leave your daughters alone, they're gonna hate you anyway for something but don't give them any extra ammunition.

    I intend for my daughter(s) to hate me because I am virulently racist and refuse to pay for them to go to college, not sweet sweet wincest.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)23:19 No.2216477
    If they rightfully count nip porn cartoons then I can see these numbers.
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)23:32 No.2216527
         File1283830321.jpg-(109 KB, 358x500, childhoodtitlle.jpg)
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    >>mfw parents molesting their children is the norm but people hide it out of shame
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)23:36 No.2216551
         File1283830586.jpg-(22 KB, 500x333, blech.jpg)
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    >mfw you're butthurt about being molested and make yourself feel better by pretending it's normal
    >> amurica !!RJqC/Elicak 09/06/10(Mon)23:37 No.2216560
    Time for this thread to fuck off
    >> Anonymous 09/06/10(Mon)23:39 No.2216573
    Saging a thread doesn't 'down-vote' it, you know.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)07:49 No.2219247
    more like time for you to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)07:55 No.2219279
    >But I fucking question that child pornography is so commonplace, so brutal, and would involve INFANTS. I mean, it just seems fucking way over-the-top and insane
    It exists, people post links to CP sites from time to time over at /b/. Make sure to report those links to ecpat if you find them.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)07:56 No.2219285
         File1283860613.jpg-(95 KB, 570x418, against_cp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)07:58 No.2219297

    Unfortunately, in US urban areas, niggers sexually assaulting female infants as young as a few weeks old is not uncommon.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:00 No.2219302
    >I refuse to believe how fucked up the world is
    kill yourself fagot.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:00 No.2219309
    nor are apparently inbred racists that watch FOX News
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:01 No.2219312
         File1283860887.jpg-(240 KB, 570x568, beyonce single ladies little g(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:02 No.2219318

    Oh you should see the video.

    Gotta love how the audience cheers them on relentlessly.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:03 No.2219319
    holy shit
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:07 No.2219339

    Awwww, you can't handle the precious and utterly ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:08 No.2219343
    I don't believe all children are hurt from child porn because like adults some children are just naturally slutty.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:10 No.2219353
         File1283861407.gif-(1.99 MB, 180x232, beyonce Pageant_dancers little(...).gif)
    1.99 MB
    after this GIF causes your jaw to drop...

    click on the video-link in the post above.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:16 No.2219379
    what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:19 No.2219395

    i fucking hate all their parents.

    that is fucked up beyond all belief.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:22 No.2219411
    very uncommon dude
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:24 No.2219422

    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 09/07/10(Tue)08:24 No.2219423

    haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:28 No.2219444

    I wonder if I can get my nephew todo that. He's a limber 7, after all.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:28 No.2219446
    To be fair, pedos think this is disgusting too.
    Well, at least the ones who like kids for their cute and innocent side.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:30 No.2219457
         File1283862616.png-(4 KB, 312x315, 1281369400452.png)
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    I'm at loss of words.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:30 No.2219458
    oh, we think it's totally fucked-up here on 4chan as well.
    which is why we're laughing like hell.
    we like things that are totally fucked-up!
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:31 No.2219461

    Infant Rape: An Epidemic in America? -
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:32 No.2219470
         File1283862769.jpg-(189 KB, 1280x800, AE11F702d01.jpg)
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    oh right.
    yeah, it was downloaded a few hundred times on /b/ yesterday

    we all thought it was funny as hell.

    as a matter of fact...


    see attached
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:38 No.2219493
    >check out another BRILLIANT story: Paraplegic hits Dbl backflip in wheelchair (VIDEO)

    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:39 No.2219495
         File1283863148.jpg-(23 KB, 500x485, 1281678517721.jpg)
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    "If you like it put a ring on it", a paean to marriage as depicted by half nuded gyrating toddlers.

    This is the sort of link we queers send each other so we can laugh our asses of at heterosexuals blustering about the virtues of heterosexual married life.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:45 No.2219521
    Multi-billion dollar industry...sure it is. lol who believes this crap?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:47 No.2219534
    it's not just the gays that laugh.
    it's anybody that isn't delusioned by the WTF-ery state of the world at large, at present
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:48 No.2219537
    link where
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:56 No.2219573
    >NCMEC claims that around 20 % of all pornography contains children.

    i just flat out dispute this figure, id like to see the numbers on it and how they arrived at it.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:56 No.2219574
    >Investment Banker

    Brings back some good memories! Didn't realise you were still around.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:57 No.2219581
    oh god did anyone else get a pop-up asking what part of their love life trojan fire and ice lubers were going to improve while watching this??? it went away before I could think to get a screencap.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)08:58 No.2219589
    the numbers are 20 percent. that's the only number because they pulled it straight out of their asses.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:00 No.2219601
    How does one estimate the value of CP? If it's a multi billion dollar industry that means that the industry is regulated or audited. That also means that the people involved are business men, sick ones. So if it's such a big industry who is behind it and how come nobody stops it?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:00 No.2219602

    The poster got that from this site:


    This site disputes that and other child porn stats as being way overblown and sensationalistic:
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:02 No.2219618
    CP on the internet is simply a wedge issue used by politicians and police to attempt to gain control of the intrawebs. By using this as an excuse, they leverage moral panic into laws allowing them to monitor internet use, censor content, and arrest "perpetrators," some of whom are disgusting child-rapers and others who inadvertently downloaded teen porn. Because almost anyone can anonymously plant files on computers connected to the internet, I can see framing political enemies as CP downloaders becoming a commonplace method of eliminating opposition
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:08 No.2219651

    he document Wikipedia links you too doesn't even say 20% and for their figures,

    Source: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

    Highly doubt they use scientific methods.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:12 No.2219679
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    On the wiki source, 4th paragraph down
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:14 No.2219690
    I think pedo's should die, but I also think those numbers are inflated. 20% of the porn on the internet does not contain children.

    Take it from a guy who has massive amounts of porn, I see 17/18 year olds (legal depending on state) all the time, but they're legal. I bet that study counts them as "children"

    Multi billion dollar industry? Nope. Not on the internet. Human exploitation makes me sick, but it's hardly the fault of the internet. Truth is that bastards sell these people, and both them and the pedo's need to die.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:37 No.2219849
    Huh, that's a really interesting site.
    Bookmarked for later use.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:41 No.2219871
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    >NCMEC claims that around 20 % of all pornography contains children.
    how are they allowed to publish bullshit like this
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)09:48 No.2219910
    20% of all pornography contains children. 95% of that child pornography was funded by the Bilderberg Group/NWO.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/10(Tue)10:49 No.2220275
    You're questioning NCMEC?
    Fucking pedophile.

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