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  • File : 1267055464.png-(213 KB, 600x600, seal.png)
    213 KB Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:51 No.217113  
    What would you do if you were president of the USA?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:52 No.217116
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:52 No.217117
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    Whatever I was told, because I would be a puppet king.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:52 No.217120

    who the fuck would want that job?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:53 No.217125
    get a bj under my desk and laugh as republicans bitch about us spending money on frivolous shit and then proceed to impeach me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:54 No.217137
    gtfo of iraq, help their military develop (then start a war between them and iran)
    gtfo of afghanistan
    give every illegal alien residency status but make citizenship hard as fuck to get
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:55 No.217141
    I'd start a war with china.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:56 No.217145
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    And age 4 years for every 1 year in office? No thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:57 No.217149
    bomb brown people. It's the law.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:58 No.217155
    you start a war with china and india and watch them kill each other
    >> lol i trol u !!FXIYoStbOnd 02/24/10(Wed)18:58 No.217157

    BROTIP: Presidents get their hair greyed. It looks more Presidential
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:59 No.217160
    Abolish fed and 16th amendment, lot's of deregulation, repeal patriot act, establish flat tax, Abolish welfare, abolish NAFTA, abolish FCC.

    I'd probably secede from the UN and ban central banking too.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:00 No.217165

    PROTIP: It is more than just his hair that has aged.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:00 No.217169

    I'd also pull out of Iraq and become isolationist.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:02 No.217179
    allow iran to have nuclear power encourage their people to revolt against the republican guard and the supreme leader council, make israel leave palestine alone. normalize relations with cuba, legalize marijuana. bring many troops home and start working with the taliban.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:02 No.217180
    Nuke. Everyone.

    On a serious note, i would procceed to legalize gay marriaage & marijuana, BUT taking a different approach to the war on other drugs ( sending people caught with them for personal use to rehab and not jail). Then i would dismantle the FED and get rid of inflation tax & other unecessary taxes and balance it by lowering the goddamn military budget.
    Start working on finishing that goddamn war already and close military stations on other countries. Imperialism is sooo last millenia.
    I would then attempt to make Healthcare be like in the 50's and 60's, removing unecessary government regulation & programs, and if it fails, Socialized Healthcare it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:03 No.217185

    > make israel leave palestine alone

    But can you make Palestine leave Israel alone?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:03 No.217186
    global nuclear war
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:04 No.217190
    Kill all untermenschen.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:05 No.217210

    There is no black and white, both sides are wrong and both sides are stupid. Nuke them both.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:06 No.217213

    Please run for Office.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:10 No.217244
    - Nuke the middle east, including Israel
    - Be a hero because everyone realizes I solved the world's problems
    - Resign
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:13 No.217256
    also make paul krugman dennis kucinich and ron paul design a new banking system that is not privately owned or usurious. and a new voting system, and a new tax system. then start trust-busting! At&T, Micro$oft...
    Then nationalize goldman sachs and use some of that money to fund scientific research in alternative energy transportation. then end subsidies for corn, and start banning a bunch of harmful chemicals like pthalates, neurotoxins, and make exxon pay the original full amount that they owed for the valdeez spill.
    Then get some task force to go after the corruption in the intelligence agencies, quitely. eventually start reforming police corruption.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:14 No.217264
    Annex Canada for plutonium and uranium deposits.

    Begin sending resources to South America in order to win them over to join the United States of America while also enhancing their technology. Control the entire left half of land connected territory.

    Pull the infinite strings to bring Tony Blair as Prime Minister once again, and through a joint effort invade the Middle East, but have the US forces leave early so the UK will have a dwindling military.

    Begin war with China under the justification of containment while subsequently invading the UK as most of their forces are in the Middle East.

    Launch Gravity Alignment Magnifiers (G.A.M.) at our Earth's moon, thus as every rotation of the moon occurs it becomes ever closer to Earth.

    Prolong the battles until the moon is close.

    Detonate 60% of our nuclear warheads inside the Mariana Trench. This combined with the closer moon will cause unfathomable tidal waves along with the horrendous earthquakes that will arise from the detonations.

    Launch the other 40% of nuclear warheads at Japan for the sake of nostalgia.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:16 No.217273
    got my vote
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:18 No.217286
    Got my vote brother
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:21 No.217303

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:27 No.217332
    Makes me happy to know Kennedy looked so young even while in office.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:28 No.217340
    Someone do a before and during office pictures of JFK.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:30 No.217351
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    >no after
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:31 No.217355
    Destroying the Economy = Win
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:31 No.217358
    I lol'd too
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:31 No.217360
    ITT people who think they'd actually stick to what they promise
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:36 No.217387
    Get assassinated within the first year in office.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:39 No.217408
    DISCLAIMER: Id actually have to be dictator to do most of this as the pres doesnt have this kinda power but you get the idea.

    fed gone
    departments of education, labor, transportation, energy, HHS, HUD, FCC, DEA, and USDA. Defunded and gone
    no more goverment worker unions ever.
    cut my own salary followed by congress in half or more.
    congresional term limits
    flat tax
    income taxes now illegal
    fix the damn patriot act
    TSA Gone
    restrict states from stupid restrictions on guns
    leaglize pot TAX THE FUCK OUT OF IT at least if not others but DEFFINETLY cut spending on fighting
    legalize prostitution
    establish some sort of better way of doing all sorts of data services (cable, phone,net) needs to be publicly owned or something idk but its broken if not that then offer incentives to create copetition in that space im tired of phone company monoplys.
    offer incentives for private space travel inovations

    the UN gets no more money from us infact upon examination im sure we could find they owe us money.

    open health insurance to be nation wide not state by state
    fucking tort reform
    give iran & north korea 1 month to stop fucking around if they dont turn them in to craters.

    invade cuba and veuzalia turn them in to states
    (hey everyone says we are imperialist might as well live up to it)
    build the misile deffence sheild fuck what putin says if he puts up a fight have his ass shot.
    make political correctness ilegal
    Drill offshore

    if pirates attack another one of our ships make somalia a crater too

    okay maybe im getting abit carried away but you get the idea
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:42 No.217428
    for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:44 No.217445
    Devote rest of "stimulus" to NASA take the ISS as ours "fuck them we payed for it anyway" settle the moon and mars. nuke earth make jokes about global warming
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:44 No.217448
    kick the liberal states out of the union
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:45 No.217451
    set mine and all of congress's income to federal minimum wage.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:47 No.217463
    1. Shut down
    2. Resign
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:49 No.217481
    Dissolve the House and Senate
    Have opposition killed
    Tear up Constitution.
    Appoint myself as the supreme court
    Close borders, give American citizens 1 year to return to the US or lose citizenship
    Pull troops out of every foreign country, and destroy our bases.
    Beef up National Defense
    Troll the fuck out of every other country.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:55 No.217523
    Lets see.......

    I would issue an executive order to the IRS mandating that by the end of my term of office they reduce the amount of time spent in filling out IRS forms by 25-33%

    I would issue an executive order that all reports that #1) Do not involve National Security secrets, #2) Information which could inhibit the prosecution of crimes, and #3) not violate any contract secrets be made available online by the end of the next calendar year.

    Related to the Tax EO: Any federal regulator under the aegis of the White House would be put under the same mandate.

    The Office of the President would design a plan to make the majority of all federal forms be avalible to be filed on line

    [more stuff when I think about it]
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:59 No.217554
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:59 No.217557
    nuke russia let them nuke us back.
    move to the moon with putin.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:05 No.217595
    I would be pardoning the fuck out of some people. Not for money or anything but if they had some good reasons to do it I would pardon people a lot

    I would sign an EO banning the use of "czars" and eliminating the appointment of any "czars" not dictated by congressional statute

    Get a Presidential Cigar Cave set up (personal fun for me) Set up with a nice scotch selection

    I would have my National Security Advisor work on a plan to eliminate the CIA and move its work force into other intelligence agencies
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:09 No.217610
    Executive Order nullifying the Civil Rights Act, 1964
    Executive Order nullifying the Immigration Act, 1965

    That ought to do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:13 No.217629
    >I am a faggot, please rape my face.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:13 No.217639
    Nuke israel. Deport all niggers and illegals. Seal the borders. Get rid of affirmative action, political correctness and the white guilt media. Banish liberalism.

    Country fixed.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:13 No.217642
    1. Nationalize the banks
    2. Slash the defense budget by 50%
    3. Have Rupert Murdoch audited.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:15 No.217653
    >lulz i hate niggers am i cool yet
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:16 No.217658
    New executive order: no dual citizens of the US and another country can serve in any aspect of the federal government, or own any American media company.

    Also get rid of anti-discrimination legislation so that Harvard and Yale can keep the Jews out again like they used to.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:17 No.217665
    Absolutely nothing.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:17 No.217668
    Because not wanting the US to be totally overrun by Third World savages means that you "hate niggers" amirite
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:17 No.217671
    (assuming everything is as obama left it to date)
    Revoke EO 13497 and revert the EO's back to their prior form
    Revoke EO13498 and EO13199
    Revoke EO 13503
    Revoke EO 13505, revert to EO 13435 kicking the dates down the road as practicle
    Revoke EO 13506,13507,13509,13510, 13522,
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:22 No.217701
    END THE FED /thread
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:30 No.217749
    Abolish lobbying.
    Flush the Jews out of the Senate.
    Cut aid to Israel.
    Cut aid to Palestine.
    Outlaw abortion.
    Legalize most drugs.
    Kill welfare, give the money to schools.
    legalize automatic firearms.
    Impose Free Speech Forever act.
    Do nothing about file sharing.
    Stiff China.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:31 No.217755

    Why would colleges want to keep out the smartest people in the country?

    Is this some new affirmative action BS?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:31 No.217761
    Revoke EO 13528
    Revoke EO 13531
    Revoke 13471
    >> Mandic !SRBINDsb16 02/24/10(Wed)20:33 No.217772
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:34 No.217783
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    >He thinks that Pu exists in nature.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:38 No.217811
    Work on dealing with the following territorial disputes

    Bajo Nuevo Bank (Petrel Islands), Navassa Island, Serranilla Bank, All the US disputes with Canada,Swains Island, and the wake islands
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 02/24/10(Wed)20:39 No.217814
    Punish companies and/or CEOs who took bonuses from federal money.
    As commander and chief, I'd authorize Detachment Delta and other spec ops to operate in Pakistan and Yemen.
    Propose bill to legalize marijuana.
    Fuck bitches, get money.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:44 No.217848
    got my vote
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:45 No.217850
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    >He thinks plutonium exist's in nature
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 02/24/10(Wed)20:45 No.217856
    Oh, cut all monetary and diplomatic support for Israel and use that money to give the intelligence community a facelift.
    Relax tensions with Cuba.
    Reduce welfare spending.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:48 No.217870
    Stop issuing Helms-Burton Waivers
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:55 No.217922
    IF POSSIBLE veto a bill a week, Veto at least one every 6-8 weeks
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)20:56 No.217931
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    >implying you could actually "do what you want" when you become president

    but reasonable things:
    -Cut aid to Israel, and stop unilaterally preventing the 2 state settlement
    -Ratify all anti-nuke treaties, start process to eliminate nuke stockpile
    -Cut defense spending (there's absolutely no justification to have it anywhere near Cold War levels)
    -Raise taxes drastically on the super-rich, lower them for everyone else
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:00 No.217957
    Try to appoint NO ONE from Harvard, Yale, or Princeton to the Federal Bench
    Appoint NO ONE from Harvard, Yale, or Princeton to the Supreme Court (unless some one really sexy is out there)
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:04 No.217989
    Fed Nationalized.
    Abolish corporate personhood.
    Vice laws, sin taxes, and any agencies primarily involved in applying/exacting vice laws/sin taxes abolished. Fired employees given no pension or benefits.
    Recognize Taiwan as a state.
    General foreign policy: support yourself first, the Anglosphere next, the West next. Strengthen alliances with India and as much of East+Southeast Asia as will have us. Encourage rapprochement between the West and Orthodoxy where possible.
    End foreign relief aid. Foreign aid used for influencing or strengthening/weakening other states will continue in some form. Hungry mouths don't deliver in the long run.
    Resume development and production of nuclear warheads/delivery systems.
    >> not OP 02/24/10(Wed)21:04 No.217993
    >seal the borders
    >> thor !FjCMHpMxqo 02/24/10(Wed)21:05 No.218005
    put america in a huge ziplock bag
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:06 No.218007
    I would do what the people that are actually in charge tell me to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:06 No.218013
    Glue. Durr.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:07 No.218015
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    This man has presidential potential heh heh heh
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:07 No.218024
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    >>-Ratify all anti-nuke treaties, start process to eliminate nuke stockpile
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:08 No.218029
    Reform the voting system to a proportional one and scrap the electoral college.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:09 No.218035
    thank ya massa.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:10 No.218040
    Levitate the country with Jew magic.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:12 No.218057
    I would offer myself as a fair broker to try to negotiate a deal with Taiwan and China for resolution of their Dispute

    I would anounce that the United States will support any mutual and peaceful resolution of their dispute

    I would say to the North Koreans. "Look, you stop being stupid and making the world pay attention to you I am willing to give you a peace treaty
    But only if you stop being so stupid.

    Suspend the peace process with Palestinians until they are actually peaceful
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:14 No.218067
    It's not jealousy at work, if the Jews behaved like everyone else, I wouldn't mind.

    But since they've started destroying this country with their mass-immigration policies and are busily prostituting our foreign policy towards Israel, I can't but conclude that we'd be better off keeping this malign influence as far away from power as possible.

    Our greatest universities weren't Jew-dominated before the 1960s, and it didn't seem to harm our country in any serious way. On the other hand, we've seen what letting them in can do - their intellectual brilliance isn't beneficial given that it is being used primarily other than in the national interest.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:14 No.218069
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    Send this man a valintines card.
    Leave South Korea
    increase monies for science and NASA
    Get CIA to frame the Jews
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:14 No.218070
    -nationalise healthcare
    -end Cuban trade embargo
    -stop funding israel
    -cut defense spending
    -make lobbying transparent
    -increase taxes on upper classes to a 30/40% tax
    -invest in infrastructure
    -reform electoral college to make voting more proportional
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)21:14 No.218073
    The people would never elect a ten-year-old.

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