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  • File : 1283334874.jpg-(27 KB, 500x375, fuck off were full.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:54 No.2166894  

    We need some back up here guys
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:55 No.2166901
    fuck off you stormfront scum, you probably voted for one nation. You don't belong in our country.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:57 No.2166907
    One nation dont run in the seat of sydney where i live.

    I voted liberal one and greens two.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:02 No.2166917
    Bump because boat people bad
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:02 No.2166918

    Why would you vote for the Liberal party if you're worried about population? The Liberal party is a business party....more population is good for business and generating money.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:07 No.2166939
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    >mfw when OP thinks boat people are an actual issue and pose any sort of threat
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:09 No.2166947
    I hate the sea and everything in it.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:10 No.2166950
    >mfw you think they pose no threat because you believe government and media lies that its a few hundred people coming in.

    Reality is thousands are pouring into Australia.
    Big Australia is going ahead even though the government isn't talking about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:11 No.2166955
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    mfw this poster gets robbed and shot to death by a nigger
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:13 No.2166961

    On the one hand I find it appalling to given they only make up less than a percent of illegal immigration.

    On the other I would say that letting the boat people would set a dangerous precedent. Asia is getting overcrowded, we need to send a clear message to them as they did to us when Hong Kong was given back to the Chinese and the expats were told to leave. It's not about the boats, it's symbol.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:13 No.2166962
    >mfw "multiculturalism" in the U.S. and Europe has worked out so well and never lead to violence over cultural differences.
    Liberals are cancer who think their views aren't obligated to ever work in the real world, as far as they're just right at their very conception so they need to be practiced anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:14 No.2166968
    People have no right to get into a country that doesn't want them. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:14 No.2166969
    Right now the boats are Pakis and Tamils.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:15 No.2166971
    fuck off we're full of stormfags
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:17 No.2166982
    so far its like 50 boats over 5 years... meanwhile Howard and Rudd encourage thousands of Indians and other immigrants to come here and take our university places and professional jobs.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:18 No.2166983
    Hey guys, simple solution.

    Bring the Tamil Leaders to the International Court of Justice and win the Afghanistan War.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:19 No.2166987
    Another great achievement by Howard.

    Those kinds of Indians are experts who work hard not lazy slum dwellers.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:24 No.2167005
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:26 No.2167011

    haha oh wow.

    >work hard

    I know Indians, they are worse than jews.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:27 No.2167013
    >australia full

    australia is one of the least populated areas on the planet.

    so what if its dunes and desert? the arabs dont mind...
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:28 No.2167017
    apparently they do they only live in the cities.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:29 No.2167019
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    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:29 No.2167023
    This. I worked with indians they honestly are the most corrupt sneaky people on the planet.
    I was even told this by indians!
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:33 No.2167035

    Thousands of PEOPLE.

    and yes its more than 50 boats an another anon said in fact its more than 100s of boats. Third world people have been sneaking into Australia for more than a decade and 90% of it isn't reported by anyone or even known by the government. Thats how criminaly negligent the gov is.
    For instance i live on the coast and boat people have arrived here. We knew by local word of mouth but there was 0 reporting of it. Also these boats people were north korean would you believe.
    A cousin in WA tells simialr stories of various Africans and Arabs arriving unreport on WA coastline.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:33 No.2167040
    Yea, anyone who works with Indians knows that although they work for shit all, they generally suck at what they do. In fact, the company i work for outsourced to India yet came back to Australia like a month later after the Indians fucked up and did a shit job.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:39 No.2167059

    >We knew by local word of mouth


    >North Koreans

    AHAHAHAHA, whatever you say, SK/Japan intercept any boat if they don't have a reason to be there the second they leave NK waters.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:41 No.2167070
    NO stop there uninformed commie dumb cunt.

    The north koreans arrived illegally on cargo ships around new castle. They came ashore on boats during the night then dissappeared into the newcastle area.

    Boat people =/= just indians in shitty wooden boats.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:42 No.2167076
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    >They came ashore on boats during the night then dissappeared into the newcastle area.

    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:43 No.2167082
    >[citation needed]

    That foil hat suits you. Thanks for folding.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:46 No.2167100

    >Claiming other people are batshit insane

    >While claiming North Koreans are sneaking onto NSW shores in the night and eating your children

    Stay insane, stormfags
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:48 No.2167110
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:49 No.2167113
    >eating your children.
    This is why labor lost the election. Stay classy farleft nutjob.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:50 No.2167118

    >Lost the election
    >Hung parliament with 73 seats per party

    Newsflash: Stormfags lose grasp of basic numeracy
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:52 No.2167132
    You can't force democracy red fag.

    Also read about the pong su incident. North koreans reaching as far as victoria on a cargo ship.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:52 No.2167135

    Nobody 'lost the election' because nobody won the election.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:54 No.2167146
    >far left
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:55 No.2167149

    Abbott is more left wing than Gillard
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:55 No.2167155
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:56 No.2167157
    Actually in perspective, Labor did lose the election since they lost their majority (and hence, lost the government). The Coalition's current position is no different than it was before (being in Opposition) except that they now have a chance to be put into government in the next few days.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:56 No.2167159

    Authorised cargo ship, not some shitty fishing trawler without Great Leader's permission to trade.

    Smuggling drugs =/= landing hundreds of fleeing citizens in the middle of the night

    At least be afraid of boat people form a plausible country like Sri Lanka/India.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:58 No.2167171

    For Labor to lose the election, the Coalition would be required to win the election. Simple as that.

    Nobody won, and nobody lost, that will be decided by which way the independents swing
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:01 No.2167179
    You guys do realise even if all boats were sunk before they reached shore it wouldn't even dent the immigration figures right?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:01 No.2167181

    Think about it. Gigantic paid parental leave scheme paying the full female wage up to 75,000 dollars, population protectionism advocating small population growth, a distinctly anti business and protectionist platform, advocating 'direct action' as a government response to climate change (even though he doesn't believe in it) instead of the market based mechanism proposed by Labor, committing to not change Labor's workplace laws, just to name a few.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:02 No.2167186
    Oh wow again. Labor fag illegal boats =/= fishing boats.
    Many of the illegals that come to Australia are crews on cargo ships they make a break for it while the ship is waiting outside ports.
    This is fact don't argue it.
    Whats more the people who were most against this type of thing happening were NSW GREENS. Yes the leftwing nutcases themselves. Because the koreans were polluting the coast at an astonishing rate.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:04 No.2167189
    I get pretty angry when I see one of these inbred signs.

    You dumbasses realise that Australia has the lowest population density in the entire world, right?

    We could fit every single person in the entire world into Australia and still not be "full".
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:05 No.2167197
    lol u live in nsw
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:06 No.2167204
    Most of Australia is uninhabitable, idiot.

    That's not to say we are full, but everyone can still fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:07 No.2167207

    >This is fact don't argue it.

    [citation needed]

    North Korean asylum seekers are few and far between, crews of other nationalities may have attempted to claim asylum, but NK numbers are extremely low.

    Also Greens policy is basically to grant asylum in far more cases than currently happens


    This is what we call a citation, stormfaggot
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:08 No.2167209
    I wish this was the case then every one in the world would die.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:08 No.2167210

    More than 95% of the illegal immigrants in Australia come into the country legally, and just overstay their visa.
    The number of "boat people" that arrive each year make up a tiny fraction of the total number of illegal immigrants in the country.

    Sure, that number increased during the Rudd/Gillard government, but its hardly the national issue the right-wingers made it out to be.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:10 No.2167219
    protip leftard an illegal immigrant isn't an asylum seeker. If they bypass being picked up by the navy and make it to australia they aren't seeking asylum.
    They are seeking an oppertunity to parasitically live off Australia with out being a taxed citizen.
    Scum of the earth basically.
    Boy am i glad we will have Abbot in charge for the next 4 years.

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