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  • File : 1267046130.jpg-(22 KB, 242x330, 25091_Reagan-Ronald-Wilson.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:15 No.216170  
    Alright, liberals, why was Reagan such a bad president?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:16 No.216177
    he is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:26 No.216227
    Because he invented crack to kill niggers

    (this is actually what liberals believe)
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:27 No.216231
    He's the conservative Obama. It doesn't matter whether he does good things or not, they'll still hate him just because of his political party.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:29 No.216240

    >implying Obama isn't conservative
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:31 No.216250
    Proud liberal, roeporting in

    I don't hate Reagan at all, I hate the cabal of neocons that constantly surrounded him in his cabinet that dodged their punishment for iran contra and then went on to become W's cabinet and commit even more warcrimes and warprofiteering
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:33 No.216261
    I felt bad for him during his funeral when they showed his coffin all over. Why? Because of all the faggots with their ballcaps and shorts going to pay their "respects" I'm a democrat but fucking hell. Put on a fucking suit you faggot and don't bring your camera, what the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:34 No.216262
    Conservative Jesus is a man who suffered from Alzheimer's for the majority of his second term.

    Let me put that more bluntly: the religious right's patron saint was a literal mental defective.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:36 No.216276
    I don't know if I'm a liberal or not, but here are the reasons I don't like him:

    -his economic policies, especially over the long run, significantly lowered the standard of living for almost all americans, except for the very rich
    -he significantly increased the size of government (despite convincing everyone else that he was doing the opposite)
    -he was responsible for many, many innocent deaths, especially in south and central america
    -he is responsible for the us taking drugs more seriously (the now failed war on drugs), thereby violating more individual liberties, destroying the economies of many developing nations, and screwing up the legal/prison system
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:37 No.216282
    >why was Reagan such a bad president?
    He was fiscally irresponsible.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:37 No.216283
    not true
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:37 No.216284
    Unleashed thousands of uncured mental patients onto the streets
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:38 No.216287
    No hate for Reagan (I gew up during his time in office), but the deitic cult that has surrounded this man in recent years is bizarre and disturbing. His accomplishments while in office are overblown, and this persona of Ronnie has been built up to make him seem far more the hero of the age than he actually was.
    I remember the polls that were coming out during his second term. Everyone loved Ronnie himself, but his policies were extremely unpopular.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:39 No.216294
    because he was a popular republican president. simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:42 No.216308
    >Implying Liberals would let him propose and pass a fiscally responsible budget
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:46 No.216328
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    >associating a political figure with the party you don't like as soon as they turn out to be shitty.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:49 No.216352
    >implying it wouldn't have been worth a shot.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:50 No.216358
    Implying the much more dominant liberal media would have allowed him to win that fight
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:55 No.216383
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    He convinced methat Boraxo Hand Soap could remove paint, grease and even plain dirt anytime, anywhere without water. And my hands are still dirty

    pic related, those are my hands
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:55 No.216388

    >-his economic policies, especially over the long run, significantly lowered the standard of living for almost all americans, except for the very rich

    See this.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)16:56 No.216396
    Ketchup is a vegetable.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:00 No.216419
    Obama is a moderate.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:05 No.216450
    Reagan-era Oldfag again.
    Reagan was never fiscally responsible. He just shifted all the federal overspending and undersight from the social programs the libs wanted over to the Pentagon. And yes, he was a big coroporate and rich man's whore.
    The right's go-to, latter-day boogums of the Big Bad Liberal Media does not work against Reagan. If anything, Reagan had more media agression to deal with, since his election was very-clearly *not* what the left wanted, in any way shape or form. He was as likable and amiable and quick on his feet as Clinton, and while the lefty media hated his guts, most-all America ignored them.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:10 No.216477
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    >The Economic Recovery Act was supposed to reduce revenues by $749 billion over five years. But this was quickly reversed with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982.

    >TEFRA—the largest tax increase in American history—was designed to raise $214.1 billion over five years, and took back many of the business tax savings enacted the year before. It also imposed withholding on interest and dividends, a provision later repealed over the president's objection.

    >In 1982 Reagan supported a five-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax and higher taxes on the trucking industry. Total increase: $5.5 billion a year.

    >In 1983 Reagan called for, and received, Social Security tax increases of $165 billion over seven years.

    >A year later came Reagan's Deficit Reduction Act to raise $50 billion.

    >Even the heralded Tax Reform Act of 1986 is more deception than substance. It shifted $120 billion over five years from visible personal income taxes to hidden business taxes. It lowered the rates, but it also repealed or reduced many deductions.

    >The 1981 tax cut will have reduced revenues by $1.48 trillion by the end of fiscal 1989. But tax increases since 1982 will equal $1.5 trillion by 1989. The increases include not only the formal legislation mentioned above but also bracket creep (which ended in 1985 when tax indexing took effect—a provision of the 1981 act despite Reagan's objection), $30 billion in various tax changes, and other increases.

    >>Taxes by the end of the Reagan era will be as large a chunk of GNP as when he took office, if not larger: 19.4%, by ultra-conservative estimate of the Reagan Office of Management and Budget. The so-called historic average is 18.3%.

    Raised taxes, allowed the republican party to be overrun by fundamentalists, expanded government, claimed to do none of the above.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:11 No.216485
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:14 No.216495
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    He was a faggot, but his wife was pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:17 No.216506
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    He sucked at ready his teleprompter:
    >STRASBOURG, France — President Reagan, often spoken of as "the great communicator," was noticeably at a loss for words when his TelePrompTer broke down during his major speech before the European Parliament today.

    >White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Reagan's TelePrompTer cut out three times, causing the President to lose his place.

    >Nonetheless, "it's our opinion the President spoke eloquently," Speakes said.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:17 No.216507
    >Crack in the ghettos.

    O lawd.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:18 No.216514
    Even conservatives should think Reagan was a bad president.

    If not, they're aren't conservatives. They're just the worst kind of Republicans.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:34 No.216612
    you honestly think that ghetto black people can up with the chemical process to transform cocaine like that?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:34 No.216616
    he wasn't a proper politician.
    he was an actor, who happened to catch wind of the dr fox effect.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:39 No.216658
    ever heard of the trickle down effect?

    reagan loved it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:43 No.216689
    that's where the rich piss on everyone else right?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:44 No.216696
    he sold us out to special interests.

    he favored the rich at the expense of the middle class.

    he placated to the religious right.

    he massively increased the federal deficit.

    'reagonomics' stagnated real wages for the middle class while growing the top fifth's income by 80% from 1980 to 2006.

    he cut social spending and increased military spending.

    and he removed the solar panels from the white house roof because he's exxon's bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:46 No.216714
    His war on drugs made it worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:48 No.216726
    I didn't think he was a bad president, I do know he wouldn't be able to pass Republican's own purity test though.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:49 No.216734
    If we're talking about the destructive effects of reaganomics, we should give due credits to the people behind these policies.

    >Milton Friedman
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:50 No.216741
    I think he had good intentions it's just after his assassination attempt he succumbed to lobbying most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:50 No.216743
    It was probably some random white guy with an understanding of chemistry trying to make a profit, but blaming it on Reagan is hilarious and completely undermines your credibility.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:52 No.216760
    Yeah because all of them promoted massive spending like Reagan did no wait that was your boy KEYNES who said high deficits were fine.
    >> Abyss !Cydpxggyeo 02/24/10(Wed)17:55 No.216784
    I'm not a liberal (imperialistic national socialist), but here I go:

    Ronald Reagan was to busy spending money to bring down the Soviet Union, supported coups in South America and Asia (that costs lots of money), trying to make jokes, he didn't focus on the people that should have mattered (for an American President): Americans.

    The Soviet Union did not pose a threat, the Americans wanted them as a threat. Just like today with Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, China, Russia, North Korea and others do not pose a threat. And with previous "threats", Iraq, Vietnam, and what not.

    In his corporate attempt in taking down the Soviet Union (the only reason he wanted the USSR to fall was so American corporations could get their hands dirty over there), he brought the now inevitable fall of the United States of America.

    Reagan was the Republican version of FDR.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:56 No.216795

    So did Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. They were the offspring of Reagan. Who'd you vote for in 2000 and 2004?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)17:57 No.216801
    In a downtrending economy to prevent massive unemployment. Not to make the rich people even richer.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:03 No.216824
    You that America of yesterday that conservatives are so wistful about? He's what killed it.
    >> QuestionC 02/24/10(Wed)18:05 No.216834
    I don't really know much about Reagan, but Iran-Contra seems pretty unforgivable.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:07 No.216840
    actually the guy who started the massive import of coke into the ghetto was named Oscar Danilo Blandón. He also happened to be the go between for the cia and the contra's during the iran-contra affair.


    For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found.

    This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons." - San Jose Mercury News
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:07 No.216848
    1. The religious right and it's influence over him and his administration
    2. various scandals that don't really need to be mentioned
    3. racking up a huge debt instead of being fiscally responsible.
    4. Ramping up the war on drugs

    If he had been a secular, true fiscal conservative who kept his nose out of Central America and didn't push the war on drugs to the next level, I'd say he was a great president, one of the best. Problem is, that isn't what he did.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:08 No.216855
    That's because you didn't use enough soap.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:09 No.216862
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    this is why
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:14 No.216892
    Hey, I had no problem with the 22 minute toy commercials. Those were way more entertaining than 70's shit like Scooby-Doo.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:14 No.216895
    so far no one gave any good reasons other than they hate religion cause they are hipster atheist. that doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:17 No.216912
    >didn't read the thread

    Also, while I am an atheist, I don't think I'm a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:23 No.216951
    That basically summed up why Regan sucks. Too bad every other president merely continued his policies in one way or another.

    President Clinton with it's welfare reform. President Bush with it's War in Iraq, and President Obama who is continuing the War in Afghanistan and did not dealt with the root causes of the economic crisis.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:27 No.216976
    hes flawless you fucking libtards
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:29 No.216992
    Reagan doesn't suck it's just that when he tried to be The President he was almost assassinated. After than all his view points changed and we have Reaganomics.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)18:30 No.216996
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    conservatives and their gods again.
    >> nanasi 02/24/10(Wed)18:32 No.217002
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:13 No.217255
    i wonder how many of you who point to this realize a troll wrote it
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)19:17 No.217284
    >implying that makes a difference.

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