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  • File : 1283260104.jpg-(12 KB, 253x317, 1273088976347 (1).jpg)
    12 KB Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs. Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:08 No.2158161

    Amid mounting signs that the economic recovery is faltering, one potential remedy seems out of the question: a booster shot of government spending.

    The White House says the multiyear $814 billion stimulus program passed by Congress in 2009 boosted employment by 2.5 million to 3.6 million jobs and raised the nation's annual economic output by almost $400 billion. A recent study by two prominent economists generally agrees, crediting the pump-priming with averting "what could gave been called Great Depression 2.0."

    If President Obama expected anyone to say, "Thank you," however, he's been disappointed. In a recent USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, 59% of respondents disapproved of the president's handling of the economy. In the partisan war over the economy's performance, the word "stimulus" has became synonymous with "boondoggle," making the notion of a repeat any time soon highly unlikely — especially if Republicans seize control of one or both houses of Congress in November.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:11 No.2158185
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:12 No.2158186
    >800 billion stimulus
    >raises economic output by 400 billion
    sounds like the stimulus failed then, they could have just used the 800 billion to build more guns for soldiers and raise economic output by 800 billion
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:12 No.2158187
    reelection guaranteed
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:12 No.2158189
    i dont see any jobs............
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:13 No.2158194
    Try leaving your mother's basement.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:14 No.2158198
    The 800 billion is being shared out over a number of years. $400 billion already is pretty good, if accurate.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:14 No.2158205

    ok i did and nobody is hireing
    >> Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:14 No.2158206

    This is only in it's first year and a half. It's a multi-year stimulus.

    You mad?
    >> Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:15 No.2158210

    Maybe you should go to school and, you know, become qualified.
    >> Elly_Tran_Ha !1iBunBstAc 08/31/10(Tue)09:17 No.2158223
    What city do you live in sir?

    Oh and retail stores should be hiring for the fall/winter season. I know you haven't checked.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:18 No.2158224
    Try getting a college degree and building decent credentials.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:19 No.2158228

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:22 No.2158238
    >Economists agree
    >two prominent economists
    >two prominent

    Two libfag socialist economists
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:23 No.2158243
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    >> Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:23 No.2158244

    Nice strawman you got there.
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 08/31/10(Tue)09:25 No.2158252
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    >Paul Krugman
    Called it before I even read the article.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:30 No.2158273
    Doing some simple math isn't that $271,333 per job "created?"

    Can I has $271K salary?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:31 No.2158274
    Authors of the report in the OP are :

    1) Mark Zandi = Keynesian, works for Moodys (One of the many Wall Street Credit Rating Agencies who were partly responsible for the "Great Recession" by giving A+ credit ratings to junk CDO's and other debts) and shill for Obama.

    2) Alan Blinder = Democrat economist who worked for Clinton, Gore and Kerry
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:32 No.2158282
    well shit, if they were just going to pull random numbers out of their ass, they should have just said they created 10 million jobs, or 20, or 50. everyone knows it's a crock of shit anyways, what fucking difference does it make
    >> Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:32 No.2158283
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    "The appeal to the intellectually insecure is also more important than it might seem. Because economics touches so much of life, everyone wants to have an opinion. Yet the kind of economics covered in the textbooks is a technical subject that many people find hard to follow. How reassuring, then, to be told that it is all irrelevant -- that all you really need to know are a few simple ideas! Quite a few supply-siders have created for themselves a wonderful alternative intellectual history in which John Maynard Keynes was a fraud, Paul Samuelson and even Milton Friedman are fools, and the true line of deep economic thought runs from Adam Smith through obscure turn-of-the-century Austrians straight to them."

    I believe Mr. Krugman was speaking directly to dolts like yourself when he said this.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:33 No.2158286
    $1 trillion/3 million jobs = $300,000/job

    cool failure bro
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:37 No.2158301
    lol he's such a troll i swear
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:37 No.2158303

    if these economists are so smart they should run their own businesses. since they are economic 'maestros' they should have no problem racking in billions of dollars with their superior knowledge of how economics works.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:38 No.2158306
    too bad he is right and you're a basement dwelling neckbeard.
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 08/31/10(Tue)09:38 No.2158307
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    God, I hope this fucker dies soon. Readers of Krugman seem to believe that the entire Austrian is based on just a couple of axioms and that there is no real life evidence that supports it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:38 No.2158309
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    >Stimulus saves 2-3 millions jobs
    >Recession costs 7-8 million jobs
    >2-3 million of which will NEVER come back because they've been shipped overseas.

    Sounds to me like we still lost jobs.


    That's a great idea, except oh wait college grad unemployment is at a record high. So sure, let's just go to college with all this money I don't have and get a degree and $75k of debt only to find out no one's going to hire me.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:39 No.2158313
    you can kill krugman but you can not kill the zergrush that is keynesianism
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:40 No.2158317

    Keynesianism is a delusion. it is like day trading using technical analysis.
    >> Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:41 No.2158322
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    >Can't rebut his statement
    >Hope he dies

    Yeah, that sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:41 No.2158323
    You can tell the underage b&s in this thread real easy because they're the ones that think Obama saved us and the job market isn't totally fucked up the ass right now.

    Probably pretty easy to believe that horseshit when you don't have to work and get to live off Mom's tit.
    >> Saturnalian !!Iruidx+TXTy 08/31/10(Tue)09:43 No.2158329

    Whatever, brah. It's easier to make up excuses to not go to college than it is to actually go.

    Next you'll be telling me you fear liberal indoctrination and that's why you choose to be an uneducated bum.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:43 No.2158330
    Peter Schiff is an actual economist. He's the head of Euro Pacific Capital. Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, and Max Keiser are also god tier economists.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:43 No.2158331
    >That's a great idea, except oh wait college grad unemployment is at a record high. So sure, let's just go to college with all this money I don't have and get a degree and $75k of debt only to find out no one's going to hire me.

    You can always try going into business management and start your own line of work. Also, there's plenty of jobs out there yet they're looking for degrees
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:45 No.2158338
    You are an idiot.

    We would be in much dire straights had these measures not been taken. We are in no way out of the woods yet - but thats mainly because companies (mostly ran by rich connected conservatives) have been hoarding their cash and not hiring...

    You should blame them for this bullshit. Good job showing yourself to be one of those underage b&, tho.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:47 No.2158344

    Gotta love libtards. They're the masters of unintended consequences.

    1. push for everyone to go to college and get a degree for thirty years
    2. country gets inundated with business degrees and other mostly-worthless degrees
    3. job market tanks
    4. college degrees become worth toilet paper
    5. ???
    6. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:49 No.2158358

    You can blame greedy conservatards for wanting those degrees, thinking they'll make a quick buck in the market.

    Now, excuse me while I finish my teaching degree and actually contribute to society.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:50 No.2158365
    >We would be in much dire straights had these measures not been taken.
    LOL washington painted a doomsday scenario that would unfold if they didnt pass their stimulus package. Guess what? Where we're at now is the exact scenario they tried to scare us with in the first place. The stimulus did virtually nothing and yet all you people can ever say in response is it would have been worse hurr hurr. No actually, look up the crash of 1921 and 1929 and compare the two.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:50 No.2158366
    Democrats bought off economists with the slush fund that was the stimulus bill as an effort to retain seats in the mid-term elections.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:51 No.2158368
    >this guy has absolutely NO idea what is going on in the world of economics and thinks because he's read a history book on the G.D. that he knows economics.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:52 No.2158370

    I'm talking about academic economists. all the 'free advice' that lot gives is deceptive and self serving.
    simple fact is, there is no money and power in letting people keep the money they earn. the game is convince enough people that being stolen from is actually good.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:55 No.2158381
    >idiot spouting nonsense

    Did you know most of our jobs "stolen" are from degree toting foreigners?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:56 No.2158384
    >We would be in much dire straights had these measures not been taken

    No, we wouldn't. We'd actually be better off, because the business world wouldn't be scared shitless of what Obama's going to do to them to pay down our insane deficit.

    >We are in no way out of the woods yet

    See, this is how everyone knows you're an underage b&.

    Not out of the woods? We're not even halfway out of the woods. If you actually worked for a living and your peers worked for a living, you'd already know how completely fucked the job market is right now.

    >You should blame them for this bullshit.

    Why should I blame businesses for being rightfully scared to invest when we have a president who's shown himself to be hostile to business (healthcare bill, cap and trade, etc.)? I should fault them for not wanting to risk losing their business if Obama decides to fuck them some more? Sorry, no.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:58 No.2158391
    >teaching degree
    >actually contribute to society

    That's so adorable that you actually believe that.

    In reality, you're not smart enough to get a real degree, so you're going to be an overpaid babysitter and a government parasite to boot.

    Your parents must be so proud.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:59 No.2158395
    >Why should I blame businesses for being rightfully scared to invest when we have a president who's shown himself to be hostile to business (healthcare bill, cap and trade, etc.)? I should fault them for not wanting to risk losing their business if Obama decides to fuck them some more? Sorry, no.


    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)09:59 No.2158396
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    Confirmed for unemployed, uneducated butthurt.

    You jelly?
    >> Allahandmiscegenation !!JBrICBwXrSK 08/31/10(Tue)10:00 No.2158399
    ITT people believe Obama Fuzzy Math Ignore reality.
    Don't worry libs, the Reps have taken a 10 point lead on generic ballots, we will be there to stop you faggots from destroying the country.
    Have fun watching health care and that idiotic bank reform bill get repealed.
    Also no fags in the military come 2012
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:00 No.2158400
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    >blame conservatives for ruining the market
    >thank liberals for contributing to society

    Let me thank you in advance for dumbing down the masses. Also, for being a huge economic burden on the private sector (where people actually grow the economy). Also, u mad
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:02 No.2158406

    Actually, I'm an embalmer at a funeral home, faggot.

    See, *I* actually do contribute to society. :)

    Whereas you will babysit children for a living.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:02 No.2158407
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    The two authors (TWO economists - not ALL economists - TWO economists) of the phony report in the OP are :

    1) Mark Zandi = Keynesian, works for Moodys (One of the many Wall Street Credit Rating Agencies who were partly responsible for the "Great Recession" by giving A+ credit ratings to junk CDO's and other debts) and shill for Obama.
    2) Alan Blinder = Libfag economist who worked for Clinton, Gore and Kerry
    >> Allahandmiscegenation !!JBrICBwXrSK 08/31/10(Tue)10:03 No.2158412
    Good luck,my mom and 2 of my sisters are teachers.You guys are the dumping ground for an entire generation of children being raised by irresponsible assholes. You fuckers have no idea what it is like,My sister is lilly white and teaches at MLK in Tuscaloosa,Al . Those kids are barely controlled savages whose parents push them into special ed programs for the disability money.My sister is called White Bitch every da and the administration shrugs.My parents would have beaten the holy hell out of me if I pulled some monkey shit like that
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:04 No.2158416
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    >if these economists are so smart they should run their own businesses.
    >name professional economists
    >I'm talking about academic economists.
    >there is no money and power in letting people keep the money they earn. the game is convince enough people that being stolen from is actually good.
    >implying all economists preach broken window fallacies like the keynesians or socialists
    >my face
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 08/31/10(Tue)10:05 No.2158420
    There was nothing to rebut...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:05 No.2158423

    Sounds like a wonderful career.

    I'll embolden our country's future. You shove fluids into them when they die.

    Cool story.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:09 No.2158439
    It's that time to debunk TP again... sigh..

    >No, we wouldn't. We'd actually be better off, because the business world wouldn't be scared shitless of what Obama's going to do to them to pay down our insane deficit.
    We all have to pay down the debt. There's no getting around.

    You were expecting businesses to not have any partake on this matter considering how we were stroking their cocks for over 20 years?

    >Not out of the woods? We're not even halfway out of the woods. If you actually worked for a living and your peers worked for a living, you'd already know how completely fucked the job market is right now.
    Agree but it also depends on where you live and what types of jobs you're looking for.

    >Why should I blame businesses for being rightfully scared to invest when we have a president who's shown himself to be hostile to business (healthcare bill, cap and trade, etc.)? I should fault them for not wanting to risk losing their business if Obama decides to fuck them some more? Sorry, no.

    About time we have a president that is finally sticking it to the profit hungry mongrels. I was getting tired of Big Business running congress. Although, the healthcare plan helps small business and larger corporations already have a plan.

    I wonder why people hate something that benefits them and doesn't fuck over anything royally.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:09 No.2158441
    >I'll embolden our country's future

    It's fucking hysterical that you believe that Pollyanna shit, dude. Seriously.

    You're not going to change anybody's life. You're going to read shit out of a teacher's manual to a bunch of dysfunctional children to try and limp them across the finish line of state testing scores which is the only thing your superiors will give a shit about.

    Goddamn, I wish I could see you in ten years to see how broken you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:10 No.2158443
    >I'll embolden our country's future.

    lolol you will, but not in a good way
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:10 No.2158444

    >Readers of Krugman seem to believe that the entire Austrian is based on just a couple of axioms and that there is no real life evidence that supports it.

    Austrian 'predictions' have repeatedly failed, they're as unscientific as fuck in regards to their methods, claiming that their axioms are 'self-evident'. If they were so logically sound and self-evident then they'd be right more often.

    While I agree that the world is more complicated that pure mathematics and statistics, the abandonment of it almost entirely for a school of economics is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:11 No.2158456
    >We all have to pay down the debt. There's no getting around.

    Statist rationalizations. You're the cancer that is killing america. You'd take a dick up your ass if someone told you it was for "the good of the public."

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:12 No.2158460
    >About time we have a president that is finally sticking it to the profit hungry mongrels.

    Profit hungry mongrels?

    We've already placed such regulatory burdens and tax burdens on business that you almost have to be insane to start a small business and big corporations are now the only ones who can thrive amidst all this.

    What more do you people fucking want?

    You dumbasses won't be happy until it's absolutely impossible to create a new business in the United States.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:13 No.2158461

    It's funny that you think you know where I'll be teaching, what level I'll be teaching and what subject I'll be teaching.

    Have fun dealing with the dead all day. It suits you.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:13 No.2158463
    >Austrian 'predictions' have repeatedly failed

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:13 No.2158465
    I applied for a fuck ton of 3rd party job boards while I was out of work. including Kaiser Permanente and Ethics Point Staffing.

    they never sent me shit and I finally got a job in June 2009.

    at about the start of this year I started getting job notices from Ethics Point and Kaiser.

    just this week, I've gotten notices of 5 jobs from Ethics Point and 2 from Kaiser, and those are just notices for jobs in my "niche" skillset as a DBA and product manager.

    every day on the bus ride home, I see help wanted signs on fast food restaurants and corner stores.

    and right now this very moment, I'm personally hiring for an intern. I'm specifically looking for someone on in college, with moderate filing or organizational or - ideally, MS Excel skills .. and with some kind of experience living in or volunteering with or serving low income communities. I'm hiring right now.

    and I'm baffled with the amount of posts on message boards that I see from whiny college kids that there are "no jobs out there" .. who haven't applied at 7-11 and who haven't sent me a resume.

    quit your fucking bitching, you lazy whiny selfish cunts. get off your whiny asses and go get a fucking job.

    for chrissake, I'm a registered democrat working for a global non profit dedicated to helping underserved low income communities. I am *NOT* the demographic who should be saying this.

    but craigslist is literally saturated with job listings right now, and the newspaper's employment section is 3 times larger than it was on January 20, 2009.
    >> THE FREE MARKET WILL !FIXITuBSJc 08/31/10(Tue)10:14 No.2158468
    Are you sure? They seemed to predict the crisis fairly accurately.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:14 No.2158472

    Liberalism is a mental disorder
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:14 No.2158475
    814,000,000,000 / 3,000,000 = 271,333

    Most of the jobs they made were likely sub 50k jobs that will be over in year or so... where did the other $220,000 per job go...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:16 No.2158483

    >tax and regulate the fuck out of businesses

    >wonder later why only huge corporations with large profit margins are left


    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:18 No.2158496
    >teachers don't change peoples lives

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:19 No.2158498
    Obamafags' status:
    [ ] Not told
    [X] Fucken TOLD
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:19 No.2158500

    I don't know what to tell you, dude. You are either lying or living in some kind of special community bubble if you aren't aware of how totally fucked the job market is at all levels right now.

    Yes, there are SOME jobs. There are always jobs. The problem is there are a few hundred people applying for every fucking one of them right now because there aren't enough to go around.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:19 No.2158503
    small business can get away with barely paying taxes at all as it is

    taxes isn't why they fail

    doing stupid shit like starting a sub shop in a city where there's 50 million subways is why they fail
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:20 No.2158510

    The only teacher that changed my life is this man
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:21 No.2158513

    >Also of note in relation to contested "accurate predictions" between Austrians and the mainstream are the false predictions from Austrian School adherents which failed in their timing or description of the financial crises, as with Ludwig von Mises's failed prediction regarding a collapse of the British pound[60] or with Peter Schiff who predicted that the U.S. dollar would weaken significantly, whereas the opposite occurred.[61] Some Austrian adherents have been labeled as "permabears" or "Chicken Littles" for continually making predictions of "catastrophic" financial crises, whilst making little allowance for spans of stable economic growth.[62][63] For example in 2002, months before a multi-year advance in the US stock market, Austrian advocate Peter Schiff claimed that the US was at the early stage of an economic crisis and has frequently predicted an imminent U.S. dollar "crash" (which has yet to materialize).[64] These claims have prompted Schiff to be labeled a "permabear" and to draw comparisons of his pronouncements with "stopped clocks" (which are right twice a day but useless nevertheless).[65]
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:21 No.2158515
    yeah and with no jobs conservatives want to get rid of welfare and social security

    because they somehow expect tens of millions of additional people to be able to find jobs when current out of work people can't

    hello enormous crime rate jump

    enjoy paying even more taxes to build more prisons to house millions of additional people
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:21 No.2158516

    They haven't even paid out all of the money yet, and neither has the money that HAS been paid out been used yet.

    Lol at your face
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:21 No.2158519
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:21 No.2158520
    >start business
    >hire accountant
    >write-off, write-off,write-off,write-off,write-off,write-off,write-off,write-off,wr
    >blame government for taxation and try to lower taxes while the school in your neighborhood makes budget cuts
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:22 No.2158523
    >The problem is there are a few hundred people applying for every fucking one of them right now


    i just moved and had to find a new job on the fly. took me three months and i applied at god knows how many places. i'd watch a job listing go up on sites i would check every day. even when i'd literally see the damn thing go up and head straight there, there would ALWAYS be people already there applying.

    i applied for this stupid part time secretary type job. they took pictures of all the applicants because there were too many to remember. the lady there said they'd gotten 500 applications already.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:24 No.2158526
    I'm living in Portland, Oregon.
    I work in downtown and I live in close-in southeast.

    I know for a fact that my favorite coffee stand is hiring, that two plaid pantries within about 5 blocks of my house are hiring (one for 2nd shift, one for 2nd and 3rd shift) and I know that one of those Plaid Pantries has had their sign up for nearly 6 weeks now.

    I have had my ad up for over a week now and have received 19 resumes. not even 2 dozen. I refuse to believe that there are less than 2 dozen college kids in Portland Oregon who want a $10/hour part time job on a schedule they get to set.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:25 No.2158529

    It's not just taxes, for one thing, stupid. Have you seen the amount of shit businesses have to comply with? Environmental regulations, personnel regulations, etc.

    And on the tax thing, you just made my argument for me. Small businesses get fucked by taxes harder than corporations do precisely because they don't have the money to pay corporate lawyers to weasel down their tax burden.

    Congratulate yourself. People like you are the reason there will be nothing but Wal-marts left in thirty years.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:25 No.2158530
    >whilst making little allowance for spans of stable economic growth.
    >implying economic bubbles are stable economic growth

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:27 No.2158534

    You're so goddamn stupid it hurts.

    Maybe if that sub shop guy didn't have to pay exorbitant rent for commercial property because of exorbitant property taxes on commercial time he'd need less profit to survive, YA THINK? Nevermind the insane regulation you have to comply with as a restaurant.

    Fuckin' liberals. You guys think you can just pile whatever chains you want on the producers of this country and they're just somehow--magically--keep producing.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:28 No.2158539

    school should be privatized. have you seen how much money public schools waste? all you need for a school is a leased double wide trailer, and here we are building palaces all over the place to teach 5 graders basic things
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:29 No.2158542
    >yeah and with no jobs conservatives want to get rid of welfare and social security

    because they somehow expect tens of millions of additional people to be on social programs and somehow magically be able to pay for it without anyone actually producing anything

    hello enormous poverty rate jump

    enjoy paying even more taxes to expand more programs for millions of people even though you killed the private sector which pays for all that shit
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:30 No.2158543
    so I mean I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. I was out of work from Jan 2009 to June 2009 and that shit gets hard. it gets discouraging. if you let it.

    the problem is, you can't let it. you need to be petting your resume every day, making that shit shine. make different versions of it for different industry types or job descriptions. if you're an IT professional like me, make a version that big ups your QA work and make a version that big ups your DBA work.

    if you're a young 20 something, make one that big ups your manual labor experience, and make one that big ups your service industry experience.

    but its once you allow yourself to get discouraged and say that its "impossible" to find a job, that you'll find it impossible to find a job.

    some of these resumes I've gotten, you can read the hopelessness and .. I dunno .. "give-uppery" I guess, in them. in the cover letters too. and I don't care how experienced you are, I'm not hiring anybody with a blatantly shitty attitude.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:36 No.2158562
    >Maybe if that sub shop guy didn't have to pay exorbitant rent for commercial property because of exorbitant property taxes on commercial time he'd need less profit to survive, YA THINK? Nevermind the insane regulation you have to comply with as a restaurant.
    >opening up a sub shop downtown = high risk
    >not surprising if he closes
    >insane regulation
    >15 minute health inspection
    >in some cities you can operate without a food service expert for several years
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:39 No.2158575
    The jobs I see created are for worthless niggers who do a terrible job, hate their boss, and are rude to customers.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:42 No.2158593
    sure is broken window in here
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:42 No.2158594
    Those jobs were Census Jobs, nice research Lynch.
    The Stimulus hasn't done jack
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:44 No.2158606
    If White People expected blacks to say, "Thank you," however, we've been disappointed.

    How many blacks have thanked you for electing Obama for their sorry nigger asses?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:46 No.2158618
    nobody asked you white racists to vote for obama.

    also its the least you can do after we what you whites have done to blacks for over 500 years and still do.

    no amount of shit you white racists do can make up for slavery
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:49 No.2158637
    You're one to talk (not the guy you were talking to)

    What the fuck are you gonna do your whole life? Stuff fluids in dead people and become a millionaire from it? Someone is going to write a book about you for doing so?

    Let me guess, you give people closure don't you? The satisfaction of knowing that granny won't stink up the place when she's dead.

    As for the teacher: So long as the state promotes it's Prussian form of schooling your job is a waste of time and taxpayer money.

    Quit being fucking idiots, one will be a teacher and the other will be an embalmer. No one is better than the other.

    captcha: <input thisbox
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)10:50 No.2158644
    >Those were Census jobs
    That must explain why the only month over the summer in which more Census jobs were added than private sector jobs was July, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)11:00 No.2158693
    >implying we aren't in a great depression
    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)11:03 No.2158703

    >> Anonymous 08/31/10(Tue)11:12 No.2158753
    I hate this logic, and it's so depressing that it's so widespread.

    1. 1/3 of the stimulus money has yet to be paid out, and only about 1/4 of the total stimulus money has actually been spent (slightly over 200 billion)

    2. You talk about "cost per job" as if the stimulus money was buying jobs. It's a widespread net of tax breaks, relief for states, investments in certain markets, and funding for federal structures, highways, and other construction projects.

    Many jobs were saved or created (such as the 2.7 million figure that keeps popping up) but in the grander scheme of things, the stimulus package is more of a long term investment in emerging markets and R&D. For example, a lot of stimulus money went into the development of new technologies for clean energy. As a result, some car company recently unveiled a new battery for electric cars that gets very good mileage. Once that goes into widespread circulation, what do you think will happen? It will increase manufacturing jobs, etc.

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