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  • File : 1282611379.jpg-(63 KB, 360x326, nazi bike.jpg)
    63 KB America is DEAD Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:56 No.2091490  
    I have made a difficult decision today, /new/, I am abandoning the homeland of my great grandparents and selling EVERYTHING I own, yet cannot take with me, including the family house in Denver, Colorado. I am returning to my ancestral home of Finland, where I have recently contacted some relatives who can help me with the languages and culture. It will be a tough yet necessary change for me and my family.

    The America I know and love is no more because it died on 9/11 when 19 mossad/CIA suicide soldiers enabled the murder of our great nation. Almost 9 years later I have witnessed it being torn apart by frenzied politicians irregardless of it's people while ignoring the coming Great Depression 2.

    You should leave somewhere, anywhere, while you still have the chance to do so.

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:57 No.2091499
    finland sucks. its cold and poor and nobody has any fucking social skills.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:57 No.2091500
    Argentina... I heard they need some more white.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:57 No.2091501

    Sounds to me like nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:58 No.2091505
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    So everyone on /new/ should move there because they'd fit in?
    >> Trolls Trollson 08/23/10(Mon)20:59 No.2091514
    Shit son, you're leaving just before shit is about to get more interesting than it has in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:00 No.2091518
    Better than a country with obese hicks and hipsters everywhere. The cold keeps those retards away.
    >> Pope Yusef !o.YV7fvyTA 08/23/10(Mon)21:00 No.2091524
    im ok with this
    >> Omegis !!8yte1+EjMEk 08/23/10(Mon)21:01 No.2091528
    Fucking pussy. Live your life as you want to while maintaining respect for others to do so as well, and be prepared to fight back. Leaving is just letting the crazies win.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:02 No.2091545
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    I have been awake for 22 hours, why so mean? ;_;

    >Finland confirmed for best country in the world
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:03 No.2091548
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:03 No.2091550
    >The America I know and love is no more because it died on 9/11 when 19 mossad/CIA suicide soldiers enabled the murder of our great nation.
    >The America I know and love is no more because it died on 9/11 when 19 mossad/CIA suicide soldiers enabled the murder of our great nation.

    Yeah, I stopped reading there. We don't need anymore ill-informed tinfoil dumbfucks here, thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:04 No.2091559
    Finland, Finland, Finland
    The country where I want to be
    Pony trekking or camping
    Or just watching TV
    Finland, Finland, Finland
    It's the country for me
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:04 No.2091567
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:06 No.2091580
    America is too far gone to save from the crazies, because when protesting against the crimes of the government gets me threatening e-mails from state officials in addition to harassing phone calls from strangers threatening the death of my family, that country and it's people are not worth fighting over.
    >> rosemary !KFVFpB9GyA 08/23/10(Mon)21:07 No.2091582
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    I'd move to Europe if I had the economic stability to. America is a country slowly being eaten away by fear and stupidity, why not leave and seek better lives like the forefathers that brought us here?

    Did our nationalism override our desire to better ourselves? Or has our generation become too afraid of drastic change? Are we too afraid to do anything anymore?

    Anyhow, you have my respect, OP. +10
    >> captcha: units matmot Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:08 No.2091596
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:11 No.2091613
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    >You should leave somewhere, anywhere, while you still have the chance to do so.

    I left the USA years ago.

    Cue "Santa Monica" guitar riff:
    "I do believe I've found myself a new place."
    >> Omegis !!8yte1+EjMEk 08/23/10(Mon)21:12 No.2091629
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    Pic says it all. It's not about "for the country". It's about you not being stopped from living life as you choose. Moving somewhere else to escape it is a form of coercion against you. Grab a gun, get all your friends with guns who share your cause together, and do not be moved.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:12 No.2091631
    Europe isn't stable either. They're only another major economic crisis away from a holocaust in many regions.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:13 No.2091635
    Thank you

    Also, I hate being called a traitor for believing that Iranians aren't evil and Zionism is fundamentally flawed.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:14 No.2091655
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    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:15 No.2091662
    At least that holocaust is not directed against hard working middle class citizens who trusted their government to do what is right.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:19 No.2091699
    I'm on the verge of leaving too.

    I'm so sick of what America is turning in to.

    This is no joke or exaggeration.

    GL to us all.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:24 No.2091755
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    I respect the notion of "stand up for what you believe."

    Here is my problem: I am not a fictional character.

    Fictional characters get into gunfights and only kill bad guys.

    If I stay in the USA, I will probably cause avoidable evils.

    I would rather avoid the evils. Violence is reserved for the gravest extreme. I still have a few non-violent tricks up my sleeve.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:24 No.2091761
    Do you have a plan where you are heading to?

    Also, thee sooner you leave, the better because I had to fill out papers for 8 MONTHS EVERY WEEKEND before managing to get permission to take my savings and property with me to finland.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:29 No.2091828
    I don't know what you're on about OP. Denver is absolutely gorgeous. The land is phenomenal, and the people are quite possibly some of the most decent and welcoming in the country.

    You sound like a prick who spends too much time on the computer and not enough time enjoying the things you were blessed with.

    Good riddance dick. Enjoy your frozen shithole.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:31 No.2091851
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    >Frozen shithole

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:32 No.2091866
    btw, Those papers were mostly just bullshit on WHY I was leaving to Finland from various state, bank and federal organizations, some of which didn't have no relation to emigration whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:37 No.2091926
    >Press Freedom Index
    >Freedom Index

    Get the fuck out you goddamn retard, you are making my head hurt from banging it against my fucking keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:47 No.2092045

    So you're leaving America... because you've read about how bad it was... on the internet....

    Is that about right OP?

    Is there any cause in your real life that's driving you to leave everything? I'm genuinely curious as to how your daily life became noticeably worse after 9/11. Let me guess. "It's all rotting from within and it's just a matter of time before I start to see the effects here in Denver and by then I'm going to be shot in the streets by looters" right?

    tl;dr: I'd like a little more explanation as to what you hate about life in Denver, Colorado

    Also, do you think that moving to Finland is going to make you Finnish or something? Is Finland going to be "your country" now? I've never been, but I think you should consider the possibility that you're going to be viewed as and treated like an American no matter how far away you move. Like it or not, America is YOUR country, not Finland. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:52 No.2092089
    I'm not OP but I'm leaving for Norge with my bros after grad school because the US disgusts me 100% on a daily basis

    I saw enough fat people yesterday to last me a lifetime, good riddance
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:55 No.2092114
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    Ridiculous OP. You're a paranoid loser. Go back to your land of insignificance. You don't make the grade in superior America.
    Surrender and cowardice in the face of a terrorist attack isn't in the American vocabulary so you weren't ever American to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:59 No.2092150
    >19 mossad/CIA suicide soldiers
    Probably just a few dudes in building 7 with some computers. Could have been 0 dudes. i have this dream, the dead people, they talk to me. The plane, there is only about 12 people - they are all at the back of the plane and a few are looking out the windows. They see what's going on, they know, they have been setup...they die. Its just a dream but I know. They assassinated a lot of people that day.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:59 No.2092153
    >I saw enough fat people yesterday to last me a lifetime, good riddance

    Where was this? And you're leaving because you find fat people disgusting?

    I don't know what your experience was, but I've gone to college in Nashville (the south) for the past four years and the women I see here are for the most part extremely attractive. I don't really run into obese people unless I'm just looking for them. I've been to Florida a few times and had similar experiences. I'm just wondering where you are that's so dominated by cows.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)21:59 No.2092160
    I wish I had relatives in Finland. It sounds a thousand times better than this shithole.

    America really did die on 9/11 but the hilarious thing was that the terrorists didn't kill the US; the US killed itself.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:01 No.2092174
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:01 No.2092176
    >The America I know and love is no more because it died on 9/11 when 19 mossad/CIA suicide soldiers enabled the murder of our great nation

    If you seriously do believe that then I hope you do leave.

    We have enough fucking idiots in this country. More 9/11 conspiracy retards would only hurt our nation more.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:02 No.2092178

    Also, have you considered that you might just live in an area that's dominated by blue collar working class folks that don't have the money or education to eat right and stay healthy (an area that's not exactly representative of most towns)?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:02 No.2092181
    >implying Denver isn't also a frozen shithole

    at least Finland isn't infested with niggers.
    I used to live in Denver and I didn't dare go outside after dark.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:04 No.2092207
    We have less rights than we did in the 90's. Shit sucks man. I am leaving for Canada eventually.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:06 No.2092217

    OP I too share your pain. I've heart breakingly denounced my US citizenship and will be returning to my ancestral motherland France. I do not expect to make a decent living or prosper but I can no longer tolerate living in this shithole of a country. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Brofist.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:08 No.2092226

    u movin to Paristan?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:08 No.2092228

    >> implying the united states has not descended into tyranny, fascism and ignorance after 9/11.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:08 No.2092236
    As soon as I get the chance i'll b gone. No more working so my taxes can buy shit for those isarali kikes
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:09 No.2092242
    it shouldn't require wealth to attain BASIC HEALTHCARE and HEALTHY FOOD jesus christ

    this is why America sucks so much. you have to be a certain class just to be able to see a doctor and eat something that isn't from a fast food dollar menu.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:12 No.2092274
    You obviously have no idea what true tyranny or fascism is, kid.

    I suggest you do a little more growing up before posting on the big bad internet again.

    And you know what's truly ignorant? Blaming Mossad agents (i.e. DA JEWS) for 9/11 without any evidence

    So seriously, LEAVE. YOU ARE AN IDIOT. You will not be missed.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:14 No.2092289
    Enjoy being cooked with X-rays so some room full of niggers/spicks with high school diplomas getting paid $80K a year can laugh at your nakedness and take pictures with their iPhones.

    Welcome to America, 2010.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:20 No.2092360
    escape from america. your country has become the worst in the western world.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:22 No.2092381
    > Of course, it’s not just the food that’s killing you, it’s the drugs. If you show any sign of life when you’re young, they’ll put you on Ritalin. Then, when you get old enough to take a good look around, you’ll get depressed, so they’ll give you Prozac. If you’re a man, this will render you chemically impotent, so you’ll need Viagra to get it up. Meanwhile, your steady diet of trans-fat-laden food is guaranteed to give you high cholesterol, so you’ll get a prescription for Lipitor. Finally, at the end of the day, you’ll lay awake at night worrying about losing your health plan, so you’ll need Lunesta to go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:23 No.2092403

    LMAO , the patriot act is pretty much pure fascism. and of course the Jews had nothing to do with 9/11. but I think the evidence of foreknowledge is there and the plan to invade Iraq and Afghanistan was clearly thought up before 9/11. and the last two presidents with same agenda is sickening. i applaud you Op get out while you still can.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:25 No.2092418
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    Zombie Patriot reporting in
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:30 No.2092471
    >evidence of foreknowledge

    Oh fucking spare me. So what do you think the administration knew? That maybe, sometime in the near future, there would be a Muslim strike against the United States somewhere? That's the only definitive evidence of foreknowledge I have seen.

    Let's say Bush knows even that it will take place in New York and Washington. Let's say he even knows the date. What's he supposed to do? The Terrorists took off in Boston, Newark and Bristol, Maine respectively, so he couldn't have stopped them because he wouldn't have known those details. What could he have possibly done? Evacuate the Twin Towers? And not only the Twin Towers but the Empire State Building, the UN, Yankee Stadium, shit any building that saw considerable traffic in New York? Not to mention Washington.

    And even then do you know just how many threats of impending terrorist attacks the FBI receives on a daily basis? Hundreds. And those are the supposedly credible ones. 99.99% of those never happen. So the administration was supposed to just randomly pick this one plan out of thousands?

    Jesus you people are fucking dense. I won't lie that Bush used 9/11 for his own means, like any leader in the world would have, but don't give me this bullshit like he knew exactly what was going down and failed to stop it. And the Patriot Act is so amazingly blown out of proportion it boggles the mind. If it were true fascism, and the Patriot Act were a true danger, then you would be arrested for simply speaking out against it. Take off your tinfoil hat you fucking libtard idiots.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:31 No.2092488

    + basically any wikipedia article ranking countries by anything but sheer GDP

    America is a shithole and it's baffling that anyone here thinks otherwise. Anyone who thinks the US is the best on any level has never been outside of the country or has only visited even worse countries (like Mexico).

    Spend a month or two in a better, happier country and you'll never want to come back.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:32 No.2092506
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    I'm getting the fuck out of here first chance I get.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:32 No.2092508
    > the patriot act is pretty much pure fascism

    And it has affected your life how exactly?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:34 No.2092519

    This is partially true. I was extremely envious of the Italian life style when I lived over there. They work very little, drink wine all the time, actually talk to their families and have large numbers of friends, take siestas for lunch instead of 30 minutes to eat some Subway or McDonalds, etc.

    Honestly, the American "work ethic" is nothing short of abusive to the working class.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:34 No.2092523
    Jesus Christ dude, no one wants to go to your shitty little blog.

    And America definitely has it's problems, but it's my home. You can be a faggot and go live with all the other faggots and run away from your problems but I wold much rather try to solve some of them.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:34 No.2092526

    If I didn't hear about it on the news, I'd never have known it existed.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:35 No.2092528
    so, /new/ brothers, what is the easiest way out of niggermerica for those of us with no immediate family abroad? How hard is it to move to Canada? Are their immigration laws as strict/impossible as those in the US, or can I just fill out a few forms and show up there?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:35 No.2092531

    I can't fly anymore because they have giant X-ray rape machines at every terminal.

    I can't drive through Arizona without being stopped by the CBP and harassed.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:36 No.2092546

    again you don't get , bush and obama have no power. they are a just puppets, man open your eyes. bush diddnt know a dam thing and he just did what he was told
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:37 No.2092558
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    >giant X-ray rape machines at every terminal
    lol what
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:38 No.2092569

    Stay the fuck in mexico you fag drug mule
    >> fordguy !vn2ZJeqyPU 08/23/10(Mon)22:39 No.2092572
    I'm tired of listening to retards on the internet worship Scandinavia like it's some kind of fucking utopia. It's not. It's really cold, it's boring, the people are unfriendly, everyone is an alcoholic, and it's insanely expensive, so even the rich people are comparatively poor. The only thing they have going to for them is their social welfare programs. Otherwise it's just a wasteland of trees and shitty death metal played by clowns.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:40 No.2092581
    wow really? Sure is Alex Jones cocksuckers in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:40 No.2092585
    Good luck. I agree with you, that America, as it is now, isn't worth fighting for. The direction either side is trying to push it doesn't give me hope for the future either.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:40 No.2092588
    but, but's the PROMISED LAND
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:44 No.2092618
    >>The Act dramatically reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers could be applied.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:44 No.2092619
    Canada is the last bastion of hope for this continent. And our lax immigration laws let the filth come in just as bad as America, if not even worse. My parents community, Malton, used to be a predominantly white neighborhood 60s, 70's, then in the eighties they came in by the droves. Every shade of brown, black, yellow, you name it.
    All of the shops owned by white folk closed down and slowly but surely all the white people left town.

    Jump to today and every shop has lettering on it that only a person of that decent could read and there is a mosque on every corner.

    tl:dr Canada will be just as bad as America soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:44 No.2092629
    the same could be said about most of the USA, except at least in Finland they have good social welfare programs and you aren't one illness away from bankruptcy
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:45 No.2092635

    strawman much?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:47 No.2092654
    You implied it was the NWO. There was no straw man.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:49 No.2092671

    nwo is bullshit bro , its the corporations you must fear.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:52 No.2092722
    I don't know what you faggots are on about. From what I can tell, if you had stayed away from mainstream media a bit more you would all be exceptionally happy here.

    I moved from Toronto to West Palm Beach for work about a year ago and I couldn't be happier. I found a great house for a reasonable price. My neighbors are nice and they stay out of my fucking business when I have parties. The restaurants are surprisingly great for being chains mostly. I made a lot of friends quickly. The girls are phenomenal and for the most part, the people here are some of the most friendly and welcoming I've ever met. Most importantly, the weather is fantastic. I feel like crying when I think of how cold and miserable I used to be when I was outside. I see the sun on a regular basis now :)

    For the most part, it feels pretty good man. If you can't have a happy life here, I doubt you'll have a happy life anywhere tbh. But I don't think anyone is going to cry over workers leaving the US and freeing up their jobs/reducing competition though. Good luck OP, and get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:53 No.2092728
    One less person who uses the non-word "irregardless" in America.

    Good fucking riddance.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:54 No.2092743
    So you're implying the corporations did 9/11?

    I see. It all makes sense. After all 9/11 provided the biggest Economic boom since the 1950s.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:58 No.2092806
    I wish I could help solve America's problems, too, but the system here is designed so that our opinions don't actually matter. Every time someone proposes a half-intelligent fix to something in the US, he is soon trampled by a bunch of raging rednecks or corporate douchebags and we're back to where we started.

    A country where such a large percentage of people see Sarah Palin as a wise politician instead of a walking immature joke may be impossible to save.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:01 No.2092860
    >patriot act

    What does ANY of this have to do with you? If you could pull yourself away from this media soap opera of tragedy and conspiracy you're imagining, you'd be able to see that life here is no different than it was back in the 90s.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:05 No.2092911
    >If I didn't hear about it on the news, I'd never have known it existed.

    Exactly. But for OP, these problems that only exist on tv for him are worth fleeing the country over.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:07 No.2092931

    ignorance is bliss , if you can sleep at night knowing our soldiers are off fighting some pointless war and killing millions in a pseudo war on terror and that the corporations and special interest are drawing ever closer to brainwashing you into giving your money away while they blast you with propaganda and ads.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:07 No.2092933
    >I can't fly anymore because they have giant X-ray rape machines at every terminal.

    You're mad because you get x-rayed at the airport...

    Can you honestly not see what a joke you people are?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:12 No.2092984

    But these things are still going on in your country even if you aren't there. So how does it improve anything for you? You understand that you're still American when you leave America right?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:13 No.2093002

    im not op.
    >> fordguy !vn2ZJeqyPU 08/23/10(Mon)23:15 No.2093015
    A million times this.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:18 No.2093058

    My point is that the people that want to flee the US because of these issues aren't leaving because their real lives are affected by them. They're leaving because the issues exist in the first place. But even if you leave, the situation hasn't change at all. Shit like the Patriot Act is STILL in place, and it STILL isn't affecting your life in the slightest. The only difference is you won't have to see it on the news all the time (ignorance is bliss).

    It just doesn't make sense to me. It seems like a lot of effort that really accomplishes nothing in the end.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:19 No.2093066
    >life here is no different than it was back in the 90s.
    do you live under a rock?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:20 No.2093079
    no, just with his parents.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:22 No.2093102
    >life here is no different than it was back in the 90s.

    Are you a member of some unknown tribe in the Amazon or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:25 No.2093127

    Why don't you enlighten us and tell us some of the real changes you've noticed in your life since 9/11 then. Not just shit that you hear about on the news. ACTUAL changes that affect your daily life.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:26 No.2093139

    i don't remember a giant foreclosure pandemic happening in the 90's. i don't remember a black president throwing money and spewing lies all over television.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:27 No.2093152
    And nothing of value was lost, get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:28 No.2093155
    >foreclosure pandemic
    >lies all over television

    Have either of these actually changed life in the US for you?

    And if so, explain how.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:29 No.2093158
    I'm German, so... I dunno, militant immigrants, recession, the Left gaining so much power that it's becoming mainstream, China getting strong, pussification of the West, etc.

    I mean, pretty much NOTHING is like it was in the 90s.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:30 No.2093173

    not me personally , but what about all the people who lost thier homes their jobs , all their hard work to the banks. WHAT ABOUT THEM?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:31 No.2093180

    see >ACTUAL changes that affect your daily life

    and try harder this time.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:31 No.2093183
    hahaha oh wow.

    unemployment is at its highest since the great depression, health costs are also at record highs, millions of property owners are underwater, and public debt is already surpassing 100% of gdp to deal with the economy despite no recovery in sight.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:32 No.2093186
    >not me personally

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:35 No.2093225

    oh sure play it off like I proved your point. but your ignoring that thousands of people have been affected by what the banks did and got away with
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:39 No.2093254

    My point was that YOUR life hasn't really changed since 9/11, and I was right.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:39 No.2093257
    yeah, I guess a foreclosure pandemic and worst economy since the great depression doesn't mean much to those of you who are still 14 and suckling on your parents' wealth (if they didn't lose their jobs)

    almost everyone I know is unemployed or underemployed despite having a great education and even the most prestigious of my family friends have been laid off and watched helplessly as their jobs were moved to India while their house lost most of its value.

    anyone who feels unaffected by this economy is either too young to realize they are being affected or just hasn't been outside in far too long
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:42 No.2093283

    well i cant find a job , my dad has to work 7 days a week to get by , TO JUST GET BY
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:47 No.2093312
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    Aight, I have to agree with both sides of this debate. I, like the OP am eventually leaving the US. However, moving to another country or place is a pretty significant change, and requires a good deal of forthought

    IMO, moving to another country because of POLITICS is rather silly, because chances are those politics dont actually affect you *that* much in your daily life. If you want to move to another country, move somewhere you believe will improve your day-to-day life.

    Truth be told, I used to be one of those people who wanted to flee to Canada simply because of Bush. When I actually went to Canada, I found it as much a trashy place as the US. Better, sure, but no guarantee of a better life.

    Me and my family are upper-class WASPs, we have it good. They're retiring to Ireland soon, and I'm planning on moving to Germany or a nordic nation. This isnt because of politics, but rather the fact that I have lived over there extensively and fell in love. Truth is that they ARE better (in my opinion) in every single way to the US, down to every detail. But that's my preference, you must go for yourself and see if it is an improvement or not first, test he waters and see if you become too homesick.

    A lot of my friends have left the US after college/grad school, the ones who left because they found a place they loved have had a MUCH better experience than those who just promptly left because "FUCK BUSH!". Although none have any regrets overall. As your big repeat critic has pointed out, you need to figure out how you will fit in to your new life, and adjust.

    OP, you will love Finland though. Your jaw will drop at the quality of everything, the warm and authentic culture, the beautiful people. It's a near-perfect place to raise healthy children so good luck, but be sure to think out your decision and "try before you buy"!

    Just my two cents.

    Pic related, it's a finnish girl waiting for you!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:05 No.2093442
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    >If you could pull yourself away from this media soap opera of tragedy and conspiracy you're imagining, you'd be able to see that life here is no different than it was back in the 90s.

    You are so wrong that it is not funny.

    The USA has been sliding downhill.

    Why don't you go "groom your fruitbat" with a "toorthbrush" if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:05 No.2093446

    I have a question. Why do you think you'll be able to run from the Great Depression? And why do you think you'll be safe in Finland when that particular shit hits the fan?

    I'm not even going to ask why you think Jews did 9/11.
    >> ThreadOP !!88QXt38Zxom 08/24/10(Tue)00:07 No.2093460
    I'm a doctor, your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:25 No.2093596
    a member of the medical industrial complex speaks
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:50 No.2093835
    because when shit hits the fan all you have left to catch you is good infrastructure

    I'm not OP but when shit hits the fan in Finland I'd be surrounded by good social programs, doctors, polite educated people, and efficiently-planned cities.

    When shit hits the fan in the US I'd be surrounded by a bunch of angry rednecks with guns, niggers looting whatever they can get their hands on, corrupt idiots, poorly-planned cities in which people would be trapped in the suburbs, and left with only cheap heavily-processed food to sustain myself with.

    I think I'll take Finland, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:54 No.2093867
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    I demand more candid Nazi pics
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:55 No.2093871
    And nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)00:58 No.2093894
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    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)04:15 No.2095582
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    There's one with the nazis next to a bear-man
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)04:22 No.2095626
    So long, OP, we'll miss you...

    Oh, wait - no we won't...
    >> Anonymous 08/24/10(Tue)04:53 No.2095770
    OP here, My flight leaves on September 19th, so long land of the slaves, home of the meek.

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