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    File : 1264540356.jpg-(30 KB, 350x220, PH2010012301391.jpg)
    30 KB More teens are choosing to wait to get driver's licenses. Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)16:12 No.20802  
    By Donna St. George
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Sunday, January 24, 2010

    >The quest to get a driver's license at 16 -- long an American rite of passage -- is on the wane among the digital generation, which no longer sees the family car as the end-all of social life.

    >The holdouts include Kat Velkoff, who turned 17 in Chantilly without a license. Focused on tough classes, the debate team, dance and color guard, she turned 18 without taking the wheel. Then 19.

    >"It just wasn't a priority," said Velkoff, who got her license last year at 20. "It was just never the next thing that needed to get done in my life."

    >Federal data released Friday underscore a striking national shift: 30.7 percent of 16-year-olds got their licenses in 2008, compared with 44.7 percent in 1988. The difference is even sharper in Virginia and Maryland, state figures show. Numbers from the District, which go back to 2003, show a decline in the past two years.

    Where I come from, you have to get 60 hours of driving experience during the time you have your learner's permit before taking the driving test, regardless of age.

    What this means is that they may have to shell out upwards to $3000 dollars ($300 per six hours) to a driving mentor working for a driving school to get the same driving experience, if their parents are too busy or can't find a friend to volunteer as a driving mentor.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:19 No.20855
    In australia (or at least in queensland) its 100 hours while on learners. Im only starting to build them up now and im 19. I will probably be 20 when I get my license too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:22 No.20876
    18 here. no license.
    >> QuestionC 01/26/10(Tue)16:26 No.20921
    Why don't people just lie about the number of hours.

    I mean, if your parents think you're ready, bam.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:26 No.20927
    Considering the teen culture today, this is great news.
    I had mine the day I turned 16 no hesitation.
    >> [Goku] !i6MHlwIx1E 01/26/10(Tue)16:28 No.20935
    this. I had 50 hours to do, I think I drove about 5.
    >> Larry !cRAckErsW2 01/26/10(Tue)16:29 No.20950
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    Unless you live in a city, not getting your license as soon as you can means you're poor, lazy, or have no friends to go see.

    Got my license the day I could
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:31 No.20967
    I passed my driving test with the bare minimum, and haven't been in any wrecks. Driving tests are hardly scientific
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:32 No.20986
    18 year old here with no license. To be honest, there really hasn't been a need for me to get a license.
    1. High school was 2 minutes away from my house; my summer job wasn't much farther.
    2. My brother and I have all the same friends, and we only have 1 car, so I ride with him everywhere.
    3. I'm in college right now; I can literally walk anywhere here, and they don't let freshman have cars on campus.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:33 No.20990
    My parents were fine with faking half of the hours. Its not surprising that most parents are willing to make up entries because its more of a punishment for them, have to sit and watch you drive for hours on end.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:35 No.21008
    wait, wait... you do your practice hours with your parents in america?!

    holy shit. why did i have to grow up in this shithole germany. here, you have to do the hours with your driving school and it's goddamn expensive.
    that's why i still don't have my license at 30, no money.
    >> La Belle Dame sans Merci !/AgN.53G5k 01/26/10(Tue)16:36 No.21013
    Technically you can get your practice hours in anyone who has an unrestricted license, they don't have to be next of kin.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:38 No.21031
    Not sure about america but in australia its can be with anyone that is on an open license, and the first 10 hours of driving instructor lessons count as triple the hours.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:41 No.21052
    I didn't get mine until 6 months after by 16th birthday.

    Driving scared me! My dad said "It's just like a video game", and I responded "Right, but there's no fucking continue option when I die, and I don't trust the rest of the world to not suck at this". I'm pretty sure I'm not the typical case though.

    It's probably just due to the fact that the internet is mainstream. You don't have to use the car to be "social" anymore. You can facebook, or chat on aim, or play Halo/MW2/WoW. It's just a sign that the world is moving online.
    >> Black_Knight !DlQLyppdkQ 01/26/10(Tue)16:42 No.21056
    Didn't get my license until I was 22, or 23. Mainly because I calculated the costs, and it was more expensive to maintain a car and pay for insurance, than use a bike and public transportation. Of course, now I'm in defacto exile in Hawaii and the PT here sucks and blows.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:44 No.21072
    Or it means you've got eyesight issues or shitty roads.

    Seriously, you don't want to drive if you're in permadrunk mode.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:44 No.21074
    Fuck, I think I had maybe 2-3 hours total, minus the driver's school.

    I think 1 of those hours was a day before or the day of the test

    Yeah, I got my license at 17, now 22. I drove my friends around even on my probation period. So far the worst I've done was hit a pole (in the middle of the night in a dark parking lot), got pulled over for a burned out headlight, and car impound when I was visiting a friend in another town
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:44 No.21085

    ;_; i will cry delicious german tears now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:47 No.21117
    Only negative I can think of not having a license/car, in an emergency what do you do?

    Imagine forgetting a paper for school at home, needing to run out to the store, or getting hurt at home and having to call an ambulance instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:48 No.21123
    I feel sorry for you. Having to pay to complete all those hours would be bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:49 No.21132
    In the US, I know CA at least, the person has to be 25 years old and have a valid license and you can count it as time
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:50 No.21144
    I can't be bothered to get a license, everything's at most one hour's walk away... and I don't buy furniture that goddamn often.

    A garage space is then too expensive to rent, and outdoors parking implies getting the car torched by enrichers.

    Then there's the tube at 50m from the building's front door.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:51 No.21155
    I never got my license but that doesn't stop me from driving one bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:52 No.21163
    I didn't get one till like 19 or so

    Didn't matter then, don't matter now, you can ride a bike most places in the town I live well enough, saves money, less chance of wrecks too
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:54 No.21185
    My friend had the best setup at college, she wouldn't even need a car

    Had a Target across the street, university was at least 15 minutes walking distance, and fast food everywhere. Only problem I could see was a bank about 5 miles away, having to move over summer or if she got evicted, or if she bought new furniture

    But of course she always drove her car to the stores and school
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:57 No.21209
    I can imagine seeing you on COPS, most of those fucks get pulled over for not signaling or some petty shit like that and have no license, so they're fucked
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:58 No.21215
    didn't get mine until i was 18 (illinifag)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:59 No.21224
    ain't that the truth

    probably 80% of COPS is just arresting people for driving without a license, another 10% is stolen vehicle takedowns and the rest are drunken bar fights with the very very occasional PCP psycho or guy getting arrested for jaywalking in Las Vegas
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:02 No.21252
    I didn't get mine until I was almost 17, my sister didn't get hers until she was 17, I know a guy who's 21 and doesn't have him yet (his mother fucking hates him because he never comes out of his room unless she's driving him to college).
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:05 No.21283
    Five miles, eh? That's roughly an hour's walk. Not suitable for planned shopping, but within the range for ogling stuff in stores.

    I probably have a halfdozen sizeable malls, about as many supermarkets of the largest kind a dozen or two hardware stores, and electronics stores, three bank offices and one respectable computer store.

    There is mass transit, it's awesome when you go along the rail lines, but sucks when you try to go tangentially.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:11 No.21352
    This news article speaks to me. I was part of this trend before most of 4chan was born, having passed on my driver's license in 1990 only to get it in 1994. Yes, I rock. Yes, I'm nerded out, both then and now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:12 No.21366
    Now you did it once again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web: www. anon
    . com, please. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to stop, simply STOP fucking with us, remove all lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Then you will never be bothered again. Every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 6,355 more of these messages as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. Seriously.

    Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:12 No.21370
    I'm 20 and I still don't have one ( ._.)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:14 No.21388
    If it wasn't for my little brother bragging non-stop about getting his driver's license like he had just split the atom, then I would have never got mine to shut him up.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:18 No.21429
    I think this is just a bigger trend of kids not wanting to grow up and make life changes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:30 No.21555
    My sister is 21 and doesn't have hers, though she lives in LA and uses public transportation. But of course, it takes about 1-2 to get anywhere

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