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  • File : 1282169816.jpg-(45 KB, 500x500, no_riaa.jpg)
    45 KB RIAA Wants Mandatory Radios In Smartphones Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:16 No.2045418  

    "It appears that the RIAA and broadcasters (NAB) have joined forces to push Congress to create laws that require FM Radios be embedded in all digital devices, including smartphones, MP3 players, and theoretically e-readers. Of course, the move is yet another attempt to prop up the dying recording business models of old, and to sell the idea they're comparing their push to the FCC mandated shift to digital television (which aren't related in the slightest). It gets worse, given that as Techdirt notes, the agreement between the RIAA and NAB would include NAB's support for a "performance rights tax on radio," which would force radio stations to pay performers for advertising and promoting their music."

    How does this make you feel, /new/?
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:24 No.2045485
    I say what I always say, corporations are little fascist states propped up by the US government.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:28 No.2045523
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    "If these corporations have nothing to offer the consumer, let them fail."
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:31 No.2045549
    Meh. Apple, Microsoft, and other corporations who build the devices will tell them to go fuck themselves because it would increase the cost to them, and the government (ie the FCC) won't want the extra workload of certifying all of these devices.

    tldr: it won't happen
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:32 No.2045557
    i really dont care. if i ever own a smartphone, it would be cool to be able to listen to npr
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:35 No.2045591
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    RIAA = illegal cartel oligopoly for which it's president Hilary Rosen as well as member record label CEO's belong on prison on racketeering and a whole fuckload of other charges. Instead Congress gives it their blessing and allows the RIAA to operate outside of the law.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:35 No.2045593

    Looked him up. I saw:

    "economic advisor to U.S. President Ronald Reagan."

    I decided to ignore everything he has ever said.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:40 No.2045631

    The economy was great in the 80's. Reagan help put an end to the Jimmy Carter recession.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:43 No.2045654
    This is good - it will ensure that all americans will be able to receive emergency broadcasts in the case of an emergency.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:43 No.2045657

    He also ensured that we would be ruled by super-corporations for the rest of United States history. Reagan destroyed this country.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:43 No.2045661
    Rosen, you say? I wonder what religion that guy is.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:45 No.2045684

    She's a woman, a raging cunt, and thinks Americans should be forced to buy RIAA music (and RIAA music only) by any means necessary.

    And I've seen her pic. I doubt she's a jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:46 No.2045691
    I remember when Satellite radio first came out, a radio DJ had this long rant about how it would kill the business, and nobody should buy it. I went home and ordered my subscription and never turned back.
    >> fordguy !vn2ZJeqyPU 08/18/10(Wed)18:48 No.2045707
    basically this

    radio is still the only way you can hope to reach everybody in the event of an emergency.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:48 No.2045708
    Lol, Rosen is most definitely a jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:49 No.2045717
    I am for them concentrating on anything but music piracy, meaning any distraction whatsoever, so I can continue to amass my music collection for as long as I can.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:49 No.2045721
    The RIAA and NAB in reality does not want to compete, so they'll try to stay alive as much as possible by forcing an unnecessary product onto consumers.

    Even if they do succeed, you'll still get the same 50 songs playing over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:50 No.2045728
    my phone currently has an FM radio transmitter in it and I never even use it. I am sure its the same for most. Radio is a dying if not dead breed. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:53 No.2045757
    Hilary Rosen, 42, calls herself just a "nice Jewish girl from New Jersey,"

    She's also a feminist lesbian
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:56 No.2045778
    The RIAA was created to specifically protect jewish interests. By pirating, you're rebeling against Jewish control of media.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)18:58 No.2045791
    So.... why would it matter if there's a radio in my phone? It's not like I would use it.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:00 No.2045799

    She's also the leader of one of the largest criminal cartels in America and a criminal.

    She engages in price-fixing of music to prevent record labels from under-cutting (hence uniform CD prices when you go shopping in a store), she bullies retailers into only carrying RIAA music, she gets the courts to conduct illegal trials against suspected pirates by putting an IP number on trial then serving it's owner with the sentence after the trial and demands for obscene amounts of money well above any actual losses, and those fucking trials are less about actual justice than punishing people so harshly to serve as examples.

    Nice girl my ass. She's fucking Hitler of the music industry.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:00 No.2045808
    >uses fraud and deceit to make money
    Yep, jew status confirmed
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:01 No.2045813
    ...And she gets more pussy than you.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:02 No.2045818

    And all the record labels are rap labels owned by niggers like Russell Simmons as well as labels owned by giant multi-media corporations like Time-Warner, Disney, Sony, and Virgin; they're hardly owned by Jews.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:03 No.2045825
    Wait - you're implying jews don't own the big music companies? lol
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:04 No.2045836
    >Russell Simmons

    LOL, know who was co-founder of def jam records? Rick Rubin. Rubin is a jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:05 No.2045841
    Rubin is also currently the co-president.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/10(Wed)19:25 No.2045974
    makes me feel good, id love to have an fm radio in my cell
    im surprised its not something they just toss in

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