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    File : 1281473363.jpg-(44 KB, 341x256, christopherpoole-tbi.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:49 No.1975750

    Moot testifies in the Sarah Palin email case, gets asked about the memes and vocabulary of /b/

    court transcription here
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:51 No.1975771
    It's spelled means.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:54 No.1975798
    This is one of the times I actually feel sorry for have to go through bullshit like this while we all shit in his chimney.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:55 No.1975813
    Poor moot.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:57 No.1975825
    >feeling sorry for moot
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:57 No.1975827
    So Christopher Poole is his real name and not a CP joke?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:58 No.1975841
    My face when both the prosecution and defense ask about rick rolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)16:59 No.1975846
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:00 No.1975859
    Fuck you moot. You'd not have to worry about this shit if you had more mods. All you do is give faggots who lurk #4chan for 12+ hours a day and your close friends mods powers
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:01 No.1975868
    disregard that I suck cocks
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:01 No.1975872
    The defense didn't really defend much of anything.
    The guy is going in the slammer for sure
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:02 No.1975882
    butthurt he's not a mod
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:05 No.1975904
    Kid guesses password to PRIVATE email that just happens to belong to a politician using PUBLIC information

    Why isn't the FBI tracking down the person that hacked my email account last year?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:06 No.1975918
    Poor kid, If he did some actual "hacking" he would have had a nice career set out for him in the cia/fbi after serving out half his sentence.

    Since everyone knows what he did is pretty simple all he's getting is a ruined life and a few years of daily anal massage
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:07 No.1975924
    cuz you are a nobody

    any ideas why both sides were so interested in rick rolling?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:07 No.1975925
    have you called them? have you put up a stink? no? then they are far more busy on real crimes.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:07 No.1975928
    >The board is called Animu and Mango?

    Laughed so fucking hard
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:08 No.1975939
    yeah, they don't do that shit anymore. it's not the 1980s.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:12 No.1975978

    It would of been funnier had they taken him to court when /a/ was Magma & Detergent
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:13 No.1975984
    don't fuck with football
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:17 No.1976023
    >old people don't understand the latest thing the kids are doing
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:17 No.1976025
    That part was great.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:18 No.1976032
    The ratio of hackers on 4chan is probably lower than any other website.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:20 No.1976049
    Tell the court to lurk more, fucking newfags
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:22 No.1976068
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:24 No.1976083
    Oh god reading the transcripts is like listening to me trying to explain the internet to my grandparents.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:25 No.1976089
    Reading this testimony i can only think one thing...

    does moot move away from the mic to breath in?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:28 No.1976119
    That's what moot said in his testimony. He said a "Rickroll" was an internet "mean."
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:29 No.1976123
    not really as most of the internet thinks its ok to download shit from a site that gives out free wall papers and cursors that they found on youtube. i mean if you compare 4chan to face book or other main stream shit im sure 4chan as more hackers per capita but if you were to compare it to Slashdot or something 4chan would get its ass killed. that said i would say maybe 1 out of 50 people on 4chan can hack and maybe 1 out of 25 are script kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:29 No.1976124
    The stenographer fucked up, when he was asked about animu and mango moot said it was a misspelling of anime and manga, stenographer still wrote it as "mango"

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:30 No.1976127
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    Probably just a typo from the court typist who probably looks like this.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)17:30 No.1976129
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    > mfw cross-examiner is mad over getting rickrolled.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:30 No.1976131
    stfu gtfo
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:31 No.1976134
    They didn't ask what "CP" means...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:31 No.1976141
    PROTIP: moot is a snitch and will sell you out to the feds in a heartbeat
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:32 No.1976146
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    moot might really be the little girl if he needs to move a way from the mic to keep his voice deep.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:33 No.1976158
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    Are you a nigger or something?
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)17:34 No.1976164

    brotip; moot is not your bitch, and 4chan is not your personalized cum-recepticle.

    That's what myspace is for.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:34 No.1976165
    HAHAHA the guy that got arrested was samefagging in that thread
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:34 No.1976168

    I wouldn't wanna fuck up my website trying to protect some faggot skiddie either.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:35 No.1976174
    >Q. And is there any significance to "new fags"?
    >A. That is the term used to describe new users to the site.

    I bet the jury thinks 4chan is a online gay bar after this.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:36 No.1976185
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    >Q. What about "troll"?
    >A. Troublemaker.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:37 No.1976186
    Why do they keep asking about "lurker" and "rickroll." They have no fucking idea what they are looking at, do they?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:38 No.1976192
    Q. And the term "rickroll" you said it tries to
    make people go to a site where they think it is going to
    be one thing, but it is a video of Rick Astley, is that
    A. Yes.
    Q. He was some kind of singer?
    A. Yes.
    Q. It's a joke?
    A. Yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:39 No.1976203
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)17:39 No.1976206

    massive butthurt detected.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:40 No.1976209
    I really wish someone would do a serious research thesis about 4chan, so that these kinds of things can just be referred back to that journal article, or essay or something.

    Hell, I'd love to be the guy to do it but I'm not an anthropology major, and who would give grant money to fuck around on 4chan all day?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:40 No.1976210
    Prosecution is mad because they were Rickrolled dozens of times researching the case
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:40 No.1976216
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    I managed to read it until they asked him "And is there any significance to "new fags"?"

    Then I fucking lost it.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)17:40 No.1976217


    > planning on majoring in anthropology.

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:41 No.1976224
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:42 No.1976225
    no, I'm going to med school. I'd do it if I had the time and training, but like I said, I don't. I'd rather make money.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:42 No.1976226

    4chan terms have now been codified in a government document! Now we have legal precedent for 4chan terms!

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:42 No.1976231

    brb changing my major

    oh! i could minor in women's studies! all the misogyny that goes on around here.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:43 No.1976232
    I got some sound advice for Mr.David Kernell lawayer. just repeat this:

    ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a script kiddie, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests!
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)17:43 No.1976235

    No no, i'm planning on majoring on anthropology is what i meant.

    Christ... i'm seriously thinking about doing 4chan as my thesis...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:44 No.1976240
    did ur asshole get wet or something?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:51 No.1976304
    I wish you both would. It's really fascinating to think about, and it's undoubtedly a cultural phenomenon and a very unique kind of social grouping.

    Plus if you don't, one month I might just take a vacation and write a short 200page book about 4chan, it'll be mostly wrong but it'll become a definitive work by being the first of it's kind.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)17:53 No.1976309

    Actually it's only really worth writing about something if there is already contradicting content.

    So go ahead, write your 200 page book.

    I'll just have to destroy it.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:55 No.1976334
    Hardly any of those questions actually related to the case, poor moot having to answer a bunch of newfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:59 No.1976369

    >it would be mostly wrong

    Which is why you leave it to the experts to write it, not some casual browser who doesn't know what they are talking about. Also, make sure the person who writes this future case study is a Millennial.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)17:59 No.1976375
    4chan has been referenced in academic works. It's really not interesting enough to write a book on. The whole anthropological/sociological analysis of cyberspace thing has been pretty much done to death. It was the hot thing back in the 90s. I wouldn't recommend it for your honors/master's thesis. Maybe an undergrad essay but not a thesis. I once had to sit through a class with a professor talking about l33t and memes and some guy piped up about Simpsons porn and it was utter fucking torture.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:03 No.1976408
    >white night
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:04 No.1976415
    well I'd love to kickstart the dialogue

    experts aren't writing about it, though, and I'm getting tired of waiting. I'd rather say something wrong in this instance, than live without the dialogue.

    in the 90s you had the BBS system and basic webpages, at best. 4chan is a new thing and not adequately explored, in my opinion. There's an obvious lack of knowledge about it as evidenced by the document in OP. I think it's worth looking over, in an age when everyone focuses on privacy, security, and social networks like facebook and twitter.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:09 No.1976449
    did the hackers thread get archieved?

    /r link
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:11 No.1976472
    search for it and post the link yourself. you know how to search the archive.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:17 No.1976511

    I figured when the prosecutor asked what those words meant, it was because they appeared in the defendant's posts and he wanted to establish their meaning for the court since they're jargon.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:20 No.1976535

    I'd rather have no dialogue at all as opposed to people getting a wrong and inaccurate view of 4chan. The people in power will actually use this to make a law that will limit access if you let them.

    I agree with you 100%, 4chan is a web 2.0 site.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:21 No.1976548
    Christopher Poole, C-h-r-i-s-t-o-p-h-e-r
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)18:22 No.1976556

    You are a faggot, f-a-g-g-o-t.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:23 No.1976562
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    >my face when the big bag govt thinks 4chan had anything to do with Sarah Failin.

    Suck your own goddamn dicks you fucking faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:24 No.1976569
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    well s-c-r-e-w y-o-u b-u-d-d-e-h

    and No U
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:25 No.1976573
    4chan is gay
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:26 No.1976580
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    >My face when Moot had to explain what a .jpg is.

    Holy fuck. These people write our laws.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:26 No.1976582
    Jesus christ, reading the transcript: it must have been really awkward when he had to discuss things like "newfags" in an open court: g.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:27 No.1976589
    No they don't, lawyers do that shit to leave nothing ambiguous for the jury. All court proceedings that have to invoke any technical knowledge (dna evidence, computer forensics) are like that
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:30 No.1976605

    Its still pretty sad that in 2010 there are people who dont know what a .jpg is.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:30 No.1976606
    Holy fuck these lawyers are utterly clueless about 4chan in the transcript of the court hearing.

    And this ... "What is the signifigance of .jpg?"

    Fuck me, next time I'm in court I'm gonna waste everyones time by asking for the definition of "it".
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:32 No.1976618

    I'm floored he didn't have to explain "CP", "loli", or inadvertantly screenshotted thumbnails of tortured animals, scat porn or some 12 year-old shitposting NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER for five pages.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)18:32 No.1976621

    u mad, bro?

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:41 No.1976672

    That would've made the transcript all the better.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:42 No.1976680
    Yeah, it's not like jury pools include old people all of the fucking time.

    Get over it. Not everybody uses a computer, especially old people who compose most of the body of registered voters.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:45 No.1976697
    To be honest, it would have made a good defense, placing the blame of the hack on 4chan's views of Palin at the time. As it is, why didn't the scripter just plead guilty?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:46 No.1976708
    too late bro, we're already internet terrorists, if people know of us at all.

    see: fox news
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:46 No.1976709

    you're a faggot

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:47 No.1976717
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    >4chan's view of Palin
    Because the view of 9.5 million unique visitors per month is able to be discerned and condensed into a meaningful form.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)18:47 No.1976719

    sweet jesus...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:49 No.1976733
    but you didn't troll me at all. :)

    >my moniker is Moot, M-o-o-t

    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)18:52 No.1976759

    > implying i didn't know that.

    > fucktard.

    > f-u-c-k-t-a-r-d.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:52 No.1976762


    I forgot to mention that these people are also lame faggots.

    what do you mean by controversial content?

    things are worth documenting even if there isn't much disagreement about it now, so future generations don't argue about what something was like
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)18:52 No.1976763
    If you look at it, everything other than rickroll has relevence to the original hack thread, which is what the court wants to know about. Plus since it's evidence I'm sure the screenshots were handpicked to keep things from being further complicated.

    Although I find it interesting that both the prosecution and defense ask about rickrolling.

    Wonder if the government paid for Moots travel expenses.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:02 No.1976855
    You don't need to prove the entirety of the board was encouraging the kid to hack Palin's account specifically, you just need to show a selection that could have indicated that this board might have had an influential effect on the kid's state of being.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:06 No.1976881
    Oh wow. How did I miss these?
    Though the "Kindle Editions" and @lphascript published paperbacks don't really count for much outside of pandering to a demographic in an attempt to get money.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:08 No.1976901
    well I'll be durned. I guess there is some work on the subject already. not that there isn't still interesting things to say, and money to be made by making a popular overview of the 4chan phenomenon.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:13 No.1976933
    >white night

    lol'd. Also US government attorneys are newfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:14 No.1976938
    Just don't go on "The View" or Oprah to promote it and you'll be fine. Also, am I the only one who finds it utterly hilarious that somone wrote a novel about us?

    >>"I just finished this book and it was fantastic! >>The writer was able to draw you into the world of Anonymous. The whole "Anonymous network" was very different from anything I've ever read. It was very realistic and a little scary. >>The book was well written and comical in parts. The entire book was very suspenseful, but I have to admit I laughed out loud at the end. >>I am definitely going to recommend this book! "
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:20 No.1976976
    but... the money...

    it depends. if it were a purely entertainment book I really wouldn't, I'd let it stand on it's own merits. but if it were really more educational, like this is how 4chan works, here's how not to go full retard while posting, then I would go on to explain it and the culture a bit.

    I'd definitely stay away from porn, and CP discussions though. Don't need my face defending CP to Dr. fucking Phil.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:32 No.1977061
    I love how the max sentence would be lower if he punched Palin instead of "hacking" her.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:40 No.1977099
    proof that our lawmakers don't comprestand computers?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:41 No.1977113
    Why didn't mootkins rickroll them?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)19:42 No.1977116
    steal docs out of my email account? you could ruin my career forever.

    punch me in the face? I have a black eye for a week, 2 max if I'm a girl and milk it.

    they have it right in this case, and I'm sure the precedent comes from stealing physical documents, a crime that I'm sure happened often enough in the past
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)20:25 No.1977392

    I just went through your links, ASSHOLE. those are bullshit links and you know it, and they don't talk about 4chan, they focus on /b/ and "Anonymous" the group that raided scientology. NOT from the perspective of the board, they were written by fucking outsiders.

    my idea was a good one and you are a pissant. 10/10
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)20:28 No.1977412
    Moot went state's evidence against that /b/tard.

    One proxy wasn't enough to prevent their backtrace.

    Better get behind 7 proxies or you dun goofed.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)20:33 No.1977439
    Sarah Palin is such a whore.
    Get off of Pooles dick an stop ur whining.
    The GOP's savior a total bitch in real life.
    >> Black_Knight !DlQLyppdkQ 08/10/10(Tue)20:45 No.1977504
    Here's a perfect 'Rage you lose' one bio for an author.

    >Currently studying at UC Berkeley, Mint has been fascinated with underground internet culture for many years now. Allowing herself to become a "/b/tard", Mint believes it holds crucial information as to how society is going to develop in the future.

    A self-proclaimed /b/tard who's also a girl.

    Not to mention these are real violations of Rule 1 & 2. Most idiots think it applies just to 4chan, it only applies to /b/. Then again, it's only in effect for raids. Of course this is all moot since moot said 'fuck the rules'

    It would be interesting if a bunch of 4channers (Old and newfags) got together and wrote a book chronicling what 4chan is and does. Unlike the halfass shit that's out.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)20:50 No.1977550
    that's right, it is half ass. because it only focuses on /b/, and even then only on Anonymous. which hasn't even been active since Dusty the cat.

    fuck it, now I will write a book. hopefully I make some money on it, I'll give half to moot for server costs.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)21:31 No.1977835

    Wasn't the thread in question on /b/? We have nothing to worry about. Yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:30 No.1978216
    >Rickroll is a mean or Internet kind of trend
    >Rickroll is a mean
    >a mean

    Transcriber confirmed for non-heavy internet user. Or jackass.
    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 08/10/10(Tue)22:35 No.1978247
    Always Plead the 5th.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:38 No.1978273
    >gets asked about the memes and vocabulary of /b/
    Oh God...

    It could have been so much more epic if they just asked him "what is /b/?"
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:39 No.1978282

    Or better yet, if they asked what is "/B/."
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:43 No.1978315
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:48 No.1978360


    /B/ doesn't exist. Proof:

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:52 No.1978395
    >What is a "white night"?

    >White night

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)22:59 No.1978463
    >Niggers. The absence of niggers.

    Does he say nigger in here anywhere? Cause that would be great.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:02 No.1978483

    I like how moot pretends like he doesn't know what it means
    >> Simple Pennsylvanian !FvrD0PW3lM 08/10/10(Tue)23:03 No.1978493

    so basically, we are not anonymous, the fucking server logs each one of our IP's and what we do?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:03 No.1978502

    He probably doesn't moron. He can't keep track of every meme and saying you summerfags force upon us.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:04 No.1978508
    it was too much of a faggot so it was shut down moran

    just like >>>/invasion/
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:05 No.1978518
    Read the transcript they keep logs on everything for a certain amount of time before its deleted forever. How do you think the guy got caught in the first place and people are IP banned?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:05 No.1978519
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:06 No.1978527
    They are good at internet.
    >> CROMWELLFAG !!p9JRsFx4skM 08/10/10(Tue)23:09 No.1978545
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    > he thinks internetz can haz untracable.

    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:10 No.1978562
    The ONLY reason this kid got caught was because Moot tracked him AT THE TIME.

    Any other time and the thread would have been deleted, his details lost, and the entire thing buried within a fuck-shit-ass-ton of similiar information. Making tracing it practically impossible when you KNOW of it. Let alone when the shit gets wiped and all that is stored is basic code that can't track anyone down.

    The ONLY reason this poor kid got caught is because of his actions on other forums and because Moot logged this kids information at the time. Was Moot sleeping that day then this kid would have no connection to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:12 No.1978576

    Moral of the story: Keep your illegal activites on the down-low
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:12 No.1978584
    >white knight
    >summerfag meme
    Oh hey there, newfag.
    >> anon !ONk14TfQNk 08/10/10(Tue)23:13 No.1978588
    I'm a troublemaker guise.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:15 No.1978606

    >implying White Knight is a meme at all

    Way to take the bait and out yourself as a newfag, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:18 No.1978622
    >doesnt know what a meme is
    Hey newfag, having fun there being obvious?

    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 08/10/10(Tue)23:18 No.1978627
         File1281496727.jpg-(556 KB, 1865x1420, 1280455806027.jpg)
    556 KB

    yea bro, you probably wanna delete dat ceepee unless you want to drink Bubba's gravy later on
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:18 No.1978628
         File1281496727.jpg-(1.93 MB, 1865x1420, 1281483235109.jpg)
    1.93 MB
    I have something for you, "Anonymous".
    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 08/10/10(Tue)23:20 No.1978641

    cool beans.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:24 No.1978679
    Oh wow. Hivemind.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:32 No.1978759
    you forgot the fact that he included his email address.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:33 No.1978772
    is this about cp?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:33 No.1978773
    you mean he included his email address in the e-mail field while posting here?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:34 No.1978775
    Great job defending your honeypot, federal agent.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:34 No.1978782
    They MIGHT be able to prosecute those who uploaded but those who viewed it, responded or downloaded it? Very unlikely that they would waste money trying to prosecute such a flimsy case.

    It reminds me of the case of a guy who found a bag of VHS tapes on the side of the road. He went home thinking they were bootlegs and put one on. It was CP. He turned it into police and they arrested him for possession of CP. The judge threw the case out and the guy ended up winning a huge settlement from the state.
    >> Part1 Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:36 No.1978792
    Sure is moron up in /new/ today.

    Child porn can be "viewed" by simply being on ANY of the boards on 4chan. You can be in /lit/ and a CP thread can appear (only to be deleted, as per the rules). The small thumbnail is already on your computer regardless.

    Even in CP threads, where they cannot tell if you were redirected to a picture or not, it acts the same.

    Nobody can be prosecuted for the CP from 4chan. Because all of it is impossible to lay claim that you intentionally recieved it outside of being "trolled" into seeing it and reciving the cookies.

    In fact it is impossible to prosecute anyone other than the OP or the posters of the pictures.

    And thats assuming that SOMEHOW the Feds were able to get your information without it already being swamped by the fuckton of information that gets stored everyday on 4chan. And thats assuming it doesnt then get deleted later, into untracable mashing of code.

    And thats assuming those involved are fucking in the US.

    And thats assuming no-one is using proxies.

    You can literally post child porn on here. Recieve a life ban (for the 5 minutes that lasts). And never once have any Feds even remotely know of your existence.
    >> Part2 Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:36 No.1978797
    What protects 4chan is a myriad of different things. The greatest of which is the sheer AMOUNT of information that is stored, deleted or unreadable on their servers. NO Federal authority is going to spend countless man-hours going piece by piece through countless lines of code, looking at COUNTLESS pictures, while trying to match IP and indentifying details with those pictures (and making sure they simply were not there, instead of posting it), in order to MAYBE take it to court and have a TINY chance at a conviction.

    Which is why they use other sites to track people down. All arrests that have regarded 4chan members have all been tracked down through OTHER sites. The only thing tying them to 4chan is them posting where they are here, what other sites they are using or details that can help track them down elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:37 No.1978799
    he probably thought police were watching him anyway (as in, they planted the videos), and were going to bust him if he didn't go to the cops.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:37 No.1978803
    As far as I remember. It was either in the email field or in the screenshot he posted. In this case, both parties were retarded. I actually witnessed this shit first hand and am damn glad I never logged into that fucking.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:39 No.1978819

    It would be the equivalent of someone running up to you on the street and shoving a picture of child molestation in your face. No cop is going to arrest you for viewing child pornography and no prosecutor is dumb enough to try to bring that to court.

    You can make the argument that it is saved in your cache but it only takes 1 computer expert to testify on your behalf and the prosecution is shot down. I guarantee you that everyone with an internet connection has at least 1 illegal item on their computer.
    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 08/10/10(Tue)23:40 No.1978824

    sure is easily upset in /new/ today
    you spent all that time typing that up while i agree with you on a general level, that stuff is just copypasta (albeit very good copypasta). i fucking hate people like you who don't keep the ball of fear rolling
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:41 No.1978841
    He's just keeping spamming morons like you from trolling /new/

    Those of us who are regulars on /new/ are getting tired of the "end of the world" and "Moot is shutting you down" threads. You can't troll the higher educated troll.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:42 No.1978843

    skimmed it... is it baisicly that everything said on 4chan is logged forever or some shit in a fucking novel?
    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 08/10/10(Tue)23:47 No.1978878

    oh god, are you fucking kidding me
    so you're saying that you act like a moralfag deliberately because you know some basic facts on how law enforcement works on the internet. biggest load of shit i've ever heard


    lol sure
    >> Anonymous 08/10/10(Tue)23:53 No.1978928
    oh, the irony of this bullshit post being posted by a fucking namefag.

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