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  • File : 1280895540.jpg-(189 KB, 626x950, 92_secret_warriors_21_02.jpg)
    189 KB Republicans want review of birthright citizenship Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:19 No.1916080 sticky  
    WASHINGTON – Leading Republicans are joining a push to reconsider the constitutional amendment that grants automatic citizenship to people born in the United States.

    Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Tuesday he supports holding hearings on the 14th Amendment right, although he emphasized that Washington's immigration focus should remain on border security.

    His comments came as other Republicans in recent days have questioned or challenged birthright citizenship, embracing a cause that had largely been confined to the far right.

    The senators include Arizona's John McCain, the party's 2008 presidential nominee; Arizona's Jon Kyl, the Republicans' second-ranking senator; Alabama's Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a leading negotiator on immigration legislation.

    "I'm not sure exactly what the drafters of the (14th) amendment had in mind, but I doubt it was that somebody could fly in from Brazil and have a child and fly back home with that child, and that child is forever an American citizen," Sessions said.

    Legal experts say repealing the citizenship right can be done only through constitutional amendment, which would require approval by two-thirds majorities in both chambers of Congress and by three-fourths of the states. Legislation to amend the right, introduced previously in the House, has stalled.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:19 No.1916090
    inb4 liberals vs conservatives argument
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:21 No.1916111
    A sticky. Oh great
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:22 No.1916114
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    Why would this be sticky'd? Talk about news in /new/? Unlikely.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:22 No.1916115
    Libertarians are the scum of the Earth. You saw it here, folks. In the sticky.
    >> Lefty-Anarchist 08/04/10(Wed)00:22 No.1916117
    I hate spics as much as the next American, but anchor babies is just a distraction from real methods of cutting down illegal immigration

    Like playing Lady GaGa on loudspeakers across the entire border

    lawd knows I'd never put myself through that
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:23 No.1916128
    [insert affiliation here] are the scum of the Earth. You saw it here, folks. In the sticky.
    >> Third Anonymous of Californaland !.0jng5AZcw 08/04/10(Wed)00:23 No.1916130
    so /new/'s mods are stormfront?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:23 No.1916131
    Go for it.

    Amend it so only children of citizens gain citizenship.

    Makes no sense that illegals can use anchor babies to stay in the country. Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:24 No.1916136
    didn't we already have this thread today?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:24 No.1916139
    Good luck getting 2/3 majority in both chambers.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:24 No.1916142
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    >> Third Anonymous of Californaland !.0jng5AZcw 08/04/10(Wed)00:24 No.1916151
    lol wat
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:25 No.1916155
    And suddenly, America has a negative birthrate.

    I find it strange that conservatives are such hawks when all their policies are aimed at destroying America's capability to be a global superpower.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:25 No.1916161
    It saddens me to think we could get an amendment for this but not one to stop gerrymandering and re-do the electoral college
    >> Lefty-Anarchist 08/04/10(Wed)00:25 No.1916162
    We could increase legal, qualified immigration if we didn't have a shit ton of wetbacks
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:26 No.1916166
    This is great. Its about time Republicans started talking about their ideas.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:26 No.1916167
    >conservatives are such hawks when all their policies are aimed at destroying America's capability to be a global superpower.
    >conservative policies destroy US power

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:26 No.1916168
    >negative birthrate
    Kind of a necessity when we're overpopulated and stuffed full of boomers dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:26 No.1916171
    can't we all agree forced sterilization of the mexican people as a whole is the only answer
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:27 No.1916182
    i still say we nuke the bastards
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:28 No.1916186
    I live too close i'm not cool with fallout brah
    >> Lefty-Anarchist 08/04/10(Wed)00:28 No.1916188
    immigration is a good way of paying the boomers' SS checks
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:28 No.1916194
    14th was mainly done to make slaves and their children citizens. It was never intended to allow illegal aliens to use their children to stay illegally. Back in those days there was no such thing as an illegal alien. We were too busy trying to get the country set up still.

    Its about time for some new rules for this day and age.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:28 No.1916200
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:28 No.1916206
    >conservatives are such hawks when all their policies are aimed at destroying America's capability to be a global superpower.
    >implying regulations and such with global eyes
    >implying things like destroying military doesn't weaken superpowers
    >implying liberal policies haven't caused states and cities to go to into extreme debt like detroit

    Are you trolling? Because this is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:28 No.1916207

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:31 No.1916224
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    just as planned
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:31 No.1916226
    thank god. its ridiculous that they just let people vacationing here or coming here illegally have babies (usually paid for by taxpayers) and automatically become citizens and get on welfare, food stamps, etc.

    liberalism is such a fucking cancer.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:31 No.1916232
    No it isn't god damn it a service economy doesn't generate revenue it concentrates income in places it can't be taxed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:32 No.1916238
    oh look, more conservative hatred of the constitution.

    how unexpected
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:32 No.1916242
    Hey fuck you asshole it wasn't ridiculous 200 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:32 No.1916245
    >Argument against conservative policy destroying US market-base, the key of US power.
    >Ignore argument and bring up liberal failings instead

    You're arguing like a libtard.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:33 No.1916250



    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:35 No.1916270
    I'm extremely opposed to this, but I will give these Republitards credit for one thing: ACTUALLY PUSHING FOR AN AMENDMENT

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:35 No.1916276
    can we make that retroactive to include every US citizen?

    Let's make the US 100% Native American!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:35 No.1916278




    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:36 No.1916288

    The larger and more educated population will trump it's enemies. See: Roman Empire, China for most of history, China now, India (especially how resistant it is to Islam), Russia/Soviet Union, Brazil, Japan, England (especially versus the Scots, the Welsh and the French), Germany, Persian Empire, Islamic Kingdoms of the Medieval times, the United States of America and many other nations that have past that have outproduced and outnumbered their opponents.

    A large population, especially an educated one, will usually be the dominant power.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:37 No.1916290
    >I'm extremely opposed to this
    We disagree on this subject, but you're a respectable gentleman and I wish you were the reflection of the opposition, rather than the pimply-faced starbucks drag-queen I am daily faced with.

    I envy you...A good man in a shitty party is like a god among men.
    >> From Maine !svxRtwDIeI 08/04/10(Wed)00:42 No.1916337
    Yep, Republicans confirmed for Constitution hating fuckwits.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:43 No.1916344
    Thanks for your opinion.

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:45 No.1916361
    that's what the constitution being a living document means, you asshole.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:45 No.1916366
    Why shouldn't everyone in America take the citizenship test? What makes you so special?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:46 No.1916372
    it wasnt ratified until the 1860s to make sure freed slaves were counted as citizens. It no longer applies. we got rid of prohibition, we can get rid of this outdated amendment
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:47 No.1916384
    so fucking important,
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:47 No.1916385

    you seriously think that originalism is a legitimate legal doctrine?


    It's just an excuse for a conservative to justify a conservative outcome of a court case.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:49 No.1916400
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    Just get the US army out of the Middle East and into Mexico and kick some Cartel ass.

    Please, they've already invaded a part of the Arizona national park.
    Plus, they wouldn't have a viable excuse to jump to border over here to siphon our money into Mexico to pay off ransoms to the cartels.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:52 No.1916423
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    >my face when this law will only apply to mexicans
    damn canadians get away with everything
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)00:54 No.1916435
    As an added bonus it would be nice if they could make this retroactive for about 50 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:00 No.1916484
    finally, im tired of low-IQ wetbacks coming into the country
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:00 No.1916491
    I'm a fag-hugging baby-killing left-leaner, but I would vote republican for the first time in my life if they changed that bullshit amendment law.

    A lot of wealthy Chinese (and other people from developing countries that can afford it) actually plan visits to the US during their 9th month of pregnancy so that the kid can be born in the US so the kid will have the option of living as a US citizen in the future if they please. The law does nothing but exploit real citizens and tear families apart.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:00 No.1916492
    goddamn it, another sticky. Big fucking deal.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:10 No.1916567
    This was already attempted back in 2003. It failed. IIRC it didn't even get out of the starting stages.

    Good luck trying to get 2/3 of both chambers. Also, good luck trying to get 2/3 of the states to ratify it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:13 No.1916591

    Nice false dichotomy bro.

    Both sides hate the Constitution.

    Although this might actually not totally suck.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:17 No.1916618
    but then obama wouldnt be a citizen bro, we cant do that
    >> Afrique !!GnuFFAatPPE 08/04/10(Wed)01:21 No.1916651
    Ok mods Honest question.

    1) You never show up when most needed, why?

    2) When you show up, you seem to sticky the most mundane of threads, why? on other boards you sticky legitimately interesting threads
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:28 No.1916722
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    Two things I am glad about -

    1) I'm Black, so this has nothing to do with me, /new/ wise. As an American,this has everything to do with me. (lol I know the mexicans are actually changing the linguistics social set up in the southwest, causing individuals to not be able to hold jobs if they do not speak spanish, resulting in a situation where there are hispanic social, governmental, and first aid workers everywhere WAT)

    2) Republicans dig a hole for themselves in lolvember

    We really do need to fucking deal with this immigration crisis, I'm a liberal and I'm saying that. We can not have their unwillingness to learn English actually change the social and economic conditions of the west coast. Everyone who came to this nation learned to speak English...why can't hispanics?

    Yeah, and I don't believe in coming here illegally and having a baby so you can stay. I say, the child gets American Citizenship, but the parents are not allowed to stay, so...the child can come back when they are independent and even run for fucking president if they want.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:28 No.1916728
    "I'm not sure exactly what the drafters of the (14th) amendment had in mind, but I doubt it was that somebody could fly in from Brazil and have a child and fly back home with that child, and that child is forever an American citizen," Sessions said.

    Because the founding fathers foresaw people being able to travel to america and back in a day..

    I HATE IGORANT PEOPLE! I dont give a fuck who you are, politicians who know what they are doing dont say dumb shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:38 No.1916807

    >implyingyou are not a worthless subhuman nigger
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:38 No.1916812

    Just so you know, the subject of the article is an amendment so anyone born in the US is a US citizen. No one is trying to amend the Constitution so anyone born of a US citizen is a US citizen.

    Either way, why shouldn't children born, raised, educated, and cultured in the US be considered citizens?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:41 No.1916825
    because we have too many people. it's not a tough thing to understand. the rules of citizenship were never supposed to be set in stone. nothing is. we have a rule of law that is intended to be flexible and change to meet the needs of the country, not a holy set of prescriptions from a divine source that have to remain inviolate for all time. Become a fucking adult, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:42 No.1916835
    >drafters of the (14th) amendment
    >founding fathers
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:43 No.1916846
    Anchor babies are only American in name.

    They identify as Mexican, speak Spanish and behave as Mexicans. They're fucking Mexicans, not Americans.

    Abolish the 14th amendment.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:44 No.1916856

    My Great-Grand Parents came through Ellis Island completely alone, no brothers, no sisters, nothing. When they got here they didn't sit and bitch about the government not setting up signs in Italian because any rational human can understand that if you go to a country where the national fucking language is different than your own, they shouldn't have to cater to you. They taught themselves English and never intentionally taught their children a single word of Italian because it's not hard to see that most successful Americans speak English only. On top of that, they would rather starve than accept government handouts because they had too much pride for such degrading bullshit. Spics line up by the hundreds to get foodstamps/WIC with absolutely no shame whatsoever, like it's fucking cool.

    tl;dr: Every single immigrant group in history has assimilated into American culture with only minor hiccups along the way, why the fuck can't Paco and Inez do the same fucking thing?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:45 No.1916866
    if a diplomat has a child in America, is that child an American citizen?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:46 No.1916868
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:47 No.1916877
    Call me what you want to but you have an ñ problem. Attel afford
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:47 No.1916880
    Because Paco and Inez are parasites who didn't have to sacrifice anything but a bus fare to get here
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:48 No.1916890
    > I will give these Republitards credit for one thing: ACTUALLY PUSHING FOR AN AMENDMENT

    Yeah, just like they did with SB 1070 in Arizona... oh, wait.

    This anchor baby business is all just grandstanding to whip the base into a froth; it will never come to anything, guaranteed. The Republican leadership knows as well as anyone else that actually passing a constitutional amendment is completely impossible.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:52 No.1916924
    my parents were actually immigrants (not spics) that came from europe, and then had me and my brother. later my dad became a US citizen. I find the idea of repealing the 14th amendment incredibly stupid. my dad had to deal with the bullshit of being a staatenloser in germany even though he was born in germany because his parents weren't german. hur hur, let's take your parents to germany for forced labor, fuck up their country, and refuse to grant you citizenship to you or your children. luckily in 2000 germany went forward and changed that shit, but the conservatives want to be regressive .

    fucking idiots. all of them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:55 No.1916948
    Explain why being a victim of exploitation means you should just get to be a citizen
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:55 No.1916952
    and now Germany is TurkTrashistan.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:56 No.1916961
    Paco and Inez can still talk to their Mexican families. Paco and Inez can easily send American money back to their Mexican families. Paco and Inez can effortlessly smuggle their Mexican families into the united states.
    Mexican immigrants have only one reason to come here: to bleed us dry.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:59 No.1916987
    Color me surprised
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)01:59 No.1916991

    looks like germany didn't think their guest worker shit through that well.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:02 No.1917018
    Because your parents are white people of christian culture, which was compatible with the culture already in place in the USA.

    Not everyone can assimilate into a certain society.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:03 No.1917024
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    >Assuming I'm a democrat because I am liberal

    Democrats are pretty damn conservative by world standards, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:03 No.1917025
    America successfully assimilated the Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:04 No.1917035
    Being a victim used to be shameful.

    lol his parents got fucked by the German government.
    >> Typical Idiot Fan !Z63j8csJyY 08/04/10(Wed)02:04 No.1917037
    Conservative here. I want to bring up a couple of talking points:

    The 14th Amendment probably shouldn't have included everything that it did. The various clauses under it should have been different amendments, so that each could have been weighed upon it's own merits. As such, let us make sure that whatever amendments come along in the future to amend the 14th amendment, that they're not going to overwhelm the many other clauses that exist already.

    I also think that we're stuck in an interesting position. The only way to revoke citizenship is for either fraud to have been involved in the naturalization process or for the citizen to voluntarily give up their citizenship. Children cannot possibly do this at birth, so they really have no choice of whether to not be a citizen and instead be a citizen of their parents' country of origin. As such, imposing citizenship on a just born child could be seen as a violation of their civil liberties. They're citizens whether they like it or not. Even the parents' wishes, especially since they're not naturalized citizens of this country, are irrelevant.

    An interesting debate to be sure.
    >> zanipani !O6pcuKZzYM 08/04/10(Wed)02:05 No.1917041
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    I thought republicans always bitched about how you shouldn't change the constitution?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:05 No.1917043
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    >>My face when 4th-5th Generation Americans attempt to compare their ancestors to current First Generation Immigrants without realizing their ancestors did the same exact shit back then and that it took them usually another generation to be fully integrated.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:05 No.1917045
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    wasn't the 14th amendment basically:

    >All American citizens have equal rights

    I don't remember anchor babies in there.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:06 No.1917051
    It makes me sad that I share my last name with Mitch McConnell.
    >> Typical Idiot Fan !Z63j8csJyY 08/04/10(Wed)02:06 No.1917054
    >>1916866 if a diplomat has a child in America, is that child an American citizen?

    Currently no.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:07 No.1917059
    Mexicans are also Christian idiot, just from a different denomination, slaves started out pagans
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:07 No.1917060
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    They come to eat our pets!

    Captcha: burrito dog
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:07 No.1917070
    lol no

    How come they still call themselves Asian Americans and not Americans ?

    The fact is they have integrated (not assimilated) into the American society. They still form a distinguishible entity. If things go well with them, that is because they are not worthless humans like spics or niggers.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:08 No.1917075
    Fuck that, Canada better do this at the same time. Boatloads of trafficked humans are going to arrive in the maritimes and in BC.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:09 No.1917082
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    but wait under the mindset that all children born in America are citizens regardless, then by all rights they should be citizens!

    I believe we have stumbled upon a major legal double-standard
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:09 No.1917086

    And they are pretty liberal when compared to the Middle East. So American politics are right in the middle.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:10 No.1917088
    Big deal, doesn't mean they should give out the most precious commodity a sovereign nation has. And don't pull that slavery bullshit on me, Turks weren't imported against their will, they just got a raw deal. that's the way shit goes.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:11 No.1917105
    get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:11 No.1917106
    >implying interpretation of the Christian ideas are the same throughout the world, regardless of local culture, History and races

    Besides, you are a fucking idiot who don't understand the difference between being a Christian and being of Christian culture.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:13 No.1917125

    shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:14 No.1917133
    Why in god's name is this stickied?

    This isn't news, it's pure form propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:17 No.1917159
    >My Great-Grandparents:
    >Became US citizens
    >Learned English
    >Didn't leech off the government
    >Taught their kids English
    >Hop the border
    >Have anchor babies
    >Refuse to learn English, demand that people learn Spanish
    >Do anything they can to get free money from the government
    >Teach their kids Spanish, let the public school system deal with the burden of teaching them English
    >Talk shit about the only country in the world that would let them get away with this kind of bullshit

    The only similarities between the two is that they both have no education whatsoever, but one of them is able to make it through the Great Depression without big brother helping them out while the other pumps out 6-7 kids and can't understand why the profits from their watermelon sales on the highway aren't enough to feed their children.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:21 No.1917189
    >implying interpretation of the Christian ideas are the same throughout the world, regardless of local culture, History and races
    There's no interpretation of ideas, you whether believe Jesus Christ is your savoir and lord, or not. Everything else is secondary. Based on the same argument you could exclude everyone who is not white and protestant (which I suspect is your goal).

    >Besides, you are a fucking idiot who don't understand the difference between being a Christian and being of Christian culture.
    Christian culture doesn't exist idiot, human culture does, the existence of a Christian culture would imply God favors certain culture/race which is something nobody can prove.
    >> Typical Idiot Fan !Z63j8csJyY 08/04/10(Wed)02:26 No.1917228
    >>1917082 I believe we have stumbled upon a major legal double-standard

    It's not a double-standard, it's a specifically mentioned exclusion. Same reason why Native American tribal members weren't US citizens, even though that voluntarily revoke their tribal status.

    And, no, you're not the first person who has brought up this debate.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:32 No.1917272
    >>My Great-Grand Parents came through Ellis Island completely alone, no brothers, no sisters, nothing.
    >>Implying they didn't live in squalor to save money that could be sent to their family overseas or used for a boat trip across the Atlantic to bring them over

    >>When they got here they didn't sit and bitch about the government not setting up signs in Italian
    >>Implying they even dealt with the government past Ellis Island and didn't have other Italians translating

    >>They taught themselves English and never intentionally taught their children a single word of Italian because it's not hard to see that most successful Americans speak English only.
    >>Has never read about ethnic enclaves in America during the early 1900s where groupes of Poles, Italians, etc would speak only their native tongue

    >>On top of that, they would rather starve than accept government handouts because they had too much pride for such degrading bullshit. Spics line up by the hundreds to get foodstamps/WIC with absolutely no shame whatsoever, like it's fucking cool.
    >>Implying your great great great grandparents wouldn't, in order to save money to help bring them over. Also implying they even had a choice back then between taking them and not taking them

    Your move. My view? As an Italian American? Close the border now, give the current population another generation. When Hispanics are at 2nd-3rd Gen, you won't have any complaints. Many of them are already fully integrated, thing is, its easy to spot the ones that aren't (and thus are first gen). Of course, keep in mind, America back then had no immigration restrictions. So yes, you can't deny at all it was easier for our ancestors than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:34 No.1917294
    >doesn't know that the Bible is fundamentally words written by MEN and not the direct words from God, hence there are only interpretations

    >implying religions don't influence culture

    >implying every religion has the same set of values, the same vision of the world etc
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:39 No.1917329
    Children of citizens to become citizens is not a great way to handle it.

    If you're an immigrant, going through the process, and you're 5 years in, so not quite a legal citizen, and have a kid, that kid shouldn't really be considered foreign.

    Just adjust the amendment to say that they need established residency in the US.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:51 No.1917417
    >doesn't know that the Bible is fundamentally words written by MEN and not the direct words from God, hence there are only interpretations
    If you are not religious then you are in the same position as immigrants if not worse, most Americans would vote for a black president but not for an atheist/agnostic one, religion being even more defining than language/race for most.

    >implying religions don't influence culture
    In your last post you said they were a cultural product, how can they influence them in a different direction than the one originally given to them by culture?

    >implying every religion has the same set of values, the same vision of the world etc
    Nowhere I implied that, but if its Christianity we are talking about then yes. As far as I know there's only one Bible and there can be no interpretation of something as abstract values.
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 08/04/10(Wed)02:53 No.1917433
    YES!!! DO EEETTT!!!!

    But fuck this sticky shit, how long must we endure this? Are you going to sticky a thread whenever a bit of note worthy news comes out?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)02:54 No.1917439
    gb2 /v/
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 08/04/10(Wed)02:57 No.1917454
    Now, this needs to be done. We simply cannot sustain being the world's poorhouse for much longer. Just becase you broke into the country and craped out a baby does not make it American. Everyone can tell an American from a non American. It's in the way you speak, the way you dress. Granted, people speak and dress differently. But you can tell a nigger is an American and not a European or African from the way he talks and dresses. Same for Southernfags. Diverse, yes. But still American.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:01 No.1917489
    start by defining American then, that's why this will never pass
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:05 No.1917511
    >>Implying they didn't live in squalor to save money that could be sent to their family overseas or used for a boat trip across the Atlantic to bring them over
    Every dime they earned went to their children, they cut all ties with the old world to make something for the children in the new one.

    >>Implying they even dealt with the government past Ellis Island and didn't have other Italians translating
    My Great-Grandparents didn't live in little Italy, they owned a shitty house north of the Bronx, there was no Italian enclave for them to be a part of.

    >>Has never read about ethnic enclaves in America during the early 1900s where groupes of Poles, Italians, etc would speak only their native tongue
    See above^^

    >>Implying your great great great grandparents wouldn't, in order to save money to help bring them over. Also implying they even had a choice back then between taking them and not taking them
    Not sure what you mean by that, maybe you're implying that my ancestors would have accepted government aid to be able to afford to come to America? Possibly. All I know is that my great-grandparents worked hard as fuck to be accepted, and have their kids be accepted, in this country. Of course they held onto their roots but they did not come here with anything but admiration of America, as opposed to the Mexicans who flood in who could really care less about the US and what it used to stand for.
    >> Rikudou !PVvuHw8lII 08/04/10(Wed)03:08 No.1917535
    I don't see the problem with birthright citizenship, but what I do see a very big problem with is the many "rights" and entitlements bestowed automatically and with full promise by the government to any person born here.

    I agree with Republicans on that ends, however, they are attempting to use a means which cannot be reasonably justified.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:22 No.1917633

    sorry to say, but you're wrong if you think the 2nd-3rd gen Mexicans will be any better than the first. Come to the Fresno area where I'm from and see the ridiculous numbers of gangs and welfare sponges in the area.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:24 No.1917648
    didn't Americans originally ran from other (more conservative) white people?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:27 No.1917670
    Hate to tell everyone who's already in the process of cleaning up their pants over this idea... it will NEVER happen.

    Not because it shouldn't happen. Not because of liberals or conservatives. Not for any reason other than the fact that constitutional amendments require MASSIVE popular support, and Hispanics (which BOTH political parties actively court for votes) will NEVER let this happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:29 No.1917679
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    >>My Great-Grandparents didn't live in little Italy, they owned a shitty house north of the Bronx, there was no Italian enclave for them to be a part of.

    You know, the Bronx was full of Italians at one point. They all moved slowly north though.

    >>Every dime they earned went to their children, they cut all ties with the old world to make something for the children in the new one.

    Your parents != All European Immigrants. For the most part, they all chose to live in squalor, living in ghettos to save money despite getting decent wages. Why? Send the money overseas, or better, save it to bring over Vinny and Tony. Then again, you wouldn't get that money spent on children back then, you'd send their asses to work after a few years. Which leads me to think you're a second-third generation immigrant, first gen had child labor.

    >>All I know is that my great-grandparents worked hard as fuck to be accepted, and have their kids be accepted, in this country. Of course they held onto their roots but they did not come here with anything but admiration of America, as opposed to the Mexicans who flood in who could really care less about the US and what it used to stand for.

    Except, you don't even see the fallacy you're doing. You're pretty much saying all new immigrants, whether they're Mexicans or not hate America and only want to bleed the country dry. You're adopting the same views and positions nativists did 90-120 years ago. If they like America, then they'll stay. If they don't, they make their money and leave. Simple as that. But don't attack them for liking their homeland too. That's called nostalgia.

    You're pretty much doing the same thing the people who didn't want our great-great-great grandparents to come to America did.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:31 No.1917694
    That lower picture... I saw it in a History textbook and have always wanted it in a high-res format for the sake of posterity.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:31 No.1917696
    So are American born Canadians going to be deported?

    Captcha: the egregious
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:31 No.1917699

    There was no reason to sticky this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:33 No.1917709
    Same here, I can't find it for shit though. Apparently it was here
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:38 No.1917742

    Chances are if a Canadian is living here with his kids it is because he has a job that pays better than the one he had in Canada and he is most likely paying taxes on those wages. If you really think that the situation with Mexicans and Canadians is at all similar you need to come to the bottom half of California or anywhere along the border and see what is going on.
    >> GmasterRED !!7iuitgeYmwp 08/04/10(Wed)03:41 No.1917754
    Nah. They don't have that much power yet. In ten or 15 years, maybe. But an amendment could be passed with just the South, Midwest and a few other moderate state's legislatures. Forget about California, Arizona and New Mexico. But the rest of America isn't saturated enough yet.

    But it will be a sad, sad day when that happens. A nation so bloated with a foreign born population that it can't set the standerd of who can join or not.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:50 No.1917803
    You really think that mexico is going to take over more of south america than brazil?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)03:54 No.1917822
    >Before an amendment can take effect, it must be proposed to the states by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by two-thirds of the states, and ratified by three-fourths of the states or by three-fourths of conventions thereof, the method of ratification being determined by Congress at the time of proposal. To date, no convention for proposing amendments has been called by the states, and only once has the convention method of ratification been employed.

    Again no, you have to be delusional or an idiot if not both if you believe this is plausible, independently of what your stance is.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:18 No.1917938
    A little bit of socialism is good when it's done right, but when you're country is bordered with Mexico you are going to have some chinks in the system.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:18 No.1917943
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:28 No.1918002
    Saged for being actual news
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:34 No.1918029

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:43 No.1918076
    Republicans, they be trollin.

    >captcha: reflexive Reich
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)04:46 No.1918094
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    It amazes me how Yankee marxists can just dictate how the borders are run, when they don't even have to deal with the consequences.

    Shit sucks.

    No anchor babies.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:05 No.1918216
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:31 No.1918380
    Oh boy, republicans sure make an effort to get people not to vote for them these days.

    First a living corpse and a dumbass airhead in a presidential run and now this.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)05:32 No.1918382

    so other 100% americunts inclusive republitards.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:32 No.1918743
    >we want to modify our so beloved and adored constitution
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:45 No.1918798
    >, India (especially how resistant it is to Islam),
    indian religious system is even worse than islam

    how is it a good thing?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:51 No.1918830
    There are only lot's of turks because of germany itself

    blame it on germany retard
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:52 No.1918834
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)06:55 No.1918851
    i say only the children of legal immigrants should receive citizenship
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:09 No.1918900
    lol @ descendants of wop immigrants who now tell fairy tales about their ancestors strife yet bash people the same way their ancestors were bashed. Italians changed American culture to fit their need.Otherwise culturally they would be following a white american anglo saxon protestant way of life with zero influences from their homeland.Stop reading your fox news propaganda, Most latin american immigrants are coming over here to work and make a better life for themselves, if they're illegal they're most likely scared to take any type of federal help in fear of deportation. Do you honestly think these people wouldn't "love" to learn English? It's kind of hard to learn when you have to work several shitty jobs with barely enough time to sleep left over.

    Ever heard of the mafia,the violence and crime associated with the italian american community. The italian slums and ghettos. You can tell your family's fairy tales, but the truth is, the White Protestants of the time saw no difference between your family and some criminals from the ghetto. Just like you're doing with hispanics.

    Anyways this whole amendment business is just pandering to the white trash crowd. Repubs are playing who can be the biggest bigot for all the votes they need.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:15 No.1918921

    also changing the 14th amendment; LOLNO

    also how is it "conservative" to want to change a 150 year old constitutional amendment?

    people who fall for this shit should not be allowed to vote
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:15 No.1918922
    The Italians immigrated legally.

    In before severe butthurt at me totally crushing the validity of your wall of text with one sentence.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:20 No.1918940
    Ignoring that there were basically no immigration restrictions in the late 1800s.The issue has never been about illegal immigration. This is only the issue they use as a front to pander to people who would hate jose and his family in their neighborhood whether he had good documents or not. At least the stormfags realize that this has always been about race and culture..
    >> noob !.RxwX6pTfw 08/04/10(Wed)07:27 No.1918968
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    >they don't know that the constitution is supposed to be able to be amended!


    >he doesn't know that English isn't the official language!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:30 No.1918982
    My parents were born in Germany and I was born and grew up in the USA... with dual citizenship. I now live in Germany. I guess I always kind of suspected that the end was coming, that eventually the Americans would try to strip me of my citizenship. I mean, my parents weren't illegals but it's only a matter of time before Americans review the rights of all "foreigners". And let's face it, we were at war twice and there's the whole Holocaust and Israel shit... and let's also face it, if you're second generation born in the USA, the people there still consider you a foreigner just like they do in Germany, even though the law might say you're American. The people in the USA aren't any nicer or more moral, if anything they're not as nice as the Germans are. Laws don't mean shit, they get changed all of the time, and this is one of those times.

    We could have stopped this, ladies and gentlemen, if all of us were willing to overlook our bullshit "legal" status, which exists only on a fucking piece of paper that can be torn into little pieces and thrown away, and show some solidarity with other immigrant groups. But fuck no, we're Americans, we don't want any fucking Mexicans in the USA, and if we're Mexican then we don't want any Haitians living next to us, and if we're Polish then we don't want any Germans living here, and if we're Germans then we don't want pretty much anybody. Fuck why are people so stupid? Why didn't anybody else see this coming?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:30 No.1918986
    Hey conservatives:

    If the Constitution isn't a living document, then why can we repeal, say, the 14th Amendment?

    We could repeal the 2nd Amendment too, you know.

    Just sayin.'
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:38 No.1919012
    >>1918922 JUST GOT TOLD BY >>1918940

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:39 No.1919022

    You can't repeal the 2nd Amendment because we'll shoot you first. See guns=shoot... you can't do shit with the 14th Amendment because there's nothing there you can threaten us with. Once we've said these people aren't US citizens anymore, they can't vote anyway to kick us out so we'll stay in power forever. No repercussions EVAR. We send liitle Jose or little Achmed or littlke Hans packing, and some American gets his family's house, the family car, the family dog, his parents' jobs, the desk he's wasting in school... everything. What the fuck are you gonna do about it? Nothing.

    "Oooh... repeal the 14th Amendment and we'll passport you to death". Don't make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:41 No.1919028
    I can shoot you if you try and repeal the 14th Amendment.

    Just sayin.'
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:47 No.1919042

    No gun owner cares about the 14th Amendment one way or another. They know that fewer foreigners means more guns for the average American and fewer people to worry about. On the other hand, fewer foreigners means fewer walking targets. It's sort of a dead heat.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:51 No.1919052
    Wrong. I own a pump-action rifle for home defense, and I believe the 14th Amendment is important to ensure equal rights for everyone born or naturalized in America.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)07:54 No.1919059

    Your pump-action rifle is outvoted by the ten rednecks with shotguns who will say that repealing the 14th is the best idea since Astroturf and cow-tipping.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:01 No.1919069
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    America has created a culture of "deservedness" around the world, where people no longer think they need to work to live a comfortable life, and for the most part they are right.

    Therefore America needs to fucking stop letting every immigrant fuck into the country or soon these lazy immigrants will outnumber the hard workers and we'll become like Europe. So close the borders unless you want to better yourself not leech off the system.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:12 No.1919091
    Anybody whose ancestors didn't come over on the Mayflower is now a confirmed idiot for voting Republican. You're definitely next.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:14 No.1919098
    America's the only country in the world that has such a backwards law like this. Even the most tolerant, left-wing European countries don't have this nonsense. Time for anchor babies to go the way of prohibition.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:22 No.1919119

    lex solis:

    Germany has it (since 2000), the UK has it, and France has always had it. All of them were inspired by the USA to change their laws to make their countries more free (except France, where it was considered a part of being French since the Revolution). Should the USA repeal this law, *every country in the world* will also follow eventually, since immigrant children aren't liked anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:23 No.1919121
    lol immigrants are much harder workers than your average American fat fuck complaining about immigration on the internet. Right now there are hundreds of immigrants waking up at 4am to go to work while you're posting on an anime message board.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:30 No.1919134
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    You are now aware that the same argument against Mexican immigrants, illegal or legal, is the same argument used against Papist immigrants before the Civil War, Irish immigrations before World War I, and Jews before World War II.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:34 No.1919140
    on it's face it appears to be the same argument but we are actually getting low on resources in this country in case you hadn't fucking noticed from your parents' house
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:35 No.1919143
    Low on what resource?

    It's not labor, I'll tell you that.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:38 No.1919155
    Yeah no shit, idiot. That's not a natural resource. We're low on everything labor uses.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:40 No.1919157
    Like what?

    Can you be more specific? I haven't heard about the United States being low on anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:42 No.1919165
    Fresh water. Schools. Renewable energy. Economic opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:43 No.1919168
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:44 No.1919171
    Infrastructure. Employment. Farmland. Afforable housing. Medical care.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:44 No.1919173
    go away, child.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:44 No.1919175
    >Fresh water.
    Pffft. Really? If so, can I get a link or a source?

    Okay, this is a legitimate concern.

    >Renewable energy.

    >Economic opportunity.
    Economic opportunity is created by economic action. More labor means more incentive for economic action.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:46 No.1919177
    By the way I'm not saying illegal immigrants CAUSE these shortages, but they do exacerbate them, and their anchor children make it institutional.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:46 No.1919179
    How dos infrastructure "run out?"

    Unemployment will go up, yes.

    Actually, we have plenty of that.

    >Afforable housing.
    Another legitimate concern, although I think the free market will pretty easily take care of it.

    >Medical care.
    Again, how do we "run out" of a service? Unless you're talking about longer waiting lines or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:47 No.1919180
    Shut up you little faggot you're so totally ignorant of anything going on in the world it would be a waste of my time to educate you. That's the public schools job.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:47 No.1919181

    Immigrant here. I masturbated off the Brooklyn Bridge and let my cum drip down into the East river. Now your women will wash their hair with my seed.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:49 No.1919186
    Should've said the reservoir dumbass the east river flows to the atlantic
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:50 No.1919189
    Dont be mad because you got owned and can't present anything of substance besides fox news talking points bruh.

    I think u mad
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:52 No.1919197

    Crap. I didn't have money for the train to find the reservoir. Maybe a Jew could lend me some? It's for a good cause.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:53 No.1919199
    Fox news doesn't talk about any of this. They're not intelligent enough to care. Get the fuck out of /news/ and go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)08:55 No.1919211

    Any none Native Americans have to move back to Europe/Mexico.
    >> Haters Gonna !HateP1jrJ. 08/04/10(Wed)08:58 No.1919224
    so the blacks can stay?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:03 No.1919242

    Here we go with the slippery-slope of Mexicans arguing they're natives even though they cannot prove lineage while ignoring the biggest hole in their fucking bleiefs that even if by some small chance they were natives they're still not American natives that are completely different from Mexican natives which is why THERE ARE NO FUCKING AZTEC PYRAMIDS IN AMERICA

    To the next Mexican who claims to be native:
    --prove it by speaking an AMERICAN native language (there are approx. 100 of them), and not spanish or some form of Aztec/Maya/Olmec
    --prove it with government records or an American tribal government record showing lineage to real natives
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:07 No.1919266
    shut up faggot this is neither the time nor the place for trolls
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:07 No.1919267
    lol are you kidding? Have you seen what the average Mexican look like. (brotip:they don't look like white europeans) Since when do you have to speak a language to have a certain racial background. This would be like telling an American of German descent that his ethnic background is false because h cannot speak German.

    Please fail harder. Also have a look at this
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:14 No.1919308
    Talk about killing a mosquito with a cannon.

    If you're born here, you're a citizen. It goes back to the old English common law system upon which our system is based. It was adopted specifically in the 14th Amendment to protect freed slaves.

    The only way to overturn this is to amend the Constitution. And even if it does get amended, it has virtually zero effect on the millions of people who cross the border, work illegally, then go back in 5 or so years, which are the vast majority.

    More political grandstanding by the GOP to avoid dealing with the real problem - secure borders and immigration reform.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:15 No.1919313
    >they cant be americans because they do not have white skin
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:21 No.1919344
    I would support adjusting our citizenship laws, but only if the Republicans were not in charge of writing the changes. It's painfully obvious they would tailor this specifically to alienate migrant farm workers. People who aren't leeches and actually do contribute to our economy have every right to become citizens.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:22 No.1919346
    I'm a communist and you disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:22 No.1919347
    I want a review of nigger birthright citizenship, too. Send these crazy chimps back home to the jungle.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:29 No.1919367
    You're a poseur communist. A true communist cares about the struggles of the working man regardless of who he is. I consider an "illegal" laborer much more of a compatriot than I do some legal citizen nigger criminal or some teabagging piece of shit complaining about immigrants on the internet while collecting unemployment.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:36 No.1919391
    For one, as nice as it sounds, this would become a clusterfuck in terms of enforcement. What mandates birthright citizenship? What doesn't? What do we do with the children? How do we report the matter? This bill amendment is going to eat a shit load of taxes.

    Whats so wrong with fucking militarizing the border for fucks sake? Fuck the liberals. All we need to do is put up a concrete fence and some national guard troops. Mexican illegal immigration goes down by 99%

    Work visa illegal immigrants. Get rid of the red tape it takes to get rid of them when their visa expires.

    If a wealthy asian can afford the hospital bills and airfare to get down here and give birth, than let them. They take their kids back anyway and it's not like they're poor. They wouldn't actually leech off tax payers.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:40 No.1919402
    Those migrant workers don't want to be part of an international brotherhood of man they want to destroy the united states and turn it into another mexican-infested shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:48 No.1919435
    America, your Republicans are getting extremely dangerous. Please, become Democratic and get a third party.
    Regards, the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:49 No.1919441
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    Ah racial backgrounds. Using strawman ambiguities to claim being AMERICAN natives with no proof of lineage to American tribes. So typically Mexican.

    "We have no knowledge of their culture of their religions or their languages or anything about them, but we're gonna claim to be them because of skin color! That makes everyone who's not us a real illegal!"

    I guess every white person is simultaneously Swedish, British, German, French, Russian, Italian, Romanian, Norwegian, etc. just because of the ambiguity of skin color.

    God the mental gymnastics Mexicans do to convince themselves of this shit is beyond retarded, especially when you factor in that when the land became part of the US, all the brown people didn't magically vanish and became Americans, thus cutting off any claims by Mexicans as natives since the native peoples here did not migrate to Mexico after the land became American.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:51 No.1919447
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:53 No.1919453
    >clusterfuck in terms of enforcement
    Exactly. What if someone is the child of an illegal and a citizen? What if someone is the child of an illegal and a legal immigrant, who is not yet a citizen?

    Will paternity have to be confirmed before children are declared illegal? Is the taxpayer going to have to foot the bill for all those paternity tests, on top of the costs of enforcement and deportation? Would it be legal to deport a child who may be the child of a citizen without such a test?

    This amendment would be a fucking disaster. Fixing the underlying problems in immigration is the only way to deal with this issue.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:53 No.1919457
    Did you even read that post? Your response is completely incoherent.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)09:58 No.1919476
    Why should you be able to fly in from Japan, shit out a baby, and then that baby is an American citizen for the rest of its life?

    Retarded. Change this stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:05 No.1919514
    How liberal of the republicans. This would expand government considerably.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:08 No.1919527
    America's birthrate isn't its problem, it's that they're not raising the retirement age even though life expectancies are increasing rapidly. And EVEN THEN the real problem is that the bottom 50% of Americans are sharing 1% of the wealth.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:09 No.1919531
    Expand how retard? What it does is take away a government mandate and thus decreasing government power.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:10 No.1919535
    See - >>1919453
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:12 No.1919549
    >hates Japanese immigrants

    Are there are lot of Japanese immigrants freeloading off the American welfare system that I'm not aware of?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:16 No.1919567
    ALL immigrants are, and they come from ALL nations.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:22 No.1919591
    McCain should really learn to stay away from this shit, he was born in the Panama Control Zone, and would've had FAR more opposition against him if he'd won the 2008 election.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:29 No.1919626
    fuck the liberals. make the border like the korean DMZ. do you know how many people cross that border every year? its only in the triple figures. only a few hundred manage to cross it. its a mile thick of dense forest with landmines and unexploded bombs scattered everywhere. there are watchtowers and security up and down the entire strip (creates jobs) and they can shoot to kill. if we pulled that off here in america, suddenly no mexicans could cross. also, pass this law, check for citizenship of the mom in the hospital. or if she shits ot the baby in a shack somewhere so its unaccounted for without a birth cirtificate (which hardly ever happens becuase at the moment the birtch cirtificate is proof of citizenship), make it so the schools have to ask for proof of citizenship of the mom and kid before they can be enrolled in education. then they need to proove their citizenship again to get a drivers licence, and again to go to college, and again to get a job. basically create as many hurdles as possible for illegals. then the second they are exposed, arrest them and ship them back to where they came from.

    the only people who would oppose this are mexicans, illegals and bleeding heart liberals.

    fuck 'em.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:31 No.1919635
    I don't think it's any surprise that popular opinion is in favor of Arizona legislature. When I watch the news, the only people I see protesting are legal Mexicans concerned about their houses being searched (which is not really a problem unless they're harboring illegals) and illegal Mexicans with crying children to make us sympathize with an unwelcome group of immigrants. Most of our illegal immigrants ARE Mexican, which means that any time somebody brings the subject up, the race card is applicable and they use it like no other demographic in the US.

    My point is that if the majority of Americans oppose the current half-assed illegal immigration controls and support a massive crackdown, our government should obey. The purpose of a government is to protect and enforce the will of its citizens, not cater to illegals from an adjacent country. I fail to see how our representatives even represent us anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:32 No.1919639
    Yes, because a good way to stabilize relations with our second largest trading partner is to set up a border as strong as the one between two countries that have been at war for 50 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:33 No.1919641
    >>make the border like the korean DMZ

    Are you retarded?
    The 38th parallel is so heavily defended because of a little thing called the Korean War.
    We're not at war with Mexico, and none of the illegal immigrants are marching over the border with tanks and rocket launchers.

    MOST illegal immigrants crossed the border legally, and are simply overstaying their visa.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:34 No.1919644
    We never could pull that off here because American politics have become a shouting contest, and nobody shouts louder than bleeding hearts. Tim Weiss and Keith Olbermann particularly.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:34 No.1919645
    This is just another brilliant Republican tactic, it's win win for them no matter how you look at it.

    1. gain votes

    2. make liberals waste time and money fighting this while also making liberals look week on immigration issues

    3. Lastly big businesses will support this move because if it goes through, than the amount of cheap undocumented workers will rise.

    I agree that something has to be done about illegal immigration, but this is not it. It might seem like a good idea at first but ultimately we will be worse off for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:39 No.1919670
    lol you guyz dont want those jobs they do 4 less than minimum wage, if those farmers spent more than $40 a day on those workers to gather crops they would go out of bisness, these days you can only fetch 5 cents for a corn stalk, liberals told me so it must be tru, beleev me we need dose immigrance
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:40 No.1919679
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:42 No.1919686
    That's right Redskin, now you're going to have to EARN that citizenship!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:43 No.1919689
    But Farmworkers are exempted from minimum wage law.

    Also, you must be drunk. Its only 10:40am, christ, isn't that a bit early?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:46 No.1919702
    >than the amount of cheap undocumented workers will rise.
    No, if something reduces the number of illegal immigrants, there will be less workers raising the standards of what the average working class citizen thinks a dollar is worth regardless of what it's really worth. Illegal immigrants are toxic to the worker's rights we've accumulated over the past 60 years and their support is counter-effective to liberal dogma.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:51 No.1919722

    That's precisely why big business will support this move, they make more money and fuck what happens to anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)10:51 No.1919724
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    Once again, being short-sighted and retarded scores points for Republicans. I remember when people were saying that Americans would never fall for shit like this again after Bush.

    It's like they say, nobody ever went broke overestimating the stupidity of the American people.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:08 No.1919795
    >The majority of illegals stop entering America because their goal to make themselves pseudo-citizens by pooping out kids is no longer possible
    >Less illegals (who work for a penny every 4 hours and we should be proud of their example according to liberals) enter America
    >Less illegals are available to work for 5/8 of minimum wage
    >Farmers and meat factories have to hire taxpayers for minimum wage and make a slightly less ridiculous profit
    >Double cheeseburger at McDonald's is $1.50, whoo, end of the world, BUT WAIT, now McDonald's has more customers because more Americans have jobs.

    I should mention that the only reason they can afford to live on such a tiny paycheck is because they live one-house communities; Hives that many of us will have to live in if our social security system becomes too stressed.
    >> JewGold !GoldNET4qU 08/04/10(Wed)11:10 No.1919811
    The United States has some of the most lax citizenship requirements in the world. Probably time we addressed that before we go the way my home is going.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:12 No.1919817
    Big business (aka big corporations) represents businesses that can't hire illegals anyway. Wal-Mart and Target can't hire illegals. Monsanto can't hire illegals.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:14 No.1919823
    I see your reasoning, and agree for the most part, but

    >because their goal to make themselves pseudo-citizens by pooping out kids is no longer possible
    The goal of the vast majority of illegals is to come here, work for a few years, and send the money back home.

    I think we can all agree that something needs to be done, but going after the anchor babies is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound, and it won't do anything but distract from the real problem. People will be talking about this for months, while nothing gets done on real immigration reform.
    >> JewGold !GoldNET4qU 08/04/10(Wed)11:14 No.1919824
    >Monsanto can't hire illegals.

    You actually believe that?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:15 No.1919827

    what's hilarious about that picture, is that the actor that plays the crying indian is actually italian
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:16 No.1919831
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:16 No.1919832
    It's a large step toward fixing the problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:22 No.1919859
    The only way I could see myself supporting this is if they fixed the immigration system to make it simpler for people to apply for citizenship.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:25 No.1919881
    You can bitch and moan about the process all you want but we need it. It prevents our country from being bloated with unskilled welfare leeches, which it already is
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:28 No.1919894
    they're not supposed to hire illegals but they do because they can get away with it. Walk into a McDonald's in the south west and see what I'm talking about.

    What needs to be done is we need to stop corporations from hiring these people.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:28 No.1919896
    If high immigration requirements prevent us from getting bloated with "welfare leeches," why do illegal immigrants take millions of dollars of welfare every year?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:36 No.1919922

    Hard legislation against the hiring of illegals, and tough enforcement of those laws will make the jobs dry up. Once there's no jobs for them, they'll quit coming.

    Couple that with enhanced border security and with reform of the legal immigration system to allow the workers we want coming into the country, and you have the foundation of a workable solution.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:36 No.1919925
    That may be true to an extent but it wont stop illegals from coming to America, it wont stop them from taking our money, and it wont stop them from having babies.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:40 No.1919949
    This "welfare" argument always make me laugh because honestly if you want to be mad about tax money going to the undeserving you need to take a look at how much the top 1% of the income bract take from our tax-dollars.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:41 No.1919951
    >it won't stop them from having babies
    Just because the baby isn't a citizen won't mean that he's going to be turned away at the emergency room for care.

    Republicans are overhyping a small, politically-charged part of a much larger problem and scoring cheap political points at the expense of tabling the immigration debate as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:43 No.1919966
    >> JewGold !GoldNET4qU 08/04/10(Wed)11:53 No.1920028
    >the top 1% of the income bract take from our tax-dollars.

    Guessing not much since we (by which I mean my family and the other mythical "1%" people) provide a significant majority of the tax revue for the country.

    Now, if you're talking about capital gains, then perhaps you have a point. As far as just "income" taxes, the top portion of earners pay a large fraction of the taxes.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)11:56 No.1920036
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    You know, if anything was going to spark a civil war in the USA, it would be this. Its certainly damn enough divisive enough. All it would take is for the one side of the other to have a few people willing to die over it. And judging by the various militia that has formed under both parties against both parties, I'd say there's a fair chance a few are.

    Or you know, it could blow over and everyone forgets about it. Seems to happen a lot latley.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:07 No.1920091
    They would like you to think that they pay a large fraction of tax revenue, but in truth they do all they can to get out of paying those taxes. Bill & Malenda Gates Foundation anyone?

    Also Corporate entities have all the rights of citizens but are near impossible to hold responsible for any of their illegal actions.

    Lastly illegal immigration is the least of our problems at the moment, energy and big business are the problems we should really be addressing. Problem is that most politicians get the majority of their "campaign contributions" from them so they dare not stand up to these evils.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:12 No.1920114
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    Just put the damn fence already.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:12 No.1920115
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    service guarantees citizenship
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:13 No.1920123
    No it doesn't. It just speeds up the process if you apply for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:21 No.1920157
    >can be done only through constitutional amendment

    Yeah, never going to happen
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:26 No.1920193
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:26 No.1920199

    >Hispanics (which BOTH political parties actively court for votes) will NEVER let this happen.

    What are Hispanics going to do when both parties back this? You're forgetting that both whites and blacks are a bigger voting block than hispanics.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:30 No.1920225
    >Wrong. Hispanics make up a larger chunk of the population than blacks.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:31 No.1920229

    There aren't any hispanic militias. Or are you counting the handful of urban gangs as militias?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:33 No.1920236
    Once again just another ploy to look good in the eyes of the unknowing citizen. If you want to donate billions to charity why not donate to an already existing one rather than making your own?

    It's a tax haven plain and simple, even though he has more money than any single person could ever possibly need he just has to hang on to every last penny he can.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:35 No.1920244

    Doesn't matter. Whites make up a chunk multiple times larger and blacks are quite comparable in size to Hispanics.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:41 No.1920267
    I'm more counting the hanfull of urban gangs and drug pushiers that think funding a militia to kill the police might be a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:46 No.1920294
    I love how people are dismissing the liberal white vote. Becuase they are tottaly going to vote for repleaing an amendmant brought in after the civil war. They wont even care what that amendment is, just say "It gave blacks citizenship" and bam, movement against the repeal.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)12:59 No.1920377
    Are you fucking retarded? Bill still gets a tax break either way, so why not let him make a charity for something HE wants to donate money too. Or is the concept of freedom of choice too foreign to you?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)13:02 No.1920405

    Huh? What does that have to do with a civil war?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)13:02 No.1920406
    why should he get to decide where his money goes?. Give it the government;they know best
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)13:09 No.1920435
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    You are against the government you are not counted as an american anymore and will be imprisoned in a labour camp, simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)13:15 No.1920464
    A state of civil war isnt always two ideologies clashing, sometimes its just some guys with a lot of money funding some gun nuts to make there operations easier.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)13:47 No.1920708

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:01 No.1920822
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    Image limit -1
    >> Dat Spic !!+CaEbMpoJr3 08/04/10(Wed)14:26 No.1921079
    Ok, immigrant here.
    Came here legally at 6 years old from Venezuela because my grandma's Puerto Rican, now live in the greatest state in the Union (Florida, of course).

    Now a proud US Citizen, took like 8 or 9 years for my mom to get naturalized (her mom's the PRican one), then my brother and I, and soon my dad.

    So what can I say? I speak English most of the time and have nothing in common with Mexicans, but I know some people who could very well get compromised by this law.

    Like maybe my girlfriend, she was born here in the USA from Cuban parents, and if her parents aren't US citizens (I think they are since they've been here for decades and Cubans get Permanent Residency as soon as they touch US soil, but let's assume they haven't got US citizenship). So even though she was born here, barely speaks a word of Spanish, and is just completely... American, she would lose her citizenship and have to move to communist Cuba? That's completely messed up. I'm sure there would be many people in a similar situation, and it's totally silly that someone who is just American and only speaks English and has never left the USA would have their citizenship revoked.

    Even more messed up though, and not because of this law, is one of my best bros who came here when he was 2, his parents are rich engineers who make tons of cash, he doesn't know a bit of Spanish and is a typical American who doesn't even look spic-like and he's getting deported to commiezuela...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:30 No.1921130
    Ex post facto, you retarded faggot. For someone who had to take the test for naturalization, you don't know shit about the legal framework of this country.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:32 No.1921145
    good job understanding the topic. you are all over the place. This isn't the Arizona law, and the repeal of the 14th amendment wouldn't be retroactive.
    >> Dat Spic !!+CaEbMpoJr3 08/04/10(Wed)14:38 No.1921192

    Ahhhhh I just realized it wouldn't be retroactive, sorry I have a fever and haven't slept in 2 days forgot about ex post facto sorry sorry~! But the faggots wishing for retroactivity itt confused me.

    Nevertheless, it'll never happen because in 15 years after it's passing it'll lead to good American kids who don't know a word of anything but English and have never left the US being deported to communist Cuba, Venezuela, China, etc. Do you really thing that's gonna happen? This is just Republicans appealing to teabaggers before November.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:43 No.1921234

    This thread is stickied? I can't tell.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:44 No.1921243

    Derrp just saw the pin
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:45 No.1921253
    I'm burning a flag for every vote this gets.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:47 No.1921275
    >Greatest state

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:51 No.1921304
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    >the constitution cannot be ammended

    alright who the fuck passed this retard in high school civics? That teacher deserved to be castrated.

    captcha: observing 1774-1777. Fucking related.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:54 No.1921322
    Thanks mod for cleaning the pictures out.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)14:57 No.1921336
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    >mods in /new/
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:02 No.1921380
    I'm astonished that this subject is being addressed at all. But I'm suspicious, because Lindsay Graham is invovled.

    Graham is a Democrat operative in Republican clothing. He puts foreign crooks above Americans. He wants total amnesty for all illegal aliens. No way is he serious about abolishing auto-citizenship. He probably wants to screw it up so it doesn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:11 No.1921452
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:14 No.1921486

    Shut up, idiot. Adults are talking.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:15 No.1921498
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    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:19 No.1921541

    It's plain you don't have the necessary intelligence to discuss any issue. Got to /b/ where you belong.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:29 No.1921623
    i'm for it.

    the original logic for the automatic citizenship was so that freed slaves could have citizenship. it wasn't so we could be flooded by uneducated and unskilled masses from the 3rd world.

    where is the logic in continuing a policy that allows a woman 9 months pregnant to hop over the boarder, pop out a baby, then claim residency because her child is a US citizen? and to add to that, now she gets welfare paid for by taxpayers because she's too poor to afford her new baby.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:41 No.1921719
    >the original logic for the automatic citizenshi

    no, our modern-day issue with the fourteenth amendment was considered in California where many of the people in power feared that Chinese immigrants would do what Mexican immigrants were doing. We can see today that California is a shithole, but probably not because there are a bunch of Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:43 No.1921735
    God bless /new/ mods.
    >> sage sage 08/04/10(Wed)15:45 No.1921746

    Saging this sticky.

    It needs to GTFO... I don't even know why it was stickied.

    Captcha: the taxing SAGE
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:45 No.1921749
    yeah... it's those stupid chinese that are fucking up california and not the millions of mexican illegals clogging up emergency rooms, collecting welfare, clogging up the education system, executing American with their MS13 gang members, etc....

    it's the chinese. lol
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:45 No.1921753
    Republicans are ignorant racists?

    >> A man from another world !!16A4u+2+jGz 08/04/10(Wed)15:46 No.1921759
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    Lets get this shit started
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:51 No.1921814
    >Republicans: staunch defenders of the Constitution.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:57 No.1921860
    The Constitution gives us the right to amend the Constitution.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:58 No.1921870
    ITT: People don't have a grasp of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was never intended to grant citizenship to children of parents who aren't citizens. NEVER. AT ANY POINT, was that the basis of the 14th Amendment.

    The only people who are against this are retarded Liberals, and they don't give a fuck about the Constitution anyway.

    HOWEVER: I do not trust our current government enough to hold a Constitution Convention. In fact, if they did hold a ConCon, I think that would definitely be the straw that broke the camel's back, because there would be a massive upheaval in this country.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)15:58 No.1921881
    >14th amendment
    >not settled law
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:03 No.1921921
    The Constitution gives us the right to amend the Constitution.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:03 No.1921928
    That was exactly the point. To make freed slaves and their offspring citizens.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:05 No.1921935
    teabag samefag
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:06 No.1921949
    Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:06 No.1921950
    You can't make any intelligent response to what I said.

    And I'm content with that.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:06 No.1921955

    Bringing people here against their will for a life of servitude is completely different from smelly mexicans waltzing across the border for free social programs.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:06 No.1921956
    Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:07 No.1921967
    Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:08 No.1921970
    Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:08 No.1921974
    Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:09 No.1921978
    We shouldn't be forced to Amend the Constitution. The Mexicans should willingly leave. If they don't want to willingly leave, we should seriously throw them out en masse.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:10 No.1921988
    >Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:11 No.1921990
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    >hates mexicans
    >doesn't hate niggers
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:16 No.1922022
    I'd like to suggest taking troops from the Middle East and Europe and sending them into Mexico to fight the drug war.

    If Mexico stops being a violent clusterfuck, maybe Mexicans will not be inclined to flee from their home country due to said violence.

    But this is a step in the right direction.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:18 No.1922031
    >implying the "drug war" isn't a result of the US demand for black market for drugs.

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:19 No.1922037

    I hate niggers, don't get me wrong. But it's not feasible to send them all back to Africa. And by feasible, I mean you won't have a legal leg to stand on. We actually have a reason to deport like 12 million mexicans, but never will, because America has been hamstrung by political correctness.

    Our country is beyond fucked. I seriously don't know what happened to us.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:31 No.1922098

    You really aren't making any sense. I can't picture "a handful of urban street gangsters" coming up with millions of dollars to fund a rural militay to come in and assasinate cops. That's beyond comprehension. Them getting it all to work makes no sense. Rural militias generally don't like urbanites, especially non-white urbanites.

    And I don't see how things could run any smoother than they are now. More than a metric ton of cocaine is smuggled and distributed right under the noses of law enforecement, quite possibly with their collusion in some if not most cases. How could things possibly run any smoother when all the right people have been bought off already?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:33 No.1922113

    They don't flee because of violence they flee because of capitalism. It's more egalitarian and socialist in the US and hence the dirt poor 80% majority are better off.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:52 No.1922247
    I surely have an opinion, and I am not saying whether I condone it or approve it, but it shows very strongly that the right in this country has been pushed very far right by the Tea Party.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:53 No.1922256
    But the "12 Amendments of 2012" already tackled this...
    oh wait, forgot which timeline I was in.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:54 No.1922257
    why is this a sticky?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:55 No.1922272
    If this means that the children of Americans will also be denied birthright citizenry, that's fucking great. It's about time kids had to work to live in this country.

    If not, I guess it's just more racist, xenophobic bullshit. I hope it's the former. I somehow suspect it's not.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:55 No.1922275
    INTJ (78 62 88 33)

    Like all of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:56 No.1922284
    Yes they're borderline fascists at this point. They love big government when it caters to their agenda.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)16:56 No.1922286
    Totally not the right thread, either...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:08 No.1922387
    The battle cry for the far right has always been "Keep the constitution the same!!!! Hur dur liberals!?!!?!?!?!"

    Oh, except when it comes to protecting the rights of immigrants and minorities. I guess that saying wouldn't apply here?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:10 No.1922405

    both sides have always used that article when it seems fit.

    you can interpret the constitution all day and get different meanings.

    you are a dumb, dumb ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:10 No.1922408
    inb4 nativists. . .o wait, too late.

    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:11 No.1922415
    Make em learn American, the languag of king
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:11 No.1922417
    at least they're going through an actual amendment process, which is more than I can say for Barack Hussein the Usurper with his Obamacare monstrosity
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:14 No.1922446
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:15 No.1922457
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    i can't believe this is still stickied
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:20 No.1922514

    You actually believe Republicans are serious about this? It will never happen. Both parties benefit from cheap illegal immigrant workers and tourism would take a huge hit. Too many people's wallets would get flatter. They're just hyping this up for the November elections.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:39 No.1922736
    There are a lot of changes needed to be made in the Constitution, but this is certainly not one of them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:42 No.1922781
    I'm not sure exactly what the drafters of the (14th) amendment had in mind, but I doubt it was that somebody could fly in from Brazil and have a child and fly back home with that child, and that child is forever an American citizen
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)17:43 No.1922792

    A distraction perhaps? Hey forget about what my left hand's doing for a minute, look at my right hand!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/10(Wed)18:30 No.1923366
    * Regardless of maternal status, if a mother is caught by the Feds. as an Illegal, said mother is bound to get set back, regardless.
    * If the baby is born here in America, at a hospital, ONLY the baby is give a social security. The mother can be sent back if found out.
    * If the child is young enough, because they can’t be separated from the mother, they usually send them back.
    * Cultural wise, people come here pregnant not because they “need the baby for leverage” but because they just happen to be pregnant. The amount of people who come here, for example Mexico, come from poor areas, usually in the north. Farm land, ranches. Men there are taught the age old idea that America is the land of freedom and opportunity and in a way to start a new life they come here by any means. The reason people come here illegally is due to the fact that they are poor to even afford a visa/green card. The come here for opportunities and if they are married, two things happen: their wives stay in Mexico or they tag along. Now because they are poor, they are prone to be more “conservative” in their idea of birth control (ie: not use it) so the women get knocked up.
    * When it comes to welfare, it is a rear case that illegal women with their “anchor baby” actually get it. These women and their spouses end up working double shifts and saving money. Welfare (only for the kid) is not much and is the last resort. Prime examples of this are is a spouse dies and the mother on her own really can’t provided enough for the kid. The CHILD get the welfare. ((Here is the interesting thing, it is NOT illegals that abuse the Welfare, research people))

    * If the case was that “anchor babies” are the prime reason people are here, then literally every American Family began with an anchor baby. It can be 2 generations apart, or it can 50 generation, we are all anchor babies.
    >> Lord Edin of the Stoner age !09ENY0w322 08/04/10(Wed)18:32 No.1923392
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    >mfw this will never even reach congress
    >implying this isn't blatant racism

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