07/27/10(Tue)19:42 No. 1850412 File1280274158.png -(117 KB, 2100x349, 1277579961244.png ) www.holocaustdenialvideos.com Have
you ever inadvertently touched the flame of a candle, match or lighter,
only to have that same flame engulf your entire hand? You might be
surprised to find that human beings as kindling is part of the official
holocaust claim. You may never have considered why wehther you
live in America, Canada, Britain, Poland, the Netherlands, Austria,
Belgium, wSitzerland, Sweden or many other countries we've all grownu p
with the same atrocity stories when we'ev been too young to really give
them much thought, in fact some adults have even been jailed (Germar
Rudolf, David Irving, Ernst Zündel and others) simplyf or thinking too
hard abotu them! Holocaust "denial" is explicitly or implicitly illegal
in 16 countries, a charge which can carry with it a prsion sentence of
up to 3 years. Does truth fear investigation? Should it? No
matter where you live or who you are, you might be an adult now, and
you might be ready for the truth. It's time to stop taking murder
charges at face value.