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    File : 1280143230.jpg-(1.88 MB, 2700x2700, Milky_Way_galaxy_sun05.jpg)
    1.88 MB Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:20 No.1829658  
    Within the first six weeks of Kepler coming online, it has detected hundreds of new planetary systems in our nearby region of the galaxy, including 140 confirmed Earth like planets!

    “The figures suggest our galaxy, the Milky Way (which has more than 100 billion stars) will contain 100 million habitable planets and soon we will be identifying the first of them,” Dimitar Sasselov, professor of astronomy at Harvard University and a scientist on the Kepler Mission said.

    Why isn't this being reported by American media yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:22 No.1829670

    do you want the nice answer or the real answer?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:23 No.1829679
    sure is anti Semitic in here.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:24 No.1829686
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    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:27 No.1829697

    Planets are dangerous places - why bother getting stuck at the bottom of another gravity well?

    Once you get into space you're better off staying there.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:27 No.1829701
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    Extraterrestrial life would cause a serious fucking of religious ideals, as Earth suddenly wouldn't be very special.

    Creationists would go apeshit if this was reported.

    Picture related.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:28 No.1829707
    god made back up earths incase of free market caused nuclear war, page 56 of the gospels
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:28 No.1829708
    remember that recent story about the vatican saying that the existance of other worlds does not undermine their religion

    pre empting this, its the news that their beliefs are even more ridiculous and irrelevant than ever
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:28 No.1829709
    This news means that the probability of life being elsewhere in the universe, even our own galaxy, has now just risen quite a lot.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:29 No.1829714
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    >Scientific breakthrough

    >No celebrities died

    >Jimmy Dean didn't announce a new kind of sausage

    >Why oh why isn't this being reported by American media?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:30 No.1829718
    oh the things i would give to see some creationists go into psychotic meltdown because of evidence of alien life.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:31 No.1829720
    Oh my god it will be so glorious.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:31 No.1829721
    >Why isn't this being reported by American media yet?

    Welcome to the Attention Age. The latest Celebrity gossip takes the priority.
    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 07/26/10(Mon)07:31 No.1829723
    Its not interesting and Big Religion wants their slaves to remain intact.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:31 No.1829725
    they'd probably bend and "reinterpret" their shit like they do today so it fits in with the current events.
    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 07/26/10(Mon)07:32 No.1829729
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    I can't say I am surprised.
    1 and 6 people on earth look the same, 1 in 6 planets should too.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:34 No.1829737
    Nope, that's what the Liberals do. These shits take it so literally they will either A) Deny it and blame Fallen Angels or some crap, Or B) Pick out a vague verse from Genesis and claim that the holy babble has aliens in it, which means it's true.
    They'll still be hit very hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:35 No.1829743
    imagine for a moment if you will....

    the supernova of creationist butthurt

    ......mmmmmm ....
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:36 No.1829753
    ITT we forget that religious, like the Vatican, institutions have already prepared for the inevitable day that alien life is discovered/publicly announced.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:37 No.1829755
    I can't wait until the religious retards start asking questions like "Do aliens worship God?", or "Are aliens really demons?", or "We need to spread the word of God to the rest of the universe!"
    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 07/26/10(Mon)07:37 No.1829758

    Just means they know they dont take themselves seriously enough.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:38 No.1829766


    Wasn't the world supposed to end like 20 times by now? They just keep pushing this shit back

    The most hilarious example was with dinosaur bones. "Yeah uh, god put those there to test our faith..."

    Anybody who still buys their bullshit after that facade is fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:39 No.1829771

    Vatican have so little faith in their religion. Priceless
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:39 No.1829774
    >american media
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:40 No.1829777
    The jews poisoned the gravity wells
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:41 No.1829779
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    You do realize you will never hear those questions, because alien life will never be encountered by us. The distances are absolutely obscene. We'll need the ability to travel at about 100x the speed of light before we meet some aliens. What makes you think they are more advanced than us? Or even have evolved sentience at all?

    Contacting extraterrestrial life is thousands of years away, if it's even possible within the constraints of physics.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:43 No.1829792
    Honestly, this galaxy shit scares me.

    I'd rather believe that it was god who's behind everything and that these planets and shit don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:44 No.1829798
    You are now aware in like 200 years the bible will be reinterpreted to cover aliens, backup earths specially made for humans,spacetravel, laserbeams and interracial marriage with aliens and idiots will keep falling for it.
    >> Mature Related !K/L9IJgMJY 07/26/10(Mon)07:44 No.1829799
    to contact perhaps, but not to see.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:45 No.1829802
    I was gonna post that story about what the vatican says

    but all the first links are to conspiracy nuts who must have had an orgy when they heard
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:45 No.1829805

    >Implying aliens != any extra-terrestrial life

    >Implying any of us expect to find more than single celled ETs in the next few thousand years
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:46 No.1829806
    we could use some alien trolls here on earth
    like, giant ufo out of fucking nowhere: "hey guys, I know were late to the intergalactic party but - whops, wrong planet! cya"
    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 07/26/10(Mon)07:46 No.1829809

    We dont have to communicate with things to prove their existence
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:47 No.1829814
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    >interracial marriage with aliens
    and no doubt shit like this
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:48 No.1829815
    Thousands of years away for us, yes. But who's to say there aren't aliens out there who've been at this technology thing thousands of years longer than us.

    Once they figure out we've seen them they could make contact.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:48 No.1829819
    You are forgetting that humanity is only 25-30 years away from developing regenerative medicine and other technologies that will allow us to live indefinitely.

    We'll be able travel to the nearby stars over the course of several centuries, while playing and creating MMO games to keep ourselves busy on huge colony ships.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:49 No.1829820
    contact isnt an impossibility , just extremley unlikely

    its been postulated that a nano tech robotic exploration system could cover the galaxy in 100k years , simply by constructing more and launching rinse and repeat, spreading a like bacteria.

    sadly which brings the question full circle, why haven't we seen any, this assumes that an advanced civilisation would want/need/care about contacting a pre fusion/ pre nano-tech civilisation.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:49 No.1829822

    None of us will ever see it.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:50 No.1829823
    we don't really need aliens let alone contact with them to establish the logic that the universe is disproportionately big for our species to be the pinnacle of its 'plan'
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:51 No.1829827
    humanity is also that same amount of time away from unsustainable oil demand and economic contraction
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:53 No.1829834
    a sad fact for many people who either cant or wont broaden their mind to the realities of existence and use an archaic mythology as an adequate placebo.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:54 No.1829842

    Using 1950s technology we could reach the nearest star (Proxima Centuri) in eight years.

    If a star is 10 light years away it does not mean it will take 10 years traveling at the speed of light to reach it. learn some physics.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:55 No.1829848
    yeah. and in the 80s, we were 20 years away from flying cars.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:55 No.1829851
    It's already starting to happen.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:55 No.1829852
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:57 No.1829858
    i think hes referring to time dilation, the traveller going at a serious 90+% of light will experience far slower time than the rest of the universe.
    >> Airforcefag !aMz3EWvvdQ 07/26/10(Mon)07:57 No.1829860

    I am speechless
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:58 No.1829864
    We're also a month away from what will probably be the first nuclear fusion experiment to achieve energy gain.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:58 No.1829868
    It's not a matter of not being able to broaden my mind to it.
    It is a matter of not wanting to, though.

    I fear that the existence of these planets can also mean the existence of life, possibly life more advanced than us, more cruel than us.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:59 No.1829872
    Technocrat here, this thread is full of win. Now if only we could put scientists in charge of whole countries.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:59 No.1829876
    fear of an existential threat ?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)07:59 No.1829877
    lol nerd
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:00 No.1829881

    You only have to reach 0.8 of the speed of light to get to Proxima Centuri within a decade. Nuclear Pulse drives can easily reach these speeds.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:00 No.1829882

    also due to the whacky effects of time dilation at/near lightspeed you could travel the known universe in a human lifetime.........but 300k years would have passed on earth.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:01 No.1829884
    Yeah, it's actually possible for someone to travel across the visible universe in a life time, because as you travel faster in space, you travel slower in time relative to a stationary observer.

    >For example, one year of travel might correspond to ten years at home. Indeed, a constant 1 g acceleration would permit humans to travel as far as light has been able to travel since the big bang (some 13.7 billion light years) in one human lifetime. The space travellers could return to Earth billions of years in the future. A scenario based on this idea was presented in the novel Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle.

    The problem is, of course, going on such a trip means you leave everyone behind in the past, you'll probably never see them again.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:02 No.1829890
    >lol nerd
    gb2 High School
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:03 No.1829893
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    >more cruel than us

    Don't worry, we'll create the United Space Marine Corps to deal with any threats.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:03 No.1829898

    Scientists can't run a country. Besides, it would take away from them doing Science.

    You just need science friendly bureaucrats to give them a massive budget. Then their top minds can focus on Science rather than fixing roads and reaching a unanimous vote to wish the Gentleman from the State of Missouri a happy birthday.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:05 No.1829909
    We need true secularism in politics though to make it work. None of this "God Save America" bullshit.

    At least the Chinese have this part right. Which is probably why they'll be running everything in 50 years.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:06 No.1829910

    cosmology > stellar formation > many (now a certainty) earthlike planets > abiogenisis > evolution > neuroscience

    End of Chapter One, The Childhood of Homosapien
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:06 No.1829913
    >I fear that the existence of these planets can also mean the existence of life, possibly life more advanced than us, more cruel than us.

    Exactly, I've been thinking about that for years. It's absolutely foolish to believe possible alien life would be free from destructive instincts. We are certainly not and not a single life form on our planet is. SETI is inherently dangerous and people like Carl Sagan idiotic faggots. If "they" exist, we can only hope that we discover them before they discover us. I'm not fatalistic, but we should be prepared for all outcomes.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:07 No.1829919
    As a technocratic capitalist I really like the Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:09 No.1829931
    At least they'll have to believe in Evolution now.
    Right? Right?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:09 No.1829932
    But this theory is not scientific mainstream yet, amarite?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:10 No.1829938
    All the more reason to get some of humanity off of this rock and soon. That way they can't wipe us out in one shot. All it would take would be for them to commandeer a sufficiently large asteroid in our own solar system, make some minor adjustments and life on Earth would be over.

    Once you can travel easily and freely in space, it's also not hard to make planets a miserable place to live.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:10 No.1829940
    We need to unite the Earth under an emperor and then take our conquest to the sea of stars.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:10 No.1829941
    too late buddy we have been broadcasting for years
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:11 No.1829945
    What are you talking about? It is mainstream and well accepted, time dilation is covered in Einstein's general relativity.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:11 No.1829946
    Yes, and not faggot niggers like Mr. Obama.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:12 No.1829956
    Most Christians in Europe believe in evolution now, they don't take the bible literally either.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:13 No.1829957
    I know. Hopefully the signals are lost in the great dark void forever.

    Fucking hippies.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:17 No.1829980
    "i love lucy" is around 60 light years out and moving fast.

    there is one thing tho, radio transmissions have the square inverse law applied, once they go too far it will be indistinguishable from background noise. unless some very advanced things are listening.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:21 No.1829999
    So Lrrr of planet Omicron Persei 8 is watching I Love Lucy instead of Ally McBeal?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:23 No.1830006
    Yes. The Omagracon Splut Network is all re-runs these days.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:26 No.1830031
    Yes, but I meant the possible usage for space flight. It might be theoretically possible, but the practical application is far beyond the technology of this century.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:27 No.1830033
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:29 No.1830045

    Orion nuclear pulse drives are 1950s technology.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:31 No.1830057
    We have the technology. What we lack is the will. And I doubt we'll have the will for at least the first half of this century.

    Just wait until life extending technologies become widespread in 20-30 years. People will start to wonder what to do with all of their new found longevity.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:31 No.1830058
    I agree completely, we need to progress much faster than we do now. All this green bullshit about global warming et cetera is only impeding our true calling.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:32 No.1830061
    Nice quads.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:33 No.1830065

    You seem rather optimistic, those technologies will likely only be available for the rich and powerful.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:33 No.1830069


    It's our economic system that's holding us back. It's capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:34 No.1830076
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    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:34 No.1830077
    We don't only need longevity but a higher general IQ. As dorky as those transhumanist might appear sometimes, the overall enhancement of the human race is what needs to be done.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:34 No.1830079
    Which is why I support Co-operations instead of Corporations.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:35 No.1830082
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    If aliens wanted to wipe us out they would have long, long ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:36 No.1830088
    >It's our economic system that's holding us back. It's capitalism.

    That's complete bullshit. Just look which nations are the most advanced, it's those that embraced capitalism wholeheartedly. It's the only system that believes in human effort and progress and thrives for the future.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:37 No.1830091
    >implying you can get shit done without exploiting lazy proles
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:38 No.1830096
    I pity your simplisistic world view, Open Source Neckbeard.

    Enjoy Obama's cum on your face!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:38 No.1830100

    When you say "Capitalism" do you really mean corrupt, Statist, corporatism?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:39 No.1830103
    Great Filter, X-tards. Look into it.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:40 No.1830109
    >implying alien civilations exist timelessly
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:41 No.1830114
    >implying any advanced civilization has ANY reason to fuck with us
    >implying that the cruelty needed to fuck with us just because wouldn't have kept them from getting to that point in the first place

    Any race capable of interstellar travel has to be post-scarcity and thus can't need resources, and it is doubtful a highly advanced civilization will come here just for the sake of nuking us.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:43 No.1830123
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:44 No.1830130
    >When you say "Capitalism" do you really mean corrupt, Statist, corporatism.

    This definition is only a value judgement. If your personal interpretation of capitalism is like that, I recommend reading up on it. You don't keep up with the literature.

    Corrupt and static actually applies to "Socialism". Capitalism is a dynamic system.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:46 No.1830136
    Standard Oil, try explaining why Natural Monopolies form.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:50 No.1830158
    unless they see us as a long term threat.

    a civilisation that has endured long enough to become serious space travellers plans ahead
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:51 No.1830162
    because theyre the best, liberal scum
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:53 No.1830169

    When you say "Capitalism" do you really mean corrupt, Statist, corporatism?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:54 No.1830174
    >implying any advanced civilization has ANY reason to fuck with us

    Advanced civilizations don't need reasons to fuck with somebody, if they want to, they will make reasons up. Being advanced doesn't necessarily mean to be pacifisitic.

    >implying that the cruelty needed to fuck with us just because wouldn't have kept them from getting to that point in the first place

    Despite of our nuclear capabilities we haven't blown our planet up yet. It's sloppy and wishful thinking to believe that every civilization which is able to destroy itself will do so.

    No offense, but I know you're mostly using the arguments of people like Carl Sagan, but let me assure you: they're full of logical fallacies.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:55 No.1830183
    100 million inhabitable planets they say?

    so we just need a god emperor to lead us to the stars, than i can kick some xeno scum ass!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:57 No.1830190

    >I know you're mostly using the arguments of people like Carl Sagan, but let me assure you: they're full of logical fallacies.

    Really? Care to name a few?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:57 No.1830193
    If you oppose Natural Monopolies you should really oppose socialism since every industry within a socialist system is a government controlled, static and corrupt monopoly.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)08:57 No.1830194
    my same thought.. here in holland we got fag news about muslims and stuff.. and the basic "my neighbour abused his wife" shit but not this epic news
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:00 No.1830211

    See ya later creationists, you fags can keep Earth and your miserable way of life. I'm off to chase some tail in space until the Universe ends.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:01 No.1830224
    Do you even expect me to spoon-feed you after you can't even think for yourself? You should know which arguments I mean, since I replied to them.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:06 No.1830253
    bcause that is happy news and we're 2 bizy bein took over by military state. DUH.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:06 No.1830254
    Evolution will suffer greatly without any sex/reproduction.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:09 No.1830280
    ? He didnt say anything about Obama or any other politician nor was he implying allegience to any mainstream ideology...

    Were you just looking to post something about Obama and stretching that post to fit around your intentions or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:10 No.1830286
    so thats a no then
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:10 No.1830294

    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:17 No.1830340
    because they want religion to remain relevant for as long as possible. religion has always been used as a control tool by the elite.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:18 No.1830346

    Sagan believed that the Drake equation, on substitution of reasonable estimates, suggested that a large number of extraterrestrial civilizations would form, but that the lack of evidence of such civilizations highlighted by the Fermi paradox suggests technological civilizations tend to destroy themselves rather quickly.

    Active SETI consists of sending signals into space in the hope that they will be picked up by an alien intelligence. Physicist Stephen Hawking, in his book A Brief History of Time, suggests that "alerting" extraterrestrial intelligences of our existence is foolhardy, citing man's history of treating man in meetings of civilizations with a significant technology gap. He bluntly suggests that we "lay low".

    The concern over SETI was raised by the science journal Nature in an editorial in October 2006, which commented on a recent meeting of the International Academy of Astronautics SETI study group. The editor said, "It is not obvious that all extraterrestrial civilizations will be benign, or that contact with even a benign one would not have serious repercussions" (Nature Vol 443 12 Oct 06 p 606). Astronomer and science fiction author David Brin has expressed similar concerns.

    As was suggested by Richard Carrigan, a particle physicist at the US Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, 'passive' SETI could also be dangerous in the style of computer viruses.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:18 No.1830356
    >Religion has always been used as a control tool by the elite.

    Considering the stupidity of the masses, rightly so.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:21 No.1830374
    For your reading pleasure:
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:29 No.1830425

    >>last 4 thousand years tops

    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:33 No.1830456
    thank you, mate
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:58 No.1830674
    Christfags why do these planets even exist hmmmm.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)09:59 No.1830687
    We've only been nuclear for 50 years and we might have pulled it off if not for some quick talking by JFK.

    And you seem to assuming that said aliens are the hyper-aggressive killer apes with brains we are.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:01 No.1830704
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    it's too "atheist"
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:06 No.1830744

    Because Obama basically turned NASA into a pile of nothing, so to have something like this would be damaging to his administration
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:07 No.1830756
    why do I expand these images? WHY?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:09 No.1830771

    Why do people think that an alien species has to be advanced? They could well be like the prawns in District 9, be smart in some areas, and fucking retarded in others, or just plain retarded
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:18 No.1830838


    Obama has increased NASA's budget you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:21 No.1830858
    It's not Obama that has killed the NASA budget. It's the infighting in the House that has killed the NASA budget.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:23 No.1830875
    he increased it to pay for muslims
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:24 No.1830887

    NASA's budget has increased under Obama.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:28 No.1830922
    >>1830771 Why do people think that an alien species has to be advanced?

    To travel through space requires some intelligence. To travel the distance required that's so far away we don't even know about it requires a lot of intelligence. I've never seen District 9 so I don't know what they're like.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)10:32 No.1830955

    >Implying increased spending means more results

    They also increased the budget for schools, and education is still declining
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)12:24 No.1832117

    You are a total fucking idiot.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!xqXhdKPyyih 07/26/10(Mon)12:27 No.1832137
    Science needs to hurry the fuck up.

    I wanna go conquistador on some planets.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!xqXhdKPyyih 07/26/10(Mon)12:29 No.1832152
    Weren't the Prawns supposed to be retarded because the ones left were worker drones?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)12:29 No.1832153
    I think you need to make a clarification to your headline op. They found "earth sized" not "earth like" planets. Sure the possibilities for earth like planets just took a huge leap, there are still so many variables that have to happen in just such a way for life like ours to spring forth. I would like to see if some mathfag has adjusted the Drake Equation to fit the new data however.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)12:31 No.1832163
    What does "education is declining" mean? Grammatical non-sequiturs like that usually come straight from media talking points without being filtered through the brain of a human being.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)12:31 No.1832168
    American media doesn't in2thestars.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)13:47 No.1832950
    I think religion is pretty much in it's eleventh hour now.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:06 No.1833143

    I've talked to many Christians, even fundamentalist types, who acknowledge that we might not be alone in the universe.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:12 No.1833213
    I think...i think i've been trolled
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:22 No.1833316
    The only thing obama really cut was the constellation program which was gigantic clusterfuck. It was overbudget, behind schedule and not much of an upgrade on the shuttle. Isn't this what right-wingers want which is getting rid of government waste? He increased NASA budget by 6 billion. Stop being manipulated by partisans and start dealing with fact based reality
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:23 No.1833329

    anon is right. go ask in /sci/
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:26 No.1833347
    >>1830744 was meant for
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:32 No.1833383
    fuck you

    yes 10 light years means 10 years at the speed of light
    which you can't reach because you mass

    yes I MAD
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:34 No.1833399


    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:37 No.1833430
    >>1830744 was meant for
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:39 No.1833449


    Go and study some physics.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:42 No.1833480
    >Why isn't this being reported by American media yet?

    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:42 No.1833482
    >implying alien life throws out creationism

    god has a plan for the aliens too, so what?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)14:58 No.1833674
    Why whitey always going into space? It takes work to survive in space, or else you can't get oxygen and shit. A bruthuh's gonna suffocate while whitey be breathing in all that white privilege. Then there's all them fly alien bitches that whitey gonna get his freak on with cuz he can learn they's language and tell them all them racist lies but us black people being monkeys. Obama shouldn't give money to them scientists for this space shit, we got black people in America with no cars, no nice place to live, and here whitey wanna go find a new planet cuz this one done got too much colored folks on it.

    Space be racist ya'll. You bes not let me here you talkin bout it les I pop you ass ina mouf. I done a driveby on Mr. Spock and Captain Kirk, chickenshit crackas. I saw Alf in my projects tryin to get sum weed, jumped up out the bushes when he wuz thinkin I was a cat. Cold smoked his ass. Who next? I'ma keeping them fly white bitches from Lost In Space, though, they's for me. That Opie looking mofo cot all strung out on rock and he owed me money so I was creepin him with my Mac-10. Then this robot fuckin went like "Danger Will Robinson" and I done rocked 'em both. Lead slugs raining like a black man's anger they lying face down leaking blood and oil on the ground and shit. Then I saw these two blonde honeys screaming louder now when I pull out my blacksnake. You ain't seen no alien life form like this. Now his mom and his sista be ridin my jock with my boy Mr. Smith tapping that ass on the side while I front him some rock to sell to them green skinned little motherfuckin Martians cuz that's how we roll. Flying saucer style. That's what I'm talkin bout nigga.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:00 No.1833703
    aside from fake nigger troll, this thread has been so empty.

    MSM doesn't report on space because our corporate overlords realize that the second the populous realizes that space=infinite resources, we'll be all over that shit, and might actually get rid of them.

    seriously, think about it.

    space=ultimate hope for humanity.

    (even niggers.)
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:04 No.1833751
    brilliant this explains everything
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:04 No.1833761

    Very true. Value in our Capitalist society is based on scarcity. Above our heads are limitless resources; if we mine the sky then it will be the end of Capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:18 No.1833912
         File1280171880.jpg-(4 KB, 250x317, 250px-Harris_as_Dr._Smith.jpg)
    4 KB
    >with my boy Mr. Smith

    That's *Doctor* Smith, you hebetudinous hen-stealer.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:25 No.1834011
    Just because a planet is the size of Earth, doesn't mean it has an atmosphere capable of sustaining life. Or an atmosphere at all, at times.

    Chances are that there will only be a handful of habitable (for humans, at least) planets in the Milky Way. We won't find any sort of extraterrestrial life (outside of microbes) for a long fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:27 No.1834030
    NASA is American.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:35 No.1834119

    It depends on the age of the planet, but most earth-type planets will have some kind of atmosphere. Both Mars and Venus do, after all. If it has our kind of atmosphere, that can only be seen with spectroscopy. However O2 is a dead giveaway for metabolic life, since it normally is too reactive to stay in the atmosphere without being produced by a living organism.

    What would be interesting is if there's any way to determine from space whether or not a pre-radio civilization exists. It would be interesting if we never picked anything up from aliens because we *are* the most advanced civilization in our corner of the galaxy. That would be cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)15:38 No.1834147

    Then we'll go Christopher Columbus on them and rape the living fuck out of their tight alien holes.

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