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    File : 1280093035.jpg-(20 KB, 280x270, bulger_11.jpg)
    20 KB Jon Venables Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:23 No.1823513  
    I can't believe there aren't any leaked recent photos.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:24 No.1823522
    Its because you are such a useless cunt.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:28 No.1823563
    Who is this little kid, what did he do?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:28 No.1823571
    No idea who this is.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:29 No.1823579
    Killed some 8 year old or something... must be up for parole, it's been 17 years.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:30 No.1823580
    Kid who helped torture and kill James Bulger.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:30 No.1823582
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:31 No.1823586
    killed a babie went to jail, fucked up in the head. Now is obsessed with kiddy porn probably due to some twested sense of guilt. Back in jail, British media pop open a bottle of champain, No one gives a fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:31 No.1823588
    Jon was 10, as was Robert. They killed a 2 year-old boy, James Bulger. They were both released on lifelong parole in 2001.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:31 No.1823589
    but batteries in a babies ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:31 No.1823593
    I made a thread on /b/ last night saying how this photo creeps me out. Just the fact he tortured that kid, has been sent to jail at 10, yet still looks scared and like a typical 90s kid.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:32 No.1823595
    You know, every time you find him, they're gonna have to move him somewhere more expensive.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:32 No.1823601
    Yeah him and his friend tortured and killed another child a good while back, now being v& for possession of toddler cp.
    I live 5 mins away from where it happened.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:34 No.1823611
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:38 No.1823645
    >implying I was born in Liverpool and not Cheshire.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:40 No.1823662
    no one cares that the other one is doing well and probably has a better job than most of you guys
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:42 No.1823675

    I believe when a person has served his time he is free to live his life. So im ok with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:43 No.1823685
    Except we dont have to keep checking our backs every 5 mins or go to sleep at night wondering when we're gonna be found, its a nice way to live.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:43 No.1823688
    he should be hung drawn and quartered.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:46 No.1823704
    why must mankind suffer this man's existence?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:46 No.1823706
    its a shame jamie bulgers family, whe whole of merseyside and 99% of the uk dont think the same way.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:49 No.1823721
    The other guy is now a faggot and lives with his male lover.

    And this guy likes CP.

    Who says prison doesn't work?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:49 No.1823727
    People need someone to demonise to make themselves feel better.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:52 No.1823747
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    Your face when Britain is spending shit loads of money to protect those babykillingpedophilescumbags.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:54 No.1823757

    Wouldn't have had to if the tabloids had not blown it up to ridiculous proportions and forced the government to try them in an adult trial.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:54 No.1823758
    my face seems to be ok with it.... slightly confused im now black...
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:54 No.1823762
    yfw it was the fluoride in the water that made them do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:55 No.1823768

    Are you seriously defending this fucked up kid?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)17:58 No.1823794

    People die all the time but people dont care. Aso people mostly will forget about all this in a week. What happned to all the storys about knife crime?

    Its fake anger. Although natually a few people have the right to be mad. You know what if they find him and kill him I still wont give a fuck. Why do you? Oh the media tells you how to feel ;)
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:03 No.1823824
    >Bulger's parents applied to the European Court of Human Rights, but failed to persuade the court that a victim of a crime has the right to be involved in determining the sentence of the perpetrator

    >victim of a crime doesn't have the right to be involved in determining the sentence of the perpetrator

    >victim of a crime doesn't have the right to be involved in determining the sentence of the perpetrator

    >victim of a crime doesn't have the right to be involved in determining the sentence of the perpetrator
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:03 No.1823829

    Because a baby was killed, not by accident or botched robbery but with purposeful intent by two extremely messed up kids.

    The fact that you think people are angry because the media tells them to be angry and not because a baby was killed shows what kind of shallow cunt you are.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:04 No.1823840
    Yeah sure lets see how long people remember this story for.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:05 No.1823844
    Sounds right to me, law and order. Not law and revenge seeking.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:07 No.1823854
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    I'm posting from britland, so I am not sure it would be legal to post this photo of SEAN WALSH in relation to any other details. But if you google more info about SEAN WALSH you will find an interesting article about his arrest and conviction in Ireland.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:07 No.1823855

    Of course they don't.

    The family of victims of a crime should be kept away from sentencing precisely because they are going to be biased as fuck, angry as hell and have nothing even resembling perspective.

    If a guy killed my brother, I'd want to see him shot in the head, obviously. Hence why I shouldn't be involved in that sentencing. No amount of mitigating circumstances could ever convince me otherwise and that's the problem.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:08 No.1823862

    Knife crime scare was to have an excuse to regulate knives. Home office sent memos to papers with stats and they happily obliged because they needed a boogeyman to sell papers with. Public got scared, and backed the regulations.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:11 No.1823903

    No, this is the media.

    People are angry, sure. But this was one incident, ten year ago. That they caught the guys for, and sentenced.

    How prevelant a problem are such child abduction/death cases in the uk? Not very; most people will never be affected by one in any way whatsoever. How much do we heard about them? Loads, because it's dramatic and scary.

    Your kids are more likely to be killed by a car speeding in a 30 zone. Massively, massively more likely. But it's hard to get emotionally invested in that, so people fear the dramatic thing instead and papers get sold on it. Despite the fact that far far bigger issues kill more kids and we struggle to care.

    It's a media issue.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:11 No.1823904
    This is what im saying why does the whole country have to be involved through the looking glass of the media. They dont actually give a fuck its got nothing to do with them. But the media tells them they should care and what to think, untill the next story. People should but the fuck out and let the people actually involved get on with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:16 No.1823950

    >The family of victims of a crime should be kept away from sentencing precisely because they are going to be biased as fuck, angry as hell and have nothing even resembling perspective.

    They should change that. If the perps know they are going to be at the mercy of the victim or the family, I'd bet they'd think twice about doing anything. But the criminals feels safe because of liberal judges.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:17 No.1823977

    What about innocent people who get falsely convicted?

    What about mitigating circumstances?

    What about manslaughter? Killing in self-defense?

    I know you're trolling, but it's still a silly and naive arguement.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:18 No.1824001
    How did they kill him?
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)18:34 No.1824165
    People are defending 19 year olds who killed another person for his xbox and got life for it, and people (on otaku) complained that he should ger 12-20 years max.

    if thats maximum amount, then 5 years avarage for killing another person. Thank fucking god for soem common sense that when you kill someone, you have to work very hard to get out of jail.

    And not just like in sweden, where you get 1 year in the psychward and then you are free.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:35 No.1824174
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)18:38 No.1824206

    14 year old to young to be sentences, so he brags about the murder.

    Its obvious in cases like this that he is going to murder again if he BRAGS ABOUT IT. its also obvious you have to take the law in your own hands, jesus fucking christ I am so tired of swedish law.

    And norway aint helping.
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)18:39 No.1824218

    Here you go you beaver
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:40 No.1824227
    you wont solve the world problems, there is plently of good things about Sweden.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:41 No.1824239


    lol oh god what
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:43 No.1824272

    >What about innocent people who get falsely convicted?

    >implying this doesn't happen many times over as well in the current legal system as well
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)18:45 No.1824294
    True, plenty of other bad and good things about other countries. Thats why you try to change things so it wont stay shitty anymore. I fucking hate living in this no mans land, and I didnt even like that song.

    One should be able to trust the LOCAL law to take care of things, not that you have to do it yourself to protect your family and THEN get sentenced in jail for it. Thank fucking god you wont get sentenced if you're friends with 17 year olds who are friends with 14 year olds who are in need of money and is willing to even cripple someone to get hembränt.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:47 No.1824327
    He is saying that the family of the victim will normaly always think the accused is guilty even after it becomes clear to other people he is inocent. Untill they find someone else to blame.

    To many people in dispare its not important who is blamed as long as they have SOMEONE to blame.
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)18:48 No.1824338
    Money is made from wood. Beavers eat wood. beavers control the economy.

    >Killing in self-defense?

    True if they are older, but a 2 year old cannot attack someone, the odds for that is so gigantic its just pure lies if one would say such a thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:49 No.1824345
    yeah well either you do something about it, police politician vigilante etc or move on. OR you WILL become a very bitter person.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:55 No.1824409

    >whe whole of merseyside
    I'm going to assume you mean The whole of Merseyside there. I'm from Merseyside and I think they have every right to live their life like a normal person once their sentences are carried out.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:56 No.1824419

    Where about in merseyside you from?
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)18:57 No.1824428
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    And yes, I am still angry about the guy in rödeby. jesus fucking christ.

    His account on a social networking site was called Tomburk__ on lunarstorm, he looks like this

    His name is christoffer svensson, still lives in rödeby, does drugs and almost ran over a 4 people in 2010/02 I think. If the law refuses to stop this man even after all bullshit he has done, I will at least do justice, and it will be his home this time, by 14 year olds that will burn his fucking house down.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:58 No.1824434
    The real question we should be asking about the James Bulger murder is "why?". Why they did it?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:59 No.1824441
    TV violence
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)18:59 No.1824442
    What's the story with his guy?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)19:00 No.1824454
    You could tie that in with bad parenting. That's almost always the root of all problems.
    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)19:01 No.1824459
    Bitter, no but I am still going to be paranoid about other things. Probably I am going to get less paranoid when I know there are others out there who can deal with bullshit like this toghether, its human instinct to feel safer when other people can deal with safety issues and you know you can trust them, since they done it before. about 2-3 people out of 30 I know of that can take the law in their own hands.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)19:01 No.1824468

    The Wirral, why you asking?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)19:02 No.1824472

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)19:03 No.1824478
    you crazy swedish always drinking and on the internets

    >> Dreamslayer 07/25/10(Sun)19:03 No.1824485

    I am angry for what he has done but I am also angry they STILL ALLOW HIS BULLSHIT TO CONTINUE, fuck they even said the cops didnt do anything wrong. which means if people do the same crime anywere else, if the police do the same there as in rödeby, nothing wrong has been done.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)19:07 No.1824526

    Woolyback? Just googled it and it's an insult for people from St Helens, not the Wirral.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)19:08 No.1824542

    I think you are mistaken sir.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)01:02 No.1827072
    He gets moved to another prison if inmates discover who he is (he'll be using a fake name); stopping his anal rapings.

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