Sup /stormfront/I have a question for those of you smart enough to enter university. How many black students are normally in your class?
zero. i have not seen one nigger here. many asians though.
Ehh, one black kid in a pretty damn small class.I don't like him. It's hard to like a guy who punched you in the head several times.
There were maybe two or three in my first year, by my final year there were none.
Usuaully doing the mickey mouse studies like "media studies"
About 20% but they act like they are 90% with their loud laughing, jungle speak, and disobedience to the teacher. Blacks ruin the world. Whites build, black tear down.
youre a nigger, arent ya?
Not many, just the way I like it.The ones that are there, however, are the ones that think they're something special.
Not very many, why?
>>1818542Depends on class. This is what I can remember from recent years.Introduction to science, economics, similar shit: Up to 25%.Vector calculus, quantum mechanics, astrophysics: 0. (unless you count Indians)
In African Studies where they learn to hate the white race, there's 100% blacks or 99% blacks and one white Liberal professor.
A guy who rarely shows up and a girl who lives in her own world.
I know quite a few, but they're international bros.
Britfag here, so maybe 4 out of a "class" of 90 (it was several classes together for certain lectures). There were far more Chinese.Degree was biology. But this was back in 1997
oooooooooo i has an idea what class ?how many students ?how many blacks ?
Chemistryfag here, there is one black guy, he's a geek like us and a bro. 1/6 americans are black so this is less than average, but if you called him a nigger I'd help hold you down while he stomped you in the nuts.
Once, a black guy called me honkey.I looked at him and said "BEEP-BEEP"
Studying medicine, out of 110 in my year 2 are black.
There were 3 or 4 in a few of my lectures, but they were only affirmative action places and acted like any stereotypical nigger. Fucking animals don't belong in higher education.
oxford physics, no blacks
It depends on what class and what level.I'm in the higher sciences (400s) and there are, like, 2 black nerds.
Generally one exchange student from Nigeria or wherever. Well above the curve gradewise. Quiet, antisocial. Fuck the girls are hot.
>>1818659>>African Studies.Learning how to make monkey sounds is NOT an education.
As a person who grew up a majority nigger neighborhood, university is the greatest place in the entire world. There are basically no niggers here but there are chinks/indians/arabs but chinks/indians/arabs are alright people... Niggers, they aren't people.
>implying stormfront isn't filled with mulatto scum
>niggers>universityAA can only do so much for the nigger is dumber than eggplants but I'd say maybe 5 out of a campus of thousands.
Blacks enlisted in typical course: ~5-10Blacks that actually show up: 1 or 2
None. I go to a very white school in a very white part of the country though (it's something of a cliche on campus that everyone knows all the black students by name because there's only about 20 of them). We do have a significant minority of Latino kids though, there's usually one or two of them in any given class, and in the Business school we have tons of Chinese and Middle-Eastern kids.
I live in lots. But they's alright.
>>1819693Obama... dolls?
Two words: "Affirmative action."GTFO OP
Biology major in Montana- None in any of the science or math classes I take. Some have been imported for our sports teams.
Grade school: Non-White population = 0Middle school: Non-White population = 1(Black guy)High school: Non-White population = hundreds(Black, one or two Asians, zero Mexicans)
>>1819751underaged b& get back to university, nigger.Also, there are almost no niggers in any of my classes. It feels very good.
>stormfags>black people>universitywat
>>1819765I'm out of high school and don't have the money or brains to go to college.
i go to the university of calgary:4 in my economics class, 3 are African immigrants, the other one is a retard that keeps telling the class about his stupid theories
I see a fair amount walking around on campus. Only seen one in class, and he had very light skin anyways.
might be one or two in the backit's more like half Asians though
>>1819796I guess that explains why you went to a school full of niggers.
With the AA bullshit, too many niggers acting like niggers then flunk out to be welfare chimps. Most niggers never make it past the first month, much less the first year.
>>1819841This. Schools really scrape the bottom of the barrel to get enough blacks enlisted so their admission numbers don't look racist.
>>1819697Where? Are you one of the last cockneys?
Ausfag here. Haven't seen any Aboriginals, but there are a couple of Sudanese men roaming around. Pretty nice guys actually, they've been quite friendly when I speak with them
5% of the kids in my highschool are black.40% or more are peurto-rican or mexican.both groups are bad.
>>1818581How is media studies a mickey mouse subject?The narratives told through media outlets influences our lives.