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    File : 1279478731.png-(97 KB, 1900x568, conservative beliefs.png)
    97 KB Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:45 No.1737953  
    American conservatives confirmed for worse than Muslims.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:48 No.1737969
    We already knew it. At least Muslims don't act like they love America.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:48 No.1737974
    Wait, doesn't that chart show they have the same political/religious leanings as Muslim Sharia?

    How does that prove they're worse?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:50 No.1737998

    Because the shira don't lie about wanting to destroy America.
    >> FAGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/18/10(Sun)14:51 No.1738008
         File1279479062.jpg-(52 KB, 441x448, 1279423018821.jpg)
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    >>No fairness doctrine = Technology is evil
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:52 No.1738016
    conservatives do NOT EQUAL republicans or religious affiliation, you are fucking retarded, DEMOCRATS DO NOT EQUAL LIBERAL ATHEISTS either!
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:52 No.1738018
    Because Muslims actively try to help the poor and raise the standard of living.
    Conservatives just damn them because they "don't have jobs" or "are lazy niggers"
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:53 No.1738035
    What percentage of Conservatives are not part of the Religious right?
    <1% would you say?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:53 No.1738041
    So why don't all the Liberals want to bend over backwards for Conservatives then? OH right, they hate whites.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:53 No.1738042
    wow, liberals are really getting desperate, huh?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:54 No.1738049
    But you'll vote for them for the tax cuts.
    Face it, you're just as bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:56 No.1738078
    Yea I guess Net Neutrality would be a better one.
    Good call.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)14:57 No.1738088

    ...says the terrorist that wants to destroy America.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:00 No.1738125
    joke's on you, i'm not a republican. i'm not even american.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:01 No.1738143

    I didn't say you were. Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:04 No.1738177
    but you implied republicans/conservatives = muslim terrorists in this thread.

    you liberals really amuse me.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:04 No.1738182
    American conservatives = muslims

    What we know of the middle east today has become more "liberal" after the fall of the ottoman empire. Muslims are the extremist RIGHT, that see the cultural invation as an evil to their ancient culture.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:07 No.1738208
    Yes we did imply that.
    Because it's true.
    You haven't proven anything in the chart to be incorrect yet. Maybe it's too hard having all of your extremist views presented at once?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:11 No.1738250
    Where? I mearly stated my opinion that you're a terrorist, I did not "brand-name" you.

    If you think that your hatred for the right is what I was talking about, that is you projecting your personal feelings, not me.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:15 No.1738283
    >You haven't proven anything in the chart to be incorrect yet.

    for starters:
    >implying sharia law is judeo-christian
    >implying the fairness doctrine is about technology
    >implying alcohol is illegal in even the most conservative states - you amerifags tried this once, and it didn't work, remember?
    >implying corporal punishment only exists in sharia law and american conservative dreams

    i mean, really now?

    i could do a similar list with democrats/liberals, btw (christians are bad, everyone who doesn't agree with you should be punished, jews should be exterminated, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:15 No.1738284

    >implying conservatives don't like drinking
    >implying conservatives don't like fucking
    >implying conservatives don't like gambling
    >implying the "fairness doctrine" isn't bullshit
    >implying quoting the bible means anything

    >implying this isn't fail troll
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:16 No.1738290
    >American conservatives confirmed for worse than Muslims.

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:28 No.1738388
    >implying sharia law is judeo-christian
    You clearly can't grasp the chart. It compares values shared between the two beliefs, and the things that they would implement in a second, given the chance.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:34 No.1738441

    >christians are bad

    >everyone who doesn't agree with you should be punished

    >jews should be exterminated, etc.

    These are.... liberal positions now?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:38 No.1738473
    Dude, you are witnessing conservatives grasping at straws trying to prove they crock of shit bible thumping sheep that we know they are.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:56 No.1738627
    >Religious text is law
    Look up the founding of the contituion, it was basically copy and pasted from several Christian sermons.
    >God's law is immutable
    Look above
    >Marriage is only between men and women
    Marriage was brought about religion.
    >Gambling prohibitied
    And you found this where?
    >Drinking is probhitied
    In ancient times alcohol was brought out because water was dirty and bland, it was never intended for inebriation.
    >Technology is the work of Satan
    Technology is not inheritantly good or evil, any advance in technology can be used for good or evil.
    >Sodomy is illegal
    It is considered an abominiation of nature by both religions, but God hates the sin not the sinner and neither do true Christians.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:57 No.1738629
    >Pornogrophy should be banned
    Should it be? Porbably, but it will never happen, same with prostitution.
    >Belive they are following god's wishes
    If they weren't what is the point of religion?
    >Women are second rate objects
    Yes, because Christians hide their bodies, beat them to death, stone them,d rown them, and kill them frequently for not observing Sharia law. Try again.
    >Execution is perfectly acceptable punishment
    This is something left up the govorning bodies and it's concepts of Justice. Revenge is Mine say's the Lord.
    >United Nations is evil
    There is Muslims and Christian nations under the UN.
    >The state should control all sexuality
    I've yet to hear this from a Christian, however for me I don't care as long as it's not shoved in my face.
    >Sex ed should be banned in school
    It should be opt in, not opt out. Parents should take responsibility for sexual education.
    >Sex is only for procreation
    There is entire chapters romantacising the joining of husband and wife for reasons other then procreation, it is a union of two souls and perfectly natural.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:58 No.1738636

    >Second rate education
    Text books do not lose their truth over the years, simply moe information becomes available. If new information becomes available that trumps older information then there would be need for updating textbooks, but these instances are rare.
    >No seperation of chruch and state
    The concept of the speration of church and state was taken from a private ltter from a founding father to a church, and historically the origional states had state supported religion. The concept of seperation of Church and State is to keep State out of Church, not Church out of Sate.
    >Corpral punishment in classrooms
    Parents alone should punish their children, it is their right and responsibility.

    Thank you come again.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:01 No.1738658
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:02 No.1738664

    >religious text is law

    Mike Huckabee wants to criminalise the 10 commandments and biblical verse.

    Commit a sin, go to jail.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:02 No.1738665
    >And you found this where?
    Read the source to the right. A link is on the bottom of the picture.
    >everything else
    Read the fucking quotes to the right. Everything is sourced. I don't pull shit like this out of my ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:03 No.1738670


    [] NOT TOLD

    [] TOLD

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:03 No.1738679
    Source or gtfo

    lol Liberals
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:05 No.1738686
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:05 No.1738687
    Screencaped for future reference. Thanks for posting it.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:05 No.1738689
    The spelling errors scream trolololol
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:06 No.1738701
    >Text books do not lose their truth over the years

    They do when the textbook is a science book that starts "In the begenning, god created light.."
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:07 No.1738704

    AS_PREViOUSLY_MentiONeD,_TheSE meSSSaGes_WiLl cONTINuE_UNTIl YoU_pErMaNEntlY stOp_aTtACKINg And_FucKinG WIth Www.AnoNDeRpTalK.sE_(ReMoVe thE_DERP), rEmoVE_aLL iLlEGAL ClONES of_It AnD LIeS AbOUt_iT_anD donate_At_leASt A MilLioN_USD tO_SySOP_as_compeNSAtion_fOr_THE_MASSivE damAGE_yOU_RetaRds_HAve_caUSeD.
    gelqbe dq ct cknzxdp azdwffwver h t
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:07 No.1738709
    >If they weren't what is the point of religion?

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:07 No.1738711

    Way to ignore separation between church and state, one of the most important principles of the founding fathers, and the Republican campaign against science

    Also, your attitude of moral superiority about women's rights, made me lol
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:08 No.1738714
    Your welcome.
    I just didn't take time to edit, sorry for the mistakes.
    My mistake. All the same, it's the same as pronography, prostitution, and alcohol, it will never go away totally.

    Also try to remember that Republicans does not equal Christian. I dislike 90% of Republicans because they are simply the Democrats of ten years ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:08 No.1738723
    >>God's law is immutable

    >> R. Nozick !!uRwKQMy9lon 07/18/10(Sun)16:09 No.1738726
         File1279483744.png-(52 KB, 627x620, ...what.png)
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    >women's rights
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:11 No.1738753

    Dude is saying American conservatives are morally superior to extremist Muslims because they don't occasionally kill women who step out of line
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:12 No.1738758
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    >> R. Nozick !!uRwKQMy9lon 07/18/10(Sun)16:12 No.1738764

    Dude is implying we wouldn't be better off if we did kill them.

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:12 No.1738768
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:14 No.1738788
    >separation of church and state
    The government isn't forcing you to attend church.
    The government isn't forcing you to confess faith.
    The government isn't forcing you to pray.
    The government isn't preaching any one religion/denomination.
    The government isn't preaching any religion at all.
    The government isn't killing all the other religions/denominations.
    The government isn't a theocracy.

    Separation of Church and State hasn't been violated in the last 40 years, and anyone who disagrees is a moron.

    "What students would learn in American schools above all else, is the religion of Jesus Christ. "
    -George Washington in a speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779

    Now I PERSONALLY disagree with that, but the fact remains that the Founding Fathers clearly did not intend the government to be so CALLOUSLY INDIFFERENT towards the religion of Jesus Christ.

    So quit your bitching you unbelievable pussies, because quite frankly, nobody's listening (except those who already agree with you.)

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:15 No.1738795

    Fortunately our political choices aren't limited to American conservatism and Islamist conservatism
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:16 No.1738803
    I respect your understanding of the founding fathers even if you don't agree with them.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:18 No.1738826

    >CALLOUSLY INDIFFERENT towards the religion of Jesus Christ.


    Don't have pretty much have to be a Christian in order to have any chance of running for office?

    The Texas textbook case is also a recent example of blurring the lines between Church and state
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:20 No.1738842
    >texas textbook
    Because removing the word "propaganda" from the WWI section means Jesus Christ is Lord.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:21 No.1738853
    Funny thing is that the source for this is two different documents.
    The first is a state party platform, not the national party platform.
    The second is that this used quotes from the bible and attributes it to the group that made the document as if the crafters of the policy believe that they should be legislated.

    If fact, the fundamental difference between the muslems and the conservitives is that while the conservatives may belivr the parts with the bible quotes, they do not believe that they should be a part of public policy while the muslems do believe that it should be a formed in policy.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:22 No.1738865

    You need to read the other textbooks they edited.
    >> AnonAtheist !!wQsCKqN8IwT 07/18/10(Sun)16:22 No.1738867

    Those are not violations of the "Separation of Church and State." They are however, sterling examples of why democracy is a terrible system. Theists and other morons are allowed complete control of the state just because they are in the majority (and thus, by democratic logic, always right.)
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:23 No.1738869
    You're the reason people have less empathy for others today.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:23 No.1738873
    But the fact that the public prefers Christians is more of a reflection that democracies tend to reflect the general make of of it's populice rather than a law or regulation.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:24 No.1738877
    Yeah, we should allow the minority to control things once in a while.

    Like those neo-nazi guys...They seem like an alright bunch, but the NIGGERS are trying to keep them from holding office.

    What a travesty.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:25 No.1738885
         File1279484701.jpg-(2.46 MB, 3040x2016, Sarah_Palin_Kuwait_19.jpg)
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    American conservatives confirmed the only ones standing up AGAINST Muslims.

    Liberals confirmed Islamic terrorists' best friend.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:25 No.1738888
    That chart shows Conservatives and Muslims having the same ideals. How does that make Conservatives worse? If you're going to insult, at least be consistent about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:27 No.1738907

    Well you know what John Stuart Mill said, the value of democracy is not in the tyranny of the majority

    When you must be a professed Christian believer in order to hold political office, we have a bit of a problem here
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:28 No.1738915
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:28 No.1738917
         File1279484898.jpg-(7 KB, 176x191, obiwan1279281615192.jpg)
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    You all do realise America was founded as a Republic, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:28 No.1738918
    It looks like you've got some growing up to do.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:28 No.1738922
    >implying sarah palin wouldn't be al qaeda's poster woman if they could get the bitch to wear a burka
    >> AnonAtheist !!wQsCKqN8IwT 07/18/10(Sun)16:30 No.1738935
    The state is evil no matter who is in charge.

    John Stuart Mill was a statist whore. His philosophical ramblings have little value. Read this:
    >> > 07/18/10(Sun)16:30 No.1738940
         File1279485050.jpg-(14 KB, 400x520, ben_franklin.jpg)
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    A democratic republic. What of it?

    Did you know we started out as a confederacy, but had to switch to a stronger central govt soon after?
    >> AnonAtheist !!wQsCKqN8IwT 07/18/10(Sun)16:31 No.1738942
    You do realize that in a republic, the majority vote still (indirectly) makes the rules, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:32 No.1738953
    You don't HAVE to be anything other than a good represenitive of the people you want to represent.

    You you expect a district full of wiccans to elect Mike Huckabee to represent them or someone more in line with their beliefs.
    The fact that the country is majority Christian has more to do with the the fact that the canidates are Christian.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:33 No.1738957
    Do liberals even make sense anymore?

    First they get all butthurt and defensive about making generalizations and mocking Muslim beliefs because "LOL INTOLERANCE!" and then they pull out this bullshit with vapid vast generalizations?

    Hypocrisy is the liberal's Hindenburg.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:33 No.1738959


    Bleeding heart liberals were the first to speak out against Islamist extremism, way before 9/11

    Conservatives just like to have unnecessary wars in order to spread their special brand of morality

    Interestingly, the only high profile living Republicans I can think of off the top of my head who actually fought in wars are Colin Powell and John McCain. Republicans don't actually like exposing themselves or their children to the horrors of war. Meanwhile, John Kerry, Al Gore, Max Cleland, and Wesley Clark, among others are prominent Democrats who actually served. Yet they are demonized by Republicans.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:35 No.1738978

    >statist whore

    Yes, you and your source are not biased at all
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:36 No.1738987
    >> AnonAtheist !!wQsCKqN8IwT 07/18/10(Sun)16:38 No.1739011
    Even Noam Chomsky admits that Mill was an imperialist bastard.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:39 No.1739019
    Americans aren't bullies. America rescues the innocent from bullies and always have. yes, it takes military might to free the oppressed and war is not a pretty gay pride march. War is good if you're fighting for the right side. Pick a side: poor dirty terrorists or smart civilized conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:40 No.1739030
    Ice cream
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:41 No.1739044

    Yes, I am aware of the fact that Mill was a huge imperialism fan

    But his theories on democratic governance still have merit
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:43 No.1739060

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:43 No.1739061

    Samefag status:

    [ ]not samefag

    [ ]samefag

    [ X ] Obvious Samefag is obvious
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:47 No.1739093
    define merit you autocratic fuck
    does functionality automatically justify the method? you may as well defend monarchy with that shit.

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