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  • File : 1278373048.jpg-(40 KB, 432x288, 1250756164079.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:37 No.1583240  
    The following are 50 random facts that show just how dramatically America has changed....

    #50) A new report released by the United Nations is publicly calling for the establishment of a world currency and none of the major news networks are even covering it.

    #49) The state of California is so broke that Arnold Schwarzenegger has ordered California State Controller John Chiang to reduce state worker pay for July to the federal minimum allowed by law -- $7.25 an hour for most state workers.

    #48) A police officer in Oklahoma recently tasered an 86-year-old disabled grandma in her bed and stepped on her oxygen hose until she couldn't breathe because they considered her to be a "threat".

    #47) In early 2009, U.S. net national savings as a percentage of GDP went negative for the first time since 1952, and it has continued its downward trend since then.

    #46) Corexit 9500 is so incredibly toxic that the UK's Marine Management Organization has completely banned it, so if there was a major oil spill in the North Sea, BP would not be able to use it. And yet BP has dumped over a million gallons of dispersants such as Corexit 9500 into the Gulf of Mexico.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:38 No.1583250
    #45) For the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.

    #44) It has come out that one employee used a Federal Emergency Management Agency credit card to buy $4,318 in "Happy Birthday" gift cards. Two other FEMA officials charged the cost of 360 golf umbrellas ($9,000) to the taxpayers.

    #43) Researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo received $389,000 from the U.S. government to pay 100 residents of Buffalo $45 each to record how much malt liquor they drink and how much pot they smoke each day.

    #42) The average duration of unemployment in the United States has risen to an all-time high.

    #41) The bottom 40 percent of all income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.

    #40) In the U.S., the average federal worker now earns about twice as much as the average worker in the private sector.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:38 No.1583258
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:38 No.1583261
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    #39) Back in 1950 each retiree's Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 workers. Today, each retiree's Social Security benefit is paid for by approximately 3.3 workers. By 2025 it is projected that there will be approximately two workers for each retiree.

    #38) According to a U.S. Treasury Department report to Congress, the U.S. national debt will top $13.6 trillion this year and climb to an estimated $19.6 trillion by 2015.

    #37) The federal government actually has the gall to ask for online donations that will supposedly go towards paying off the national debt.

    #36) The Cactus Bug Project at the University Of Florida was allocated $325,394 in economic stimulus funds to study the mating decisions of cactus bugs.

    #35) A dinner cruise company in Chicago got nearly $1 million in economic stimulus funds to combat terrorism.

    #34) It is being reported that a 6-year-old girl from Ohio is on the "no fly" list maintained by U.S. Homeland Security.

    #33) During the first quarter of 2010, the total number of loans that are at least three months past due in the United States increased for the 16th consecutive quarter.

    #32) According to a new report, Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on healthcare, but get lower quality and far less efficiency.

    #31) Some experts are warning that the cost of bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could reach as high as $1 trillion.

    #30) The FDA has announced that the offspring of cloned animals could be in our food supply right now and that there is nothing that they can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:39 No.1583269
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    #29) In May, sales of new homes in the United States dropped to the lowest level ever recorded.

    #28) In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has ranged between 300 to 500 to one.

    #27) Federal border officials recently said that Mexican drug cartels have not only set up shop on American soil, they are actually maintaining lookout bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona.

    #26) The U.S. government has declared some parts of Arizona off limits to U.S. citizens because of the threat of violence from Mexican drug smugglers.

    #25) According to the credit card repayment calculator, if you owe $6000 on a credit card with a 20 percent interest rate and only pay the minimum payment each time, it will take you 54 years to pay off that credit card. During those 54 years you will pay $26,168 in interest rate charges in addition to the $6000 in principal that you are required to pay back.

    #24) According to prepared testimony by Goldman Sachs Chief Operating Officer Gary Cohn, Goldman Sachs shorted roughly $615 million of the collateralized debt obligations and residential mortgage-backed securities the firm underwrote since late 2006.

    #23) The six biggest banks in the United States now possess assets equivalent to 60 percent of America's gross national product.

    #22) Four of the biggest U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup) had a "perfect quarter" with zero days of trading losses during the first quarter of 2010.

    #21) 1.41 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009 - a 32 percent increase over 2008.

    #20) BP has hired private security contractors to keep the American people away from oil cleanup sites and nobody seems to care.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:39 No.1583274
    List was shit when it was first posted days ago
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:40 No.1583279
    #19) Barack Obama is calling for a "civilian expeditionary force" to be sent to Afghanistan and Iraq to help overburdened military troops build infrastructure.

    #18) On June 18th, two Christians decided that they would peacefully pass out copies of the gospel of John on a public sidewalk outside a public Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan and within 3 minutes 8 policemen surrounded them and placed them under arrest.

    #17) It is being reported that sales of foreclosed homes in Florida made up nearly 40 percent of all home purchases in the first part of this year.

    #16) During a recent interview with Larry King, former first lady Laura Bush revealed to the world that she is actually in favor of legalized gay marriage and a woman's "right" to abortion.

    #15) Scientists at Columbia University are warning that the dose of radiation from the new full body security scanners going into airports all over the United States could be up to 20 times higher than originally estimated.

    #14) 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement.

    #13) The FDIC's deposit insurance fund now has negative 20.7 billion dollars in it, which represents a slight improvement from the end of 2009.

    #12) The judge that BP is pushing for to hear an estimated 200 lawsuits on the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster gets tens of thousands of dollars a year in oil royalties and is paid travel expenses to industry conferences.

    #11) In recent years the U.S. government has spent $2.6 million tax dollars to study the drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes and $400,000 tax dollars to pay researchers to cruise six bars in Buenos Aires, Argentina to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior when drunk.

    #10) U.S. officials say that more than three billion dollars in cash (much of it aid money paid for by U.S. taxpayers) has been stolen by corrupt officials in Afghanistan and flown out of Kabul International Airport in recent years.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:40 No.1583281
    Who to blame:

    Nixon (gave America to the bankers)
    Clinton (NAFTA)
    The jews (obligatory)
    Liberals for supporting Clinton
    Conservatives for supporting Nixon
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:41 No.1583289
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    #9) According to a report by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the baggage check fees collected by U.S. airlines shot up 33% in the first quarter of 2010 to $769 million.

    #8) Three California high school students are fighting for their right to show their American patriotism - even on a Mexican holiday - after they were forced to remove their American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.

    #7) Right now, interest on the U.S. national debt and spending on entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare are somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 percent of GDP. By 2080, they are projected to eat up approximately 50 percent of GDP.

    #6) The total of all government, corporate and consumer debt in the United States is now about 360 percent of GDP.

    #5) A 6-year-old girl was recently handcuffed and sent to a mental facility after throwing temper tantrums at her elementary school.

    #4) In Florida, students have been arrested by police for things as simple as bringing a plastic butter knife to school, throwing an eraser, and drawing a picture of a gun.

    #3) School officials in one town in Massachusetts are refusing to allow students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

    #2) According to one new study, approximately 21 percent of children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010.

    #1) No one seems to care.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:41 No.1583294
    see why its a bad idea to take in the garbage-population that was burdening shitty third world countries...NOW...?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:42 No.1583300
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    Everyone is to blame.


    Butthurt faggot detected.

    >Published on 07-05-2010
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:43 No.1583304
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    I care OP.

    Which is why I've applied for residency in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:43 No.1583305
    All the result of Conservative policies
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:43 No.1583313
    they ain't taking you son
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:43 No.1583315
    >Which is why I've applied for residency in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.

    They're already overflowing with worthless faggots, DENIED!
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:44 No.1583328
    >All the result of Conservative policies

    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:45 No.1583335

    we are WHITE christian faggots though..

    so no street murders of van gogh descendants ensue..also Im like 1/16 dutch...take us!!
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:45 No.1583336
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    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:46 No.1583343
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    >Thinks I'm moving there for employment.

    I run a niche IT company using outsourced workers in India. I can be anywhere in the world and have thus chosen to not work in this shitty ass country.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:47 No.1583352
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    from 7-2-2010

    you mad faggot?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:47 No.1583354
    please shut the fuck up saying "OP IS A FAGGOT" isnt even remotely funny and you aren't witty or clever for saying it.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:47 No.1583357
    Liberals: Corporations are to blame!
    Republicans: Socialism is to blame!
    Social-Conservatives: Fags are to blame!
    Neo-Conservatives: Kill dem' terrorrists!
    Libertarians: Government is to blame!
    Stormfronters and Neo-Nazis: Niggers and jews are to blame!

    Number 1 problem isn't that no one seems to care OP, number 1 problem is that all we do is argue instead of DOING SOMETHING. And even IF we did something, it would likely get shit worse, as you may notice most people (especially politicians... and stormfronters) seem to be going full retard.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:48 No.1583360
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    >Deletes then reposts after making correction.
    >> Oil? What Oil? 07/05/10(Mon)19:48 No.1583362
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    > Hey guys check out this factual list of how fucking insane things are becoming

    >No you faggot

    what the fuck /new/
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:49 No.1583371

    >>I already run a niche IT company using workers in India. I can work anywhere in the world and have chosen to not work in this shitty ass country.

    disloyal transnational profiteers like you are the exact reason the US is filled with shit-brown illegals,
    and all our industry/jobs have been off-shored.

    You should be deported to bangladesh.

    Until we return to tarriffs / penalties for offshoring, the US economy can never recuperate.

    the obama/bush plan is to simply spend borrowed funds to give the impression of false economic activity, and sell it as though it was real.
    even if they dole out unemployment benefits for 10 fuckin mask the refusal to create a strong DOMESTIC economy
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:50 No.1583373
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    >Gets mad over nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:51 No.1583384
    >Social-Conservatives: Fags and Feminists are to blame!

    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:51 No.1583386
    >>Liberals: Corporations are to blame!
    >>Republicans: Socialism is to blame!
    >>Social-Conservatives: Fags are to blame!
    >>Neo-Conservatives: Kill dem' terrorrists!
    >>Libertarians: Government is to blame!
    >>Stormfronters and Neo-Nazis: Niggers and jews are to blame!

    the really pertinent factor is.. all of the above are RIGHT UP TO A POINT...
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:52 No.1583392
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    Americans are dumb, lazy, spoiled children. I have zero remorse over employing intelligent Indians to do the work I need.

    It's the free market broski.
    >> (Sixteen Reasons) Why I love you Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:52 No.1583395
    1...The way you hold my hand
    2...Your laughing eyes
    3...The way you understand
    4...Your secret sighs

    They're all part of sixteen reasons why I love you

    5...The way you comb your hair
    6...Your freckled nose
    7...The way you say you care
    8...Your crazy clothes

    That's just half of sixteen reasons why I love you

    9...Snuggling in the car
    10...Your wish upon a star
    11...Whispering on the phone
    12...Your kiss when we're alone
    13...The way you thrill my heart
    14...Your voice so neat
    15...You say we'll never part
    16...Our loves complete

    Those are all of sixteen reasons why I love you

    (Sixteen Reasons) Why I love you
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:52 No.1583396
    >Everyone is to blame.

    This is what apologists for the elite actually believe
    >> /\/0RDR()M !!sl8D0zDe8Ir 07/05/10(Mon)19:54 No.1583407
    Let us Centrists solve the world's problems, the third way is the only way.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:55 No.1583414

    No. I'm not an apologist. But we should have never allowed things to get this fucked. But it started way before I was born so...
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:55 No.1583415

    >>I have zero remorse over employing intelligent Indians to do the work I need.

    TRAITORS seldom have any remorse.

    you should have to right to LIVE and DOMICILE personally in the state that you contribute to.

    faggots like you want to domicile in the US, but offer no benefits to it, while you merely take advantage of it.

    this is exactly what needs to be stopped before we can ever rebuild...
    military treason is dangerous.. economic treason is suicide. we simply cant afford you traitors anymore
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:55 No.1583419
    Bill Clinton said the same thing. That's why he signed NAFTA.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:57 No.1583436
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    >Post factual list, get a thread filled with shit.

    Typical of /new/ you fucking fags. If it isn't racism the thread is chock full of faggots.

    Fuck you /new/, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:58 No.1583446
    >bitch about racists
    >demonstrate homophobia

    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)19:58 No.1583448

    bill clinton was a treasonous PROFITEER who entered the white house a modest man whose wealth derived from his wifes law practice,

    and left the white house a rich man, flush with chinese bribe money.
    >> Oil? What Oil? 07/05/10(Mon)19:59 No.1583451
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    >TRAITORS seldom have any remorse

    Lol, Im sorry, do you know how much you sound like a Clancy novel in endgame mode?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:00 No.1583465
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    >Implying calling someone a faggot on 4chan actually implies he is as homosexual.

    Faggot detected.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:03 No.1583493
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    Hahah what in the fuck are you rambling on about.

    I'm already leaving America so it won't be my "DOMICILE." And I produce my services through outsourced labor in India with my customers based all around the world.

    Your incoherent rant reeks of desperation and impotent rage. Which is very fitting coming from the new underclass of American plebs.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:09 No.1583554
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    Quit being a faggot and go suck that dick.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:19 No.1583646
    only way I see this shit stopping is through a global disaster.

    supervolcano anyone?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:19 No.1583652
    Corporate welfare and nanny state, bitches and whores, official motto changed from "Don't Tread on Me" to "I'm Alright Jack".

    Every concern is a war with about the same level of success as our current adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq (and soon to be Iran). Military-industrial complex. Reaganomics. Moon-bats and wing-nuts.

    And we seem to have lost our sense of humor.

    No snowflake ever feels responsible for the avalanche.

    But a hearty fuck you to those that stand in the way of correcting things.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:23 No.1583681

    I stand with this man.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:24 No.1583689
    >#50) A new report released by the United Nations is publicly calling for the establishment of a world currency and none of the major news networks are even covering it.

    and neither are you, because you didn't give a link! good job
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:24 No.1583696

    >>And I produce my services through outsourced labor in India with my customers based all around the world.

    your a traitor. if thats rage to you.. so be it.

    i think its just a statement of fact.

    We dont need to stop you from going overseas or running a company there..
    we just need to make certain that you are taxed out the ass and tarriffed for any items you import into the US or labor performed on behalf of american customers..

    your profits without being able to service/sell to US consumers will be dead overnight.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:27 No.1583718
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    Fucking retard.


    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:31 No.1583743
    Its true saw it a couple days ago Ill go find sauce

    + others
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:31 No.1583745
    So how would one go about changing things?

    Seriously. What the fuck can I do? Should I study politics and try to get elected and fix things from the inside? Will supporting my local economy help prevent poverty in my city? Should I start creating pamphlets that inform people of all this bullshit that people think is ok and in doing so nudge the public closer to a revolution?

    C'mon now. Let's brainstorm on how to fix some things instead of joking about which anon is a bigger fag and turning away from these problems which seem to be on the verge of blowing up in the face of the next generations.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:36 No.1583780

    Leave and never come back.

    Find somewhere that isn't fucked.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:36 No.1583786

    I wish I could think of something. Brainstorming this thought is really what needs to be done. I can't really think of anything other than a SHTF scenario.
    >> extra rights for negros !!m5XV3VhTyr3 07/05/10(Mon)20:37 No.1583791

    IN THE USA.. third and fourth parties are the answer.. to stop the cartel on capitol hill..
    >> Oil? What Oil? 07/05/10(Mon)20:37 No.1583795

    This... seems like some serious fucking business.

    Any intel on what the international accord is shaping up to be? If this discussion is serious, (see as opposed to more sanctions on Israel) the implications are all over the field.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:39 No.1583809
    Could be any of those, we might just be fucked * shrugs*. We need to clean our government out, it has become owned by corporation and doing best for corporate interests not the American peoples will. But then again we have become "sheeple" listen to fear and panic mongering by the media. we have become stupid, fat, weak fucks who probably cant change shit now. As a society we have become so possessed with left vs right, my religion vs your, and so on and so forth.

    As Thomas Jefferson once said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
    Yet I fear we no longer possess the fortitude and drive to do what is needed.
    >> Oil? What Oil? 07/05/10(Mon)20:39 No.1583810
    It's refreshing to see a post like yours.

    Approaching the issue tactically, it seems like we need;
    1, to raise social awareness
    2, reach an accord with an alternative/reform
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:40 No.1583816
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    I read TFA and the bible thumping faggots biggest beef is white chicks having abortions while the world fills up with dirty heathens. The sooner people like this die out the better, but he does have a point - change of course is always the point.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:41 No.1583821
    This is to slow of a process we would be able to inspire change quick enough before we have done unrepairable harm.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:42 No.1583835
    >Citations needed
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:42 No.1583839

    You don't think that this crap won't spread overseas?

    How about trying to organize some type of nationwide boycott of certain things. Since a lot of the USA's problems have to do with money and the exploits of people high up in the business world it might help to figure out which companies are "evil" and not necessary for day to day life and boycott their goods until they initiate change.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:43 No.1583846

    I almost hate to say it, but the solutions are really quite simple. In fact, there are multitudes of solutions to choose from.

    The problem is bickering over which solution has a 0.0000035% better outcome than the next. At this point, any change in direction is right.

    The left had better be judicious in the changes they want to implement because the whole of government needs to be reduced.

    Pick simple changes to divorce government from money and get more voices in government. Yeah, you might not think much of your neighbor, but he is your best protection from government being bought and sold.

    And for god's sake, simplify the tax code.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:43 No.1583848
    I think we need to find our selfs a liberty tree
    >was a famous elm tree that stood in Boston, near Boston Common, in the days before the American Revolution. The tree was a rallying point for the growing resistance
    >> extra rights for negros !!m5XV3VhTyr3 07/05/10(Mon)20:44 No.1583857


    the corp media for instance launched a full scale assault with all its weapons at the emergence of the ''tea party''..

    it worked. by depicting the craziest members as the mean avg, and villifying them,
    the media ensured hate between POPULISTS.

    without POPULISM, we are all dead in the hands of those who can afford to purchase our rights out from under us.

    you dont have to love tea partiers.. BUT,

    many of them hated the repubs, since they were free to act as repub activists if they wanted to in the first place.. they were finding a third way.

    my enemies enemy is my friend
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:45 No.1583865
    Could we see some sources or something? I'm sorry, but you say that you have 50 "facts", but you've posted no proof or citations or anything. If there's some CREDIBLE organization with information that supports these "facts", then I will believe them. Until then, this sounds like hysterical bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:46 No.1583872

    All there if you actually looked, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:46 No.1583877
    except THEY ARE crazy. Overwhelmingly nutty.
    >> Oil? What Oil? 07/05/10(Mon)20:47 No.1583893
    I see where you're leading, and meet you there, but this goes back to the problem you cited.
    Control by the corp media of the nations soapbox.
    If you're not invited to the debate (and they OWN the event) then nobody hears you.
    By the balls alice, by the balls
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:48 No.1583894

    You lose. Go back to your corporate media.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:49 No.1583904

    We are using the greatest communication device known to man. They have no dominion here.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:50 No.1583913

    They'll find a way if they become threatened. At least to keep the majority of dissent unheard.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:52 No.1583935

    Did you actually read that? It makes no fucking sense. It contains basic logical fallacies (ie; when you call 911 for medical assistance, a squad of police doesn't show up wherever you are), not to mention grammar errors that make it seem even more seedy, plus the ridiculously fake-sounding dialogue it reports.

    > The grandma, Lona Varner, "told them to get out of her apartment."
    The remarkable complaint continues: "Instead, the apparent leader of the police [defendant Thomas Duran] instructed another policeman to 'Taser her!' He stated in his report that the 86 year-old plaintiff 'took a more aggressive posture in her bed,' and that he was fearful for his safety and the safety of others.
    "Lonnie Tinsley told them, 'Don't taze my Granny!' to which they responded that they would Taser him; instead, they pulled him out of her apartment, took him down to the floor, handcuffed him and placed him in the back of a police car.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:52 No.1583941

    The majority doesn't vote, doesn't care, doesn't do much of anything really.

    This is about them.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:53 No.1583949

    >Can't stand the fact that everything factual so attacks one of the retard stories in hopeless attempt to feel superior.

    Keep trying, brosef, you'll get there one day.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:53 No.1583952
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    My face when faggot americans want escape and I have dual nationality in Europe and Aus.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:55 No.1583969
    lol wut? Just saying. You shouldn't believe everything you read. Especially when you obviously don't actually read it. Not trying to say anything. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:57 No.1583979

    Pretty much every story on has a credible citation. Like I said, you picked a full retard story to attack the whole list.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)20:58 No.1583992

    you shouldn't dismiss everything that you read.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:01 No.1584001
    >implying you do a lot for your country
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:03 No.1584011
    The obvious-retard stories bring down the entire list, not to mention the fact that several of the "citations" lead to blogs, from which you have to go through mazes to find an actual, real story about the "fact". Also, that the #1 "fact" in the article from where you got these "facts" is "Since 1973, more than 50 million babies have been murdered in abortion facilities across the United States," also makes this look pretty shady.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:04 No.1584015
    >implying that the only alternative to not believing everything you read is dismissing everything you read
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:07 No.1584037
    it's days like these that make me thankful that i married into a canadian citizenship
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:07 No.1584043

    Happy now?
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:08 No.1584044
    Gogle motherfucker.

    Its long enough without a buttload of links to sources people then argue about - if you see something unbelieveable QUESTION IT.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:08 No.1584046
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    Get some help, bro
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:12 No.1584062

    I feel sorry for you.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:13 No.1584068
    >>1583745 here

    I followed some links and what not and found these 2 websites. I'm going to study them and brainstorm things to do where I live. I'll post whenever I feel like discussing and debating things.

    if you guys know some more sites that are oriented towards actual change lemme know
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:25 No.1584157
    >>1583240#46) Corexit 9500 is so incredibly toxic that ... BP has dumped over a million gallons of dispersants such as Corexit 9500 into the Gulf of Mexico.

    They got barrels of the shit lying around and it needed to be used up.
    >> Oil? What Oil? 07/05/10(Mon)21:28 No.1584180
    where do you live man? there may be several organization or affiliates of people already in your area and active
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:29 No.1584185
    >free market
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:40 No.1584274
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    >>1583289 #7) Right now, interest on the U.S. national debt and spending on ....

    Where are numbers and comparison on the WAY OUT OF CONTROL defense spending and that portion of the national debt?
    God forbid the US should help out the elderly, infirmed and widowed. FFFUUUUU
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:42 No.1584291

    excuses are why we are in the shithole we are in today.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)21:45 No.1584308

    except it's causing damage on a scale equivalent to that of the oil it's supposed to be cleaning up. there's other dispersants that are far more effective and less toxic than corexit out there.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)22:08 No.1584478
    We Europeans have problems too. Basically too much debt.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)22:12 No.1584512

    I live in Albuquerque, NM

    and yea, there probably are
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)22:54 No.1584826
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    excuses my ass the root problem here -
    $20B for middle east wars - MONTHLY

    HHS - $77B down 2% for FY 2010
    DoD - $664B up 1% for FY 2010

    You'd have to work for DoD to see for yourself how money is thrown around like chicken feed.

    $300B per year didn't stop this from happening
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)22:59 No.1584858
    Fox said HHS was bad, army was good.
    Fox can't into economics.
    >> Eurofag 07/05/10(Mon)23:04 No.1584898
    Wanna trade? I'll gladly change my "affordable healthcare" for the 2nd 2nd amendment and a piece of land from buttfucknowhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/05/10(Mon)23:05 No.1584902
    OP, you're right when you say no one seems to care. It's for one reason, most Americans are not involved into politics and government. Our society has effectively made politics the realm of rich and well-to do folk.

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