WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's new health coverage for uninsured people with health problems won't be cheap — monthly premiums as high as $900, administration officials said Wednesday.Prices will vary by state and type of coverage from a low of $140 a month to as much as $900, said Richard Popper, deputy director of a new insurance office at the federal Health and Human Services department. Officials provided details of the plan, which starts enrolling people Thursday.The price range is so wide because premiums will be keyed to standard individual health insurance rates in each state, which can differ dramatically because of medical costs and the scope of coverage. Independent experts estimate premiums will average around $400 to $600 a month. Younger people will pay less."There are going to be meaningful premiums that are going to be required to stay in this plan ... in the hundreds of dollars," said Popper, with the Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight.More here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100701/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_overhaul_pre_existing_conditions
Good, maybe then people will start to see insurance companies for the bloodsucking vampires they are and maybe we'll actually get some real healthcare reform.
>>1535545Yeah, but I doubt people will complain about it for now. They're too busy trying to make ends meet instead of being involved in politics. Not even a letter to their representative.
>we didn't increase supply, but we coerced a bunch of people to increase demand.Economics one oh one, kids. tl;dr - democrats screwed the pooch.Also, I thought they had to normalize the rates so that us healthy people could help subsidize the overconsumers who will prevent us from getting care when we need it.
SIMPLE solution. MORE medical schools. flood the industry with doctors. doctors will do internships treating sick poor people to gain experience.
It's hilarious that the republicans will blame it on obama, instead of the insurance companies
>>1535608Insurance companies wrote it, dems passed it, obama signed it.Also, lol @ democrat supporters saying that this was going to punish the evil insurance companies. gg idiots.
>>1535631Any democrat who wanted this bill in it's current form is/was an IDIOT.As soon as I heard what it did I was calling for it to not be passed. It's worse than doing nothing.
>>1535654Problem is that both major parties are lobbied by the insurance companies.
>>1535700I lost hope for this country awhile ago.
So I said, "guys, this health care bill is shit. We need reform, but the bill in its current form just isn't going to work.""LOL GTFO you butthurt teabagger go give Sara Palin a rimjob," they replied.