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  • File : 1277658065.jpg-(96 KB, 500x753, deal with it.jpg)
    96 KB Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:01 No.1490560  
    Those who have received welfare, food stamps, or section 8 housing should be barred from voting in the next election due to conflict of interest. If illegals get amnesty, they shouldn't be able to vote - ever.

    Owning land should also be brought back as a requirement to vote. If you don't own more than half an acre, you too should be barred from voting in the next election.

    When those who just take and take are no longer shaking their cup asking for more, we can finally get rid of all the social programs that are bankrupting this nation.

    Brotip: Democrats would never get elected ever again
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:02 No.1490568
    protip; welcome your new overlords.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:02 No.1490570
    So only wealthy land owners
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:03 No.1490590
    >Democrats would never get elected ever again

    lol'd, they probably wouldnt
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:03 No.1490598
    also no city dwellers so rural land owners who don't recive fed assistance

    minus all farmers
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:04 No.1490604
    Oh look, it's this thread again.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:05 No.1490616
    ITT: butthurt liberals
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:05 No.1490617
    they would, they'd just shift their platform hard to the right.

    it's going to be really curious where the parties are going to be a decade from now. the deep south just elected its first black congressmen in over a century (sorry libfags, he's a republican)
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:06 No.1490627
    so only wealthy republicans could vote so you disenfancise millions denying the rights of our Constitution
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:06 No.1490628
         File1277658409.png-(91 KB, 255x220, 1262633531264.png)
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    Why so mad conservitard?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:08 No.1490645
    >implying owning land wasn't a requirement to vote after the initial ratification of the Constitution
    >implying that federal handouts are Constitutional
    >implying the General Welfare Clause gives the federal government unlimited power
    >implying you aren't a nigger
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)13:09 No.1490658
         File1277658547.jpg-(58 KB, 400x400, fuck yeah.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:21 No.1491784
    >we can finally get rid of all the social programs that are bankrupting this nation.
    >social programs bankrupting this nation.
    >Implying military doesn't soak up 50% of the budget
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:22 No.1491793
    enjoy your oligarchy
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:24 No.1491804
    >Implying military doesn't soak up 50% of the budget

    It doesn't
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:29 No.1491848
    Let's go back to land owning white male as a voting requirement... then democrats will definitely never get elected again.... ever...never
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:29 No.1491854
    Those who live in the United States should be barred from voting in the next election due to conflict of interest.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:31 No.1491879
    Brotip: The ultra rich are libruls
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:35 No.1491920
    you're right, a lot of it's spending is off the budget spending.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:38 No.1491945

    Sure they are.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:41 No.1491960
    sure is oligarchy in here
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:42 No.1491973
    military budget, the VA budget, the debit on military outlays and wars. over 50%

    20 billion a month to iraq and afghanistan
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:44 No.1491996
    they are, moron. war tends to not be on the budget but listed as a separate expense.

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