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  • File : 1277454752.jpg-(43 KB, 400x400, prison051707.jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:32 No.1464406  
    Whats the point of prison when it would be much more effective and cheaper to rehabilitate people like in Europe ?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:34 No.1464420
    lots of government contract money to be made
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:34 No.1464425
    The biggest difference between European prisons and US prisons is that the European system isn't rape based.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:34 No.1464428

    >I know what you're saying, then BOB, why don't they just legalize it? I'll tell you why... Because the government is making more money off of drugs being illegal than if drugs were legal. the government right now taxes you billions of dollars in order to fight a "drug war". If drugs were legal there would be no "drug war" they'd have no justification for taxing you billions of dollars a year. Do you freaking get it?!!

    >All you people think the government is on your side. They're not your friend! They're your freaking enemy! let me give you a great example, seat belt laws. If you're driving without your seatbelt in this country and you get pulled over, you get fined. You have to pay that money to the government. Nobody cares though because they say the government is just looking out for me. They're are looking out for my safety. is the government really looking out for your safety? If the government really cared about your safety, wouldn't they make driving test in this country a little more difficult? In order to get a drivers license in this country right now, what do you have to do? Make a right turn. A left turn. make a u-turn. Parallel park. Does that really qualify you to drive a car? A three thousand pound killing machine around the streets of America? No! Of course it doesn't! But the government doesn't care about your safety! They care about making money.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:35 No.1464433
    Because people do not trust the word "rehabilitation".
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:36 No.1464442
    You can't fix stupid criminal scum.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 06/25/10(Fri)04:37 No.1464454
    Many prisoners in the US need to be released.

    The rest just need to be executed.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:38 No.1464460
    Fuck rehabilitating criminals.
    If you get busted fuck you.
    It shouldnt be a system where tax dollars pay for those fucks. They should pay out of their own fuckin pocket. If theyre broke, just fuckin put them to work in a goddamn penal colony or someshit.

    oh and fuck the life sentence. Do our fuckin economy a favor and execute those mother fuckers right now. Life sentences are a waste of time.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:38 No.1464461
    Full retard do you really want 60% of the black population running out in the streets
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:38 No.1464462
    > it would be much more effective and cheaper to rehabilitate people like in Europe

    What the fuck do you think they're trying to do while criminals are IN the prison?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:38 No.1464468
    Hint: Now they have to spend this taxed money on the drug war. With a legalization, they could just directly tax the drug (like alcohol and cigarettes) and spend it somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:39 No.1464469
    well they're not getting rehabilitated, for one
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:39 No.1464471
    that's the freakin point you moron

    if there wasn't a drug war, they'd have to spend it on stuff that benefited the people, and not the prison-industrial complex
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:40 No.1464476
    There are prisons in Europe.
    Get your head out of your ass, america. You know, learn shit. At least a little.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:40 No.1464481
    What about they just spend it on less dept?
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 06/25/10(Fri)04:41 No.1464486
    The non-violent drug offenders should be released.

    Most of the rest need the firring squad.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:41 No.1464487
    nobody is saying europe doesn't have prisons

    might want to rewrite that sentence into something readable
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:43 No.1464505
    >well they're not getting rehabilitated, for one

    Emphasis on the word TRYING.

    In your magical fantasy land, you think people will always rehabilitate if given the chance and go on to raise puppies and hand out presents to random strangers, don't you?

    It's obvious you haven't existed on this Earth for very long - can't be more than 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:43 No.1464507
    there is no point to long term imprisonment for non violent offenders. It's just such a huge industry now it's never going to change.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:44 No.1464516
    they're not -trying- to rehabilitate prisoners

    do you REALLY want to look into the american prison system? do you REALLY want me to show you the red pill?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:46 No.1464537
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:47 No.1464551
    >do you REALLY want to look into the american prison system?

    Already did, dumb ass. It was a requirement for my Criminology degree.

    Whereas you, no doubt, got your own information out of some High Times article or some other hippy alarmist bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:49 No.1464558
    id be interested to see the statistics on how many injury accidents are caused by reckless, impaired, or weather related conditions. long story short the vast majority of injury accidents are caused by people who do in fact know better but for whatever reason at that exact moment choose to not do so.

    or you know the crazy concept of a mistake.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)04:50 No.1464565
    i'm a far right conservative, but here goes....









    i dare you.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)05:01 No.1464667
    >Implying some forum article posted on a comedy web site is any better

    Fuck me, you're retarded. I skimmed it and there isn't much shit that I already don't know about.

    Here's a couple things you should know: Out of all the crimes that are investigated and pursued in America, only 5% of those cases ultimately end up with anybody being incarcerated. This is because prosecutors are so damn overworked and have such a flood of cases that they will only ever bother to bring "airtight" cases to trial that they know they can win - everyone else either gets a plea bargain or else the case it dropped outright.

    If you are able to frame it in that perspective (which I doubt you're able to), you suddenly realize that, holy shit, maybe some of the people rotting away in prison are there because maybe they deserve it?

    That said there are rehabilitation programs - which inmates usually don't care about or are so dangerous that they can't attend one without stabbing somebody.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)05:07 No.1464705
    pot should be legalized immediately though which would free about 10-15% of prisoners. i assume the op is mostly referring to drug rehabilitation which i feel can only be addressed when pot is legalized. first lets do that then we'll talk about how to change other drug laws.
    >> carnivore !!qiR49+nYVmO 06/25/10(Fri)05:10 No.1464720

    States get Fedral monies for # of incarcerations. Prison is big buissness in America. ....and they want to privitize it.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)05:14 No.1464737
    Lol, if i ever become homeless im goignt o try and rob a bank, tbh in the UK its fucking win win, rob a bank and get away with it? great im rich, rob a bank and fail? get sent to prison play 360 study for a degree and get free food for ages.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)05:18 No.1464758
    >>implying that would provide a cozy slave class
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)05:35 No.1464856

    not only is that exactly what you implied, but you're also implying america doesn't have rehabilitation centers for criminals.

    >> carnivore !!qiR49+nYVmO 06/25/10(Fri)05:39 No.1464888
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    Hey guis!!! Just out of curiosity, how many of you have EVER spent a night in the drunk tank (county jail).

    ....and remember, jail and PRISON are two VERY different things.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)05:45 No.1464929
    There is far too fine a line between rehab and brainwashing, and I don't want a country that goes even close to that line.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:08 No.1465062
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:11 No.1465078
    this is a prison near my town specialized in rehabilitation:

    i wouldnt mind living there.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 06/25/10(Fri)06:12 No.1465084
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    Holy shit...

    That cell is nicer then my room...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:13 No.1465090
    because.. because....STUPID NIGRAS....*grumble* iq differences...HERF and derf
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:13 No.1465092
    ITT: Retarded Americans who actually think rehabilitation works in Europe. My aunt works in a prison in the Netherlands and most criminals there don't rehabilitate properly. As a result they are recurring guests in our fine hotels, where they can watch tv and play on their playstation 2.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:16 No.1465107
    If you can be rehabilitated to not be a child rapist then you can also be rehabilitated to not have independent thought.
    >> carnivore !!qiR49+nYVmO 06/25/10(Fri)06:16 No.1465108

    Oh man, I feel for you then. The drunk tank in my towns county jail smelt like piss.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:18 No.1465121
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:20 No.1465125

    Please don't think conservatives don't know that. Only liberals thinks rehabilitation works
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:30 No.1465173
    Whats the point of prison when it would be much more effective and cheaper to kill people like in somalia
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:34 No.1465189
    look at the re-offending rates in Europe and the US

    look at the prison populations

    look at the levels of crime

    now tell me which system works better
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:38 No.1465202

    Yeah bro! Let's be just like somalia!

    Oh look, you got a little to angry and punched that guy, he had a heart condition, he's dead now.

    I guess you wont be living to see another day.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:47 No.1465239
    Because Americans have made criminals into an "other". Once you are convicted, we no longer see you as a person, but a convict, and even if we aren't okay with people being raped and brutalized, we are certainly ok with it happening to convicts.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:49 No.1465250

    Except the others part, you're pretty much right.


    Post links.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:55 No.1465280

    A bold and blunt statement.
    Yet it holds so much truth.

    That firing squad in...Utah? That was the way to go about handling a situation, cheap, quick and a good message.

    "If you do something like kill another man, for reasons like such as greed, we will put in a court of law where you face redemption, if your peers feel you don't deserve it, we will shoot you. We will kill you dead."
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:56 No.1465283

    >Oh look, you can't control your anger, and because of that you killed someone.

    >I guess you wont be living to see another day.

    What about the fucking person you killed, huh?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:59 No.1465302
    This, plus Hollywood tells us it's okay because the wrongly-convicted always finds a way to prove his/her innocence and identify the guilty party. Because of that, if someone is convicted the public assumes that it must be just and correct.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)06:59 No.1465308
    most criminals arnt sering time for unpaid parking tickes or having a joint in their car when pulled over
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:00 No.1465310

    It wouldn't bother him since he's dead. His loved ones after crying will move on. We can't bring back the dead, but we can help the murder stop murdering. What's important is that we help the obviously mistreated individual that killed the unlucky man in the first place so he can rejoin society as a productive member.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:00 No.1465312
    Way to completely ignore circumstances, mental health, and insane, backward laws that convict for self defense.
    >> carnivore !!qiR49+nYVmO 06/25/10(Fri)07:03 No.1465323

    Fuck that noise. I have a close friend who got out about 2 years ago for second degree man slaughter. He did 8 years good time, out on parole. He stabbed a Mexican in the temple killing him instantly when he was 18 yrs old.

    Point is - if you cant do the time, dont do the crime.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:04 No.1465325
    >joint in their car

    Actually, 1/2 of the people in jail are there for weed, and MOST of those are petty offences.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:04 No.1465330

    citations needed.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:04 No.1465331
    You're going to jail.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:05 No.1465333

    Since you don't, I don't.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:06 No.1465344
    Oh so now you want to get technical because someone doesn't agree with your hypothetical sarcasm?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:07 No.1465346

    in america yes . not in eu though ?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:09 No.1465357
    yep the last time i looked a whopping 60% of prisoners are drug offences and only 15% of those are for weed. or it may have just been 15% of all prisoners are for weed. either way a big difference from half.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:11 No.1465365
    1 Out Of 32 Americans Under Correctional Supervision

    1 out of every 142 Americans is now actually in prison

    1 in 5 probationers were women. More than half were white, 1 in 3 were black, 1 in 8 were Hispanic and 2 percent were of other races

    Nearly 448,000 parolees were discharged from supervision during 2002. Forty-five percent had successfully met the conditions of their supervision and 41 percent had been returned to incarceration for violating a rule or committing a new offense.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:12 No.1465366
    Still not doing anything about the problem besides making it worse, and MOST weed convictions are for less than 4 joints.
    >> The Awful Troof 06/25/10(Fri)07:13 No.1465373
    The goal of the US shadow government is to make everyone a criminal.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:16 No.1465383
    >Whats the point of prison when it would be much more effective and cheaper to rehabilitate people like in Europe ?
    See, conservatives are retarded and don't believe in things like rehabilitation, they believe in retribution. They'd rather punish people than prevent future crimes.

    Their way of thinking goes something like this.
    "You broke the law, you deserve to have your rights taken away from you."
    When the sane way to think is.
    "You broke the law, we need to find ways to correct your behavior."

    For some reason, they think these two things go hand in hand.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:18 No.1465387
    Alfred Blumstein and Allen Beck examined the
    near-tripling of the prison population during the period 1980-96 and concluded that
    changes in crime explained only 12% of the prison rise, while changes in sentencing
    policy accounted for 88% of the increase.7 Essentially, persons arrested for a felony
    offense became far more likely to be sentenced to prison (accounting for 51% of the
    increase) and to be sentenced for a longer period of time in prison (37% of the increase).
    Newly adopted policies such as mandatory sentencing, “truth in sentencing,” and
    increasingly, “three strikes and you’re out” laws have resulted in a far more punitive
    justice system than in years past.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:19 No.1465390

    Conservatives have this thing called life experience and INTELLIGENCE. Rehabilitation doesn't work. It doesn't work in hick states. It doesn't work in liberal states like cali.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:20 No.1465396
    Had me until he brought up seat belt laws.

    In the US, people need to drive. Not everything here is close and compact, people need to drive distances to get where they're going. It's not that the government doesn't want competent drivers. It's that we can't afford them. On top of that, seat belt laws are enacted not just for your own safety, but because when your body goes flinging out of that car, it creates a whole mess that's a problem for people other than yourself, both literally and figuratively.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:22 No.1465404
    In 1980,
    prisons and jails held about 40,000 inmates for drug offenses. That figure has increased
    more than ten-fold to about 450,000 today, nearly a quarter of all inmates

    decision this year by the U.S. Supreme Court
    upheld the California statute in a case in which a man convicted of stealing $153 worth of
    videotapes from a department store received a sentence of 50 years to Life. Thus,
    California taxpayers will spend at least $1 million over the next 50 years to lock up this
    videotape thief.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:22 No.1465406
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    >It wouldn't bother him since he's dead. His loved ones after crying will move on.

    My thoughts exactly

    >We can't bring back the dead, but we can help the murder stop murdering.

    Sounds like a plan

    >What's important is that we help the obviously mistreated individual that killed the unlucky man in the first place so he can rejoin society as a productive member.

    Wait what the fuck are you doing?
    The person who was mistreated WAS the unlucky man that was killed...

    How about we...oh I dunno... we help the family of the person who was murdered and make the murderer pay for what he has done, sounds crazy, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:22 No.1465407
    >Rehabilitation doesn't work
    And despite this claim of yours, we have a revolving door prison system where the people coming out resort to their illegal activities more than ever.

    Face it. If you had any real intelligence, you'd realize you're making things worse.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:27 No.1465426
    As states grapple with the fiscal crisis, they are now
    confronted with the results of decades of “get tough” policies that have swollen the prison
    population, creating a $40 billion corrections system

    40 BILLION !
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:30 No.1465440

    Rehabilitation has been tried and has failed. It isn't easy to change people. You retards can't even change the conservatives you consider idiots(who runs their state better than you and are your bosses.)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:30 No.1465441
    and on that note

    In 2010, it was announced the U.S. State prison population had fallen for the first time in 38 years.

    now what " state prison " actually encompases i dont know

    what happend to federal prisons ?
    what happend to private run prisons ?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:32 No.1465448
    The Central Scrutinizer is right on top of things.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:32 No.1465449
    >You retards can't even change the conservatives you consider idiots(who runs their state better than you and are your bosses.)
    Dumbest. Argument. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:32 No.1465450

    We have a 2.4 trillion or so budget. 40 billion is chump change.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:33 No.1465452
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    Norway joining the fight against crime here,9171,1986002,00.html

    Each cell is painted in "harmonic and relaxing colours" got its own flatscreen TV and a bathroom

    10-12 inmates share this particulate kitchen
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:34 No.1465455

    That's because you're dumb.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:38 No.1465464
    It means those in the custody of their respective states Department of Corrections, whether they are in a local county jail or private prison.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:38 No.1465465
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:43 No.1465483
    OP, you still need prisons for the violent offenders and the really dangerous ones in the community. We don't put people into prison or sent into a short-term jail sentence unless it's a absolute last resort or the person is actually violent. Most non-violent offenders can be dealt with by fines, restitution, community service related to the crime committed, probation or supervision.

    If a person is sent to prison, the people that run the prisons (The State Department of Corrections) should provide as much rehabilitative programs as possible to make sure that prison do not become "Universities of Crime", even if the citizens oppose to it because of the argument that "prisoners don't pay for it, but we citizens have to". (If they say that, than the people who oppose the rehabilitative programs should get the same programs in the free world via their taxes.)

    SA Goon here, I've actually read this thread and from a informational standpoint it's mind opening.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:48 No.1465493
    To all the people running their mouths about "kill them all, criminal scum" etc etc..

    What makes you so sure you will not become one of those in the future, through any means.

    Maybe you should look at things in terms of "everyone is the same essentially" instead of this bizarre ME(US) and THEM mentality.

    What makes you so sure you won't look down to change the track on your ipod and run over a little girl.

    Shit bro, now you are one of THEM.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:53 No.1465520

    This is the most retarded liberal argument ever. You need to put some effort into changing yourself if something is wrong with you. You need to learn to take care of yourself instead of wanting to world to be your mother. Also accidentally running over a little girl would get you manslaughter.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:56 No.1465539
    The Harris County Jail in Houston, TX is the third largest joint in the country and one of the largest in the world. Only the Rikers Island (which is actually a complex of 10 different jails) and the LA County Jail (largest on the planet) are larger. 25% of the $1.5 billion Harris County budget is law enforcement, with more than $750,000 a day spent on detainees. A shortage of guards means the jail shells out $35 million a year on overtime; some guards are topping out at $100,000 a year in total pay.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:59 No.1465552

    Make prisoners work to help pay living cost. Problem partially solved.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)07:59 No.1465558
    Whats the point of prison when it would be much more effective and cheaper to kill people like in the Middle East?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:01 No.1465571

    100,000 a year? lol.. that is a lie. I used to work at Harris County jail.. you make 40k a year tops if you work alot of overtime.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:04 No.1465597

    Did you get to do anal on the inmates?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:05 No.1465600

    not going to post links for basic knowledge, educate yourself, the US prison system is one of the worst in the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:13 No.1465633

    What are you on about?
    Yes, manslaughter. Some people would say 5 years, others 10, others 20. It was just an example.

    Now we all know you are a good, productive member of society, you haven't really wronged anyone in the past, you just want to enjoy life like everyone else.
    What good would it do to have you put into a hostile environment and left to rot for a long time.

    Nothing. Yes, you need to be punished for your gross carelessness, but there are many ways to do that that are less of a burden on the society both at present and in the future.

    May as well be able to better yourself and the society you hurt while some luxuries of modern life and life in general are taken away to maybe help give you a little clarity.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:21 No.1465681
    >foot the bill

    good. I'm glad your state is willing to foot the bill for the entire country.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:37 No.1465754
    We have more bad guys than the Europeans do. /shrug
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:45 No.1465786
    UK fag here. Prison is like a fuckinh holiday camp here.

    I dont like the USA always, but one thing you get right is your fucking prisons, where they actually live up to the name.

    OP, trust me, the EU way to deal with crime SUUUUUUUUCKS.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)08:47 No.1465794
    Because Americans hate each other.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:00 No.1465860
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    Your a fucking faggot. Jails and the prison industry is one of the only growing businesses in the country. Do you want this recession to continue? Who cares if "THEY" are in jail.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:02 No.1465875
    I'm a american, but I honestly think the US prision system is too long and retarded. I prefer the europe system more.

    On some cases, I do agree that some people should be put to jail for life, however most people don't deserve that nor do amount of time they spent in jail.

    You're wrong. Jail is wasted money. It's expenses paid with our tax dollars. It's not a business. The government does not make money off jails. They sell nothing there. They only use tax dollars to pay cops to watch the jailers and feed them.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:18 No.1465968
    >You're wrong. Jail is wasted money.

    Therefor, anybody who commits a crime needs to be told to stop and given a stern lecture. But it would be useless to put them in jail.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:31 No.1466073
    Conservatic logic: Person A kills person B. We find A to be a threat and so we get rid of him. Case closed, now person A never harms another and society is a little safer.

    Liberal logic: Person A kills person B. Oh noes A is so naughty, we need to rehabilitate him. A cunningly fools the liberal rehab guys by saying "why...yes, I am a changed man, lemme go plz'. A goes out kills another person. Liberals say 'Oh noes he had bad childhood, rehab will fix him!'
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)09:32 No.1466083
    Rehabilitation doesn't work this way.
    But don't let reason interfere with whatever you believe. Head on.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)12:31 No.1467292
    prisons overhere are pretty chill. You can get a playstation, a computer, a flatscreen tv and stuff like that. They have a store inside the prison where you can but all kinds of shit.
    But you don't go to prisson that easely. Besides its full of eastern europeans and sandniggers.

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