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>Charges of Racism

Seriously? You were right /new/. It's officially a crime to be a White man in the West.


>Seriously? You were right /new/. It's officially a crime to be a White man in Europe.
The US is still free, as far as this is concerned.
Which begs the question….
Is that scene in Die Hard 2 illegal in Europe?



>Is that scene in Die Hard 2 illegal in Europe?

Which scene are you talking about?


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OP look at these comments I received today.


"I hate niggers"…
Or was it Die Hard 3?



That was number 3 and no, it wasn't taken out. Unless it was edited to be shown before the watershed.


It was the one with Samuel Jackson, so it was Die Hard 3.


It was edited in some regions/versions.


I need to put them on Netflix…
Haven't seen them in over a decade.
And they're on Bluray now too.



The subversion is reaching an irreversible level….


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I'm seriously considering just buying some guns and ammo since I can't make them myself and going Breivik right now on targets I've selected in this city.

I'll need explosives too though and I can't buy that.

Fuck I'm going crazy.

2012 is going to be the end.


Don't do anything stupid. That won;t help anyone. Just stay on a consistent message about the genocide of our race.


We've been "raising awareness" for like 40 years now. Time for taking is past, it is time for action.


Why though? They are like 100% subverted. Being white is racist. Not accepting your demise is racist. There is no progress to be made with them anymore it's hopeless. I might as well go down taking out a few of their institutions in the process then live and weep.


Don't tell us you faggot!
If you're gonna do it, do it.
Don't tell anyone.
STI doesn't want to have to go to court and testify as a witness.


Don't be a fool. That will just play into their hands. The soviet union wasn't brought down with violence, it was brought down by subverting the system. That is what we are doing to the anti-White system and it's working.

Look at how successfully the anti-White subverted us from a position of total world-wide White Supremacy 70 years ago. We can do the same in a much shorter period of time thanks to the internet.


Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnBBdxns-Zc

Violence doesn't work. A consistent message works.


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Sure smells like free speech here… No matter, Chelsea will still win the league. We are with you Terry.


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>targetting your fellow people openly and painting a target on your group

I seriously hope you dont do this.

If you REALLY want to achieve something. DO IT QUIETLY. DO NOT DISCUSS IT HERE. Silently taking out those responsible and not getting caught is a far better plan.



You can either throw a childish temper tantrum that changes nothing. Or you can make peace with the fact that you are in a war of ideas, a legal, social and financial war.

You can be a man and settle in for the long hard work of doing what needs to be done. Not what is romantic but what is boring repetitive and necessary.


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Banking elite, media elite etc.

Only cowards target their own civilians.

And only idiots get caught.


We haven't been raising awareness, we have been doing stupid shit and shouting about "niggers and kikes" that doesn't raise awareness of anything.

Don't be a bonehead. You don't have the skill to do what you want and you have no plan or ability to take advantage of anything you do.

You just want to throw a temper tantrum instead of manning up and doing the subtle unromantic work that needs to be done to build a foundation for pro-white revolution.


Sounds like the Soviet Union.

The West didn't win the Cold War. The war ended with mutual cultural destruction, arguably better than the alternative of mutual nuclear destruction.

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