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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1277088415.jpg-(42 KB, 650x366, 224251-police.jpg)
    42 KB Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:46 No.1411607

    A MANHUNT is underway for a gunman in the Melbourne Park sports precinct after he reportedly shot at police and led them on a dramatic high-speed chase.

    Heavily armed police have swooped on the sports precinct which is in lockdown.

    The man, of Spanish appearance and in his mid-20s, is believed to be armed with a shotgun and witnesses say that he has been spotted in the sporting area.

    The man has straight dark hair, and is wearing a dark jacket with a red or orange t-shirt underneath and silver tracksuit pants, police said. He is considered highly dangerous and people are warned not to approach him.

    Fucking spics
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:49 No.1411628
    He wouldn't of fired on the police if you didn't harass him for being an illegal immigrant

    fucking nazis
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:52 No.1411658

    Australians only harass asylum seekers by throwing them into concentration camps.

    Oh and nice gun laws Australia, I see they're working just fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:55 No.1411680
    Gacy, Gein, Fish, Columbine, George Bush.

    Fucking crackers.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:56 No.1411690
    oh wow look something happened in australia! It appears police are looking for a man who shot at police. This is big news!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:57 No.1411705

    Maybe in America where gun violence is so common that murder by gun doesn't even make the news it wouldn't be considered to be news. But this is Australia.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:58 No.1411715
    Looks like gun bans are working
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)22:59 No.1411726

    First gun related incident for years that didn't involve large criminal organisations killing each other. No one dead. In contrast to constant gun related deaths in the USA and shootings happening quite often.

    Yeah, it seems to be.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:02 No.1411747
    lol, ausfalia.

    maybe if your gun laws weren't so gawdamned strict, and law abiding citizen could've gunned down the shooter.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:07 No.1411786
    lol ausfailia maybe if u were inbred retards like here in the US your guns could have shot his guns and then the guns would have saved the day.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:10 No.1411813
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    How's that gun ban working out for you Australia?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:12 No.1411834
    Gun murders per capita
    Australia: 0.00293678 per 1,000 people
    USA: 0.0279271 per 1,000 people

    Quite well actually.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:14 No.1411842
    They are actually.

    But nice try dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:18 No.1411877
    Thats odd. Seems those "strict gun laws" mean gun-crime goes DOWN.

    Now...isn't that odd that every time you Americans try and make an argument against gun-control you say "take away legal guns and only criminals will have guns" and "gun crime doesnt go down".

    Yet here we are, where criminals with guns rarely, rarely use guns against civilians as they are a high-priced asset.

    And amazingly gun-crime HAS gone down.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:19 No.1411881
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    >They can't even own guns
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:21 No.1411894

    How many robberies are committed with knives and blunt objects?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:21 No.1411897
    What do you guys use to protect yourself from tyrants?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:21 No.1411902
    The 2nd Amendment basically makes gun control impossible in the United States.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:22 No.1411905
    >Cant even own guns

    Actually, yes we can.

    Try again American.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:24 No.1411914

    Most civilians don't have guns, therefore we don't need guns to protect ourselves from said civilians. But you can own a gun if you wish to get the appropriate licensing.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:24 No.1411917
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    >He thinks a .22 is a gun
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:26 No.1411930
    >He thinks a shotgun is a .22
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:26 No.1411932
    >claim to have guns for self defence
    >own stingers
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:27 No.1411935

    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:27 No.1411937
    Yes your .22 "sparrow hunter" rifle is certianly "impressive". If you shot someone with that, they might get a nasty infection.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:29 No.1411947
    ITT: In typical American intellect, they try and pass judgement on other countries laws without knowing said laws.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:29 No.1411948
    Robberies and crimes committed with illegal knives and instruments is down FAR more than the US as well. Hahaha.

    We don't exactly have a large knifing rate either. And sorry, that ignorant fallacy doesn't work in reality. Guns in relation to farmers, hunting or sport are allowed, as they are duel use. Other guns and reasons are not.

    Just as knives that are duel use are allowed. While other knives are not.

    Try again?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:30 No.1411957

    ITT: Typical foreigner intellect, assuming all Americans think the same

    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:31 No.1411968

    Typical doesn't imply all, rather the stereotypical majority.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:33 No.1411976

    >illegal knives and instruments

    Oh look, there's an army surplus store a mile away. I can buy a cold steel machete for 80 dollars!

    Oh, and there's a semi-auto AK47 at the local gun show. Nice. A legal 15 dollar kit can convert it to fully automatic, if I was so inclined.

    I like having the OPTION of purchasing lethal instruments without legal hiccups. Criminals will do it regardless.

    Also, define "illegal knife"

    Is it 3 inches? 2?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:35 No.1411997

    The defense that criminals will have the weapons doesn't hold up. We have a relatively small crime rate with knives and other weapons, and the criminals that have guns use them on civilians once every (at least) 5 years, they prefer to use them on each other.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:35 No.1412003

    The really shitty areas like LA, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, etc. fuck up the average. Most areas of the States are really nice, calm, and tranquil places to live.

    Urban areas get the worst of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:36 No.1412004
    >Knows shit about Australian gun laws
    >Keeps repeating .22 even though hes already been shut down
    .38 is the standard for handguns and rifles.

    This doesn't include shotguns.

    But sure, ".22 is all we have". Moron.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:36 No.1412006

    Sorry, at most every 5 years (average).
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:42 No.1412047
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    >Americans don't understand the difference between a duel use knife, be it for hunting, fishing or use in the kitchen, and the knives that are illegal here.

    Aww, come back when that rampant criminal use of illegal weapons or firearms know...rampant.

    But sure, keep repeating it over and over again. Having lots and lots of guns has suuuure made American safer and lowered the gun cri...oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:53 No.1412099


    Learn the difference, please.

    I am sure you are WELL aware of the fucked shit our government does.

    There is a reason they do it in small steps.

    There is also a reason the Swiss have automatic assault rifles in every home.

    People will commit crimes with the tools available.

    We also have a lot of shitty people calling themselves "citizens" who engage in acts of wholesale tomfuckery. I would like the OPTION of having a .45 next to my bed in case some asshole decides to help himself to my property.

    You have to ask PERMISSION to defend yourself likewise...that's what a license is.


    You have to ASK your government if it's all right to defend yourself with lethal force if someone decides to attack you, steal your belongings, rape your wife, or attack your friends and neighbors.

    And we all know how useful police are in these matters.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:54 No.1412103
    stop posting australian news here faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:55 No.1412115
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    Great for flora AND fauna!
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)23:58 No.1412131

    Australian news is still news. Contrary to popular belief, the USA is not the center of the universe (nor is the earth, for your creationist population).
    >> Anonymous 06/21/10(Mon)00:00 No.1412139
    lol @ the comments, australians dont know what a spanish person looks like
    >> Anonymous 06/21/10(Mon)00:01 No.1412145

    Amerifag here.

    >> Anonymous 06/21/10(Mon)00:25 No.1412304
    So you come to an american website to post austrailian news.

    Why dont you post this shit on your own websites.....Oh wai

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