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  • File : 1276707379.jpg-(37 KB, 474x600, 2.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)12:56 No.1361196  
    Ask a traditionalist Muslim anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)12:56 No.1361199
    Due to the success that this thread had a couple of days a go, we're having it again to answer some of the question that weren't answered before.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)12:57 No.1361205
    Forgot the name.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)12:57 No.1361213
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 06/16/10(Wed)12:58 No.1361217
    What country do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)12:59 No.1361231
    Muslim from morocco here OP,
    are you an extremist?
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)12:59 No.1361241
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:00 No.1361246
    a tta shed l'ard yah!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:00 No.1361247
    ITT: samefags
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:00 No.1361248
    Morocco represent
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:01 No.1361261
    What school of thought do Morrocan muslims follow? Hanafi/Hanbali/Maliki/Shafi?
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:01 No.1361267
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:02 No.1361281
    no one gives a shit about people who pray to a meteorite, just as long as their peaceful. we're used to living with lunatics. If you're a freak, then that's when we care.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:03 No.1361292
    And I assumed that you meant school of jurisprudence not thought.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.1361305

    Why do amerifags hate us muslims?
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:04 No.1361312
    I don't think there's any group that worships a meteorite, perhaps you're refering to some science fiction cult that missed my attention.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.1361317
    because most of muslims are acting like barbarians and medias shows like if all muslims were barbarians
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.1361318
    Was that question directed at me?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:05 No.1361320
    oh look this thread again.

    gb2/b/ attention whore
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.1361327
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    Where you from, OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.1361329

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.1361333
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.1361335

    Pakistan Zindabad!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.1361337
    Oh nevermind. lol

    Morroccan? Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:06 No.1361338
         File1276708019.jpg-(20 KB, 228x320, muslim_protest4.jpg)
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    Are you embarrassed when you see asshats like these marching in Europe?
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.1361342
    The more accurate answer for anon's question is that Muslims, the uncompromising ones at least, represent a challenge to the modern Western world view, so they are bound to be hated. It's just basic bestial instincs at work.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.1361344
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:07 No.1361347
    Yep, unfortunately we're going through a huge pile of shit lately.

    Thanks to the Afghani border hoppers. :(
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:08 No.1361349

    Totally! Those idiots are representative of Muslims like Hitler was representative of Christians!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:08 No.1361356
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    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:08 No.1361357
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:09 No.1361364

    British Pakistani muslim here but yeah the country's going to the dogs
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:09 No.1361365
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:09 No.1361370
    have you raped a 9 years old yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.1361374
    guess where that flag originally came from?
    the cresent moon and star was somewhere else before you fags took it
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.1361375
         File1276708220.jpg-(184 KB, 800x595, 800px-Qutb_Minar_Minaret_Delhi(...).jpg)
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    Not really, and that's due to two things: 1) I don't think Muslims should be living there in the first place. 2) I don't think Muslims owe it to Westerners to behave in a specific manner, we most certainly don't owe it for you to embrace your doctrines and act as such.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.1361376

    what the fuck is mecca, jackass?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:10 No.1361382
    Can we ever a decent discussion without resorting to insulting images?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:11 No.1361389
    >Why do amerifags hate us muslims?
    becasue you hate us. we hate you.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:11 No.1361392
         File1276708313.jpg-(57 KB, 750x600, muslim2.jpg)
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    how does it feel knowing that EVERY TIME you meet someone of the opposite race they secretly hate you behind your back, but dont admit it
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.1361398
    Can you be more brainwashed than that lol?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.1361401
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    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.1361403
    If you don't plan on confirming to European cultural norms you don't belong there.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.1361404
         File1276708375.jpg-(87 KB, 800x568, hairynipplesmuslim.jpg)
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    Why do your women have hairy nipples and your men have hook jew noses?
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:12 No.1361405
    No, and I don't think any Muslim is nearly as mad as you.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:13 No.1361411

    Muslims never had a problem with america before israel...

    I have a lot of respect and admiration for Americans.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:13 No.1361412
         File1276708423.jpg-(18 KB, 320x290, pakifag.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:13 No.1361414
    Just ignore it, you're on 4chan.

    Trolling heaven. Expect it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:13 No.1361415
    why are you allowed to come to my country and multiply and i can't go to mecca
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.1361417
    Ever think that we may hate you because you try to kill us and/or destroy our culture?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.1361418
    i threw up... alot
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.1361430
         File1276708484.jpg-(270 KB, 1024x1536, muslim4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:14 No.1361431

    Why would you want to go there?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.1361435
    JIDF Attacks!

    Also, that guy isn't Pakistani. Also, nor is he a Sunni. It's Iranian.

    Fail harder.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.1361437
    still would hit it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.1361438
    what the fuck is the kabah?

    You assholes circle a fucking meteorite and pray to it. Like the dirt people you are. Hovel dwelling tribalist scum, one step from simians.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.1361442
    Can I urinate on Allah's picture?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:15 No.1361445
    Don't worry about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.1361448
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.1361451
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    Muslim vs. Jews vs Christian.
    Who will win?
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:16 No.1361454
    Just because Muslims facing Mecca when praying don't mean they worship it, just like how you don't eat you computer screen when you're looking at it while snacking. I apologize for breaking it out to you like this.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.1361456
    Because Jews and Semites are the same people, they just have a different religion. Ashkenazi Jews are "whiter" though.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.1361461
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    countering with master race
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.1361465
    That would just make it worse for yourself.
    >> hurr Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:17 No.1361466
    * Muslims and Semites
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.1361469
    Why do you allow fuckwad fundi Muslims to say and do the things they do without some kind of loud denouncement from the more rational elements of your community?

    The answer is because the majority of those in your culture think they're owed something, and thus believe those radicals are only acting out on what you all believe.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.1361471

    Why does it have to come to this? Why can't we all chillout together, y'know share a joint...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:18 No.1361475
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:19 No.1361483
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    lol really? explain this please
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:19 No.1361486
    See here, dear kind sir:
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:19 No.1361490

    No, the majority of muslims have distanced themselves from the extremists but you never hear those stories on fox
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.1361499
         File1276708824.jpg-(22 KB, 242x221, 1270970582601.jpg)
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    >put white girl in a towel
    >claim sand nigger
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:20 No.1361505

    you follow a bunch of rituals that program humans, just like the American media does. I have no use for either of your religions. Americans worship money, you worship a rock. You're both a form of human garbage that needs to be attrited.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:21 No.1361508
    >Why do you allow fuckwad fundi Muslims to say and do the things they do without some kind of loud denouncement from the more rational elements of your community?

    We don't. Our most influential Islamic leaders such as the Imam of the Ka'abah and various other figures have spoken out and condemned terrorism and the other shit they bring with them.

    CNN and FOX obviously wouldn't be interested in showing condemnation rather, attract viewers by showing praise.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:21 No.1361516
         File1276708896.gif-(1.38 MB, 358x202, 1273449148888.gif)
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    why do you get your asses beat by old white men?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:21 No.1361517
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    is this how Islam elevate women?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:22 No.1361522

    That looks like a good 'ol witch hunt in america
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:23 No.1361530
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:23 No.1361532
    Mohamed? Long time no see.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.1361536
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.1361537
    they re not arabs, they re asian
    >> Get stoned with no weed = bad Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:24 No.1361541
         File1276709069.jpg-(37 KB, 320x270, 6a00d8341c8ed053ef010536dcd1f3(...).jpg)
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    Is this how Muslim women stand their grounds?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.1361548
         File1276709104.jpg-(19 KB, 385x185, aap48indonesia_385x_693466a.jpg)
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    lol mudslimes
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.1361549
    i'll fuck the one in red
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.1361550
    Muslims eating pork?

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.1361552
    Is there a hi-res version of this? So hot...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.1361554

    Ey! Why the hating against weed? :(
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:25 No.1361559
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    big suprise. thats the white one
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:26 No.1361563
    OP has left the building.

    I'm a Muslimfag though! Troll me! It totally works! Herp Derp
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:26 No.1361571
         File1276709208.jpg-(59 KB, 512x600, 1.jpg)
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    Islam elevates women through snatching them to the light of worshipping the Lord of all from the darkness of worshipping anything below Him almighty, be it their desires or else.

    And there is nothing wrong with corporal punishment wheither againt men or women.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:26 No.1361573
         File1276709216.jpg-(27 KB, 472x354, 1273881666413[1].jpg)
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    why do you break kids arms with trucks when they are bad?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.1361575
    Sure is JIDF in here.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:27 No.1361581
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:28 No.1361589
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    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:28 No.1361592
    See here, my beloved friend:
    >> BBQ with out beer = bad. Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:28 No.1361595
         File1276709314.jpg-(15 KB, 277x369, IslamicMilitancy39..jpg)
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    meanwhile in Arabia...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.1361599
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:29 No.1361605
    Who gave the rights to those men to pretend to be able to play God with Hadiths
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:30 No.1361609
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    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:31 No.1361613
    Only for the sake of my creater and yours, I hope you'll grow out of your phase. I've been there.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:31 No.1361616
    >European cultural norms
    >stolen american hip hop rap and emo cultures
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:31 No.1361622
    Could you, please, elabortae on how that's related to my post?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:32 No.1361624
    >grow out of your phase

    I have no other master than Allah. Why would i take a man to play God With Hadiths as a master.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:32 No.1361626
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.1361634
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    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.1361635
    I'm quite sure you didn't read my post, either that or, for some reason, you din't understand it.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.1361636
    JIDF is strong in this thread, don't give up OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:33 No.1361643

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:34 No.1361644
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:35 No.1361654

    You a shia/salafi/wahabi?
    >> According to Islam: Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.1361658
    >And there is nothing wrong with corporal punishment wheither againt men or women.

    A girl was raped.
    raped = adultery
    adutery = death by stoning.

    punish the raped victim not the aggressor/rapist
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:36 No.1361659
    Because the consensus of the scholars, which are much, much more versed in the Quran and also, to speculate, are much more devout than you, these people saw that authentic hadiths are binding.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:38 No.1361679

    Where you from?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:38 No.1361681
    Stupid towelheads
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:39 No.1361684
    thats fucking stupid.
    stupid dune coons killing other sandniggers for no reason
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:39 No.1361686
    He's a Qurani. quranism is a phase that some Muslim teenagers go into when they see the contradition between Islam and the modern Western doctrines that have dominated the world.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:39 No.1361693
    See here:
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:40 No.1361702
         File1276710037.jpg-(234 KB, 500x375, selena_gomez_bra_sirius_radio_(...).jpg)
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    >Ask a traditionalist Muslim anything.

    know any good Pork chop recipes?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:40 No.1361705
         File1276710041.jpg-(135 KB, 399x450, pighammed52652734.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:40 No.1361706
    Those are Wahabbi Muslims.

    Only around 20-30 million of them exist. The people you are talking to aren't Wahabbi. They are probably the most extreme type of Muslims.

    You are talking to Hanafi and Maliki Muslims.
    They don't have that stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.1361712

    1: how do you feel about Tunisia being superior to Morocco in every way thinkable

    2: I suppose you are aware that young moroccans in europe are giving a bad name to arabs and muslims in general, can't you write them an email or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.1361718
         File1276710093.jpg-(118 KB, 719x506, 31041_106272626087118_10000113(...).jpg)
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    Jew, Christian, Muslim.
    All worship caveman fairy tales.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:41 No.1361719
         File1276710097.jpg-(500 KB, 1284x1004, Kufi_-_D_Va_style.jpg)
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    There is not punishment for a woman if she got raped. And the punishment for fornication, which is what you're referring to, is 100 slashes if enough witnesses were presented, not death.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:42 No.1361725
    Op, what is the modern Western world view to a traditionalist Muslim?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:42 No.1361726
    Istanbul was Constantinople
    Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night
    Every gal in Constantinople
    Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
    So if you've a date in Constantinople
    She'll be waiting in Istanbul
    Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
    Why they changed it I can't say
    People just liked it better that way
    So take me back to Constantinople
    No, you can't go back to Constantinople
    Been a long time gone, Constantinople
    Why did Constantinople get the works?
    That's nobody's business but the Turks
    >> oxymoron Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:42 No.1361727
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    Peace from a suicide bomber.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:43 No.1361731
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    Do you perfer to be called Camel jockies, Mudslimes, Sandniggers, Dune coons, Rag heads, or Shit stains?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:46 No.1361751
    >contradition between Islam and the modern Western doctrines

    why do people blindly follow men then
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:47 No.1361760
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    It's the archetype of perversion, in politics, society, science or anythin. It's an abnormality that's boud to disappear.

    Like Christians used to say, omnia vincit veritas.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:48 No.1361765

    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:48 No.1361773
    Why don't muslims shower and keep up with their personal hygiene?
    >> The word of GOD Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:50 No.1361781
    >There is not punishment for a woman if she got raped. And the punishment for fornication, which is what you're referring to, is 100 slashes if enough witnesses were presented, not death.

    From the Hadith:

    Bukhari (6:60:79) - Two people guilty of "illegal intercourse" are brought to Muhammad, who commands that they both be stoned. Apparently their act was out of love, however, since the verse records the man as trying to shield the woman from the stones.

    Bukhari (83:37) - Adultery is one of three justifications for killing a person, according to Muhammad.

    Muslim (17:4196) - A married man confesses that he has adultery (four times, as required). Muhammad orders him planted in the ground and pelted with stones. According to the passage, the first several stones caused such pain that he tried to escape and was dragged back.

    Muslim (17:4206) - A woman who became pregnant confesses to Muhammad that she is guilty of adultery. Muhammad allows her to have the child, then has her stoned (the description is graphic).

    Muslim (17:4209) - A woman confesses adultery and is stoned to death on Muhammad's order.

    Ibn Ishaq (970) - "The adulterer must be stoned." These words were a part of Muhammad's farewell address to his people on the occasion of his final pilgrimage to Mecca.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:50 No.1361784

    Muslims are required to wash/purify themselves 5 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:51 No.1361794
    inb4 AMDG
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:51 No.1361799

    Adultery <! Rape
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:51 No.1361800

    >He's a Qurani. quranism is a phase that some Muslim teenagers go into when they see the contradition between Islam and the modern Western doctrines that have dominated the world.

    More like the blatant contradictions present in hadiths.

    Stoning? The original verses were eaten by a goat.
    Prophet going to the skies on a flying horse to deal with the number of prayers with g-d.
    All the hadiths on dogs and animals.
    Circumcision myths.
    The pagan rituals of "hajj". The vagina shaped rock in mecca.
    Prophet's interssession. Prophet's favoritism.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:51 No.1361801
    I belive that hand gesture refers to victory, not peace.

    Because even with the help of men, explaing to them in the fullest the right things to do, the commons tend to lose the way. If men were left to their judgement they..., well, go take a look around, they start worshipping their own individualistic desires, which is what the modern wolrd slipped into.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:53 No.1361810

    Ello jewfag
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:53 No.1361813
    And yet they still manage to smell like shit.
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:54 No.1361824
    That's not about rape, is it?

    the punishment for adultery (fornication while married) is much more severe
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:55 No.1361830

    Nigger please, non-muslims don't wash their butts after a shit!
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:55 No.1361831
         File1276710921.jpg-(37 KB, 439x399, 1268934044328.jpg)
    37 KB
    > word of GOD
    >> Islam dont protect women Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:56 No.1361841
    British woman risks illegal sex charge after claiming she was raped in Dubai desert

    punish the raped victim not the aggressor
    >> لا غالب إلا الله !yysPrBS/a2 06/16/10(Wed)13:56 No.1361843
    what are you, a Jew Qurani or something? May God shows us all the right path.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:56 No.1361850
    but the mullahs and others are already having self whorship by having all the power on the people

    now tell me, who has the power on the people, god? hadiths? or the "scholars"?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)13:57 No.1361854

    Dailymail? I mean seriously?

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