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    35 KB In District's Ward 8, economic recovery is a world away Ned the Newshound !XBW.lrXjxw 06/13/10(Sun)12:11 No.1324380  
    By Dana Hedgpeth
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Sunday, June 13, 2010

    While much of Washington starts to emerge from more than two years of recession, Angie Walker feels as if she's in the middle of a depression, stuck, without knowing quite how to get out.

    Companies are beginning to hire, but Walker, who at 46 is struggling to find a full-time job, hasn't noticed. April found her driving 28 miles round trip from Southeast Washington to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where a temp agency had sent her for a kitchen job, pay $11.88 an hour. She was working about 24 hours a week but needed more.

    With a high school degree and years of kitchen experience, Walker can get jobs. But they're almost always part time, low paying and temporary, leaving her among the 8.8 million Americans counted as underemployed.

    Walker lives in the District's Ward 8, where she and many of her neighbors lack the beefy résumés with technical skills and college degrees that snag jobs in a slowly recovering economy. Often they're hobbled by poor transportation, lack of reliable day care, brushes with the law, substance abuse and isolation from the world of internships and job referrals -- problems that won't be fixed by classes in résumé writing or 9-to-5 dressing.

    More here:

    This article will take you a while to read, but it's a good article on how hard low-income people in economically-depressed struggle to get a good job. If this report is featured in a economically depressed area where the people are white, it would not make a difference in their situation.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:13 No.1324402
    Have they considered leaving their 3rd world city and find some place that has jobs?

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:20 No.1324441
    Because someone who is under/unemployed can obviously afford to move city and will magically find a job far more quickly elsewhere than where she is currently. Obviously.
    >> Ned the Newshound !XBW.lrXjxw 06/13/10(Sun)12:23 No.1324472
    Washington, DC and all other cities in the US have areas the resemble third world countries. Even if they moved to a another city in the US, it will not solve the problems of criminal records, education, poor transportation, and a lack of reliable child care.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:24 No.1324478
    The region already had issues and now their fishing is dying a horrible oil stained death. heir tourism may be affected as well if it smell like an oil pit for the next decade.

    And there's more hurricanes every year.

    Protip: find out where where unemployment is lowest and go there. leave the kids with grandma.
    >> Skeptic !GQtsITF/1w 06/13/10(Sun)12:31 No.1324521
    Anyone of them realized that their actions in the past now have consequences?
    >> Ned the Newshound !XBW.lrXjxw 06/13/10(Sun)12:35 No.1324542
    You might be in the wrong thread. You're talking about the Southern States.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:38 No.1324564
    Oh shit you're right.

    Why do black people always live in wards?

    Atlanta, New Orleans, D.C.


    Is that where white people banished them in the 20th?
    >> Rikudou !PVvuHw8lII 06/13/10(Sun)12:41 No.1324584
    Why do all these people insist on living in our nations capital? It wasn't created for the purpose of being an urban metropolis (or in this case, a decaying cesspool) but to be basically a large open workplace for the Federal government and its employees.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:42 No.1324590
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    >>Washington, DC and all other cities in the US have areas the resemble third world countries.

    Even the poorest parts of any city in the US still have.
    1. Access to clean drinking water
    2. A transportation infrastructure
    3. Stable local government
    4. Fairly low rate of preventable disease
    5. Emergency services

    Do any of the people pictured look emaciated? Do they rely of subsistence farming for their daily needs?
    No. You are using terms you don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:45 No.1324606
    >Often they're hobbled by poor transportation, lack of reliable day care, brushes with the law, substance abuse and isolation from the world of internships and job referrals

    Don't do drugs, don't do crimes, stop spewing niglets. Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:46 No.1324616
    >>Companies are beginning to hire, but Walker, who at 46 is struggling to find a full-time job, hasn't noticed. April found her driving 28 miles round trip from Southeast Washington to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where a temp agency had sent her for a kitchen job, pay $11.88 an hour. She was working about 24 hours a week but needed more.


    Fucking whiner.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:51 No.1324655
    America- The only country where the "poor" drive their own cars to protest rallies.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:01 No.1324732
    $11.88 is a fuckload more than I make at my temp job. STFU lady.
    >> Ned the Newshound !XBW.lrXjxw 06/13/10(Sun)13:04 No.1324746
    South Central LA would like a word with you.

    >1. Access to clean drinking water
    >2. A transportation infrastructure
    >3. Stable local government
    >4. Fairly low rate of preventable disease
    >5. Emergency services

    I agree in all of these, including number #2 with reservations. They have a great transportation infrastructure, if you own a car. If you use public transport, the infrastructure can vary from city to city.

    You got to understand the things you mentioned are the result of poverty. They do drugs to cope with the poverty they have, they do crime because they the job they have may pay no different or less than their welfare check. As for the babies...I'll let you have that argument.

    Living expensives ain't easy. Especially for housing.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06 No.1324756
    My friend works full time for $7.50.
    My dad has worked at a company for over 25 years and only makes $14.00 an hour and has had to raise 4 kids.

    Stop paying for things like cable TV, stupid bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:07 No.1324767
    whats the living wage in those areas?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08 No.1324769
    >substance abuse

    my sympathy goes out the window
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:11 No.1324789
    How do liberals honestly have sympathy for these people? They bring their own ruin upon themselves, and then bitch about it.
    >> S.T.A.L.K.E.R. !!Q+dsI/uvfZo 06/13/10(Sun)13:13 No.1324802
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    i live in DC, the place is a shithole because the dumb niggers there keep electing crooks and drug addicts to be their DC Council representatives

    they should burn all of DC to the ground except the monuments, nothing of value would be lost whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:16 No.1324823
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    >$11.88 an hour about 24 hours a week
    >needed more
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:18 No.1324836
    That's like $250 a week after taxes, probably less. You try living on that.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:21 No.1324850

    Bullshit. I make 8.50 an hour and work 25-30 hours a week and I make that much. They're making like 300. I live fine off 240~ a week, because I'm not fucking stupid.

    Learn to live within your means you dumb niggers.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:22 No.1324856

    Wtf, are you renting a room or living in your sister's garage apartment?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:24 No.1324864
    it comes back to no jobs. over qualified people taking jobs crap jobs leaving everyone else with slim pickings.

    sad story non the less op. thanks for some real news.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:25 No.1324868
    >I live at home.

    Fix'd that for you son.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:25 No.1324870
    >I live in a dorm that mom and dad pay for.
    >lol I'm a student! I only need beer money, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:25 No.1324872

    That's $13,000 ($250 a week X 52 weeks) a year, add a second job, a spouse with a job, or part time self-employment and you can easily get that up to "livable."

    My sister worked 3 part time jobs at the same time, as a single mother, while putting herself though nursing school. She didn't bitch about "being poor" and how nothing was provided to help her. She just worked her ass off, got where she wanted, and bettered her life.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:28 No.1324888

    >Browsing 4chan is about the only thing I can afford to do
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:30 No.1324902

    How much do you guys think a studio apartment costs?

    My rent is 450 a month, and I don't use that much electricity and water is included. I don't have cable, but I have high speed internet.

    Yeah I go to college, which I pay for with scholarships and shit.

    If I didn't go to school I could work full time, and get another job part time. I could easily make 400~ a week.

    Sorry that I have enough drive and intelligence to work and not blow all my money.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:31 No.1324910

    Its been like this for years. While I think its kind of retarded we're being used as political fodder now , at least we're getting some attention, lol.
    >> Giegue !!KgpOPtX57BM 06/13/10(Sun)13:31 No.1324913
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    >live fine for $240 a week
    >1 bedroom apartment is $186 a week
    >eating $4 a meal, 3 times a day, 7 days a week is $84
    >$84 + $186 > $240
    >no gasoline or internet
    You don't know jack shit about the real world.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:32 No.1324919

    What about yer car insurance guy?
    Monthly gas expenses?
    Food budget?

    I bet you aren't able to save shit huh? Enjoy your ramen noodles and cheap hot dogs.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:33 No.1324922
    get out of here STALKER
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:33 No.1324923

    >$4 a meal

    and we don't know bout the real world
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:35 No.1324934
    >eating $4 a meal

    Ah and the Obese-American ethnic group chimes in...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:35 No.1324936

    Average rent were I live is 130 a week according to that site. If you learn to shop at places like Dollar General or places like that, you can get food for cheap.

    ITT: People that don't know how to shop smart
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:38 No.1324960

    Its not that we can't shop smart. Its just that you can only live off ramen for so long. Shit gets old quick.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:39 No.1324963

    I have a car, but I paid it off when I was in high school. My insurance is 30 a month because it has the lowest coverage and I never drive it.

    I bike to work and school

    I already said I don't use that much electricity (pretty much my PC and fans) and water is included

    Sure I don't eat amazingly, but I get by.

    People need to stop telling me to live in the real world, and get out of there parents houses. This is what people do everyday to get by.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:39 No.1324964
    I'm sure you wouldn't be bitter at all if you had to live like that for the rest of your life.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:40 No.1324970

    spoiler: food is cheap if you don't shop like a moron, and no i don't just mean raman, i mean going and buying some goddamn veggies from the grocery store, not your retarded overpriced local coop
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:40 No.1324977

    Well that's why I'm going to school. So I can make something of myself.

    But like I said, I could totally work 2 jobs and have my live improve.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:42 No.1324997
    with a budget that tight, 1 accident or 1 medical bill,shit even a single robbery and you'll never recover.

    get sick and miss a few days of work? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:44 No.1325008
    go to college and get a loan in something not worse than worthless and you wont be poor, inb4 "BAWW HOW I GET LOANZ"
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:45 No.1325022

    Guilty as charged.

    There are not many positions open within my work experience or skillset. The ones that were available have not called back in months. Everything else is an internship (i.e. free workers) or too far for me to bother working. At this point, I can't afford to not get paid.

    I ended up getting a stock boy position that pays approximately $8.50 an hour. Whole body hurts at the end of the day, but I don't give a shit as long as I have a job.

    I'm saving up for my last year of grad school and I'm staying at my folks at the moment. They don't care about me staying as long as I'm keeping myself on track with school or work, though I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that have parents that actually care about them.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:45 No.1325026


    However, there is a light at the end of our tunnel. Get into construction or a trade. Most of them you don't even have to go to trade school. Find a company willing to work with you, work your ass off, and you'll be raking in anywhere from $14-$18/hr in two years. I trust your broke asses will have had enough practice "living within your means" by then to make a wage like that seem Godly.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:50 No.1325061
    loving the debate about this kid and his austere life style. But somethig tells me he wouldnt be anywhere with out a large cash infusion from Daddy to start things off. His budget doesn't account for any he already owns. So unless he steals all his shit, he just full of shit. And has no idea what its like to come into this world poor.
    >> Giegue !!KgpOPtX57BM 06/13/10(Sun)13:51 No.1325073
    Disregard the internet, I forgot it's $10, not $40, a week

    Still amounts to $226.10 a week, when you bring in $240 a week. What the fuck are you eating at $10.50 a week? Just rice all the damn time?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55 No.1325111
    >Its not that we can't shop smart. Its just that you can only live off ramen for so long. Shit gets old quick.

    I can put together a steak dinner for one, say sirlon or new york strip, grilled with onions and garlic, with baked potato and all the fixin's, large roll with butter on the side, and *maybe* be a little over $3.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:07 No.1325247
    maybe if you own a cow and slaughter it yourself and cook it yourself and have an onion/garlic farm and handmake butter and make bread on your own

    onions by itself cost like 3/ea
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:11 No.1325284
    ITT: fags who dont know whats its like to work your way up from the gutter. and have no idea what its like to be truly poor.

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