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  • File : 1276321415.jpg-(43 KB, 399x733, stonedwhat.jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:43 No.1310061  
    Aside from health care, can anyone tell me any other things Obama has done differently than Bush? Because I honestly can't think of a goddamn thing.

    This is a serious question.
    >> Inurdaes !pwdoVuGOu.!!gRxBpOCpp0Q 06/12/10(Sat)01:44 No.1310076
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    He hasn't.
    Can we have a better, brighter world now?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:46 No.1310089
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:47 No.1310103

    looooooooooooool @ all the increased and expanded fundings
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:49 No.1310117
    Public funding is bad!
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:49 No.1310119

    For you, my misguided friend.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:49 No.1310123
    Didn't just bail out auto companies, but also attempted to help normal humans.

    Lily Ledbetter Equal Pay Act.

    Chewed out Supreme Court for their bullshit.

    I can think of some more if you want me to.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:50 No.1310127
    >he thinks healthcare isn't impressive enough for 17 months in office.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:51 No.1310138

    I do, actually :) Thank you


    Right, because when you're like 3 seats away from a super majority, passing things is liek, omg so harddddddddddddd
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:51 No.1310142
    Nobel Peace Prize

    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:52 No.1310150
    especially when the Filibuster is used everytime
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:53 No.1310157
    Didn't start a war

    Actually chewed out an oil company

    Won an election fairly.

    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:53 No.1310160
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:54 No.1310163
    Forcing people to buy health insurance from corporations under pain of imprisonment is impressive!
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:54 No.1310169
    >Right, because when you're like 3 seats away from a super majority, passing things is liek, omg so harddddddddddddd

    There were several democrats who voted no on healthcare, you know.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:54 No.1310172
    Makes my insurance cheaper.

    +1 Barry
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:55 No.1310175
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    >Implying he understands how the new healthcare bill works
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:55 No.1310179
    They had enough to cause a shit storm.

    No amount off hurr durr from you will change that fact
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:56 No.1310185
    >implying you do
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:57 No.1310190
    He axed some of those retarded military boondoggles.

    Bush would have never done that.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)01:58 No.1310195
    Called you out on a stupid comment about the bill, so yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:00 No.1310212
    You have me mistaken for >>1310163
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:00 No.1310213

    Boondoggles you say, care to elaborate? I know he sent more troops in, much like Bush.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:01 No.1310217
    egg management fee
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:01 No.1310222
    Achieved the presidency on his own merits

    Actually repairing global image of America in the world

    Daughters aren't drunk bitches.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:02 No.1310225
    The F-22, for one.

    There was some other shit about laser planes and other technologies that he axed, to the sound of much bitching from the GOP. Of course, they only got axed after the government had already sunk untold billions into their development with NOTHING OF VALUE TO SHOW FOR IT.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:02 No.1310226
    >Daughters aren't drunk bitches.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:04 No.1310231
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    brb OSPREY VTOL Helicopter
    You have Dick to thank for that quagmire
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:05 No.1310237
    OP here, not gonna lie, all the shit he's done differently seems pretty trivial compared to the oodles and oodles of shit he's done exactly like Bush.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:06 No.1310247
    tbh, he started out much different than bush, but then came back around on foreign policy. he's been too busy with health care, the economy, the wars and now the spill to pay much attention to many domestic issues.

    however, he's done a few things:

    - his energy bill ($54 billion to alternative energy) is unlike anything anything bush would have done.

    - he nominated sontamayor to the bench

    - raised taxes on high income individuals, corporations, and raised capital gains tax

    - legalized embryonic stem cell research

    - made june "LGBT month"
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:06 No.1310248
    Really, not starting a stupid war, and repairing Bush's economic baggage is trivial?

    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:06 No.1310252
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    You are correct sir for the following reasons you've presented -

    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:07 No.1310264

    To be fair, he's continuing said stupid war, when during the campaign (I voted for him) he said he'd bring the troops home.

    And as for >repairing Bush's economic baggage is trivial? All I'm gonna say is 'lol wut?'
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:08 No.1310269
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    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:09 No.1310275
    >LGBT month
    Let's get busty teens?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:09 No.1310276
    Yeah but Obama pisses on the little guy just like Bush and won't let me walk into the white house with a gun, just like Bush. Face it, he is Bush. A black Bush.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:09 No.1310277
    He said he'd expand Afghanistan before he said he'd leave it.
    He says a lot though, and nothing seems to happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:10 No.1310289
    >made june "LGBT month"
    >implying this is a notable thing
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:10 No.1310292

    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage

    when did this happen exactly?
    >repairing Bush's economic baggage
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:11 No.1310304
    Tell that to a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:14 No.1310326
    so...tell it to you?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:15 No.1310335
    repeating phrases is cruise control for lack of ability to write with emphasis.

    Like, trying to fix the problem of too big to fail.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:16 No.1310351
    Which stupid war are you talking about? Afghanistan or Iraq? He never said anything about Afghanistan.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:18 No.1310370
    well, yes, notable to many millions, mostly those who oppose it.

    but relax bro... i mostly put it in there for comic relief.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:25 No.1310442

    actually, it's hard to really blame bush for the recession. his hand off approach to wall street may not have helped matters, but if there's one piece of legislation to hold slightly accountable, it's the repeal of glass-steagall under clinton in 1999, which ended the separation between investment and retail banks. but even that hadn't happened, the housing bubble and insane derivitives still would have.

    as a rule, presidents don't have much to do with investments bubbles.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:27 No.1310465
    They do when they deregulate the industry
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:29 No.1310484
    George Bush, "The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper!"

    Barack Obama, "What he said!"
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:31 No.1310498
    so true, such double talk. i also love how obamas line now is that he was down in Louisiana assessing the oil spill "a month ago". The disaster started 50-something days ago. what about the half-month he waited to take this crisis seriously?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:33 No.1310513
    that sounds like it could have been lifted straight from fox's comment section
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:37 No.1310532
    >implying the SEC folded up shop
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:38 No.1310546
    >Implying the SEC had clout, wasn't spending their free time watching porn, and wasn't directly subsidized by the financial industry.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:39 No.1310555
    36 out of 3000+ people were busted for watching porn, not exactly a majority there.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:41 No.1310559
    >Implying that wasn't a semi-accurate analogy for them being asleep at the wheel. Deliberately asleep at the wheel.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:41 No.1310562
    Isn't he supposedly winding down the war in Iraq by reducing troop levels there?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:44 No.1310586
    yeah. I think OP would respond that Bush was doing the same thing.

    However, Bush started the goddamn war.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:48 No.1310604

    you're just making shit up. serves me right to try to have a serious discussion on 4chan.

    if you or anyone else can provide a cogent argument describing precisely how any presidential action taken or lack of oversight directly encouraged the recession, you must post ITT.

    by lack of oversight, you must describe in detail what they clearly could have done but didn't. this does not include reading minds or seeing the future. clear, delineable mistakes only. no vague conjecture, personal intuition, or partisanship.

    go, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:49 No.1310612
    >still doesn't mean industry was deregulated
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:56 No.1310665
    hey guys, jus got here. why is it so quiet?
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:57 No.1310669
    because you raped your mom when you were 10 then repressed it and were sent to live with a new family.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)02:59 No.1310680

    faggots are taking a crash course in economic trying to figure out market regulation. good luck to them. most people who talk about it don't know shit. for them it's just a political rallying word.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)03:01 No.1310705
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