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  • File : 1265776675.jpg-(36 KB, 263x345, snowdogs.jpg)
    36 KB D.C. snow will continue 'until Al Gore cries uncle' Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:37 No.118962

    The Snow in DC is so bad (14+ inches expected tonight and tomorrow) that the subcomittee hearing for Global Warming and Public Works was cancelled today.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:38 No.118967
    in be4 stormfront
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:40 No.118973
    the spics did this
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:40 No.118974
         File1265776819.jpg-(49 KB, 567x440, 1265064235005.jpg)
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    >Global Warming
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:41 No.118979
    Admittingly, it is a pretty shitty name.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:41 No.118982
         File1265776885.jpg-(169 KB, 742x441, 1264580379047.jpg)
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    >D.C. snow will continue 'until Al Gore cries uncle'
    >record snow in DC
    > Al Gore cries uncle
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:42 No.118985
    Does anyone other than leftists still believe in global warming?
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:44 No.118991
         File1265777050.jpg-(64 KB, 584x433, 1262820609148.jpg)
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    There's still some people who are quite environmentalist friendly and on the conservative agenda, but when I hear a Global Warming summit meeting is canceled due to 14 INCHES OF SNOW I laugh
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:44 No.118994
    ITT: People who don't understand that an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere represents an increase in entropy of the system, leading to crazy shit like it snowing several feet in DC.
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:45 No.118996
         File1265777145.gif-(134 KB, 600x571, northeast.gif)
    current radar (as of 11:49 pom EST)
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:47 No.119007

    There isn't that many left in America. It seems to be dying out once people realized it was just a money grab.
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:48 No.119008
         File1265777284.jpg-(4 KB, 188x212, 1263524200381.jpg)
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    >record snows, blaming humanity
    I for one believe the planet is cooling down from all the hot summers we have had these past few decades, so why not shut the fuck up, and let the planet cool down. Keep your environmentalist agenda out of my congress
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:48 No.119011

    Global warming belivers attribute every change in climate to global warming.

    We here the earth is going to be a sauna, or the its going to be a new ice age.

    Nice how they play both sides of the fence on what CO2 is going to do.

    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:49 No.119012
    Global Warming : Winter will never happen again.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:50 No.119015
    I never said it the increase was manmade. Way to jump the gun.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:50 No.119016
    That is one messed up looking storm. It's all over the place in fragments.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:50 No.119017
    That's because every weather pattern on Earth WILL be effected by global warming and already IS being effected by global warming. As the planet heats up, weather changes across the globe. Some places get more rainfall, other places less. Some places turn to deserts, others turn lush and green (like the Sahara is doing now). But we attribute everything to climate change because CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTS EVERYTHING.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:50 No.119018

    everyone now knows it was a money grab , the scientist have been clinging to the lie inspite of a decline in temp over ten years because they went to college and got degrees in a bogus science and now need to justify keeping their jobs. IE continue to preach the lie is true.

    I wonder what the next political cult will be
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:51 No.119020
    you are a fucking moron and need to kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:52 No.119027
         File1265777553.jpg-(77 KB, 748x470, UAH_LT_1979_thru_Jan_10.jpg)
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    warmest january on record bros, some parts of north america and western europe are like the only place where it isn't way hotter than average, sea surface temperatures are showing record highs
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:52 No.119030
    every single debate on global warming is reduce greenhouse effects by human resources like getting wind energy, natural gas, and other so-called "green jobs" but all of this planet-friendly bullshit is EXPENSIVE as hell... ever wonder why every single portion of debate falls back to "humanity's damage to its own environment" scenario.. I'm sick of your Global Warming shit. get over it, and

    "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:53 No.119033
    >Earth gets hotter CO2 did it
    >Earth gets cooler CO2 did it'

    I mean really WTF, C02 is both warming and heating the planet at the same time LOL

    they believe this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:54 No.119039
    Then you are an imbecile that needs to stop dismissing long-term scientific trends based on short-term events that may or may not be anomalies. Not OP, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:54 No.119040
    Dude, we're also running out of oil. There's also that.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:54 No.119044
    worst part is the enenrgy that goes into making the so called GREEN stuff creates more pollution then if they just went ahead and made it the normal way.

    Hepr DERp
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:56 No.119051
    Not how you read graphs bro. And the data on temps for january are not complete yet bro.
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:57 No.119057
    >scientific evidence " that was manipulated"

    you do know that most of the data that the scientists collected was all made up and boosted for greater cause and effect to boost the economic standpoint of socialist/communist agendas to control the environment and people in their environments and force people to conserve their energy use, instead of find ways to make new energy, or drill for oil/natural gas/ win/solar/hydro energy.

    It was all a scam in the beginning and still is a scam to make people believe we're all going to boil to death
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:57 No.119060
    actually according to some experts we were supposed to have already run out of OIL yet we keep finding more and more of it LOL
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:58 No.119062
    Only fucking brainwashed morons believe in global warming anymore. Even the assholes that created that sham have stopped referring to it - now they are just, GREEN.

    Fucking idiot leftist faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:58 No.119064
    >scientific evidence " that was manipulated"

    Kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:58 No.119067
    (in b4 HAARP weather warfare)
    >> Anonymous 02/09/10(Tue)23:59 No.119071
    yeah the loudest leaders of this shit have gone to ground

    only morons still harp about it vocally now.
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/09/10(Tue)23:59 No.119073
    shall I bring up the news about the hacker who released the evidence of the scientists and their scammed works?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:00 No.119080
    It's not enough to keep up with the rising demand. Sooner, instead of later, we're going to run out of oil, and when we do we'll need alternative sources of energy that won't run out.

    Why not start installing them NOW? Why wait?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:00 No.119081
    dont bother he is a religious nut in the cult of AGW
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:01 No.119085
    which january on that graph was hotter?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:01 No.119088
    they were saying the same thing you just said almost verbatim since the first oil crisis.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:02 No.119094
    >exact same quote, including improper spacing
    Nice try.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:03 No.119098
    ITT: Fags that don't understand the science pretend to know more about complex atmospheric systems then people who spend their whole lives studying them.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:03 No.119103
    And they were right! And they're still right!

    Again, WHY WAIT?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:03 No.119104
    medieval warming period,

    OH wait that's right that satellite wasn't around then, actually basing anything off of what that satellite gives us would be foolish since its sample size for comparison is so small compared to the entirety of the time the climate has been around. It would need to be in orbit few hundred years before you could use its information to form any kind of theory with data it gathers.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:05 No.119112

    No they were wrong they said we would be out of oil by 2000 yet we have found more oil then what they thought existed etc.

    Try again.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:07 No.119135
    dont forget all the oil sources we have yet to tap

    and those we cant tap cause environmentalist
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:08 No.119141
    You're dodging my central question. We WILL run out of oil. The Earth has a finite supply and it takes millions of years to replenish it. The same goes for coal. We WILL need alternative sources of energy.

    So why wait to start installing them? Do it now, while the oil's still in decent supply, and don't have to crunch and face a collapse of civilization. Plan ahead. Be proactive.
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/10/10(Wed)00:08 No.119142
    and dont forget the US congress stops our profuction of oil by banning off-shore drilling cuz Obama wants health care and socialist ideas
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:08 No.119144
         File1265778513.png-(166 KB, 1258x963, PU200611_Fig1.png)
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    actually the guy who made the theory of peak oil predicted around 2010-2015 would be when oil is running out and except for the drop caused by the energy crisis and a subsequent increase in energy use that basically picked up all the slack from there, he's been entirely right, also his prediction on american production was pretty much spot on, pic related, it's a ton of other estimates about peak oil
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:08 No.119150
    Apart from how we've currently surpassed the medieval warming period, you're totally correct.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:10 No.119159

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:11 No.119161
    snow during the winter?

    another nail in the coffin for JEW LIES
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:12 No.119164
         File1265778726.png-(39 KB, 600x443, 2000_Year_Temperature_Comparis(...).png)
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    you just said i didn't read the graph right. also, still wrong bro
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:12 No.119168
         File1265778759.jpg-(722 KB, 1280x960, DSCF3067.jpg)
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    not so bad I went to work both today and yesterday, pussy nignogs in dc
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:13 No.119175
    I guess a snow storm in winter discredits 30% more greenhouse gases, massive deforestation, and the 8 of the warmest years on record occurring in the last decade.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:13 No.119178
         File1265778805.gif-(17 KB, 350x407, lisa-yell.gif)
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    Global warming can cause weather at both extremes, hot and cold.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:13 No.119180
    Peak oil is bullshit, they keep having to redjust it as the find more OIL lol

    and anyway not a problem

    Synthetic sources

    A 2003 article in Discover magazine claimed that thermal depolymerization could be used to manufacture oil indefinitely, out of garbage, sewage, and agricultural waste. The article claimed that the cost of the process was $15 per barrel.[69] A follow-up article in 2006 stated that the cost was actually $80 per barrel because the feedstock which had previously been considered as hazardous waste now had market value.[70]

    >A 2007 news bulletin published by Los Alamos Laboratory stated that waste heat from nuclear power plants could be used to convert sequestered CO2 and hydrogen gas into methanol, and then into gasoline. The press release stated that in order for such a process to be economically feasible, gasoline prices would need to be above $4.60 "at the pump" in U.S. markets. Capital and operational costs were uncertain mostly because the costs associated with sequestering CO2 are unknown.

    they already have the shit set up for when oil runs out being worked on or ready to go.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:14 No.119186
    Then why not call it global climate change?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:15 No.119189
    you mean 8 of the cooler years as the temp has been going down for 10 years?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:16 No.119194
    >Oh look he uses a discredited hockey stick based graph

    God damn you are a moron
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:16 No.119200
    It does not you liar
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:17 No.119205
    Why do they still call it starfish when its not a fish?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:19 No.119215
    Even if global climate change ISN'T happening at the moment, pumping lots of CO_2 in the atmosphere can't be a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:19 No.119218
    Well it is close to a fish as it spends all it's life in water
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:21 No.119223
    Fusion is where it's at, not alternative sources. It's better to switch outright and gain energy independence than to be dependent on waste products. For those to sources you cited - one isn't from a reputable journal and admits it will still increase costs, while the other is only feasible on a small scale.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:21 No.119225

    The problem is that science today has assumed an almost theological role in society like the church was in the past - If scientists tell us something then we all are obligated to accept it and believe it as canonical law. Often that science is of such a high level of study that the general public has no idea how it works, which means people either are inclined to buy into whatever they are told by those who have actual wisdom or feign it (The same way the Stock market is looked at like some sort of highly mysterious, mystic force which has us trusting the words of snakeoil salesmen in charge of the big banks and corporations) or simply shelter themselves in an ignorant "Xenophobia".

    I think Climate Change certainly does exist and humanity does have an impact, but it's far less than the "Suicide Fantasy" promoted by the archtypes of the whole Climate Change policy movement. Talking about more minor, regional climatic problems which will make life more difficult for Saharan countries or those in South-East Asia doesn't motivate the populace of the Industrialized world the same way suicide fantasy apocalyptic shit like Avatar's presentation of Earth or the idea that the Oceans will rise to consume everything within 5 miles of the coast across the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:21 No.119226
    How can you say that.

    You dont know if its a good thing or not, we know this much that the CO2 levels we have now are no where near as high as they have been historically. Going back billions or years.

    Hell it could be a very good thing for all we know. Considering that the amounts of carbon in the atmosphere are in the .00%s
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:21 No.119227
    Okay guys GW is real... You all win. Nice bicycle bro. Don't mind me. I enjoy this car, but hey, I fully back you up if you wanna ride that bike. Oh hey, by the way, I know you don't believe in winter anymore, but if you need help getting to the store for some groceries just let me know. I'm sure it's hard to get around on your bike with the streets covered in snow an ice. My 4x4 does pretty well though.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:21 No.119228
    And how would you know that smart guy? Doesn't it make trees grow?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:22 No.119236
    I'm sure when people start calling it "global climate change", the republitards will jump on it saying "OH! SO NOW YOU'RE CHANGING THE NAME? DURRRR"
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:23 No.119238
    you fucking idiots co2 is dangerous, go to sleep with a bag over your head then message me in the morning
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:24 No.119243
    In that case I would die from lack of oxygen instead of CO2 poisoning. Your point is still not proven.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:24 No.119248
    I'm sure cows let out more CO2 than humans

    India worships them, so I'm sure they have millions there

    US has millions too

    All they do is stay in the fields, eat grass, give milk and cheese, and fart
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:25 No.119253
    It "traps" infrared radiation, for lack of a better word. It can still escape, but has a harder time with lots of CO_2 around. And yeah, trees like CO_2, but are we emitting it at a rate that they can handle? It's like giving you a steak every hour and expecting you to keep eating forever and ever.

    Proof: Venus
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:25 No.119254

    They do. It's one reason why Vegetarian groups are pushing for their way of life as more Green Friendly because of the vast amount of land & CO2 emissions due to cattle.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.119257
         File1265779569.jpg-(62 KB, 500x557, lolwatt.jpg)
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    >Comparing empirical knowledge to religious texts and markets

    I do agree with your second point. People are so damn lazy and cynical about everything that any issue has to be granted apocalyptic stylings in order for any action to occur.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.119258
    and rightly so for them being fucking morons.

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.119259
         File1265779591.png-(120 KB, 2000x2000, 2000px-Hubbert_US_high.svg.png)
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    you're a dumb fucker, it's certainly not discredited despite the wild accusations of you and your ilk
    like i said, the guy who made up peak oil has never readjusted his theory and his target for when peak oil occurs meets the range of all of the predictions in that image that aren't made by oil companies or their direct beneficiaries (the cera one, for example, is made by a think tank that has completely failed to predict the price of oil for the past 8 years) also check out the prediction made by the guy who made up the peak oil theory on american domestic oil production (his is the one labeled hubbert)
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.119262
    I think you mean methane. It's alright. Not all of us passed high school chemistry.
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 02/10/10(Wed)00:26 No.119263
    >farts are CO2 gases
    >farts are methane gas

    wait, what
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:28 No.119268
    Venus has other things going on other then co2, just making yourself look retarded by trying to use it. Especially since we are not sure just how much warming can be caused by co2 as recent scandals have show the reaserach is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:28 No.119271
    I think the fact that the Sun is 4x more intense at Venus has something more to do with that. And hey, CO2 absorption isn't linearly additive when its concentration goes up. The more CO2 you add, the less of an effect the new CO2 has until its saturated and adding more CO2 to the atmosphere adds nothing because the light is all already absorbed.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:29 No.119276
    yeah, scientists have some motive with the whole global warming hoax. you got us (planetary scientist here)
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:29 No.119278
         File1265779772.png-(92 KB, 2000x1333, 2000px-Hubbert_peak_oil_plot.s(...).png)
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    k i got a graph for you, this was made in 1956, if you can see it marks 2010-2015 as the date where peak oil takes place, much most of the predictions in my other graph
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:29 No.119279
    If i ever meet you ill make sure to punch you in the face
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:30 No.119284
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:31 No.119289
    Oil will not even be relevant by that point as tech will have moved us onto other fuels or we will have made substitute oils more affordable, you realize harping on peak oil is just moronic
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:32 No.119297
    it's cause cows are raised using shitloads of oil, they need to use it for the machines to make the corn cows eat, then they need to use it to cut up the cows in factories then transport it everywhere etc. cuba feeds itself entirely on organic farming and they had some lean years where they were farming like we do but then quite a few people starved after they stopped getting oil subsidies from the soviet union when it collapsed, this is likely what's going to happen to us when peak oil hits and if we aren't prepared to make the same transition cuba did we're going to see some people starve as well
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:35 No.119308
    that point is 0-5 years from now
    nearly every person who has done predictions based on peak oil who isn't an oil company has come up with the same data since 1956 (oil companies have to obfuscate their predictions for market purposes, saudi aramco's just keeps going up for like 200 years lol)
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:35 No.119310
    Source your cuba bullshit

    cause its clear that you are just making that shit up.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:36 No.119313
    Graphs i have of peak oil show 2050, because more oil has been discovered. Even after 2005 when that joker said it was all found.

    And that's not including shale oil and other shit they have yet to use.

    Sit on reality and rotate already
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:38 No.119320
    >I can't think of a counterargument so I'll just say there are more variables at play that I don't know of.
    Also what scandals? Those emails? Do you know how scientific data and interpretation works? The media (liberal/conservative/whatever) most of the time take this shit out of context. Like when we were bombing the moon? Everyone got all excited like there was going to be some explosion they could see through their telescopes. But whatever, I'm sure people are impressive with your political science major. It has science at the end of it, so it's important right....right?

    Venus' semimajor axis is ~0.7. It gets twice as much sunlight, tops. It's also in the habitable zone of the Sun. I'm not going to trust your math/science if you can't do a simple flux calculation.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:38 No.119324

    I phrased it poorly, so let me clarify. Science certainly can prove empirical data, but it can also be falsified, corrupted, or twisted to fulfill an agenda. That is different from religion or markets which completely lack any empirical data for the most part, but the ability of existing 'information' to be falsified (Coming up with complete bullshit not in the bible), corrupted (Taking phrases from a holy book out of text, or picking and choosing what financial/economical data you provide to the public), and twisted also exists with those two fields.

    So does the sharp division between laypersons (those who can't read, those who aren't part of a religious hierarchy in control, those who have no understanding of business or economics) and knowledgable individuals (Scientists, clergy, literates, business peoples), which allows the latter to control the former.

    I'm not knowledgable enough in science or climate to make my own opinion by data I can trust. I'm not interested in researching it myself when I have my own fields of expertise to pursue. I can't find myself willing to trust the dizzying flood of information we've been given because I am worried about the validity of it, but I can trust in the sensible reality that human impacts on local environments certainly exists so I am sure it does on a larger scale.

    Just not on the level they are presenting, which is in order to motivate people who don't give a damn otherwise. While this author is too right wing and anti "any climate change" for me to entirely support, I found some resonance with the point he was raising:
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:43 No.119356
    >>119310 cool ass documentary
    uh that joker said 2010-2015 as a range, cause it's fucking tough predicting shit 50 years in the future
    and where'd you get the graph, exxon mobil?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:46 No.119369
    >>Read their words again, and understand they don’t really believe those things will happen – no one is stupid enough to believe the twaddle about submerged cities dispensed by the global-warming cult. They want those things to happen. They daydream about glaciers melting and creating tidal waves that deposit soggy clumps of coral reef and rainforest in the middle of London. They shudder with orgasmic delight as they imagine drowning capitalists and politicians coughing out a spray of ice water, dodging the enraged polar bears swept into Fleet Street by the morning tide, and crying “George! Polly! You were right! You were right all along, and we were so blind… Save us!” But it will be too late, and George and Polly will only be able to fold their arms and blaze with smug satisfaction, glowing bright enough to remain clearly visible as they sink into the frigid depths.

    There is a misanthropic suicide fantasy inherent in the radicals of the Climate Change community which doesn't fear apocalyptic events but seems to wish for it, desire it because their fantasy of climate change has the vengeful fury of a wronged and raped Gaia unleashed on the industrialized world. They want global warming to be like The Day After Tomorrow or 2012, want to frighten us into action by promoting such visions because who really gives a damn if Ethiopia suffers a catastrophic famine. The truth is a lot less epic and a lot more somber I think, that the people who'll really be effected are those developing nations who contributed the least to the causes of climate change but will be screwed over the worst. If we run out of oil America and China will certainly feel the pain, but less than a country like Saudi Arabia or Nigeria.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:47 No.119378
    Too many words trying to make yourself sound smart.

    >Though the data was manipulated, we know humans have and impact on local environments. River pollution, dust bowl in America for example.

    >Based on this I can think that we may have some impact on the larger global environment. To what degree and to what impact I cannot say. We are still researching as to what that impact may be.

    there put it into more lay terms anyone can get their mind around.

    I cant agree however with the BLAME CO2 AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO BURN, DROWN, FREEZE etc nuts. We cannot say that CO2 is to blame, and passing asinine laws on it or creating CARBON trade markets is even worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:48 No.119384
    DId you even look at the code the used for the models

    shit was complete bullshit and obvious to anyone that can understand it FIXED to give the result they wanted...nay NEEDED
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:50 No.119394
    how they survived peak oil when we havent even hit peak oil yet......

    yeah right.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:52 No.119404

    My manner of writing is to write long, some people prefer to write short. I don't think there's any monopoly on which is the proper way to write. Some people can quickly and succinctly get their thoughts out - I can't, I have to write longer to be able to do so.

    Should make it appear less smart, not more. Someone writing a long, rambling deviant art sized post doesn't come across as smart.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:53 No.119409

    fucking useing 50 year old data? They drank radioactive water to cure illness back then too, you dumb fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:55 No.119422
    Dont bother, they dont work on reason or logic
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)00:58 No.119435
    I still can't fucking believe how stubborn deniers are. have you even looked at the evidence? denying something won't make it disappear as much as you'd like it too. and whoever said that shit about limited resources or peak oil or whatever look up "artificial scarcity."
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:04 No.119469
    you don't even get what a turn of phrase is, they had the equivalent of peak oil cause all their oil was from the soviet union, and when that collapsed they had almost no oil, thus they passed the time when they had the most, or the peak amount of, oil
    the same data has been confirmed by almost every single independent study since, i'm just saying when you've got 54 years of successful data behind you that's never been changed or adjusted in any way telling it like it is it gets a bit hard to argue against it
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:07 No.119483
    Running out of something because of economic collapse is not the same as running out of something because there is not more of it to be had.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:08 No.119487
    Wait its hard to tell which side you are on? rambling much
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:10 No.119496
    peak oil occurs because the remaining oil is too expensive to get due to the position it's in (eg under frozen lakes in antarctica or in tar sands), not because of economic collapse
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:13 No.119513
    you mean you can't tell what party line i've been brainwashed into? LOL
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:13 No.119516
    Hey, here's something to consider. Who cares about global warming, how about a clean, sustainable planet? Or you could fuck up the world for future generations.

    Your choice.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:17 No.119535
    I think many people just think global warming/climate change is being exaggerated. Nonetheless, it would be better in the long run if the Earth was cleaner.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:17 No.119539
    Hey, here's something to consider. Who cares about science, how about high taxes and cap and trade? Or you could fuck up the world for future generations.

    Your choice.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:22 No.119562
    Yeah, fuck science. It's not like it's done anything. And it's not like there are a couple asteroids making a close approach in the next couple of decades.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:27 No.119586
    yeah, it's not like real science is being undermined by greed and scandal...
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:30 No.119591
    Did someone throw a bag of garbage at the feet of a Na’vi who then looks into the camera with a tear in his eye? Because that would make the Indian cliche complete.

    BDavis on December 23, 2009 at 1:54 AM

    Haha, oh fucking god, I can't stop laughing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:30 No.119593
    lol REAL science

    there sure has been a lot of greed and scandal in the astrophysics department that i work at
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:31 No.119596
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    cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:33 No.119611
    yeah, you just try to shut me down with some overused meme as your last resort
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:34 No.119616
    > Yeah just try to shut me down with laughter and anecdotes.

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:48 No.119672
    What is this fucking bullshit. I'm in the middle of fucking Maine and I've been able to see the ground for 2 fucking weeks. WHERE IS MY FUCKING SNOW.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:51 No.119688
    >implying all weather doesn't become extreme as global warming increases
    As you go to a warmer climate the atmosphere holds more water vapour because at the places where the humidity reaches 100 per cent the water vapour falls out as water or snow. And therefore, as the planet becomes warmer, the atmosphere holds more water vapour.
    That's why we get heavier rain falls as the planet gets warmer. So this water vapour is an amplifying feedback. It makes the greenhouse effect much stronger. But it's not something that just changes on its own accord; it changes in response to the temperature changes.
    Both extremes of the hydrologic cycle must increase, become more intense as the planet becomes warmer. At the times and places where it's dry, the increased heating of the surface makes it hotter and drier.
    On the other hand, the oceans, the places where you have water, the increased heating evaporates more water, so the atmosphere holds more water vapour and at the times when you get rainfall you will get heavier rainfall and greater floods, so the extremes of the climate increase, the extremes of the hydrologic cycle.
    Now as far as storms are concerned, the storms that are driven by latent heat - that means thunderstorms, tornados, tropical storms - the strongest ones will get stronger because there's more fuel. The water vapour provides the fuel for those types of storms.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:51 No.119689
    Earth means dirt, the earth is made up of dirt

    LOL cleaner
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:52 No.119695
    Oh god, i cant take this made up bullshit anymore

    please kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)01:53 No.119699
    what is made up?
    Heat some fucking water and tell me it doesn't evaporate!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)03:33 No.120050
    They said in the 1970's we only had 20 years of oil left because they never took into account technology improving. Yeah, we only 20 years of oil left with 1970's tech, just like we might have only 40 years left with 2010 tech. The problem, for the enviros is that companies are always improving ways to get the oil. We're getting oil twice as deep in the ground and 3 times was far out in the ocean than we were in the 70s, and we keep improving the technology that lets us to do it.

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