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  • File : 1275497947.jpg-(74 KB, 765x479, FuckedUpTeeth.jpg)
    74 KB Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)12:59 No.1183818  
    Here in England, we don't allow citizens to have guns, we're not stupid like America. Gun crimes NEVER happen here.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:00 No.1183837
    oh god, bump for english faggotry
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:01 No.1183843
    >gun violence in UK: Breaking news
    >gun violence in USA: Everyday
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:01 No.1183852
    And still no one cares.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:02 No.1183854
    >Implying if this happened in the US it would be news
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:02 No.1183857
    We have shitload of hunting rifles in Finland but use mainly knives for killing people.

    The thing is that America is full of fundies and niggers.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:02 No.1183862
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    >my face when schools don't need metal detectors, or worry about kids getting shot
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:02 No.1183868

    >stabbing in USA: Breaking news
    >stabbing in UK: Everyday
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:03 No.1183872
    >People killed with guns since 2000 in Britain: <100
    >People killed with gun since 2000 in America: 9213782891372873482374923488928492849284928149284923842893409283408259852035902389402384923849238492
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:03 No.1183877
    >BREAKING NEWS: Man stabbed to death in NY
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:04 No.1183886
    Still a lot of people claiming to be Finnish too, but they're all up in the hills being Apostolic Lutherans doing that bunhead stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:05 No.1183895
    Breaking news! People kill people.

    Defend yourself! You are surrounded!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:06 No.1183915
    And yet there's still more CCTV's in England than there is gun crimes in America.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:06 No.1183916
    oh wow its this thread again
    like 10 minutes later
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:09 No.1183952
    Englilsh are such pussies

    bawwwww it's bad, please government, please ban it! help us government! helps us! please put more cameras everywhere! take our rights away just keep us safe! please government!

    fucking pussies.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:11 No.1183968
    only pussies use guns to defend themselves
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:12 No.1183985
    Yet you give up your Miranda rights without even blinking?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:15 No.1184011
    USA: 5.4
    UK: 2.03
    durp derrrrr i'll sell this gun to that angry dubious looking man, he won't hurt anybody
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:15 No.1184014
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:15 No.1184024
    typical pussified response.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:16 No.1184037
    How does one give up miranda rights?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:17 No.1184047
    Get your teeth fixed you Cunt!

    America runs the fucking world, assface.

    i'll make 10 more of these fucking threads, now bow the fuck down and back the fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:17 No.1184050
    if someone broke into your FLAT and was going to kill your children and rape your wife, you would be a hero if you shot the fucker.
    >> The Mighty Spurs ♥ Cocks !kBufPQM99I 06/02/10(Wed)13:17 No.1184052
    Murders per Capita

    # 24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
    # 40 France: 0.0173272 per 1,000 people
    # 44 Canada: 0.0149063 per 1,000 people
    # 46 United Kingdom: 0.0140633 per 1,000 people
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:18 No.1184057
    Fuck that shit. Here's the real story that's making me despair.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:18 No.1184071
    > implying i'll bow down to some uppity colonial that i'm clearly superior too

    I don't think so
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:19 No.1184073
    Oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:20 No.1184080
    Let the government exempt themselves from concerning themselves with them, just like habeus corpus.

    You're safer though. From terrorists.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:21 No.1184087
    Except for home invasions being virtually unheard of in UK, but Americans like in constant fucking fear of them. Seriously what kind of fucked up criminals are you breeding in your country?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:22 No.1184104
    I would like to bring up again the U.S is 5 times the population of the U.K. Though it's undeniable the U.S has a higher homicide rate by guns.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:22 No.1184105
    Those are pretty sweet odds for all those countries, particularly if you filter out nig on nig murders and guys killing their slutty wives.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:23 No.1184110
    In England this is news,

    In America, only regional news outlets carry these stories because they occur so often.

    I'd take one national tragedy every 13 years over the multiple, daily shootings that occur in Murka'land.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:23 No.1184115
    Because your government takes them away. We have to do it ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:24 No.1184127
    >constant fear

    uh, no?

    Someone breaks into my house I have no reservations about putting a bullet in his fucking head, pure and simple.

    So, if someone breaks into your flat with a have fun with your fists...k?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:25 No.1184140
    I'd still guarantee that more people die in England due to their shitty healthcare vs. people dying in America due to gun violence.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:26 No.1184155
    I hope someone shoots your kid at school. That will teach you for sending him to kindergarten without a sidearm.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:26 No.1184159
    British law holds that a person who kills an intruder in their home can be charged with murder.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:26 No.1184161
    you see americans dicks are very small so they have carry around a dick substitute called a gun /thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:27 No.1184168
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    >shitty health care compared to fucking AMERICA

    my face
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:27 No.1184171
    No, I mean why are all the people breaking into your houses apparently gangs of rapists looking to torture your whole family?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:28 No.1184194
    because in the land of the free, you are free to rape as much as you like.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:29 No.1184201
    Go back to your circumcision threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:29 No.1184202

    Read and weep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:29 No.1184212
    And if it wasn't for retard countries like America flooding the black market with guns, more sensible countries wouldn't have such a problem.

    Way to fuck it up for the rest of us, you spineless pussies.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:30 No.1184213

    America's still NUMBER FUCKING ONE for what they pay, even if it's for mediocre results.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:31 No.1184227
    >clearly superior too
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:32 No.1184236
    >Swaziland, 39.6

    Wow, Swaziland must be paradise on Earth.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:32 No.1184239

    meanwhile in britain, you are left with nothing to draw attention from your shriveled and useless wangs.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:33 No.1184244
    Why Americans need their guns:
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:33 No.1184255
         File1275500027.jpg-(184 KB, 786x1138, america fails.jpg)
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    Look at this motherfucking graph
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:33 No.1184256
    Why is this not on American news?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:34 No.1184263
    Gods great gift of AIDs
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:35 No.1184277
    Dude, thats what our fucked up teeth are for
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:35 No.1184286

    LOL america's healthcare sure is better than the uk's
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:35 No.1184287
    The guy'd just checked the current value of his BP shares.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:36 No.1184295
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    that post gave me a patriotgasm. america fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:36 No.1184298
    >implying life expectancy is even a remotely good indicator of healthcare quality
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:37 No.1184305
    Dear Englishfags,
    America has the best health care in the world, its just the health care system sucks balls.
    love America
    PS: I thought you fags banned guns, so how did this happen?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:38 No.1184315
    Yeah well the Brits save a lot of money by never going to the dentist
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:38 No.1184320
    I remember watching this back when it came out, and agreeing with it and thinking it was pretty neat. Watching it now, though, just makes me angry. Fucking white guilt, liberal bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:38 No.1184321
    So where does it show taxes for healthcare?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:38 No.1184322
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:38 No.1184326
    Bet you wished you also looked at
    >>1184298 before posting
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:41 No.1184360
    > american's
    > superior

    there are a several countries far superior to yours
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:41 No.1184362
    The last incident such as this was the in 1997. I think 13 years is pretty good going.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:42 No.1184370
    You're right actually. Life expectancy is irrelevant as it doesn't matter how great your healthcare system is, you all end up in a early grave anyway because you're huge fat fucks.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:42 No.1184371
    >> The Mighty Spurs ♥ Cocks !kBufPQM99I 06/02/10(Wed)13:42 No.1184373
    I went on holiday to Cumbria - and all I got was this bloody t-shirt.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:43 No.1184377
    The taxes are accounted for, otherwise the UK wouldn't be paying anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:45 No.1184396
    You copied and pasted that straight from Sickipedia. Don't play us for fools.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:47 No.1184428
    Actually yes. Thanks to corn subsidies making different flavored high fructose corn syrup the only food available in America. Thanks government!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:49 No.1184449
    i'll say it before, and i'll say it again

    guns don't have an agenda or opinion, they don't jump up and pull their own triggers. they are inanimate pieces of metal. they are only as bad and as dangerous as the person holding it. family values, supportive loving parents and a safe caring environment for kids to grow up in lowers crime. you need to fight the cause at its core, not "hurr ban everything". that doesnt solve anything. people killed eachother long before guns.

    if guns didnt exist. criminals would kill people with hammers, hatchets and screwdrivers and the police would chase them with hammers, hatchets and screwdrivers. the good guys would still be the good guys and the bad guys would still be the bad guys.

    way its always been.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:51 No.1184473
    I wander how many of these threads we will get.

    Even the most retarded idiot can see it's not clever or funny, when you realize how few gun shootings happen in England, and when you realize when something is illegal it can still get into the country / still legal licenses for certain guns for sports.

    Been on another anonymous forum similar to 4chan /new/ and I come back here for 5 minutes and realize how fucking retarded it
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:52 No.1184484
    What forum?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:53 No.1184494
    guns make it easier though.
    smashing someone skull in with a rock is harder to do psychologically than pulling a trigger.
    a gun makes it possible for little timmy to kill his parents after they take the xbox away.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:54 No.1184509
    so...we should take away the freedoms of everyone because a few people are dumbasses.

    thats british logic for you.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)13:57 No.1184566
    banning an instrument, whose purpose of being created is that to kill people, i think is completely reasonable in modern civilised countries

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