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  • File : 1274959214.jpg-(13 KB, 349x262, Biden_12265.jpg)
    13 KB U.S. withdrawal from Iraq will be on time, Vice President Biden says Ned the Newshound !XBW.lrXjxw 05/27/10(Thu)07:20 No.1096817  
    President Obama called Iraq his predecessor's war of choice. Now it is his war to exit -- and quickly.

    The challenge for Obama, whose opposition to the Iraq invasion helped propel him to the presidency, is sticking to his timeline for a U.S. military withdrawal despite a jump in violence and continued wrangling among Iraqi politicians over who will lead the country.

    The sensitive departure is being managed by Vice President Biden, who says the U.S. military will reduce troop levels to 50,000 this summer, even if no new Iraqi government takes shape.

    "It's going to be painful; there's going to be ups and downs," Biden said in a 40-minute interview in his West Wing office this month. "But I do think the end result is going to be that we're going to be able to keep our commitment."

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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:21 No.1096819
    here's the big question: how many contractors are going to replace the troops?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:23 No.1096827
    >Joe Biden
    there's the big fucking problem right there.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:31 No.1096856
    Was this a prepared statement on Biden's part or is he going rogue again?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:34 No.1096877

    People talk shit about Biden, but if you ever see him speak candidly, or during the presidential elections back when he knew he had no chance of winning; guy's a fucking winner.

    I would have voted his ass for president.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:34 No.1096881
    going rogue?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:39 No.1096904
    the guy scares me a hell of a lot more than obama. i would gladly lay down my life for obama just to prevent risking anyone else in the line of succession from taking the big seat in the oval office.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:42 No.1096913
    Claim Iraq got WMDs
    Bomb Iraq
    Remove unpleasant government.
    Replace it with puppet government
    Train some policemen for puppetgovernment.
    Get your trade deals.
    Forget the WMDs.
    Ignore continuing drugsmuggle, revival of sharia laws , woman rights gone again, conservative taliban friendly mudkips gain power again, corruption becomes stronger.
    Leave Iraq.
    Job done.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:50 No.1096948
    Worked everywhere else th us has ever "helped"
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:52 No.1096958
    >implying iraq had no WMDs

    technically, they had WMDs. that's because WMD is a very broad term.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)07:54 No.1096968
    Ofcourse those troops have to leave

    what else are we going to invade the Norks with?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)08:02 No.1097007
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)08:06 No.1097033
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)08:07 No.1097041
    The Job of the Vice-President is to make everyone hope that the President doesn't die.
    Has been so for a long time
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)08:10 No.1097053
    Biden, check
    Cheney, check
    Gore, check
    Quayle, check
    (also, Palin, check)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)08:11 No.1097058
    I think the last time we've had a VP that didn't absolutely suck ass was Ford.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)08:12 No.1097061
    Bush and Rockefeller are practically walking talking NWO billboards, and Mondale was just pathetic

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