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  • File : 1274874503.jpg-(31 KB, 332x391, dprk-emblem.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:48 No.1083305  
    >You now realize North Korea will never disarm itself of nuclear weapons due to how the US handled Iraq.
    >DPRK could hit Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing with nuclear weapons.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:49 No.1083307

    And nothing of value was lost.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/26/10(Wed)07:49 No.1083311

    >Implying China wouldn't kill EVERY SINGLE gook in North Korea over that.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:50 No.1083314
    My question is what are all the liberals on /new/ doing to support their comrades in North Korea
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:50 No.1083315
    Implying North Korea gives a shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:54 No.1083337
    Well if the whole country gave up on existing
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:54 No.1083340
    >Implying the DPRK would nuke the closest thing to an ally they have
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/26/10(Wed)07:55 No.1083346
    Because pissing off a country with zero sense of human rights and the largest standing military on earth is a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:56 No.1083351
    They can't reach Japan yet and as soon as NK indicates that it got rockets powerful enough to reach Japan then the japanese will build their own bomb within a couple of hours. They have all the parts lying around all they need to do is assemble.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/26/10(Wed)07:57 No.1083358
    Japan wouldn't have to do jack shit.

    The US would respond within minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:58 No.1083364
    Nuking Beijing would be a measure taken once DPRK realizes China isn't actually going to offer them any military aid. China isn't stupid enough to gun for North Korea.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:58 No.1083367
    >DPRK could hit Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing with nuclear weapons.

    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:00 No.1083379
    Nuking china has no drawback besides making whats left of china mad. No one will aid china.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:01 No.1083381
    you don't know that and with the current political situation I really doubt the US would nuke NK if NK somehow manages to set off a bomb in Tokyo. The US won't risk a nuclear war with China a few million dead Japanese.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/26/10(Wed)08:01 No.1083383
    If they were nuked by North Korea? Yeah we probably would offer assistance. Whether they take it or not is another story.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/26/10(Wed)08:02 No.1083385
    >Implying China would still defend N Korea after that.

    Doing so would make them a pariah in the eyes of the world which is bad for business.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:03 No.1083392
    If you have been following recent relationships with the US and China , China has basically referred to the US the way NK is talking to SK now.

    The US government would most likely only help china so they can hinder them in the long run.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/26/10(Wed)08:05 No.1083397
         File1274875504.jpg-(40 KB, 169x194, 1274503672221.jpg)
    40 KB
    >make China our bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:10 No.1083411
    if the US wasn't so hurr durr leftist we could win the korea war , the vietnam war vassel every state in the gulf and maintain a 50% hold of the worlds economic resources as it was post WWIII.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:12 No.1083422
    i thought the japanese had intense TMD?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:15 No.1083446
    >Implying we could've won the Korean War with anything short of nuking
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:18 No.1083466
    We can win every possible war on this planet without nuking. The problem is our public opinion(s) will never let us.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:22 No.1083496
    >DPRK could hit Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing with nuclear weapons.

    But never will because it would mean utter obliteration.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:25 No.1083509
    There's no way we could've won once China joined, a bloody stalemate was inevitable. It would have been even worse if the war was escalated to force the USSR to join.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:27 No.1083520
    a stalemate?
    I'm pretty sure a couple of nukes could've changed that.
    China's bound to run out of fodder.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:27 No.1083524
    >without nuking
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:29 No.1083534
    a couple of nukes =/= nuking
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:30 No.1083539
    fire raids on civilian cities. nukes weren't necessary for Japan either but it was faster than killing the entire population block by block
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:31 No.1083543
    This argument was about whether the Korean War could be won WITHOUT nuking. Sure, nukes could've won it, but would leave Europe devastated after the Soviet response.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:34 No.1083558
    Firebomb all Chinese farmlands.
    Starvation imminent.

    In fact, did the Americans attack China during the Korean War?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:36 No.1083569
    haven't you heard? The sinking of Cheonan was done by a hidden American nuclear submarine reacting to getting fired upon.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:37 No.1083570
    >would leave Europe devastated after the Soviet response.

    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:38 No.1083578
    China did not have the population density that Japan did, worse-case scenario they could have just pulled further inland as they did during WWII.

    >Firebomb all Chinese farmland
    >all Chinese farmland
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:38 No.1083581
    I believe General Mac indended to and very nearly did before he was fired. It's likely if he weren't fired, North Korea wouldn't be the shithole it is today.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:41 No.1083598

    If he had firebombed China, the USSR would have almost certainly intervened and most of the world would still be a smoldering ruin right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)08:42 No.1083604
    MacArthur wanted to nuke several Chinese cities and Vladivostok (in the USSR), and it was him that pushed too close to the Chinese border and brought them into the war. If he wasn't fired, the world would be as shitty as North Korea is today.

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