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    55 KB Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:03 No.104255  
    This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy.

    I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility.

    After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.

    At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issued by the federal reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:03 No.104256
    Then, after spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration, I drive back to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and the fire marshall's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.

    I then log onto the internet which was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration and post on /new/ about how SOCIALISM is BAD because the government can't do anything right.
    >> |nvisible 5ky /||\\agician !!FK7mYcjcoIY 02/07/10(Sun)12:04 No.104263
    People are stupid. That is the answer to everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:07 No.104276
    inb4 shit strom
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:07 No.104282
    It was socialists and communists that won all of those things for the common man. The industrial revolution was the apex of capitalism in action.

    18 hour work days for children in death traps.

    Unsafe food and drugs that were little more than poison or at best a placebo.


    All worker rights in America were won by Unions with socialist/communist underpinnings.

    Open up a fucking history book.
    >> Omegis !HRt89BQ0Vw 02/07/10(Sun)12:10 No.104297

    Because the market never weeds out problematic and undesired products and services on its own amirite?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:19 No.104346
    Seen this libfag prop too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:20 No.104355

    "The free market" taken to its logical extreme results in feudalism and near enslavement of the peasantry. We are nearly at that point once again with the top 1% of households controlling over 90% of all wealth.

    The New World Order will be of a neo-feudalism based nature.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:21 No.104357
    Lets borrow money from China to pay for a never ending circus of bureaucrats.

    You left out a few agencies, Amtrac, Civil Rights commission, Corp for National Service, Inter-American foundation, Merit systems protection, Office of Government ethics, Postal Rate Commission, Panama Canal Commission and the Railroad Retirement board.

    also go to children need a booster seat until their 4 ft 9 inches, the average hight of women in Guatemala is 4 ft 6 inches, guess they'll have to buy a booster seat to rent a car here.

    You my friend can be the Chairman of the Federal Commission in charge of nose and ass wiping you socialist faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:22 No.104362
    Yeah, china eventually takes poison out of its toys after enough kids die and the media gets wind of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:23 No.104369
         File1265563431.jpg-(73 KB, 590x775, ducreux1.jpg)
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    Ingenious postings, OP. I take my hat off to your capitalistic ramblings.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:25 No.104377
    >The industrial revolution was the apex of capitalism in action.

    And not only that, libertarians today propagate the exact same neoclassical policies that led to child labour and workers' revolts. Exactly the same "the market will solve anything there is no class consciousness religious bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:25 No.104378
    Lets borrow money from China to pay for a never ending circus of bureaucrats.

    You left out a few agencies, Amtrac, Civil Rights commission, Corp for National Service, Inter-American foundation, Merit systems protection, Office of Government ethics, Postal Rate Commission, Panama Canal Commission and the Railroad Retirement board.

    also go to children need a booster seat until their 4 ft 9 inches, the average hight of women in Guatemala is 4 ft 6 inches, guess they'll have to buy a booster seat to rent a car here.

    You my friend can be the Chairman of the Federal Commission in charge of nose and ass wiping you socialist faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:26 No.104384
    Everything in moderation. Pure capitalism is a piece of shit that'll give me burgers made of rats and flavored feces that nobody knows about since the News media will be corporation controlled. Pure socialism is a piece of shit that discourages growth and hinders advancement.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:28 No.104391
    America is more socialist than the UK then. Most of the things listed are run by private companies in the UK.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:30 No.104402
    and we are nowhere near either of those extremes. Nothing that would actually pass and be enforced is anywhere near either of those extremes, but the endless exaggeration of blowhards on each side has cried wolf so many times we're becoming a nation of deaf cynics.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:31 No.104409
    Why do government employees need a labor union? Aren't the Federal workplace laws like ERISA, OSHA, EEO...that protect the rest of us, good enough for them? Who do they need protection from, other government employees?

    51% of people in unions work for the government. Who do government employees work for...the union or the people?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)12:31 No.104413

    Brown people are genetically inferior and that is why the illegals coming to the U.S. are short, weak, and diseased.

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