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  • File : 1265559394.gif-(36 KB, 318x472, i-dont-think-so-tim.gif)
    36 KB Tooltips: The middle-ground/centrist/compromize position is a fallacy |nvisible 5ky /||\agician !!FK7mYcjcoIY 02/07/10(Sun)11:16 No.104034  
    Welcome to ISM's Tooltips Shed. The tool is you and the tips are for tools ( you).

    This post is for those who consider themselves centrist, middle-ground or whatever you call the position you place yourself in.

    In every debate, there is usually two sides. Each side has a very vocal extremist minority. The majority are people who don't know and don't care (protooltip: this is not the "middle"). Now let's say on one side there a few extremists. They like to rape babies. You are a moderate/middle so you say "no sir you cannot rape babies"

    Now they say they like to rape AND kill babies. You like to be in the middle. So you say "no sir, you can't kill babies. But to compromise and make both sides reasonably happy, you can rape babies but not eat them"

    This side's extremist has become even more extremist and has taken advantage of the situation to SHIFT the "middle" ground in their favor. This is why an American "liberal" is in other civilized countries, "FUCKING FACIST"

    So don't be a fucking leftist, rightist or middlist. Use your brain, moran.

    Disclaimer: ISM has shares in the child care industry and likes to eat babies. Protip: Ketchup goes great with fried babies.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:17 No.104037
    forgot to add your copy paste to your earlier post we see

    Congratulations, you are too stupid to even effectively post new topics on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:17 No.104043
    reported namefag. prepare to meet invisible tube gods.
    >> |nvisible 5ky /||\\agician !!FK7mYcjcoIY 02/07/10(Sun)11:19 No.104050

    2 dictionary example of tools. Don\'t be like them.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:20 No.104052
    yeah, yeah explain it in your b& appeal.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:21 No.104054
    sage for so stupid it made me hurt
    >> |nvisible 5ky /||\\agician !!FK7mYcjcoIY 02/07/10(Sun)11:21 No.104055

    This is MY board you fucking moron tool.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:26 No.104072
    saging to encapsulate OPs self-bumps in sages
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:29 No.104091
    hahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaha tony stark built this board in a cave.

    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:30 No.104097
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:32 No.104109
    I agree OP. People in the middle are dumbfucks usually.
    >> |nvisible 5ky /||\\agician !!FK7mYcjcoIY 02/07/10(Sun)11:34 No.104117

    >I agree OP. People in the middle are dumbfucks usually.

    Dumbfucks is an understatement. Those people are why democracy can never work.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:36 No.104124
    can I get a tl;dr? ffs
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:45 No.104166
    Paul Newman aka cool hand luke said it best
    >if you don't have enemies, you don't have principles.
    >> |nvisible 5ky /||\\agician !!FK7mYcjcoIY 02/07/10(Sun)11:47 No.104177
    >Paul Newman aka cool hand luke said it best
    >>if you don\'t have enemies, you don\'t have principles.

    That\'s why I fucking hate agnostics. They\'re basically fence-sitters, too scared to offend their religious friends, and too scared to offend their atheist ones.

    If they werent cowards, theyd just become what theyre supposed to be: atheists.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:49 No.104186

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