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  • File : 1274538605.jpg-(101 KB, 550x741, globalwarmingisahoaxnewsweek.jpg)
    101 KB Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:30 No.1035853  
    So you think climate change is a hoax? Well, you're a fag and here is why:

    1. Humans are emitting large quantities of CO2. Empirical Fact.
    >Humans emit about 28 billion metric tons of CO2 per year, and more each year. This upsets the natural balance of the carbon cycle, and CO2 builds up in the air, much like filling a bathtub faster than it can drain.
    2. CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere. Empirical Fact.
    >This has been known forever. Fourier hypothesized it in the 1820's, Tyndall recreated it in his lab in 1859, Arrhenius discovered the formula in 1896, and calculated that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 would increase temperatures by 5-6 degrees Celsius.
    3. Anomalous warming has been observed. Empirical Fact.
    >Satellite measurements of the lower atmosphere, weather balloon measurements, independant surface temperature analysis by NASA GISS, NCDC and CRU, Ice core reconstructions, sea surface temperatures, ocean water temperatures and borehole reconstructions all show long-term warming trends.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:31 No.1035857
         File1274538666.png-(81 KB, 600x480, 600px-Temp-sunspot-co2.svg.png)
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    1. One common theory is that the sun is responsible for global warming. While the sun does drive climate, (indeed, the earth would be an iceball without it) it does not adequately explain the current observed warming. In fact, multiple independant observations suggest that the sun has shown a cooling trend since 1960, whereas temperatures have climbed. The data shows that temperatures are higher than they would be under current solar conditions.

    2. Another common misconception is that Milankovitch Cycles (cycles of the Earth's tilt, orbital eccentricity and precession) are responsible for climate change. This is incorrect - first, Milankovich cycles have long time frames - 26,000, 41,000 and 100,000 year cycles. These cycles have nothing to do with the current ~200 year trend. Secondly, they do not rebut the basic theory outlined above; that is, greenhouse gas concentrations emitted by humans can and are warming the planet up on top of the Milankovich cycles, like a boat riding a wave. The existence of the wave does not disprove the boat.

    3. Some point to the fact that in the past, CO2 levels have lagged behind the temperature record - in the past, when natural cycles have lead to a warm earth, the CO2 concentrations in the ocean were partially released into the atmosphere. However, since nobody is confused about where the CO2 is coming from, this doesn't disprove the climate change theory. (It actually shows a worrisome feedback loop where heating oceans can absorb less CO2, putting more back in the air). Since we know the CO2 in the atmosphere is not the result of a natural occurence, the history of warming causing CO2 release is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:31 No.1035859
    hurr global warming happens. Empirical Fact.
    >it do it really really do.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:32 No.1035864
    So people emit 28B tons, how much is nautrally released by say volcanos per annum?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:33 No.1035868
    From OP Pic article:

    >"Warming of the climate system is unequivocal," concluded a report by 600 scientists from governments, academia, green groups and businesses in 40 countries. Worse, there was now at least a 90 percent likelihood that the release of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels is causing longer droughts, more flood-causing downpours and worse heat waves, way up from earlier studies.

    >A conservative think tank long funded by ExxonMobil, she told Boxer, had offered scientists $10,000 to write articles undercutting the new report and the computer-based climate models it is based on. "I realized," says Boxer, "there was a movement behind this that just wasn't giving up."

    >Since the late 1980s, this well-coordinated, well-funded campaign by contrarian scientists, free-market think tanks and industry has created a paralyzing fog of doubt around climate change. Through advertisements, op-eds, lobbying and media attention, greenhouse doubters (they hate being called deniers) argued first that the world is not warming; measurements indicating otherwise are flawed, they said. Then they claimed that any warming is natural, not caused by human activities. Now they contend that the looming warming will be minuscule and harmless. "They patterned what they did after the tobacco industry," says former senator Tim Wirth, who spearheaded environmental issues as an under secretary of State in the Clinton administration. "Both figured, sow enough doubt, call the science uncertain and in dispute. That's had a huge impact on both the public and Congress."
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:33 No.1035873
    >Empirical Fact
    Anytime someone mutters this phrase they are to be ignored. Empirically.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:34 No.1035874
    You're wasting your time. Anyone who believes that climate change is a hoax believes it as part of an anti-science belief structure.

    Any scientific argument you use to prove them wrong will be ignored, because they automatically distrust science.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:34 No.1035877
    Humans produce CO2.
    Thats a fact. But a single eruption in iceland negates anything a reduction in our CO2 output can ever do.
    So theres no point in Green technology at all. We should make things more efficient to save ourselves money, but investing in green technology is a complete waste that results in destroying our own economy and slows down true technological progress.
    >> CIA 05/22/10(Sat)10:35 No.1035878
         File1274538912.jpg-(89 KB, 482x642, booty butt.jpg)
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    Read the "Stone Mountain Report" written for JFK in 1962. It talks about needing something like global warming to keep the country together. It's hard to find, but it talks about everything going on in our government today.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:35 No.1035881
         File1274538922.jpg-(8 KB, 240x240, 1246750109959.jpg)
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    >the sun has shown a cooling trend
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:35 No.1035882
    A small smattering of sources:
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:36 No.1035884
    Global warming activists are racist.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:36 No.1035885
    WTF is an Emperial Fact? Is that just a made up word made to make your opinions sound undisputable? Its about as valid as the overused word Significant.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:36 No.1035886
         File1274539005.gif-(14 KB, 500x350, Temp_vs_TSI_2009.gif)
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    Solar output is decreasing.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/22/10(Sat)10:37 No.1035888
    Stay in school kids
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:37 No.1035890
    does it matter? answer me this climate change faggot,

    if it's real, how do you intend to stop it? realistically, wouldn't it be too late to do anything about it now? how exactly do you measure the 'devastation' which could be caused by this global warming?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:37 No.1035897
    actually a weeks worth of plane trips have already canceled out the effects of the volcano

    please try again
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:38 No.1035899
    >>1035885 WTF is an Emperial Fact? Is that just a made up word

    Oh, wow.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:38 No.1035902
    >You're wasting your time. Anyone who believes that climate change is a hoax believes it as part of an anti-science belief structure.

    You are a fucking idiot. I wish I could tell you more, but you seem so blindly fanatical to a political agenda, it puts radical Christians to shame.

    This is why no one respects you here. Has nothing to do with your views of religion, but how fucking ignorant and hypocritical you are of your own blind science.

    Do you REALLY want me to dig up cold hard facts that disprove science or are you just going to knee jerk react to reality like some stuttering retard?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:39 No.1035910
    How does plane trips cancel out a volcano? Those planes are just going to be up there in a month polluting the upper atmosphere nonstop once the clouds clear up.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:39 No.1035911
         File1274539194.jpg-(29 KB, 340x492, 340x_planes_volcanos.jpg)
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    Volcanoes emit around 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. This is about 1% of human CO2 emissions.

    The Iceland volcano actually emitted NEGATIVE CO2, if you take into account the amount of air traffic it grounded. It also emitted aerosols which have a negative greenhouse effect. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:40 No.1035913
    Oh damn...
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:40 No.1035915
    Back that by numbers or put your foot in your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:41 No.1035922
    Volcanoes emit much lower then humans.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:42 No.1035926
         File1274539344.jpg-(109 KB, 500x343, Global%20cooling%20CO2%20graph.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:44 No.1035941
    Graphs with no explanation, source or background.
    That's almost equivalent to "My mother told me"
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:44 No.1035942
    Hurr, Durr A hotter planet radiates heat faster.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:44 No.1035950
    >10 years
    It was 70° an hour ago, it is 80° now
    our planet will explode in less than a month
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:44 No.1035951
         File1274539493.jpg-(28 KB, 448x336, icecap1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:45 No.1035952
    With the mass influx of women and minorities lawsuiting themselves in colleges, science is not where it should be today. Empirical fact.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:46 No.1035962
         File1274539574.jpg-(40 KB, 400x341, rss-2005-2007.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:47 No.1035973
    hey Rasputin
    global warming, yay or nay?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:47 No.1035976
         File1274539672.jpg-(33 KB, 387x253, 732b1f8d-1588-4cae-b4b3-c1a641(...).jpg)
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    Science became distorted when we let minorities have access to our sciences and assumed they were smart enough to handle it.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:48 No.1035982
         File1274539720.gif-(16 KB, 500x354, fawcett_11yr_avg.gif)
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    also related

    PROTIP: 1998 was a very hot year
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:48 No.1035985
         File1274539728.jpg-(127 KB, 800x765, untitled3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:48 No.1035987
    >10 years
    >9 years
    >1,5 years
    I will instantly and forever believe you if you can produce the same graph for the last 150 years
    otherwise you are cherrypicking
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:49 No.1035994
    I love how none of these graphs show error bars or confidence limits.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:50 No.1036000
         File1274539826.jpg-(35 KB, 599x350, easterbrook-global-cooling-gra(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:50 No.1036001
         File1274539830.gif-(26 KB, 600x284, global-warming-graph.gif)
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    See, I can play that game too.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:51 No.1036005
    On it chief. Hold one second.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:52 No.1036013
    And how does this prove climate change is incorrect?

    Nice linking of a graph without any explanation of what it is or how it is applicable to the climate change debate.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:53 No.1036016
         File1274540004.gif-(28 KB, 450x317, hadley2.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:53 No.1036017
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:55 No.1036026
         File1274540118.gif-(12 KB, 489x373, Total-Heat-Content.gif)
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    >A look at the Earth's total heat content clearly shows global warming has continued past 1998. The planet is still accumulating heat. So why do surface temperature records show 1998 as the hottest year on record? We see in Figure 1 that the heat capacity of the land and atmosphere is small compared to the ocean. Hence, relatively small exchanges of heat between the atmosphere and ocean can cause significant changes in surface temperature.

    >In 1998, an abnormally strong El Nino caused heat transfer from the Pacific Ocean to the atmosphere. Consequently, we experienced above average surface temperatures. Conversely, the last few years have seen moderate La Nina conditions which had a cooling effect on global temperatures. And the last few months have swung back to warmer El Nino conditions. This has coincided with the warmest June-August sea surface temperatures on record. This internal variation where heat is shuffled around our climate is the reason why surface temperature is such a noisy signal.

    Your graphs are shit, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:56 No.1036033
    I already told you would instantly disbelieve whatever I had to say because of blind religious zeal.

    But the gist is this: Despite the fraction of CO2 we dump into the atomsphere, it has little to no effect on the naturally occuring cooling trends that has been occuring for the last 75000 years.

    I am not arguing that it has NO effect, but I am stating that it does affect the human populace to any appreciable degree and is, in fact, combating the current cooling trend that has BEEN SCINTEIFICALLY DOCUMENTED AND OBSERVED.

    Do you understand? This really isn't a debate. You are ARGUING WITH REALITY.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:56 No.1036035
    so the last 20 years, had the warmest 14 years on record, since 160 years.
    yeah, our earth is totally not warming
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:56 No.1036039
    rofl, what exactly do you think that graph shows?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:57 No.1036043
    how about the reality of this >>1036035
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:58 No.1036047
    > Despite the fraction of CO2 we dump into the atomsphere, it has little to no effect on the naturally occuring cooling trends that has been occuring for the last 75000 years.

    why are we seeing anomalous warming then?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:59 No.1036050
    No, bro. That sounds like an irrational rationalization cherry picked to combat reality.

    You are really arguing that the irridation of the ocean surrounding us that has been absorbing with its own effections of the CO2 over the last 3000 years has any bearing on current trends?

    No, really, are you this fucking stupid or are you just so stonewalled into your own delusions that has been spoon fed to you that you can't comprehend that *this* just might be a grindstone from a scientist who developed a correlation with greenhouse gasses and heat taken WAAAAAAAY too far?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:59 No.1036051
    >current cooling trend
    you mean, that one when you cherrypick your data, so you take the hottest year on record (1998) as your starting point?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:59 No.1036053

    you; respond to graph here:

    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:00 No.1036057
    co2 sinks in air fact

    most of it is absorbed by plants, who then emit oxygen.

    co2 is not a pollutant. stop the econ marxists world domination plot.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:01 No.1036063
    That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.

    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:03 No.1036069
    >You are really arguing that the irridation of the ocean surrounding us that has been absorbing with its own effections of the CO2 over the last 3000 years has any bearing on current trends?

    Not all of those are real words, and it's certainly incoherent. Are you claiming that the ocean's total heat in that chart is a result of it's absorption of CO2?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:05 No.1036075
    >>1036069 are just fucking playing ignorant.

    Again, I ask, do you really want me to explain this to you or are you just going to blindly defend a false position that has no bearing on reality because of some blind religious zeal?

    I want an honest answer. I'm not going to bang my head against a wall for the sake of some 24 year old kid who just passed his first GEO101 class.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:07 No.1036084
         File1274540869.jpg-(11 KB, 231x298, reaction goofy woah.jpg)
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    >my face when people STILL believe in global warming after climategate, after loads of debunks and fater the polar ice caps actually getting bigger
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:09 No.1036094
    It declares the difference between land/ocean heat. Again, it does not declare mean tempature and it appears to very conviently ignore land tempatures or, for that matter, global and/or atomospheric tempatures.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:12 No.1036111
    Hey everybody disagreeing with the OP. Read this:

    Why would corporations have to lie about global warming?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:13 No.1036117
    >my face when I have no reaction pic suitable for this thread in my picture folder
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:13 No.1036118
         File1274541224.jpg-(41 KB, 340x444, 1253170389910.jpg)
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    I lol'ed at this thread and how fucking badly the tinhat kids got their asses handed to them. ...and how quickly too.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:14 No.1036122

    >he thinks climategate proves anything

    Typical troglodyte conservatard/lolbertarian
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:15 No.1036129
    It proved that scientists are APPARENTLY in the business of misrepresenting data to support a political agenda.

    Huh, go fucking figure. A real stretch of the imagination that.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:15 No.1036131
    Something disproving science? Like what? Corporate sponsored misinformation studies? Those sure are convenient, huh?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:15 No.1036132
         File1274541349.jpg-(54 KB, 800x600, 1268677879374.jpg)
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    >My face when one study can prove that niggers are inferior, while thousands of studies can't prove GW to the same people
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:16 No.1036138

    >he actually thinks this

    Can't say I'm surprised when it comes to conservatives
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:16 No.1036139
    >Graph starts at 1998
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:16 No.1036140
    >Again, I ask, do you really want me to explain this to you

    I would fucking LOVE to hear what you have to say.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:17 No.1036142
    Climate-gate is not a major revelation. Professors arguing with on another and lying to get more funding (gasp!)
    Happens all the time, does not indicate anything significant. But, if you are looking for a reason to pollute, climate-gate is rather convenient.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:17 No.1036148
    Liberal scientists stated that the Human Genome Project proved there was no genetic distinction between races, and yet other scientists are coming up with proof that race can be tested with a DNA test. Which is true?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:18 No.1036150
    If you've been in something this long you might as well ride it out to the end.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:19 No.1036161
    Why don't you look at the peer review processes for the two studies and tell me which one you think is more credible.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:19 No.1036162
    You are young. You, too, will grow up. I'm not the one to break your absolute faith in your infallible flying spaghetti monster.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:21 No.1036174
         File1274541696.gif-(1.79 MB, 211x173, 127451222373.gif)
    1.79 MB
    Oh yeah! I forgot that Koreans were afraid of fans. They actually think it will suck the oxygen or some shit out of the room.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:21 No.1036175
    ITT: Radio hosts, politicians, and some non-related professionals > Scientists in their field of study.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:22 No.1036182
    No. Just no. It's apparent that there is no rational reasoning with you. On the off chance you actually are pertending to learn instead of blindly defending a faith, I'll guide your search:
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:22 No.1036183
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.
    >That states nothing about mean tempatures. It only declares tempature anomalies.


    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:23 No.1036184
    My response is that you don't know how to comprehend science articles. I'm sorry, you're retarded.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/22/10(Sat)11:23 No.1036186
    Holy shit that .gif is fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:23 No.1036188
    you only refuse to do it because your worldview is an undefendable piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:24 No.1036192
    I know, right? I don't know why radio hosts and politically motivated profesionals are still arguing that global warming still exists when science has already proved them wrong.

    I guess it takes all kinds, huh?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:24 No.1036196
    I agreed at first, but the more I watch it, the more I want a snapping turtle.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:25 No.1036202
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:26 No.1036209
    Oh, he mad bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:26 No.1036210
         File1274541996.gif-(1.99 MB, 534x283, 1274495773568.gif)
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    I like how everyone saying Global Warming is false has not shown any actual counter-evidence to the ton of evidence the OP posted. Stay classy dipshits.
    >> Rasputin's Cake !!rI+1sIEuRQe 05/22/10(Sat)11:27 No.1036213
    That mouse was still swilling despite being bitten in half...
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:28 No.1036221
    You must be blind. Or just a faggot.

    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:28 No.1036222
    Yeah, that doesn't make me want a mouse though.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:30 No.1036239
    I said ACTUAL. Not a bunch of graphs saying it is 1 degree cooler than it was in 2000. We didn't develop industry in the fucking 1980's people.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:30 No.1036242
         File1274542249.jpg-(31 KB, 349x642, 1268775874884.jpg)
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    Troll. No one is this stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:31 No.1036250
    >Post a bunch of graphs starting after 1998
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:31 No.1036251
    You must be blind. Or just a faggot.

    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:34 No.1036268
    You must be blind. Or just a faggot.


    And your reasoning is bad to begin with.

    "The world's cooling over the last 11 years."
    "...but the world's obviously cooling for the last 11 years."
    "IT.. HAS... BEEN... COOLING... IT... IS... COOLING... RIGHT... NOW..."
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:35 No.1036279
         File1274542544.jpg-(155 KB, 1499x538, globaltemp.jpg)
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    OMG the world is warming and its all mans fault!

    The world is warming, it just happens to be at one of the historical low points.

    brb buying carbon credits, because this really isn't about realigning the worlds economy.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:37 No.1036289
    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:39 No.1036300
    Be fucking logical. The Earth has been warming for 200 years. Why? Well that happens to coincide with our industrial development. We go through natural cycles of heating and cooling, but a ten year period of slight cooling doesn't defeat the entire trend. "OH HAI GUYZ ALL DAT WARMING STOPPED FOR A SECOND, I GUESS ALL THAT OTHER WARMING CAN JUST BE IGNORED NOW!"
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:39 No.1036302
         File1274542758.jpg-(128 KB, 1192x871, faglol.jpg)
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    1. He posts graphs of temperature anomalies of recent years (with the hottest year on record as a starting point), claiming it proves AGW wrong.
    2. He ignores graphs of temperature anomalies of longer time periods which show that there is a warming trend with multi-year running averages because they are "just graphs of anomalies"
    3. Calls opponents stupid + "do you really want me to explain it to you"
    4. "Yes, explain your shit"

    Makes me fucking rage how retarded this person is.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:39 No.1036306
    Fuck. I burnt my yard clippings last year! The SAGW mandated program says I owe 400 carbon credits (of course payable by check, credit card, or money order) plus interest!

    I can't stop by the exhange center right now, mind if I buy some off of you?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:40 No.1036313
    Holy shit, calm down bro. He's right, your wrong. Hell. He even said you would react this way to begin with. Just calm down.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:40 No.1036315
    Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 28
    if youre from us, add my msn:!! 21
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:41 No.1036318

    sure. I could use the money and I really don't use much myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:41 No.1036319
    ITT: fucking climate change how do they work?

    my answer: pure motherfuckin' magic lol
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:41 No.1036321
    Nice. inb4 they say you waste your time or something
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:41 No.1036322
         File1274542895.jpg-(104 KB, 793x727, 1245335687200a.jpg)
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    Stay classy, religionfag.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:42 No.1036328
    What makes you so sure he is angry? Typing in all caps on the computer doesn't require you to be angry. Is everyone this dumb?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:42 No.1036330
    Global warming is real but you have to be naive to think that politicians aren't using it as an excuse to push through all sorts of stupid legislation. We should instead move towards repealing bans on nuclear power, it is safe as long as you don't have shitty Chernobyl grade reactors.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:42 No.1036331
    this thread should have ended right here.
    People that see science as an instrument to show other people that they are right, instead of listening to science to find out what is right can not be argued with.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:42 No.1036338
    two things

    1. The medieval warming period, look it up.

    2. H2O is more of a greenhouse gas than CO2, it can hold almost 8 times the heat capacity of CO2
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:43 No.1036342
         File1274543005.jpg-(2 KB, 126x102, 1254121954413s.jpg)
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    >>1035902 Do you REALLY want me to dig up cold hard facts that disprove science
    >facts that disprove science

    You don't really "get" science, do you?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:43 No.1036344
    he had good points contradicting you AND an ad hominem
    you have nothing at all
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:44 No.1036353
    >it can hold almost 8 times the heat capacity of CO2
    you obviously have no fucking idea what you are talking about
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:44 No.1036359
    >2. H2O is more of a greenhouse gas than CO2, it can hold almost 8 times the heat capacity of CO2

    Yes we know how clouds work. That's not the point. Clouds are natural. CO2 produced by humans isn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:46 No.1036375
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    Something makes me think you really need to learn how anomalies are defined by the scientific community.

    Something is also making me think you never bothered to learn anything about the subject and are just reacting irrationally because it offends your sensibilities.

    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:46 No.1036376
    >>1036338 1. The medieval warming period, look it up.

    Wasn't a global trend (it was only hotter in parts of Europe), look it up.

    >>1036338 2. H2O is more of a greenhouse gas than CO2, it can hold almost 8 times the heat capacity of CO2

    There's this magical process called "rain" that takes H2O out of the atmosphere. Crazy, I know.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:46 No.1036377
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    Fucking moron. The chart you constantly link over and over again PROVES YOU FUCKING WRONG. Pic explains it.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:47 No.1036383
    Glenn Beck should stop pushing that silly gold stuff.
    Carbon credits are the way go.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:47 No.1036386


    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:49 No.1036401
    Thank you. I mean, it was already proven many times over that global warming is a myth by scientific evidence and observation.

    Why do you think these people keep prolonging a delusion? Self gratification?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:51 No.1036420

    said by a butthurt highschooler? i loled.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:51 No.1036424
    CO2 works on our atmosphere.
    H2O doesn't do that much damage on our atmosphere.

    atmosphere = climate

    just look at mars. no atmosphere = no rain, no cloud

    humans are disrupting the balance. they don't care if the atmosphere changes.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:52 No.1036429
    well, what kind of people do you belong too?
    did you think the first time you heard about global warming "well, that's bullshit" and then looked up all the scientific evidence you could find against it? or did you first look at all the evidence, and then formed an opinion?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:53 No.1036434
    But that doesn't change the fact that there is much-much more H2O being released to the atmosphere.

    Actually, even if he doesn't, he's right
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:53 No.1036438

    yes, its all man's fault.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:54 No.1036454
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    >And your reasoning is bad to begin with.

    >"The world's cooling over the last 11 years."
    >"...but the world's obviously cooling for the last 11 years."
    >"IT.. HAS... BEEN... COOLING... IT... IS... COOLING... RIGHT... NOW..."
    >"HERP A DERP"

    see pic

    too bad you're willfully ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:57 No.1036480
    no water can not "hold almost 8 times the heat capacity of CO2"
    That's horrendously wrong. Water absorbs more infrared radiation than CO2. That's a very, very different thing.
    But i guess i'm asking too much, if i expect you know even the most basic assumptions of climate science, or have any idea about right scientific terminology
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:58 No.1036486
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    >My face when people pretend they know anything about global warming.
    >My face when ALL major scientific organizations on Earth promote global warming as true.
    >My face when this man warned us about global warming two decades before Al Gore.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)11:59 No.1036500
    climate change is a hoax because my pastor told me it is
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)12:01 No.1036517
    Hey deniers

    How the fuck does water vapor being more of a greenhouse gas disprove climate change? CO2 is still a greenhouse gas, we're still emitting C02, the earth is still warming.

    How the fuck is it relevant EXCEPT as a tactic to confuse the retarded into siding with big industry?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)12:03 No.1036526
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    >My face when you realized the Earth is cooler now than 1000 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)12:04 No.1036533
    Hey deniers

    How the fuck are the graphs that one guy posted relevant to disproving global warming? They show that there has been a very slight negative trend in the last ten years, but almost ALL of those years were in the TOP TEN HOTTEST YEARS ON RECORD.

    So how the fuck is it relevant EXCEPT as a tactic to confuse idiots into siding with big industry?

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