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Germany Must Perish!
05/22/10(Sat)10:35 No.1035879 File1274538913.jpg-(23
KB, 296x413, kaufman.jpg)
 Theodore N. Kaufman, the author
of Germany Must Perish, was a Manhattan-born Jewish businessman who was
also chairman of a group that called itself the "American Federation for
Peace." The first edition of this slim volume was published in 1940 or
early 1941. A second, 96-page edition, which sold for 25 cents, was
published in 1941 by Argyle Press of Newark, New Jersey. Both editions
were issued when the United States was still officially neutral, that
is, before the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941, that brought the
U.S. openly into World War II.
Kaufman's fervent proposal for
the systematic sterilization of the entire German population was given
respectful attention in the American press, including reviews in a
number of newspapers. A review in the weekly Time magazine, March 24,
1941, called Kaufman's plan a "sensational idea." |