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  • File : 1274369309.jpg-(65 KB, 394x584, i-Prick.jpg)
    65 KB Apple Stores Don't Accept Cash??? Steve's Job 05/20/10(Thu)11:28 No.1011061  
    Diane Campbell, who is disabled and on a fixed income, wishes to go onto YouTube to learn some new songs to play on her guitar. Instead of getting a computer, she's been saving up for an iPad. Slowly she saved up $600 in cash and proceeded to the Apple Store in Palo Alto, Calif.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:29 No.1011070
    How did she managed to save $600 on a fixed income while being disabled?

    Piece of shit welfare leech, spending my hard earned tax dollars on iPads. Kill it with fire.

    Death to liberals.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:32 No.1011097
         File1274369555.jpg-(77 KB, 525x650, DUI.jpg)
    77 KB
    I'm disabled and don't own, or drive a car. It saves a ton of muney asshole.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:34 No.1011126
    Not sure why a disabled person would need a mobile computer??

    >this money put out by the U.S. Treasury Department,
    Uh no the treasury only makes coins you dumb fucking whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:35 No.1011141

    tell us what kind of disability you have so we can judge you
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:35 No.1011142
    >"They heard of people buying 50 and 100 iPads at a time and going overseas and selling them triple the amount, Campbell said.

    Welcome to the free market apple.

    >"Come on Mr. Jobs, give a sister a break, okay,"
    Oh it's a nigger sob story.
    boohoo fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:40 No.1011177
    lol niggers using welfare money to buy high end consumer electronics

    liberal status:

    told : [x]
    fucking told: [x]
    nigger'd: [x]
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:41 No.1011183
    ... why couldn't she just ask someone on the store who had a credit card to buy the ipad for her and give him/her the money instead?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:41 No.1011186
    >I sent Steve Jobs an e-mail. I told him he was the reason I took my name off the organ transplant registry. What a jerk! Oh, well. If I croak, at least he won't get my liver and neither will the buffoon who left the iPhone prototype in the bar.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:41 No.1011190
    Just another nigger living on welfare making more then you or me working 40+ hours a week.

    Nothing unusual.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:41 No.1011195
    Tsk, pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:42 No.1011197
    because then the store wouldn't accept their cash and they'd only be able to buy 49 ipads.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:42 No.1011202
    >> lolwut!?! !!GPDILehA4Gt 05/20/10(Thu)11:44 No.1011207
    Looks like Apple caved it (for the money)
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:45 No.1011218
    I wouldn't donate organs either, you do realize non-whites get preferential access to these organs right?

    And the fact is, non-whites rarely donate organs.
    >> OP !xTbfEU4TEM 05/20/10(Thu)11:45 No.1011227
    [citation needed]
    >> deleted !RMbnClAiRE 05/20/10(Thu)11:49 No.1011259
    >Nothing in the law requiring acceptance of cash
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:49 No.1011266
    >I wouldn't donate organs either, you do realize non-whites get preferential access to these organs right?
    I would so believe this, but a citation is needed.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)11:59 No.1011349
    Well I know I wouldn't donate blood, especially in CA

    With all the illegals and gangs here, it'd just go to save one of them
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:04 No.1011381
    Good thing that apple refused the payment, he can get a desktop or at least small netbook for the same amount of cash.

    It's called saving money.
    >> deleted !RMbnClAiRE 05/20/10(Thu)12:04 No.1011385
    She got a free ipad :o
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:07 No.1011415
    >Johnson said our story triggered a company-wide policy change. As of today, anyone can pay for an iPad with cash as long as they set up their Apple account at the store.

    So it's not much of a change of policy at all.

    Obviously their intention here is to log the purchaser's personally identifiable information so that they can tie the iPad to a person when it phones home to check what is installed or if it has been cracked or used for piracy.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:08 No.1011425

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    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:09 No.1011441

    1 ver402mpo43a3t 02ss2g4 4o23hrist0p00r00o3l04(4K0 3oo042A0A t33222min1of34c10n24 rem2v4 t3e 4341g0l 1432e4o03Ano12al1 fr1233o1r s3rv31s or y24 0ill3sh322442b43sh2t n3421y1u04home44y0a233rson 0o2 04v2 3e11r 24t401ei1her13av2 10044ou h3v13be4n213rn010130y 442es114t c24344 2o 0o4t3n4e h443i2310013i32e4113cl1ne40f0Sy0op'33w4r3.10ou a0e a s2ea30433i2t301lyi4g431324203umb4411a23s3l3ss3hu10n 414n2 01o 34cks420s332304chan3ha40r0004d t10 34t344e4 o0 s313a33 4e20l120nd n2e4s 4o 004remov0d212om034240nte1net 2ompl00ely41b3414hat i002133133 113t2r 3n2i1ely. F233n414 01mo2e42h201l2ne4and3pay 13s23 $31022001US33t144over02t 0e4st4s2m2210 h4s many322114s0s32cause041y023u211rmy24f 31021s00ver020e34e2034 212c41you441ve 3l113100to4o44a423e ille03l attac0s o130hi0 0er243o4rd.242414 yo0 1a141sto2en o2144rigin3l12omain3 s3e:3http:1022140.21.11310r2ht1432/01w.1no02a2k.s410o4 h4t4:3/1t2ki2m113s3/
    >> Anonymous 05/20/10(Thu)12:11 No.1011458

    A3v223 200o3ta4t13301a2343o2Chris330h2r2Poo0e1(A4222222321K20th414d3in o1 4314n)0 re3o0e3the il00gal cl44e1o22A22n1alk 3rom y010 410v10s2o431o4 10333shortly 33 1h3t2near24o3r0h4me by3a2p1r2o22y123hav1 32ver2me0 33e23023 0av04I00 You0h0v0 been w2rned4man03t21e24bu4 chosen4t20022t433314314in1 3he 40l3ga3 cl3n30o2 Sys1p's 3o4k443ou0a3333 130a0y1 10rty3 4yi0g2th4012s1umb3g0 3 32213234h041n 213332wh41l3c140a 4o3l3344h4244223ru1ne04t2e 3n43rn3t133 42 man0 0ev0ls 41d 3eeds0to43e432mo4e1241o1 th0 1nte4n0t440mple4el431bu0 1h0t0is a3othe31m1131144nt042l1.10042no40 2201320331334one10nd10ay S2so24$604,31212S4 3o 10v1001t20e4st som12of h23 104y ex23n4e3, ca4310 3y your army42f 13ol4111v1r1120 ye3r41 whi2h1322 0av3 a0low312to o1ga3i3e131le0224att241s o4 th4s 4e01 33ard441i0ce y0u 410e stol0n o40 o1ig3n40 domain,4s34:2111p://88142420130/1131htt310/www1an12t144.s12 or 13t2:0/1t1k3mm4a242/

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