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/o/ fag here, but I fucking love trains

Just letting you guys know that VMT just appointed a committee checking into the feasibility of restoring 611 and coming up with a business plan for putting her into excursion service.


There is a link for any rich fags who would like to donate to the cause, seeing as I don't think N&W is backing the project. They said there are already two gentlemen willing to foot half of the bill, so let's bring her back.
>>455559 (OP)

Agreed with N& W not footing the bill considering they haven't existed in 30 years.

N&S, whatever

Makes a difference to me. My checks say NS, not NW. Though, 30+ years ago they would have said ITC, that'd be neat.

Anyway, I'm glad about 611. Never have gotten to see her.

UP is thinking about getting a big boy to restore.

I wish 1218 would get restored, that'd be awesome.
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I got to ride the 611 in '94, was awesome

They gutted the 1218 and left the shell for the museum, pretty sad. I never got to see her run, but that hooter glorious.

I was born in 93, little too late.

Saw 1522 on her last run.

Rode behind 765 last year here in St.Louis.


I wish they'd fully rebuild the 1218 and put her back on freight duty. There are videos of her in the 80's hauling coal out the Appalachians, would love to see the Class A girls running freight again
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Steam locomotives scare me. They seem alive and some of them are fucking huge and powerful.

inb4 daddy issues
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if trains have a motor

do they belong in /o/ ?

Steam engines don't have motors, dipshit
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i think those dubs speak for themselves. >>455700

trains now belong in /o/. it's official.

Go ride a bike
But you can't steer a train
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>implying anyone in /o/ can steer a car

ok, i'll shut up now.
I highly doubt that they'll go through with the Big Boy. Unless they see it being useful in revenue service, it'll be much too large to only use for excursions.

They have a challenger for excursions, I could see them getting that big boy. They don't bring steam engines back to make money

Even people on /n/ know about treequinox, jesus


p sure that's what makes them awesome
is that jesus' partner from the big lebowski?


i never noticed that guy until a few days ago when i saw an interview with the actor who plays jesus. they are really a perfect pair.
never lurk here
what is it?
equinox is a tripfag kid from /o/ who drove an old impreza and ripped the shit out of it on a tree

i don't know if he denies that he was driving like a jackass but my general impression is that if there is an accident and a subaru is involved it is almost certainly the subaru driver's fault

anyway, any time he posts anything on /o/ the picture is posted, because /o/ keeps a grudge and hates everyone. little details may be out of place in or missing from my story because i'm more of a /n/erd than an /o/ctopus.
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>Even people on /n/ know about treequinox, jesus
/o/ was my home board a couple of years ago.

>equinox is a tripfag kid from /o/ who drove an old impreza and ripped the shit out of it on a tree
Pretty much.
His dad bought him that car and immediately after that near fatal incident his dad began to build him an identical car with second hand parts and scrap metal.
Read into that what you will but I see daddy issues.

>if at first you don't kill yourself, rebuild same car and try again
pic unrelated


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