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Hey /n/ i just turned 16 and i am going to get a job now, i have around 200 dollars saved up for a bike so i can get back and forth i was wondering if you guys could help me, not find a good bike but find a bike in that price range that is worth it.
I don't think it's a good idea to use a thousand dollar bike for traveling to work as it may get stolen anyways.
I will eventually save up my first couple paydays and buy a good bike.

Also i checked craigs list and all my area has is 500 dollar+ or stupid bmx bikes.
TLDR:100-200 dollar bike worth the money.

Always go to your local bike shop first and shop used. you might be able to get a great bike with good components for cheap. but for 100-300$ youre stuck in the walmart zone as far as "new" goes.
so definitely try a local bike shop and avoid brands like magna, roadmaster, huffy, gmc, hummer, or anything that youd buy in a department store like target and stuff.
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Do you think the Trek 7.1 FX roadbike would be a good choice if i can somehow scrounge up another 200 dollars? or find a used one for my range? I think i would have to remove the stickers/etc tho to prevent people from stealing it just because of the brand name
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I happen to have one of those and i love it. I put like 100$ into buying new wheels and it rides great, just make sure its tuned right, it shifts properly and its clean. also dont be scared about getting it stolen unless you leave it unlocked and hidden in public. (im a bike thief. sorry to say it) but if theres people around and it has enough locks to keep me busy i wont steal it. buy two good locks and a cable lock for the wheels and youre good to go. go to a local bike shop ir a used bike store and see if you can get it for around 240$ used. its about 400-600$ new. also look into brands like marin, fuji, and if youre lucky stuff like cannondale and bianchi. they have amazing frames.
so consider the 7.1 or a 7.3 if you find one, and invest in 2-4 good locks 2 u locks, and a chain or cable lock so you wont get your wheels stolen.
i also like vintage treks. theyre like 100-300$ and like 40 years old but theyre sweet
What do you do with the stolen bikes, also where you live could always get me one and ill buy it.
i give them away to people who need them or trade them. i dont sell anything, bad karma, and sorry buddy but nope. advice is as far as ill go on helping you out. good luck saving up and buy yourself a sweet bike.
actually, at 300, he's probably in internet bikesdirect nashbar, jenson and performance range.
>>471241 (OP)
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>>471241 (OP)
>i just turned 16
>get me one and ill buy it.
Under age and illegally browsing an adult site while requesting an order for a stolen bike.

The police have been notified.
You've decided to become some sort of bicycle Robin Hood? Steal from the dental freds, and the people who don't love their bikes, and give to the deserving?
dear lord...I love that bike...judging by the file name it's not yours?

Also fuck you for stealing bikes. must be nice being a teenager.
>implying anybody deserves a bike

If anybody stole the bike I worked hard to buy because they thought somebody 'deserved' it more than I do, I would honestly probably try and kill them.
I don't care if this fred was given a 10,000 dollar bike and leaves it unlocked in front of starbucks, nobody 'deserves' it more than anybody else.
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Why is the /n/ mod such a hardass when it comes to age?
you mean why does he do his job?
because he doesn't selectively enforce rules. would you rather have a mod that handed out arbitrary bans or pruned threads that weren't to his liking?
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lets see if I framed this right.
I don't think i understand the point your trying to make. but your picture is missing the (pertinent) information contained in the users post
>I just turned 16
IE he was underage.
...i feel like you were just trying to make a joke though and I'm being an asshole

Underage AND trying to illegally purchase stolen goods, no less.
>implying they get paid
>inb4 I get banned cause they butthurt.
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Sincere thanx to the mod responsible.

r/ring temporary sticky for the onslaught of fair weather Springfriends that we seem be getting now.
You don't have to be paid to have a job. Moderation may be a voluntary commitment but it's a commitment nonetheless. Rather than complain lets just be glad /n/ has the great moderation it does, or moderation at all for that matter. Just my $.02


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