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Bike appreciation thread, no bashing. Post your bike and look at others people post. GO!
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These chop and flop bullhorns are really comfortable, they fit my larger hands very well.
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Nice purple paint job, OP
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>>452283 (OP)
Your bike needs more anodized purple and neon parts, OP. See the brakeless fixie next to it for a good idea of what you should do with yours.
Just kidding your bike shits on that fixie then wraps it up in a garbage bag and leaves it on the curb.
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>>452283 (OP)
I love how clean your bike is. Very good looking.
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>>452283 (OP)
I am finding it hard to appreciate this bike.

Here you go.
Also I am faggot. How to delete post?
and yours looks great too, do you tour on that?
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Are they using a small rear rack as a stand? Looks like it.
Thank! I do pretty much everything on it. Regrettably, it's the only bike in my stable at this point in time. So it's my commuter, tourer, pleasure ride, and everything in between.
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oldie but gets the jerb done.
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Finally shot a pretty picture of the monster.
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this bike was scary
When I was 14 I used to ride into town and find the most expensive looking bikes that were unchained and steal them.
I'm not big on bikes at all. I barely browse /n/. Just thought this story would be related to /n/.

>Go to local library
>Find some really old looking but great shape bicycle.
>It was something like Schwinn or something else.
>Looked very upkept and well maintained and used
>Steal it
>Pop tires
>Throw in nearby ditch to rust
>Cut all the spokes with wire cutters as well as the brakes.
>Never found out who the owner was.

I was an edgy faggot.
I think I used to run there in highschool
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That was such a big problem at our local library.
People would steal the bikes and ditch them on the railroad tracks, or take them all the way to fucking lake or gully.

> Libraries in Africa.
> Trains in Africa.
> Bikes in Africa.

Something about you nigger's stories doesn't add up.
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>he think niggers are only in Africa
Nah, this took place in a town over 97% white, but trash from surrounding areas would come in and prey on us.
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Sycamore Canyon

You go to HS in Malibu rich fag?

but srsly, ride was amazing picturesque
Probably riding there on Monday. Recommend a good loop?

I was in a Cat 5 crit the other weekend, and no joke, some middle aged filipino dude was racing on this bike with Lightweight wheels. Yes, there was a crash in the race.
My friend was at a training camp in Hawaii last week and got sideswiped by a truck, crushed his Parlee TT with Lightweight Fernwegs. I'm going to try and get some pics if I see him in the next few days.

That sucks balls but at least it wasnt his fault (I think). This pinoy was just asking for trouble
>Parlee TT

They'll almost certainly do a crash replacement deal for him.
The truck driver's insurance company already contacted him and said they'd pay for everything. He's going to get a P5 it looks like

Wonder what car insurance costs in Hawaii.
Can't imagine a P5 is more than a month or two of payments.
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Here's my ride:

CW was nice, some of the single track looked fun but I stayed on the roads mostly

The non park area is a gorgeous bull pasture, though it's private so you have to hop a few fences on the NE side, I think I passed the owners on the way out; they seemed nice

The descent at the 5 mi mark is wild, definitely plan a route to hit it at least once

pic is at about mile 10

I have my eye set on Verdugo for this weekend or next
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My dad gave me his 74 schwinn le tour. I love it.
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Just ordered a new seat to replace that piece of crap + and better handlebars.

How tacky
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like the white frame, wish mine was white
Looking at the thumbnail I could swear it was one of those stickered-to-hell fixies.

paint it? the only annoying thing about white is how dirty it gets, and how shitty it looks when dirty. always having to wipe mine down to keep it looking fresh.
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Cool bike, what brand is it?

Which frame is that? Right now I have a cheap fixed but i really like the geometry of bianchis. Kind of want to get one, but at the same time I mostly use mine for commuting and I'd be gutted if it got stolen.


nvm i just went full derp.
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white frames are very hard to keep nice looking, every bit of road grime/dust shows

That bike.....oh my god...you can fuck my bitch, swag to the maximum, swag 100 thousan-hundred trillion oh god damn.
You've never seen a triathlon bike?

>triathlon bike

If not, he still hasn't........
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Loving that colour scheme

eh guy what is stopping your chain from falling off when the rear suspension compresses
I don't think that the chainstay gets shorter, only rotates.
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>no front brake
it's a dj bike

they don't have front brakes
>putting unnessecary suspension on your bike and wasting your speed when you can just squat off the seat and let your legs do the suspension
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what if you built a DJ bike with a front brake w/ potts mod for maximum barspinzz


ok cool opinion guy
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The rear end pivots around the bottom bracket, so the chainstay length doesn't increase when the suspension compresses.


You clearly don't know shit about bikes and are jelly. This bike is perfect for everything I use it for. I love it.

That bike* I mean. BMX is obviously for different things,,,
Op are u in davis ca? I swear ive seen that samr bike rack and tree downtown,
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70s Raleigh mixte with Alex Rims. It handled so well until It made me crash in the rain and break my ankle last week.
That my Friend is Not A triathlon Bike Lol.
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How was Sycamore?

Pic's Verdugo
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my bike, old pic. have different saddle now, i don't like Gobi, hurts my ass-bone
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>>452283 (OP)
<3 diamondbackfag's diamondback

a classic from day one
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Terrain and weather were perfect. Somehow managed to get three flats in the course of the journey, so had to cut it short.
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my tough-as-nails, heavy-as-hell 4130 commuter
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have posted this before
Nice bike, but pls explain this cable routing.
1. Receive Bikesdirect Bike
2. Take break out of box
3. Put it on

I didn't really adjust the length of the cable.. I guess I forgot about it. I meant to adjust it after I built my bike (a year ago, when it looked totally different) but the fact that it hasn't really gotten in the way made me forget about it until you said something.

Which kind of puzzles me, because now I wonder why nobody on /n/ noticed that before.
thx dood. feels like so long ago i made a build thread for it
Your bike is the sex
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i like her
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My first single speed.. wal-mart fixie. bought for $50 from Wal-Mart, was used return that the guy said the brakes didn't work on. Changed crank, pedals, stripped (most of..some bits didn't come off, will do it when it gets warmer) the paint off the wheels, put kenda kevlar lined tires on it, ford Grabber Green paint, a KMC chain, teflon coated brake cables. Still needs a different saddle. has handlebar from older trek 930 singletrack and white grips, also stripped the paint from the brake levers and hand-brushed the alloy for a neat brushed aluminum look to add some more contrast.
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here's a photo of it with my 26" mongoose rockadile that i built up when i was younger.. taken a few weeks ago, gf and i went for a ride. she always wanted to ride the mongoose to see what it was like, figured why not.. was kinda slippery out on those skinny tires in the snow. haha.
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and then the next few will be my other bikes..

650b early mountain bike i got for free when i worked at a local bike shop, guy didn't wanna pay for new back rim after hitting it with his car. so he threw the bike away with us. i took it out of the garbage and cleaned it up and straightened the back wheel with a 2x4 and some pounding, then trued it. rides good as new.
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future project rat cruiser. want to go satin black with a springer front fork, handstitched white vinyl seat, whitewalls , red rim and chrome or stainless hub/spokes.
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trek 830 i found in the garbage. guy didn't want it because "it was rusty" - chain was rusted from sitting outside.

stripped and repainted in my own scheme.
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Old Cilo steel road frame converted to fixed-gear. Nitto RB021 bars. I'm going to lower the stem but I have to cut it shorter first.
>terrible frame that's incredibly weak
>bad turning
>b-but i look cool guise

hurr durr muh performance
hurr durr muh vanity
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My first "real bike" was a Schwinn cruiser and I rode the fuck out of it.

Once I had the saddle up to a proper height and added some MTB bar ends midway down the bars to give a good climbing and "sprinting" hand position I was set. I tossed on front and rear racks, full fenders, larger platform pedals, and a better saddle and I used that bike to commute to school, go to friends houses, go camping etc. It was geared just right for my area and I never had any troubles with it.

Cruisers can be a good "gateway drug" to get into more serious cycling. That particular frame may be junk but to say that cruisers have "bad turning" (I think you mean 'poor handling') is false either way.

>pic is just before I installed the new saddle and pedals.
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Before yesterday's ride. Told my mom to pack me real gatorade.
are you left handed?
No. Why?
the bottle cage on the seat tube.
Oh lol. If I'm going on longer rides I like having two bottles with me.
Looks like grape soda mixed up with crushed flintstones vitamins to me.
yes, but.. well, it's.. um, nevermind.
Yeah it opens to the left. It's not the one I reach for when I'm on the bike.
Also, disregard my previous post because I'm dumb.

your bike is pretty sexy, btw.
it's kind of a weird combination of radical fork and seat stay design wioth an understated matte grey colour with simple decals.
6.8/10 would ride centuries on.
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My commuter bike
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note how he never said it was
Mein gott

I would actually ride that Thruster

>words I've never said in my life
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My first bike ever, learned to ride yesterday, I have some questions:

>How tall should my seat be?
>What's the proper posture to ride?
Are those hose sections your addition?
Looks like a trusty steed.
Your saddle should be raised so that when pedalling, the leg at the bottom of the stroke should be almost fully extended. Don't worry about this too much at first if you're uncomfortable. Just focus on strengthening your sense of balance and awareness, and slowly raise the saddle as you become more adept.

As for posture, you're going to want to ride without locking your elbows straight out. Even though you have suspension you should still be using your arms to help counteract the environment a bit. Push your shoulders forward a bit, keep your elbows lightly flexed, and try to curve your back away from the handlebars.

None of that should be too extreme, just enough to be comfortable. Takes some getting used to, but you'll be fine.

Cheers and welcome to cycling!
>Your saddle should be raised so that when pedalling, the leg at the bottom of the stroke should be almost fully extended.
This is just plain wrong, if not simply for the fact that you ignore foot position in fully extended. I can maybe fully extend my leg if my toes are pointing up.

>slowly raise the saddle as you become more adept.
Again, stupid. Once you have your saddle where it should be, it should stay there.

For all you know he could be a midget.

Did you not notice the fact that he literally just learned to ride a bike? Having the saddle lower lowers the center of gravity and makes it easier for a novice cyclist to retain balance. By the time he's adept, the saddle will be at the right height.
I assume that you've never taught someone to ride a bike. I didn't say "raise it forever and not stop" I said "raise it slowly as you become more adept."

Eventually the saddle will be in the right position, and only small adjustments will be needed to secure a proper fit.

As far as foot position is concerned, yes, avoid your foot angling toe-up in any extreme way. When the leg is almost fully extended, the foot should be angled toe-down slightly.

The ball of the foot should be over the pedal spindle.

There, that better for you?
As far as foot position is concerned, yes, avoid your foot angling toe-up in any extreme way. When the leg is almost fully extended, the foot should be angled toe-down slightly.

This is wrong and your bike fit is wrong

>Did you not notice the fact that he literally just learned to ride a bike? Having the saddle lower lowers the center of gravity and makes it easier for a novice cyclist to retain balance. By the time he's adept, the saddle will be at the right height.

It makes it harder to balance when actually riding, even if it makes them more comfortable getting on and off.
>leg fully extended
>toe down
Another trip to ignore.

Your toes should be horizontal, shouldn't they?
Your leg should not be fully extended at the bottom of the stroke.
"Almost fully" is not the same thing as "fully". At the bottom of the stroke, where should your foot be? Please enlighten me, oh ancient one.
Please tell me how to fit my bike. If I'm wrong, why don't you give some examples?
It shouldn't be almost fully either, unless you consider 30 degrees give or take 5 is "almost fully extended"

Unless you're a mutant, the 109%, 88.3%, heel-toe or 25-30 degree fit would get your saddle position in the ballpark. A proper fitting would actually make adjustments for your mutant self. It's certainly bad advice to imply that you leg should be near full extension.
That's better. I guess I do consider that to be almost fully extended, as it starts to become extremely uncomfortable and you get a lot of hip movement after that. My leg extension is around 146 degrees if I remember correctly.
Well then you sir are retarded.
Man you're a piece of work. My bike fits me well. Everywhere I've looked has said around 140-45 is appropriate, and that's where I'm sitting without issue. I think I'd notice something like that being an issue when touring, honestly.
I think he meant you're retarded for saying that your legs are almost fully extended.

If you stand up, then move one of your foot's toes to where your heel was, thats a pretty noticeable bend.
Haha you're such an attention whoring little faggot, just popped in to let you know.

Move along people nothing to see here.
>assuming that toe is horizontal or slightly pointing down relative to your shin

A dumb one too

Hah yeah was writing off tubes like no tomorrow when i started biking here

I've since purchased a pair of these:


About 200 mi of mountains & no flats yet, though they do way a ton and give more of a gyroscope effect
kill it with fire
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>using puncture safe tubes rather than puncture safe tires
>not using stan's notubes system
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>safety bike
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>having to balance
Sometimes i feel like /n/ is full of kids who have never ridden bikes or just talk because they have can. As far as What bridgestoned Has Said Everything Is About Right. So Im Not Sure what Half Of You are Talking About

(also Dont give Me Shit About the capitalization of Random words in My Post, its Googles Fault)
You are a massive cocksucker and brown noser aren't you?
>also Dont give Me Shit About the capitalization of Random words in My Post, its Googles Fault)
Fucking missed an apostrophe, Assehole.
No i am not. You Are A Brown Noser. Bridgestoned Is My Bud Right bridgestoned
Stop pretending to be me. I Did Not Say That. You Say That Like I Want To Marry Him. Fyi I am Not Gay
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My other bike is a MTB with SportContact slicks. This is my first road bike. No brifters because i'm broke as fuck. Also, i love my bag.
The capitalization thing is really annoying, bridgestoned is a faggot, if you do want to marry him I'm pretty sure stuff like that is legal in portland so good luck.
Thanks for reminding me how madly i want a PlanetX
interesting. What frame are you running?
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Built my new bike today. Basicly grabbed a frame from this mess and changed a variety of things. Gonna be a simple one speed with some thicker tires so i can hop a curb and not bend the rim. All I need for it to be ready to ride is the chain and possibly a front brake. And pump up the tires(hopefully theres no leaks, they still have air in them though so i assume they're flat because it's been sitting)

bike is somewhere in this mess. will post a better picture next weekend when it's done, obviously this thread will still be here.
>owning 20 bikes
>keeping them outside to deteriorate
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all of those are scrap bikes. And this is the most expensive city in north america to live in north america and land is rather valuable.
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Kleptomaniac detected.

Stay the fuck off my lawn .
This makes me sad, man.
stop using my fucking name.
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Just picked up a new (slightly used) saddle at the LBS from a whole bin of take off saddles. My old stock saddle had a cutout in it and the edges of the cutout were digging into my perineum. The new saddle feels a pound lighter too, so I'd say I made out like a fricken bandit for $10, huh?


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