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    File :1232944841.jpg-(380 KB, 850x680, future-city-5-web.jpg)
    380 KB Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)23:40 No.72564  
    If I were to create a city I would build the streets in a way that cars would never have to stop. I would put overpasses on every single corner if I had to.
    Would this work?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:12 No.72565
    I had the same idea but imagine the costs of building a bridge at every single intersection.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:22 No.72566
    works this way in some post-WWII-rebuilt german towns
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:30 No.72568
    Try a rotary
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:02 No.72573
         File :1232949749.jpg-(49 KB, 470x350, msn_magic_roundabout_470x350.jpg)
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    The roundabout works on this principle, but there are downsides

    Mainly, roundabouts are pretty difficult for uninitiated drivers to figure out, they require an entire road system designed to accommodate them, and enough real estate to suit a decent sized public park.

    Benefits to traffic flow are beyond question, but in terms of effort-to-benefit ratio they're really not all that great.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:28 No.72577
    Thats freaky huge, where is that?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:33 No.72578
    You have to yield on that shit. I mean a place where you are able to go through the city without even slowing down.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:46 No.72579
    enjoy cloverleaves at every intersection

    also enjoy trying to park
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:20 No.72627
    Anon is not very creative tonight I see...

    OP - it's fairly simple, take the design of a railroad siding, and make the entire city out of one-way streets - no roundabouts, only yield signs (and long merging lanes to prevent slowdown. If you wanted to remove the acceleration/deceleration entirely, just replace the streets with slow-moving public trams that could be entered from the sidewalk and be timed to pass each other at the merging points without having to stop. Or better yet, steal an old sci-fi idea and replace all the streets with rollers spinning at high speeds. To enter/exit the road system 'cars' would simply need to be pushed on or off the rollers - use computer controls to keep all cars in the system from crashing (the 'driver' would enter the planned endpoint and the city traffic system would send the car to that point). Buildings would be accessed via further sub-sidings.

    A non-stop city would be easy with low speeds and light traffic, but if you want multiple speeds and a good amount of traffic you'll have to have some kind of yield/roundabout system - which means stopping in heavy traffic.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)06:25 No.72920
    i always wanted to creat the "Tube network" mentioned in futurama. But that has nothing to do with roads..:'(
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)06:51 No.72921
    OP you will never see a city like this in your lifetime.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)08:25 No.72930
    Will work in low traffic area e.g. suburbia. Needs expensive grade-separated junctions. Needlessly expensive for the benefits.

    Cities by definition have lots of people and thus lots of traffic.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)23:04 No.73037
    The problem is OP , why would you want a city like this? A city where the Car is King has its dissadvantages. For one , what about those that arent in a vehicle , i mean , crossing the street in this city will be impossible , youd also need literally thousands of pedestrian overbridges across almost every street , and it would still be a pain in the ass to walk anywhere. To make matters worse , cycling would become almost impossible. Plus , what would public transport be like here , after all , there would presumably be no buses to make cars stop and if crossing the street was a real issue then surely youd have to have a subwaystation every 3-5 blocks all over town
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)23:06 No.73038

    probably not.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:40 No.73050
         File :1233121202.jpg-(126 KB, 875x574, Brasilia.jpg)
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    Check out Brasilia, capital city of Brazil. The city was built from the ground up with the intent of accomplishing a never-stop road network, with varying degrees of success. Pedestrian friendly it most certainly is not.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)00:41 No.73051
         File :1233121309.jpg-(128 KB, 800x600, Centro_visto_do_Bacen.jpg)
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    More of Brasilia
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)01:25 No.73059
         File :1233123912.jpg-(22 KB, 390x215, Brasilia intersection.jpg)
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    Correction: the city is Brasília (note the accent on the first I). Brasilia (without the accent) is someplace else.

    To avoid the expense of overpasses, roadways have frequent points for making U-turns. Drivers wishing to turn left travel past where an intersection would otherwise be, to a U-turn point. Then, traveling back the way they came, they merge across traffic and exit on the right. Somewhat like a roundabout, but elongated for high-speed roadways. No stopping and no expensive overpasses, but it does result in a fair amount of out of direction travel, and since traffic never stops for red lights pedestrians can never cross, which makes getting to/from bus stops very difficult.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/09(Wed)02:02 No.73074
    Good, fuck pedestrians.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:38 No.73340
    You mean, they have Michigan Lefts in Brazil? Hot damn. I love those things.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)23:55 No.73341
    >>73340Michigan Lefts
    don't you mean Jersey Lefts?
    oh wait... is she a big giant fat person?
    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 01/30/09(Fri)12:16 No.73432
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)13:15 No.73437

    Yeah 'cause I always take a cab to my car

    At the shopping mall, if I have two errands, I move my car so I don't have to walk farther
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)14:27 No.73447
    no if i were to build a city i would make sure that car usage are limited and there would be buses and trains going everywhere 24/7
    >> Anonymous 01/30/09(Fri)15:06 No.73454
    I always thought jersey lefts were jughandles- you know, a little ramp where you turn right to go left. still necessitates a light. stupid jerzoids.

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