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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

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    230 KB Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:00 No.71555  
    Hey /n/
    Can I live in Boston without a car? Will be moving there soon...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)18:12 No.71557
    not a good idea. possible, but not if you wanna get laid.
    >> ONEIRO !PvHEudHNso 01/19/09(Mon)18:29 No.71558
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:21 No.71564
    funny, I live in NYC and have never needed a car to get laid.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)19:24 No.71566
    nah, you know how much it costs to feed a dragon? Plus, I heard there are no virgins in Boston.
    >> 電車男 01/19/09(Mon)19:51 No.71571

    Of course you can. It's cheaper, easier, and way more fun than trying to own a car.

    Getting a bike wouldn't hurt either...
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)21:18 No.71589

    yes there are... its all the people that didn't get a car
    >> Liska !!LIVFOETqL8j 01/19/09(Mon)22:39 No.71597

    yup. take the T if you need to :)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)16:46 No.71770

    Actually, I'd recommend it. Boston's not a good city to drive in (narrow, twisting roads, expensive parking, a reputation for rude drivers) and has good mass transit. As long as you're within easy reach of the T's service area, you should be fine.

    Also, MA has an excise tax on cars, so you have to pay the government for the luxury of parking your car in your own driveway, essentially.
    >> AriderM 01/21/09(Wed)19:38 No.71794
    Ok, moving to Garwood NJ . . . any ideas for transportation? I don't have a license . . . should i buy a bike or get a car and license?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)21:46 No.71801

    YES. Just use a ZipCar whenever you actually need a vehicle.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/09(Wed)22:38 No.71805
    >>narrow, twisting roads
    check... but those are fun
    >>expensive parking
    umm... this is true
    >>a reputation for rude drivers
    JUST because you don't know how to fuckin' drive...!!! et al ;)

    But seriously OP; I live in an adjacent town near Boston (accessable by the T) and I can say you can absolutely live in Beantown (Boston, the Hub, Cradle of Revolution, etc...) w/out a car.

    2 bits of advice, though:
    1) find an apartment near a subway stop, or at least near a busline that services a subway stop (should not be too difficult)
    2) Ride a bike when it's not -10 and snowy as hell (like >>71571 suggested)

    those 2 things and you're golden.

    IF you actually get a car... follow the above 2 suggestions but add this third:

    3) get an apartment with a leased/included parking space .
    >> Anonymous 01/22/09(Thu)10:02 No.71893

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