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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232159910.jpg-(376 KB, 800x600, lightlane_copyright.jpg)
    376 KB Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)21:38 No.70990  
    A bicycle lane wherever you are. This actually seems like a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)21:48 No.70991
    a potential car crashing into you at night even if there is a lane for you on the road, this actually seems likely if your idea manifests.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)22:08 No.70993
    wearing a luminous jacket will be more effective, and make you look less of a twat
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)22:16 No.70995
    but he's bicycling TOWARDS the car, who can't see the fancy laser bike lane...
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)23:47 No.71008
    Stupid. If I ever see a cyclist that tries to mark his own personal lane with this shit I will intentionally ride in his comfort zone.

    Why not install these on cars so I can expect a "greater margin of safety" from the other cars?

    This is why I hate bikefags. Fuck off my /n/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)00:06 No.71012

    calm down bb
    >> AnMetro !!tMBlfqLjRsM 01/17/09(Sat)01:00 No.71020
    What the fucking idiotic idea, so when you hop the curb or ride the subway, thats a bike lane? I would get off my bike and beat you senseless if i ever saw that stupid shit. I mean come the fuck on!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)01:13 No.71021

    ITT: internet toughguys

    It's 3 goddamn feet wide you idiots. It's a fucking safety device, not some sort of magic wand that declares ownership of whatever surface you happen to be riding on.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)01:24 No.71022
    Another bikefag here not thrilled with the idea. If I don't want cars brushing past me, I'm taking the whole fucking lane. If I'm gonna go slower than the cars because I'm going uphill with an extra 20 pounds of groceries on the rack, I'll get off to the side and make a point of blatantly hugging the median.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)09:45 No.71104
    This is genius. Lots of drivers simply have no spatial awareness and it gets worse at night. Could also be combined with a camera to prosecute dangerous drivers.


    Fuck off to /o/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)12:45 No.71118

    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)13:14 No.71123
         File :1232216094.jpg-(32 KB, 500x353, ninja_1_500.jpg)
    32 KB
    Seriously, I do what I can to NOT be seen by cars - I can see and hear them more than well enough thanks, and I've been an intentional target too many times. (see >>71008)

    That said, how awesome is it to have lasers shooting outta your ass?!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)14:18 No.71131
    While you're kind of a dick about it, I agree. Having wherever the fuck you want to be become a bike lane? Sounds like it'd cause all kinds of problems.

    Now as a sort of device just to make you more visible to cars, fine. But calling it a bike lane just lets people think that they can get it everyone's way because the whole goddamn world is now their own personal bike lane.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)14:43 No.71133
    Not that I'm saying all cyclists are like this, mind you. But I'm sure they're out there.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)14:45 No.71134
    I'll stick with my planet bike blinking reflector, and riding down the middle of the lane. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)17:39 No.71155

    Identify the make and model of OP's pictured bicycle.
    >> theendofthesandman 01/17/09(Sat)17:47 No.71156
    Well it would be a good idea if you were really in a bike lane, because then people would see the boundary of the real bike lane and would be less apt to go over that. The problem is is no car is going to take the time to actually look at the bike, they would rather just go slow around it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)23:07 No.71214

    HAHA. I'd bet the VAST MAJORITY of cage-drivers would probably think the laser bike lane was REAL.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)23:28 No.71217
         File :1232252887.jpg-(1.52 MB, 2272x1704, Chicago_subway_fullerton_stati(...).jpg)
    1.52 MB
    >If I don't want cars brushing past me, I'm taking the whole fucking lane

    Yeah, if I ever see a bike taking up the whole lane because they feel they're entitled to it I intentionally follow them too closely until they get scared and ride off the side of the road. I have no sympathy for you. I can tolerate normal bikers that ride on the side of the road or in a bike lane, but this holier-than-thou "Even though I'm going at 1/8th of the speed limit I can take up this entire outbound lane during the evening rush hour, and fuck everyone behind me who disagrees!" bullshit irritates me to no end.

    I honestly fantasize about running one of them over one day because I know I will get away with it.

    >you're kind of a dick about it

    Cry on cryfag. Just because it's not /b/ doesn't mean it's a hugbox.

    >they would rather just go slow around it.

    Speak for yourself, courtesyfag.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have some rapid transit to post. Have a delicious CTA 'El' at the Fullerton station.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)00:44 No.71222
    >I honestly fantasize about running one of them over one day because I know I will get away with it.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)09:03 No.71286
    Bitter much linkin park trendite?
    >> dfhf Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)09:08 No.71288
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)09:48 No.71300
    Based on the frame's shape and his choice of clothing, I'd say it's stolen.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)10:04 No.71304
    if i have to strap 50 goddamn flashlights to my bike in order to improve my chances of not getting hit by a car at night then i will - so the op post is fine with me. if you want to be a ninja bike rider at the expense of safety, go right ahead.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:35 No.71326
    Bikers do not even stop at intersections they just drive across traffic pretending not hearing and seeing you. And they love to drive in the middle of the road when in pairs.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:39 No.71327
    I hope they do not do this in New Jersey; Bikers will ignore the lane anyway and the roads are to short in width.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:22 No.71347

    Nice sprocket bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)18:10 No.71357

    If you ever did this to me in northside Chicago I would get some U-lock justice.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:08 No.71366
    Very good idea. Apparently the creators think this is more useful than actual lights + reflectors...

    I hope they get run over.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)05:30 No.71455
    >Bitter much linkin park trendite?
    >linkin park trendite
    >linkin park
    Get the fuck out

    >northside Chicago I would get some U-lock justice
    I'll play your games, internet tough guy. My car will kick your U-lock's ass. I lived on Chicago's northside over the summer, why didn't you do it then? I'll tell you why, because it's Chicago and you know if you even thought about retaliating you'd get your throat sliced open.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)11:12 No.71483
    Yeah I dont think this device is any good for anything besides a laugh or two. Any one have any ideas to stay properly illuminated yet simple. Im currently ninja biking it but everyones telling me your days going to come soon. Any idea of small but effective lighting that isnt an arm or a leg that will look good on a vintage road bike.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)11:35 No.71485
    Just get some lights with detachable brackets and take the lights off your bike during the day, the brackets aren't large enough to mar the majestic image of your vintage frame.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)11:49 No.71491
    >>71485 Thanks man what do you think of
    ViewPoint Lazer LED Headlight?
    I am currently googling reviews but thought id ask someone who knows what they are really talking about instead of being pushed to buy some fail.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)12:04 No.71492
    I've not used one of those before, so I can't comment on that one specifically. The main thing to consider is your purpose - if you want to ride unlit trails at night, start reading reviews and prepare to spend a lot of money on a large, powerful headlight. If you're just looking for something to keep you from being run over on the street at night, any super-cheapo light will work.

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