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01/17/09(Sat)23:28 No.71217  File :1232252887.jpg-(1.52 MB, 2272x1704, Chicago_subway_fullerton_stati(...).jpg)
 >>71134 >>71022 >If I don't want cars brushing past me, I'm taking the whole fucking lane
if I ever see a bike taking up the whole lane because they feel they're
entitled to it I intentionally follow them too closely until they get
scared and ride off the side of the road. I have no sympathy for you. I
can tolerate normal bikers that ride on the side of the road or in a
bike lane, but this holier-than-thou "Even though I'm going at 1/8th of
the speed limit I can take up this entire outbound lane during the
evening rush hour, and fuck everyone behind me who disagrees!" bullshit
irritates me to no end.
I honestly fantasize about running one of them over one day because I know I will get away with it.
>>71131 >you're kind of a dick about it
Cry on cryfag. Just because it's not /b/ doesn't mean it's a hugbox.
>>71156 >they would rather just go slow around it.
Speak for yourself, courtesyfag.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some rapid transit to post. Have a delicious CTA 'El' at the Fullerton station. |