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  • File :1221683836.jpg-(207 KB, 1024x675, Bull Ignorance Abuse Shame.jpg)
    207 KB If John McCain Had His Way On Amtrak Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)16:37 No.50357  
    Mr. McCain has said at least a few times that he wants to shut Amtrak down, and I wonder what the effects of that would be.

    -Greyhound suddenly experiences rise in bus demand
    -Railfags come up and call for reinstatement of the lines
    -All of a sudden, a lot of double deck Superliners on the market with nowhere to go. Scrapyard? Museum? Some stupid visitor's office?
    -The whining about airline overcrowding gets louder than it already is
    -The government theoretically saves money, but it might be offset by lost tourist revenues and goodwill
    -Tourist railroads, however, might spring up to fill the gap. Grandluxe and other companies might take full advantage of this.
    -MAJOR transportation headache in NE Corridor and California (and Michigan and near Chicago)
    -Quite a bit of ammo to Democrats to call the Amtrak shutdown an "example of failed Republican government", particularly if it throws people out of work in a recession
    -Some wags pointing out that the Interstate system is also a boondoggle in some ways (it's heavily spent on)
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)16:44 No.50358

    A post-Amtrak rail system would look rather different. Depending on the politics and subsidization involved, we could be seeing regional railroads (such as, say, a Phoenix-Vegas-Los Angeles line, or a Northeast Corridor system, or a Florida quaggle) with tourist trains "bridging the gaps" (and having scenic "cruises" into the Northeast, South, and especially the American West). Such systems would probably be luxury trains with a pretty hefty per person fare, judging from the current tourist train companies.

    A great number of Americans would likely have an uproar over any impending shutdown, making a shutdown unlikely, even as far as the long distance trains are concerned.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)16:44 No.50359
    I support passenger rail service. However if the governmet is going to be in the Railroad business it needs to be in it all the way not half assed like AMTRAK.

    On the issues that matter to me McCain is close than Obama ever will be.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)16:52 No.50361

    Yeah, Amtrak needs improvement. Problems include infrequent long distance trains, late long distance trains, slow conductors, bungling of communications during delays, not keeping food concessions open on some late trains (I remember the "Adriondack" and how it got stuck at the border), and poor siting of new lines and poor decisions re: service keeping and service elimination. Amtrak fails to serve Las Vegas or Phoenix adequately, and it fails to reopen a stretch of the "Sunset Limited" (or to get rid of the "Sunset Limited", for that matter, which has very few riders). Amtrak ought to serve more of Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, and perhaps Indiana (all of which have numerous underserved population centers).
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)17:01 No.50362
    What the fuck would we have without Amtrak? Shutting it down doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)17:11 No.50370

    tell that to McPalin
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)17:17 No.50371
    What the fuck do we have WITH AMTRAK? In California the State government has to subsidize the hell out of it to keep it going and the same government refuses to make the RR companies give primacy to Passenger trains. Passenger trains have to take to the siding and wait for Freight trains. (See Metrolink wreck.) Hell they don't even have enough outlets to run laptops on the trains. AMTRAK has no idea WTF it's doing. Nigger Bus service to connect the San Joaquin Valley to the LA Basin = FAIL. AMTRAK = fail in California at least.
    >> Kartma !wvTgDQHyaM 09/17/08(Wed)17:32 No.50377
         File :1221687139.jpg-(28 KB, 670x447, salmon_lg.jpg)
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    >-Greyhound suddenly experiences rise in bus demand

    And it's a demand they wouldn't be able to meet unless they had new buses built, expanded terminals, more employees (drivers and otherwise), and enough justification to serve every little outhouse farmhouse and chicken house that'll demand service. Never mind that diesel fuel for the buses is very expensive.

    Plus the pro-America anti-globalization fags will have a fit when they find out that Greyhound is owned by foreign interests (First Group plc out of Scotland).

    Get rid of one problem, bring about another.

    >-Tourist railroads, however, might spring up to fill the gap. Grandluxe and other companies might take full advantage of this.

    Sadly, Grandluxe just went out of business. It was pretty bad for Amtrak because Grandluxe was their largest charter client.

    Unless tourist train operators ran on their own lines, they'd have to put up with the same railroad business faggotry that Amtrak did over rights and dispatch priorities and being put on a siding so a three-mile intermodal going 15 mph can go by.

    >-Some wags pointing out that the Interstate system is also a boondoggle in some ways (it's heavily spent on)

    And there'd be some who'd remember a certain dark day in the history of the City of Minneapolis and say that not enough is being spent. There are no winners in politics.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)18:11 No.50381
    Send certain segments of Amtrak to local carriers. NJ Transit, Metra, MTA/LIRR, MARC, Metrolink.....wait, wut?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)18:19 No.50384
    They'd need to smash together CSX, Amtrak out of NYC, and Metro-North so that THE CENTRAL RISES AGAIN
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)18:28 No.50388
    Neither Amtrak nor the airlines can possibly make any money. But air travel is essential to wide swaths of the country, while passenger rail is only used by elitist East Coast liberals. Therefore, bail out the airlines and let Amtrak die!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)19:17 No.50397
    I'd bet Grandluxe could've survived had it not been competed against by Amtrak (which is cheaper to its passengers).
    >> Anonymous 09/17/08(Wed)19:18 No.50399
    Well, if Amtrak railfare was lower then we wouldn't have so many elitists among the riders!

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