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File: 1339622694790.png-(1.13 MB, 2050x1500, Singapore-Rail-Map.png)
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Singapore's new train like has a loop-the-loop. Thoughts?

Singapore MRT thread.

Pic kind of related: does not show some future lines/proposal and circle line is inaccurate
I wish Chicago would have a arched line that connected everything
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I seriously doubt a train will do a "loop-the-loop."
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Some of Singapore's train names are crazy. Lavinder, Bugis (name of a race), Paya Lebar (malay for Wide Swamp), Landmark, Commonwealth, Resevoir, Chinese Garden, Lakeside etc

Maybe these don't seem crazy to you, but they do to me. It's like calling a train station Park (a common noun and nothing specific).
A lot of systems could use one.

The MBTA was planning on building some hacked to shit BRT "Urban Ring" but I think the funding was denied.
What's an arched line?
What do you want for Chicago?

Just looked it up. Arched line is like having a circle line when the city centre is next to the sea
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bitch please

(line 3)
pfft, not a subway, but a national railway. Doesn't count.

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