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01/14/12(Sat)15:03 No.326286 File1326571419.jpg-(23 KB, 652x327, vancleef.jpg)
 HS2 is estimated to cost £33 billion. So that means it's actually going to cost closer to £40-45 billion
Normal line costs roughly £10 million per mile. New trains are about £2 million.
So with £40 billion you could upgrade almost every main line in the UK, and equip it all with new rolling stock. You could also buy a Big Boy and run it all day, every day, just for fun, with the change. You
could have a space program. You could build and operate a fleet of
zeppelins. You could bring back Concorde. You could give every town in
the UK a statue, a fountain and a market square and buy some land for
allotments for millions of people. You could subsidise the cost of tickets so that everyone in the country benefits from cheaper travel.
instead, you could have one line, which will carry less passengers at a
higher cost than a normal line, and in terms of passenger numbers moved
per hour, will actually be slower than normal rail, and the tickets
will be expensive enough to be out of the reach of most rail users. But
you'll be able to get to the hellish shithole that is brum 20 minutes
Fuck everyone involved in this shitty boondoggle. |