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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1322686115.jpg-(165 KB, 1920x1200, War_Airplane_36.jpg)
    165 KB Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)15:48 No.318684  
    What's your favorite kind of airplane?

    This one's mine
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)15:50 No.318685
    That, sir, is a missile.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)15:54 No.318686
    Fuck you


    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)15:58 No.318687
    Holy SHIT
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)16:01 No.318688
    I just wanted to make a nice post where we talk about airplanes, but then you come in here like a FUCKING ASSHOLE and get all over the fact that my arrow isn't pointing right up the GODDAMN PLANE'S ASS and now I feel like shit FUCK YOU
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)16:04 No.318691
         File1322687065.png-(94 KB, 313x228, 132242858370.png)
    94 KB
    This is what you probably look like
    >> Captain Slog 11/30/11(Wed)16:05 No.318692
    So what's your favourite kind of missile?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)16:06 No.318693
    Whatever one is shoved up your ASS
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)16:07 No.318694
    You mean ISS?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)18:45 No.318715
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)18:55 No.318717
    What the fuck is it with you guys and missiles anyway do you like them because they're shaped like DICKS and you like dicks in your ass

    because you're gay
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)18:56 No.318719
    Your mom's a bump
    >> Captain Slog 11/30/11(Wed)18:59 No.318721
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)19:00 No.318722
         File1322697643.jpg-(18 KB, 450x297, allinyourass.jpg)
    18 KB
    The best thing about model rocketry is sticking the nose cones up your ass
    pic related, thats a big one herp derp :3
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)19:05 No.318723
         File1322697923.jpg-(209 KB, 1920x1200, FUCK.jpg)
    209 KB
    Hey I drew a picture of you guys' fantasy
    >> Not OP 11/30/11(Wed)19:07 No.318724
    Hey, my favorite kind of plane is a B-52.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)19:07 No.318725

    See, this guy isn't a FUCKING ASSHOLE like the rest of you SHITHEADS because he ANSWERED THE GODDAMN QUESTION
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)19:11 No.318726
         File1322698301.jpg-(215 KB, 1092x733, DH_82A_Tiger_Moth_-_N81DH.jpg)
    215 KB
    is it too late to save this thread from /b/tards?

    Tiger Moth
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)19:29 No.318727
         File1322699378.jpg-(18 KB, 404x600, sprint.jpg)
    18 KB
    The motherfucking Sprint ABM, BITCH!!!!
    This baby's basically a two-stage, 3.5-ton traffic cone. Only instead of stopping traffic, this monster stops COMMUNIST NUCLEAR WARHEADS dead in their tracks!!

    HOW do you stop a fucking hypersonic freight-train loaded with TWENTY MEGATONS OF STALINIST HATRED from flattening your city?

    Well obviously, you need to get there first. Granted, you do have a pretty big head-start, but given that a Communist ICBM warhead covers FOUR MILES EVERY SECOND, this is not an easy race to win.

    But not to worry; the Sprint has over HALF A MILLION POUNDS-THRUST of raw American muscle behind it! This massive first stage brings Sprint to supersonic speeds BEFORE IT'S EVEN ALL THE WAY OUT OF ITS SILO.

    But the fun doesn't stop there. Just 1.2 seconds later, Sprint splits in half and lights a SECOND STAGE, tearing a hot, glowing, prolapsed hole in the atmosphere on its way up. It accelerates at OVER ONE HUNDRED TIMES THE FORCE OF GRAVITY like a motherfucking Top-Fuel dragster on crack+steroids+PCP, reaching velocities exceeding TEN TIMES THE SPEED OF SOUND in just FIVE FUCKING SECONDS.

    But that's not all. Upon reaching it's target, at altitudes as high as ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET, it lights off a motherfucking 150-pound ENHANCED-RADIATION THERMONUCLEAR WARHEAD and pulverizes the everloving shit out of those commie warheads with a massive atom-splitting wave of high-energy neutrons.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)21:52 No.318733
         File1322707928.jpg-(132 KB, 1280x1020, sr71ff[1].jpg)
    132 KB
    how has nobody mentioned this yet

    planes don't get cooler than the sr-71..only rival is the u-2 imo

    i do like figher jets but the sr-71 is just such an otherworldly machine. i also strongly respect the u-2. they both seem like such hot rods - very specialized, very finicky, and very capable. that's not to suggest that fighter jets aren't fantastic pieces of engineering (and art), but something about them is so terrestrial compared to these two.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)22:43 No.318736
         File1322710997.jpg-(210 KB, 1500x1200, XB-70 in high-altitude cruise.jpg)
    210 KB
    >planes don't get cooler than the sr-71..
    I beg to differ.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/11(Wed)23:43 No.318744
         File1322714591.jpg-(114 KB, 1120x800, 0211b1.jpg)
    114 KB
    I think the B1-b is among the most beautiful things the human species has ever created.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)00:02 No.318748
         File1322715758.jpg-(279 KB, 2266x1530, b1 lancer.jpg)
    279 KB
    Its got some kind of weird bird quality to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)00:03 No.318749
    wow, are you on the Lockheed Martin marketing team or did you copy that from a sales brochure?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)01:26 No.318756
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)01:31 No.318760
         File1322721101.jpg-(58 KB, 800x600, F111.jpg)
    58 KB
    I've always loved the f-111 Aardvark.
    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 12/01/11(Thu)02:13 No.318765
         File1322723628.jpg-(45 KB, 980x705, mig and sabre.jpg)
    45 KB
    These too right here are my favorite jet fighters hands down. Classic looking.

    In reality my favorite planes are the ones I can work on easily myself. I like flat 6 (corvair) and flat 4 (VW) powered ultra lights a lot...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)05:37 No.318773
         File1322735862.jpg-(313 KB, 1280x1024, 1245739552264.jpg)
    313 KB
    what else?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)08:12 No.318778
         File1322745159.jpg-(125 KB, 1024x768, fighter_f-14_tomcat.jpg)
    125 KB
    swing wing > all
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)12:03 No.318789
         File1322758984.jpg-(57 KB, 500x436, Avro_Arrow.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)13:25 No.318799
         File1322763931.jpg-(190 KB, 1800x1409, CAAC_Boeing_707.jpg)
    190 KB
    Boeing 707
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)14:20 No.318812
         File1322767250.jpg-(127 KB, 1357x533, ta152emlarged.jpg)
    127 KB
    ta 152!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)16:25 No.318823
         File1322774741.png-(143 KB, 750x465, supersylph.png)
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    I like bullshit over-designed planes
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)16:38 No.318827
         File1322775525.jpg-(433 KB, 1600x1063, draken.jpg)
    433 KB
    >Nobody posting the motherfucking DRAGON

    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 12/01/11(Thu)16:38 No.318828
    >not two

    Jesus, I guess it was past my bedtime.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)16:55 No.318835
         File1322776536.jpg-(507 KB, 2864x1848, 1315086795863.jpg)
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    ma niggha
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)18:07 No.318841
         File1322780827.jpg-(292 KB, 1200x808, CaribouAF.jpg)
    292 KB
    the Caribou thread finally went 404, so

    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)22:36 No.318867
         File1322797014.jpg-(2.4 MB, 4000x3000, FW-190 display.jpg)
    2.4 MB
    I don't understand how they could take SUCH a beautiful airplane and turn it into something SO HIDEOUS...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/11(Thu)22:51 No.318870
         File1322797895.jpg-(33 KB, 288x663, Sprint cutaway.jpg)
    33 KB
    No, I'm in sales. That's my pitch.

    So, whaddaya say, you ready to buy one? 16 easy payments of $799,999! And, I'll tell you what - if you buy it now, I'll throw in a truck to drive it away, AND a free tank of gas!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)00:01 No.318882
         File1322802104.jpg-(78 KB, 1000x787, PBY-5_inflight_vp6f.jpg)
    78 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:36 No.318888
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)01:51 No.318889
         File1322808707.jpg-(2.07 MB, 2700x1796, b1cruisin.jpg)
    2.07 MB
    i like the cut of your jib
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)02:28 No.318893
         File1322810926.jpg-(64 KB, 250x250, CF-18 Belly Canopy.jpg)
    64 KB
    Silly bomber, jibs are for sailboats.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)02:32 No.318894
         File1322811130.jpg-(1.45 MB, 3008x1943, b1.jpg)
    1.45 MB
    come at me bro
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)02:33 No.318895
    This poster is Canadian, and
    This one is Australian.

    Prove me wrong.

    (Also, inb4 a Britfag comes in and posts the TSR-2).
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:17 No.318898
    Its called a more Jumo 219 with much more power which isnt a star engine but has its cylinders arranged in a row, hence the long nose which is why the fw-190d was called "Langnasen Dora" = long nose dora and the ta.-152 is descendant of the fw-190d
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)03:19 No.318900
    correction a Jumo 213 E-1
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:16 No.318901
    You do realize that the A-12 was developed into a fighter, the YF-12 and the spy plane SR-71, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)04:44 No.318903
         File1322819067.jpg-(275 KB, 1412x1141, FW-190 rockets.jpg)
    275 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)05:58 No.318905
    say that to a pilot doing dog fights in high altitude. He'd slap your face. The jumo delivers way better high altitude performance with its turbochargers than the previous star engine
    >> James !MdtrdhSWLY 12/02/11(Fri)06:09 No.318906

    >black-ops fag
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)08:54 No.318911

    and homolust, apparently.
    >> Captain Slog 12/02/11(Fri)11:29 No.318917
    Fuck you. Fuck you with a rake!

    You, sir, win an internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)12:43 No.318923
         File1322847780.jpg-(61 KB, 900x528, Fw190 A8-R1.jpg)
    61 KB
    The 190-A was the better dogfighter. The D and later the -152 were both feeble attempts to turn an outstanding fighter-bomber into a high-altitude interceptor, even though the Me-109 was FUNDAMENTALLY better for that with its longer wing. Putting those V-engines on the FW-190 was a waste of a (highly-demanded) inline engine.

    Besides, Rudorffer and Kittel both flew A-models exclusively. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)16:59 No.318966
         File1322863154.jpg-(76 KB, 1440x900, World-in-Conflict-Soviet-Assau(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/11(Fri)18:09 No.318971
         File1322867398.jpg-(41 KB, 680x404, VICTOR 10.jpg)
    41 KB
    Gotta love the Victor...
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)00:21 No.319024
    Yeah, I do. I see a lot of Vulcan fanboyism, but I frankly can't get excited about the Vulcan at all.

    The Victor, however, is one badass-looking motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)01:53 No.319032
         File1322895226.jpg-(525 KB, 1620x1080, 067_Falcon7X.jpg)
    525 KB
    I have a thing for business/private jets.

    The Falcon7x
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)06:20 No.319045
         File1322911220.jpg-(74 KB, 1094x731, spitfire.jpg)
    74 KB
    Glorious Supermarine master race reporting in...
    nothing so beautiful has graced the skies since.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)09:57 No.319064
         File1322924222.jpg-(173 KB, 1280x788, 3823443614_1362862350_o.jpg)
    173 KB
    That is a hard one between the A320 and F100
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)14:40 No.319072
         File1322941220.jpg-(958 KB, 1900x1492, Sr71_1.jpg)
    958 KB
    i dont know if i have a favorite
    each has their own bad ass qualities
    SR-71 fuck where do i start?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)14:45 No.319073
         File1322941547.jpg-(23 KB, 512x342, P-51 Mustang.jpg)
    23 KB
    P-51 'stang
    altho i give much credit not hatin at all
    i just feel that P-51 was the last and greatest piston fighter b4 the jet age
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:01 No.319074
    The SR71 is like the steroid abusing brother of the U-2.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:05 No.319076
         File1322942710.jpg-(78 KB, 750x500, 3654242886_0c2692acc9_o.jpg)
    78 KB

    the 51 was the plane you sent a picture of to your girlfriend back home; the 47 was the plane you flew to actually get back to her.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)15:25 No.319078
         File1322943933.jpg-(1.59 MB, 2400x1813, 1293899921196.jpg)
    1.59 MB
    You see this plane.

    This plane drops hurt like a thundering god from above. This plane in its G-model has a CLASSIFIED ceiling with its eight biceps known as engines.

    This plane has a service length that is BIBLICAL!

    Respect the Big Ugly Fat Fucker!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)16:03 No.319084
         File1322946214.jpg-(48 KB, 490x310, mig-23.jpg)
    48 KB
    Oh MiG-23, how I love you so...
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)16:38 No.319085
         File1322948288.jpg-(61 KB, 450x301, 727.jpg)
    61 KB
    I've flown on C-130 (in combat) KC-135, C-5, C-21, Boeing 737, 747, 757, DC-9, DC-10, and countless small planes on CAP SAR missions, but the one that is my favorite is the very first one. (Kind of like your memory of your first fuck, ya know?)

    A Continental Boeing 727 that I flew on March 18, 1976 from MAF to ELP. I was 11 and I sat next to the port turbine intake. It was loud as hell, but I loved every second.

    Continental was "The Proud Bird with the Brass Ass" back them
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)16:44 No.319086
         File1322948680.jpg-(352 KB, 1184x816, 67995_Kardas011_122_101lo.jpg)
    352 KB
    ANBO VIII anyone?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)16:44 No.319087
         File1322948687.jpg-(95 KB, 800x600, 144245345.jpg)
    95 KB
    Hey, what's goin' on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:13 No.319088
         File1322950409.jpg-(736 KB, 1599x1064, 1317071163104.jpg)
    736 KB
    ah yes. that think was bad ass
    could take some hits
    P51 more like a sports car i guess
    A-10-modern p-47
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:17 No.319090
         File1322950662.jpg-(958 KB, 2560x1600, 1317073369693.jpg)
    958 KB
    yeah they plan on flying that bad ass mother fucker past 2030 cant remember date
    upgraded the fuck out of it
    -drop nukes
    -smart weapons
    -shit your pants carpet bomber
    -im missing something... electronic countermeasures?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:22 No.319091
         File1322950961.jpg-(283 KB, 1600x1149, 1317074850632.jpg)
    283 KB
    understatement of the century
    spy planes and altitude are all they have in common
    -seals its fuel tanks after its skin heats up once at speed
    -stretches 11 inches during flight
    -unbroken record of LA NY flight
    -mach 3.2+
    -designed in the late 50's!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:25 No.319093
         File1322951102.png-(1.4 MB, 1920x1080, 1317073227930.png)
    1.4 MB
    what? no fapter love?
    >dat thrust vector
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:27 No.319094
         File1322951231.jpg-(82 KB, 794x485, a-10-fornt-11.jpg)
    82 KB
    Everyone says they're ugly, but I disagree.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:32 No.319096
         File1322951540.jpg-(41 KB, 400x405, Fairchild-A-10-Inflight2.jpg)
    41 KB
    And I mean, who cares if it's ugly, when it's built for bringing death at 4,000 rounds a minute. And taking direct anti-air fire, and still being able to function.

    SAM launch
    Fucks given = 0
    >> James !MdtrdhSWLY 12/03/11(Sat)17:38 No.319097

    >out of service since '98

    just shut up already.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:44 No.319098
    butt hurt detected
    this thing is a boss
    its technical feats speak for themselves and nothing (that we know of) has taken its place
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:51 No.319099
    Artificial space satellites. One of the main reasons it was decommissioned. To operate it was too expensive and dangerous. Satellites don't require people to pilot the, they can't be shot down (so to speak, yet), and cost less to operate. Useless spy-plane is useless.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)17:56 No.319100
    yes, very expensive
    but they did bring it back into service in the early 90's
    i thought the advantage was it could make it there before the satellites orbited or something
    but im sure we have a shit ton up there
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:04 No.319101
    They brought it back for the first Gulf War because they wanted the intel faster instead of waiting for the satellites to all do their orbits. Then they realized it was stupid and got rid of it for good.

    It was cool for its era but it's entirely impractical and the U-2 still being in service should show just how limited a role the SR71 had.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:17 No.319103
    Plus we now have more Geo-synchronous orbit satellites, and UAV aircraft. It just became more and more impractical.

    I agree with the one anon though. It is damn bad ass plane!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)18:24 No.319104
         File1322954660.jpg-(35 KB, 521x398, Corsairs_In_Formation.jpg)
    35 KB
    I applaud all the others ITT, but the Corsair is still one of my all-time favorites.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)19:57 No.319116
         File1322960225.jpg-(123 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Nakajima_Ki-43_Airplane.jpg)
    123 KB
    I like the Ki 43.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)21:34 No.319123
         File1322966050.jpg-(23 KB, 393x295, ic-27..jpg)
    23 KB
    why? not trolling, like info and stuff i may not know about
    >> Anonymous 12/03/11(Sat)23:44 No.319133
         File1322973879.jpg-(12 KB, 480x277, B-58 afterburners.jpg)
    12 KB
    Optical surveillance satellites are rarely geo-syncronous, seeing how you get a much clearer picture when you're making a pass only 1000 km away in a sun-synchronous orbit rather than 35,000 km up in GEO. The only surveillance sats they place in GEO are radio SIGNIT sats.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)09:29 No.319184
         File1323008983.jpg-(500 KB, 1600x787, asset.JPG?id=1B459C2F-5D8A-4F6(...).jpg)
    500 KB
    Have to show some more love for the XB-70 Valkyrie. It was roughly 10 times heavier than the SR-71 and had essentially the same performance. It drooped its' wing tips so it could contain and ride its own shockwave.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)12:13 No.319203
         File1323018805.jpg-(139 KB, 1280x1020, 1295796089620.jpg)
    139 KB
    B-52 B-Model (only one in service I know of) gives birth to space craft!

    Like a comforting big brother it launches them from its wing giving them the room to learn to fly.

    Marks on side are its vehicles its launched.

    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)12:41 No.319208
         File1323020497.jpg-(50 KB, 802x538, miketakeoff.jpg)
    50 KB
    I flew on those Air Mike 727s lots of times back in the day. We could have a whole thread about em.
    The pilots had brass balls ! Check this coral sand landing strip somewhere in the Trust Territory.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)13:57 No.319219
         File1323025023.jpg-(51 KB, 566x425, 1946PWWaspL.jpg)
    51 KB
    becuz that 28 cylender corn cob

    >I know they only made a few but whatever
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)14:31 No.319224
         File1323027098.jpg-(722 KB, 1190x955, X-15 on B-52 pylon.jpg)
    722 KB
    >only one in service I know of
    NOT ANYMORE!!! Balls-8's getting retired and one of them yuppie G-models is taking her place.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/11(Sun)18:38 No.319256
         File1323041939.jpg-(31 KB, 359x277, Giantglasses.jpg)
    31 KB
    >Only a few
    >> suomynonA !!wPAj2b3IchS 12/04/11(Sun)23:14 No.319297
         File1323058458.jpg-(111 KB, 1024x768, spitfiremkvb.jpg)
    111 KB
    Got your back, man

    Only thing was, these planes weren't good for either ground attack or carrier operations.

    But who cares? Still beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)01:57 No.319315
         File1323068266.jpg-(68 KB, 1024x678, Concorde.jpg)
    68 KB
    thats why i asked, hhhhnnnngggg
    i remember reading about those in popular mechanics, trick stuff
    forgot all about that, thanks
    Is it me or does it feel like we are going backwards in someway...
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)03:57 No.319329
         File1323075438.png-(115 KB, 1260x294, Pratt & Whitney.png)
    115 KB
    You know only TEN Corsairs (the F2G model ONLY) were actually fitted with the corncob, right? The F4U (the one in your picture) was equipped with the 18cyl R2800.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)04:48 No.319336
         File1323078539.jpg-(77 KB, 2473x1324, 1295802550563.jpg)
    77 KB
    Makes sense they'd use a G-model since it has a crazy ceiling. Little surprised they didn't use an H-Model though I guess they're all being used for active service.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)05:05 No.319338
         File1323079523.jpg-(559 KB, 1436x1111, Balls-8 and NB-52H replacement.jpg)
    559 KB
    Ah, my bad, the replacement is indeed an H-model.

    They both have the shorty tails, all rook same to me.
    >> ­­­­­­Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)05:54 No.319345
         File1323082462.jpg-(1.6 MB, 3008x1960, A-10_Thunderbolt_II_Gun_Run..jpg)
    1.6 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)07:00 No.319346
         File1323086431.jpg-(17 KB, 591x298, TSR-2 219.jpg)
    17 KB
    >No TSR-2

    son i am disappoint
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)11:31 No.319358
         File1323102706.jpg-(1.02 MB, 1920x1200, 1317073329967.jpg)
    1.02 MB
    dat GAU-8
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)12:53 No.319361
         File1323107611.jpg-(139 KB, 640x480, trs1.jpg)
    139 KB
    I liked the Arkbird concept from Ace Combat. I know of alot of aircraft that look similar, the Arkbird seems more like art.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)12:55 No.319362
         File1323107749.jpg-(13 KB, 512x384, Arkbird (1).jpg)
    13 KB
    Something about that ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)14:47 No.319376
         File1323114473.jpg-(97 KB, 650x350, falken.jpg)
    97 KB
    Always liked how that that look
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)15:18 No.319381
         File1323116327.jpg-(74 KB, 702x360, mainpghero.jpg)
    74 KB
    Think in russian, think in russian, MUST THINK IN RUSSIAN!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)15:23 No.319382
         File1323116581.jpg-(72 KB, 1024x683, 20040909_Gripen.jpg)
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    Sorry Kids, but you suck BIG time!
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)16:36 No.319402
         File1323120987.jpg-(538 KB, 1024x768, 2216282937_5ec8b00221_b.jpg)
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    >only TEN F2G Corsairs

    yeah thats why I said a few. Anyway, wiki because because:

    >Initial models developed 3,000 hp (2,240 kW), and later models 3,500 hp, but one model delivered 4,300 hp (3200 kW) using two large turbochargers in addition to the supercharger. Engines weighed 3,482 to 3,870 lb (1,579 to 1,755 kg), giving a power-to-weight ratio of 1.11 hp/lb
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)17:25 No.319418
    not that poster but hhhnnnnggg
    i looked on wikipedia too and saw the High Output vers. turbos on top of superchargers seems technically challenging
    I was wondering if i should start an engine thread. anyone interested?
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)17:41 No.319425
         File1323124862.jpg-(345 KB, 1920x1200, WideScreen_Ace Combat 5 The Un(...).jpg)
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    >thread slowly turning into ace combat thread

    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)21:09 No.319450
         File1323137385.jpg-(99 KB, 800x600, Pratt & Whitney PT6 cutawa(...).jpg)
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    I'd participate.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)21:10 No.319451
    Fuckin' called it.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)22:56 No.319462
         File1323143814.png-(39 KB, 441x364, rainbow_dash_by_grimm_michael-(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/05/11(Mon)23:47 No.319470
         File1323146870.jpg-(57 KB, 640x461, rafale d.jpg)
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    Rafale D. God what a beaut.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)03:27 No.319496
         File1323160042.png-(711 KB, 640x458, 1323148526990.png)
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    a little off topic but i thought someone might get a kick out of it
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)03:35 No.319497
         File1323160553.jpg-(250 KB, 1227x921, 1300634633545.jpg)
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    Such a sex-sexy nose.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)04:48 No.319502
    me 262?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)05:01 No.319503
         File1323165677.jpg-(495 KB, 2792x2180, 1291617975058.jpg)
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    the only plane to ever deliver a nuclear weapon in war. I hope it stays that way.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)05:23 No.319505
    one of the better vids i could get of it laying down fire and hearing the burp after
    wish i could start the vid from where the action is, but i dont know how to do it
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)12:05 No.319526
         File1323191146.jpg-(18 KB, 450x300, lemon1.jpg)
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    >dat flying shark
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)15:28 No.319558

    i would literally spend hours upon hours trying to create a swing-wing with legos to create a 14. i was very limited by parts, and, well, you know, being 8 years old.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)15:32 No.319559
         File1323203558.jpg-(147 KB, 1024x683, d9s.jpg)
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    Dc-9. mother fucking workhorses man...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)15:33 No.319560
         File1323203634.png-(84 KB, 500x500, 1312758195991.png)
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    >>a320 or F100, this is hard

    >post picture of an F70
    >> Anonymous 12/08/11(Thu)14:46 No.319877
    kinda sucks it never saw combat eh?
    >> Selene 12/08/11(Thu)15:38 No.319884
         File1323376731.jpg-(161 KB, 868x860, rat.jpg)
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    If you really want to be a bitch about this then you need to call it a Fokker 28.

    F-100: F28 Mk100
    F-70: F28 Mk070

    They share the same AOM and TQ.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)10:40 No.319997
         File1323445217.jpg-(108 KB, 448x290, AW139-EMS-Ornge.jpg)
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    >Not Rotary Wing
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)13:13 No.320006
         File1323454416.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1321700957968.jpg)
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    Man, i love those planes.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)14:57 No.320017
         File1323460635.jpg-(135 KB, 1024x671, Lancer.jpg)
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    The lancer gives me a large hardon collider, closely followed by the Warthog
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)15:00 No.320018
         File1323460858.jpg-(26 KB, 700x487, Lancer 2.jpg)
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    Just look at das arsch!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)18:09 No.320035
         File1323472155.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2800x1870, Tu-95_Bear_D.jpg)
    1.23 MB
    Ask me about longevity...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)18:14 No.320042
         File1323472452.jpg-(94 KB, 799x600, Hansa Jet.jpg)
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    Hansa Jet, the best (and only) forward swept wing private jet.

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