Railfans report in.Japanese trains only.
Trains are for /new/bs.Real men use cars! America! Fuck yeah!
>>316865You are allowed to say /new/ on /n/ now?
I can tell you, you can get banned for using the /n/ word.
hong kong train
Calgary train
Mexico train
London train
detroit train
russian train
midrid train
seattle train
ottawa train
Yah i kinda ruled this thread into death go me.so last one and as a bonus it kinda apply to the OP's request.Video game train
The sleeper limited express "Nihonkai" will end service with the Spring 2012 timetable revision as its equipment ages and passenger volume decline."Nihonkai" operates from Osaka to Aoimori through the Hokuriku region and Sea of Japan coast. It began services in 1947.The "Nihonkai" was the last of the so called "Blue Trains" (Twilight Express not included) operating out of the Kansai area.
>>316880Seattle train sucks butt
>>316918How so? I'm flying into Seattle next week, and plan on taking the light rail to my hotel downtown. Is there a problem with this?
>>316918I guess you could say it's unsound transit.
>>316880MFW the ONLY Seattle train.
New Haven train, made in Japan
>>317560its japanese kin