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  • File : 1318735840.png-(13 KB, 514x519, img1.png)
    13 KB The Otaku Harm Ranking Anonymous 10/15/11(Sat)23:30 No.311660  
    2ch has compiled its own chart ranking comparing the relative craziness and propensity for dubious (if not dangerous) behaviour each of the major groups of otaku find themselves predisposed to.

    The diagram, translated from the original with positioning remaining faithful:

    Geha refers to the “games & hardware” board on 2ch, which is host to notoriously crazed and mutually antagonistic populations of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft fans (and is also the basis for the Neptunia games). Korea refers to followers of the “Korean wave,” and the Hanshin Tigers and Urawa Red Diamonds are both popular sports teams with at times overly dedicated supporters.

    Those wondering why apparently harmless train-spotters are considered even more dangerous than seiyuu otaku and idol fanciers are advised to look into some of their previous antics.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)00:24 No.311668
         File1318739089.jpg-(205 KB, 1024x768, 1317305737226.jpg)
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    sage because you're spamming this to multiple boards

    But bicycle otaku rank as harmful? Why?
    Yes, Japanese bicycle enthusiasts are brand-whores who ape western roadies and fixie hipsters, but harmful?

    sign reads:
    >no brakes. no problem.
    Fucking ヒップスター
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)00:35 No.311669
    >trains = harmful
    >audio = crazy
    >stamps = crazy
    something tells me, I'm not in Nippon.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)02:57 No.311677
    >Less harmful than History or Fishing
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)09:51 No.311697
         File1318773112.jpg-(564 KB, 1236x1674, dorifuto.jpg)
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    Why are bicycles so high on the Harmful scale, way above sports, cars and motorbikes? Are Japanese cyclists violently insane?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)14:32 No.311713
    Japanese train fans are known to be very dedicated, and spend a lot of their free time watching trains. But how is that "harmful"? The only thing it's harmful to is their own social life, and you could say the same about most things in that chart.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)14:41 No.311714
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    harmful as in standing too close to the tracks and disrupting traffic.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)22:02 No.311773
    >mfw railfans
    >> Anonymous 10/16/11(Sun)23:34 No.311782
    So much crazy japanese awesomeness in your pic, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)02:10 No.311805
    ITT: People who do not realize the Japanese took personal/emotional health into account. :D

    Seriously though, who's trying to have sex with trains in Japan, that is the only logical conclusion I can draw.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:21 No.311816
    Even then, I don't understand why bicycles are way higher than eroge and figures.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)03:49 No.311819
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    Porno games and figures are seen as a phase that teenagers go through.

    This on the other hand, is creepier than bozoku.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)04:19 No.311823
         File1318839553.jpg-(179 KB, 750x563, 70a0de5b66701007ec56d700f2080c(...).jpg)
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    Are bikes like that a more frequent occurrence than rooms like this, seriously?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)05:37 No.311826
    I see a lot of train fans hanging out on the platforms taking pics of trains. I can see the attraction of the shinkansen (which are fucking awesome) and some of the random limited express trains, but it seems like they are always taking pictures of just everyday commuter trains. And they definitely do see weird, although not necessarily dangerous except when they gather in large groups.
    Most cyclists here go the full hipster fixie route or total spandex bike nerd style. There is no in between.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)05:40 No.311827

    I've lived in Japan for around 8 years and I've never seen an otaku'd-out bike like that, but I'm sure there's a scene for them in Tokyo somewhere. Occasionally I'll see a motorbike or car covered in anime shit though.
    >> Captain Slog 10/17/11(Mon)10:50 No.311857
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    What was that? Something about switching between AC and DC?
    >> Captain Slog 10/17/11(Mon)10:53 No.311858
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    >Drifting bikes.
    how does that even work?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)11:29 No.311861
    coaster brakes iirc, if you run them dry they lock up easy
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)13:16 No.311872
    you use the brakes to lock up the rear wheel
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)20:21 No.311946
    Did tetsudo no tabi ever get subtitled?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/11(Mon)20:25 No.311950

    Frostii did the first 4 episodes, usually releasing once every few months.

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