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  • File : 1312970220.jpg-(80 KB, 324x446, Cambridge_Busway_Stagecoach_Scania_N230_(...).jpg)
    80 KB Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)05:57 No.297430
    Seems like an awful lot of trouble for buses, why didn't they go with a tram/lightrail or tram-train? Especially with talk of a deviation to service a proposed new town an estimated population of 10,000
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)05:57 No.297431
         File1312970278.jpg-(111 KB, 800x596, 800px-Guided_bus_opening_day2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)05:58 No.297432
         File1312970337.jpg-(109 KB, 789x600, 789px-Guided_bus_opening_day3.jpg)
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    >> Captain Slog 08/10/11(Wed)06:00 No.297433
         File1312970451.png-(17 KB, 381x400, 130534787744.png)
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    So, basically it was built (at great expense) over a former railway. Just... Gah!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)06:22 No.297436
         File1312971768.jpg-(58 KB, 250x249, mister snrub.jpg)
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    >busway built over a railway
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)09:43 No.297449
    This is why Britan's going down the shitter, we're doing retarded stuff like this.

    What's wrong with the railways, guys? Creates too many jobs for you?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:36 No.297468
    that must be a shitcunt to drive a bus on.
    I imagine alot of scuffing>?
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)13:39 No.297469
    fuck using that technology.
    fucking basic and not even magnets...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/11(Wed)14:01 No.297475
    So...what were the purported advantages of this system over the other options?

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