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  • File : 1298834754.jpg-(493 KB, 1000x667, img_5720.jpg)
    493 KB Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:25 No.258006  
    Not a Critical Mass fan but god damn you guys seen this shit?

    Hope that driver is lynched and then hung
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:31 No.258008
    fuckk that sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:31 No.258009
    Shit goes down around 0:55
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:34 No.258010
    From the comments:
    >GTA 5 sure has some nice graphics and npc behavior
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:35 No.258011
    >bunch of hipsters trying to disrupt traffic in order to stick it to the man
    >they do this once a month
    I'm not saying they deserve to die for it, but something was bound to happen eventually.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:37 No.258012
    This. It wasn't some city organized bikathon. A bunch of pretentious faggots get together to raise cycling awareness by making enemies with everyone who drives. Fucking stupidest shit ever. There's a difference between cyclists and these faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:46 No.258013
    >Not a hipster in sight
    >In Brazil and they don't seem to be acting assholeish
    >Yall be fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:52 No.258015
    Vehicular assault is totally justified for inconveniencing me!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:54 No.258016
    To be fair to them, it looks like they were at least obeying traffic lights, and heading down a one-way street would entitle them to use the full width of the road. Unless of course one of the cuts early on is to cunningly disguise the group running a light. Not that it's important, given they were charged from behind and not the side. Part of my hopes the driver gets charged (ideally, also from behind) for this.

    Any word on the numbers yet? I hear there may have been as many as 50 injured, though thankfully none too seriously - which is surrising given the impact.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)14:59 No.258018
    It's not like the car was going that fast. Those bikers were just going fucking slow. I only hope the ambulances were also inconvenienced by all their fucking shit they had all over the place. And I really hope the animals were alright.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:26 No.258034
    That is awesome, bicycles should be on the fucking sidewalk.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:27 No.258035
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:31 No.258036
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    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:32 No.258037
    I don't come on here often, /n/igger. You are correct, but I hate bicyclists on the road worst than anything and I have a right to an opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:39 No.258040
    Please don't engage the trolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:51 No.258045
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:51 No.258046
    Since when does having a different opinion dismiss you as being a troll?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:51 No.258047
    you have a right to suck cocks, too. funny thing about rights, they don't make you less a faggot. umad?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)15:59 No.258048

    >> Captain Slog 02/27/11(Sun)16:48 No.258062
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    Jesus fuck!

    That driver needs to die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:03 No.258071
    I'm never going to watch this again. It upsets me too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:09 No.258074
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    Next time, different strategy? Woman, children, and pets along the sides, men riding in the middle? Or how about carrying a weapon or two?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:16 No.258078
    >Be inconsiderate jackasses
    >Be shocked when some psycho flips their shit because of it
    >Arm self, and continue to be an inconsiderate jackass
    What a piece of work you are.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:16 No.258079
    wahahaha, holy fuck.
    >> jorfs !fuCkiNgyOI 02/27/11(Sun)17:17 No.258081

    Driving a car is no right, it's a privelege, and the roads are made for more than your own personal usage. You can't cycle on the 'sidewalk' unless you're prepared to play dodge-the-pedestrian.

    In short, fuck off you wanker.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:18 No.258083
    >inconvenience makes attempted homicide okay!
    >surprised that someone might arm himself, when threatened with homicide!
    oh, hello
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:19 No.258085

    goddamn. people who arbitrarily use the word "hipster" are worse than hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:21 No.258087
    >attempts to defend an obvious retard

    even if your point had any validity (it doesn't), you're defending a complete asshole.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:27 No.258089

    Actually yeah, the car was going at a good clip
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:29 No.258092
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    My original point exactly. If my life is threatened, I'd look out primarily for the safety of others who enjoy my group function, i.e. woman and children, pets. And yeah, it's not a crime to carry a concealed weapon with a permit, I don't know about the laws in Brazil, but in the US, we got this.

    This may only be an isolated incident in Brazil at the moment, but being careful it doesn't happen again without a fight is also admirable imo. Nothing inconsiderate about fighting for what you enjoy or believe in. Can you imagine riding alongside your wife or girlfriend and this guy shows up again and rams into her? I'd kill him and get her an ambulance, end of story.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:30 No.258094
    This, this, this AND this
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:41 No.258098
    >Can you imagine riding alongside your wife or girlfriend and this guy shows up again and rams into her?
    Riding with a companion =/= blocking traffic and needlessly inconveniencing motorists. Be courteous, follow proper etiquette and everyone can get along just fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:46 No.258100
    It may not happen to you, hope it doesn't. But if it does, you're gonna wish you got some kinda revenge, it's either that or you enjoy getting ass fucked by douche bags like these, they could have opened a path sure, had he beeped, pff.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:52 No.258103
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    >> Teece !qmMVoNcPm. 02/27/11(Sun)17:53 No.258104
    Driver's name:

    Ricardo Jose Neif

    [Apologies of we already knew this]
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:54 No.258105
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:56 No.258106
    OH MY. Picture this. A young hipster and his equally hip girlfriend are riding in Portland's Critical Mass. Some enraged person runs through the stream of cyclists and kills the young hipsteress in the process. Distraught and enraged, holding her fading life in his arms under a pouring Oregon rain, he swears to avenge his lost love by ridding the streets of aggressive drivers. Once more the streets will be safe to ride brakeless.
    Fixed on Justice Coming summer 2012
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:59 No.258107
    They ID'd him? Good. One less mindless barbarian roaming around society.

    That said, I'd rather not have the CMers around either.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:00 No.258108
    Yeah sure punchline boy, I'm in South Florida and I was born in Cuba, you missed. You're entitled to your statement, but everyone knows what it means to defend yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:00 No.258109
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:01 No.258111
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:23 No.258116
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:27 No.258119
    fail for no INAWORLD

    also, "Ride of Vengeance" would probably be a better title
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:30 No.258120

    Portland? That would be a documentary.

    The International Cycling Cabal has already sent out teams of fixed gear assassins to deal with the perpetrator.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:46 No.258123
    Do it! Be a hero and put us out of our misery!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:33 No.258138
    beautiful shit
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:56 No.258140
    Happened here where I live, Porto Alegre, Brasil
    FFFuck that was unexpected
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:06 No.258141
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:12 No.258143

    You're a pretty bad troll. Although around here, a lot of the time you really don't need to try very hard I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:20 No.258146
    One time I was crossing the street in my car and I under-estimated how fast a bike was going so the guy ended up slamming on the side of my car. By some miraculous luck, his bike was ok, and he wasn't hurt. and we parted ways after I apologized a lot.

    If someone had videotaped it I would have probably been immortalized on youtube as an idiot driver, etc, and was extremely lucky..

    so months ago I was riding my bike and a guy in a parked car opened his door and I slammed into him, it was completely his fault, but I didn't ask for a police report or anything to repay the karma.

    It just feels good that I will (hopefully) never be the subject of a thread of angry bikers.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:20 No.258147
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    This is how I feel the punishment should be served to that driver.

    >surgery ortnatio
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:54 No.258155
    If this guy had been stuck behind a gay pride parade or the retired policemen's benevolent association annual march, he would have done the same thing. It's hard to feel much more than the standard sympathy for the victims of this angry psycho when I know there are motorsists out there who truly and deeply believe that cyclists should be on the sidewalks or on separated paths and who bully riders with their cars.

    Just sayin, this sucks (a lot) but worse things happen to cyclists every day, all over the place.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:17 No.258166
    >If this guy had been stuck behind a gay pride parade or the retired policemen's benevolent association annual march, he would have done the same thing

    full retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:58 No.258187
    ITT: hurrdurr ima be late 4 teh walmart!
    ima gonnakill evrybody! prlobem sloved!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:18 No.258199
    >Fixed on Justice Coming summer 2012
    >Fixed on Justice Coming
    >Fixed on Justice

    see what ya did there herp derp
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:40 No.258209
    This guy doesn't need punishment, he needs GUNishmnt, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:52 No.258217
    Burn cars.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:58 No.258219

    They are kind of asking for it, though. I mean, they want chaos. They got chaos.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)03:13 No.258228
    >Video takes place in Brazil

    You're a fucking idiot, you know that?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)15:24 No.258292
    fixie hipsters are so ugly
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)16:52 No.258302
    Pardon me good sir. Upon further examination you will notice OP's photographic evidence to be quite the contrary.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)17:00 No.258303
    Honestly not a great face.

    Also, I highly doubt that is a fixie hipster. She's a model.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)17:02 No.258304
    It's called jealousy, look into it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)17:31 No.258307
    her face is hideous and her outfit is awful. naked with a bag over her head, she might look all right.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)18:06 No.258311
    So mad. She looks good to me, sort of Danish, Icelandic features. The outfit is fine, like a 60's princess, bike too. And on another note, I never used the word hipster period until I was introduced to it. I wasn't even born in this country, and I go to noise shows and dress what you'd otherwise call sporty or artsy. Matter of fact that's what it was before all this hipster bullshit came up, an art scene, or an alternative music scene. But then faggots wanted to put a finger on it as if wing tipped shoes came AFTER so called "hipsters". Then all of a sudden I began hearing shit like "pretentious hipster", "bike snob", etc. WTF is this shit? That's what comes to mind frankly, nobody would be caught dead calling someone a hipster at a noise show, it just doesn't happen. It's outsiders who want to create a subculture bag to wrap around such a diverse dimension of people frankly. I recommend you go to a noise show and see for yourself. You're gonna see bands you dislike, bands you may enjoy, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)19:20 No.258324

    it's not even worth arguing this, dude. i was into the whole 'indie-rock/post-punk/whatever' movement in the mid to late 90s; what once had integrity has degenerated into mtv shows about art-school kids being "arty" and shit-tier musicians riding the fashion wave without substance in their music--caring more about their hair style than their writing style. i'm not complaining: hip-hop and punk-rock, two of the most counter-culture movements of the last 30 or so years, have been hegemonized to the superficial and gaudy shit nowadays. oh well.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)19:22 No.258325

    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)19:57 No.258331

    He seems unusually aroused by the whole situation...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)19:58 No.258332
    Maybe they should raise awareness in a single lane and let car pass in the
    >> !oR03axBAeQ 02/28/11(Mon)20:02 No.258334
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    the term hipster is just a generic word that's used to describe any sub/counter-culture 'youth'. it's been around since the 40's and though back then it had a sort of 'meaning' now it's just used by anyone to describe a scene they don't know.

    the current trend of 'hipster' is really just an embodiment of the 'consumer meltdown' or a modern day punk. in ten years there will be name for it.

    for now i'll just continue to use drugs, drink, and ride my fixie against traffic.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)20:11 No.258340
    it never had integrity and you're not any better than people who do it today for lying about being the first on to do it

    keep thinking you're a special snowflake though
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)20:22 No.258344
    No, hipster has been adopted officially I think. That's all part of the ironic trend of it that definitely is unique.
    >> !oR03axBAeQ 02/28/11(Mon)20:32 No.258347
    probably. i've always shopped at thrift stores and listened to shitty music. suddenly it's cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)21:49 No.258355
    Hey, guys, what's the opposite of hipster?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:14 No.258360

    btw you're arguing w/ multiple fags here. I am only one of what appear to be at least three who do not like her face. body? fine. face? jesus christ. smash that thing and rebuild it.

    am I saying I wouldn't do her doggy? no. last woman on earth? duty to repopulate. stacked against almost any non-obese woman I know of a similar age? no chance.

    how precisely can I illustrate...

    okay, take nancy pelosi. force me to fuck one or the other. choice is a coin flip.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:19 No.258361
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    that bitch is not icelandic. pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:26 No.258364
    No exactly. Not down here in Miami anyway, sadly faggots in the art community are the first to mention it, it's like some kind of auto defense mechanism. It's fucking sad. And also, I was aware hipster was an old term, but I of course meant in modern use.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:29 No.258365
    Dude you chose that bitch out of like a million Icelandic woman, lulz! Wtf, look for some other ones. I guess I brought that up because my ex-gf was Icelandic and since her I've noticed several other woman from Iceland with similar features.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)22:45 No.258370
    Most of this thread is the American response, where cylclist=douchebag/hipster. This is b/c cycling has become is disgustingly commodified enterprise in the US, akin to spear fishing in the 70s. In other lands, cycling remains a means to get from A to B.

    Take a step back from the bastardized cycling subculture in the US, and see this for what it really is.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)23:13 No.258374
    You need look no further than your local bike shop, fucking posters of Lance Armstrong crawling out of the walls like armpit hair. There are still real cyclists, I know them, I'm not one of them, but I know 'em. But realistically speaking, what does it take to be a real cyclist other than a fucking bike, some bike knowledge, the desire to ride, and a few sporty outfits? Not much. I guess you can follow sports and current events, but you'd still be a sporty faggot in my eyes. As a matter of fact that's next, were gonna degrade sports culture and ruin THAT forever, until we all wear gray and refuse to wear anything colorful or seemingly original. And humanity becomes a decrepit pile of McDonald's.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)23:33 No.258377
    Good job /n/
    You turned a thread on some douchebag in a car running down a few dozen cyclists into an evaluation of some random chic in the vid.

    Dude should be stapled to the front of an Ice Road Trucker. You want open roads you go. Hundreds of miles of nothing but ice; no cars, no cyclists, oh, no heat. Did we mention that?

    Alternative: staple him as a hood ornament on an Aussie road train.
    >> D:ROCK !0icz5ig5Kk 03/01/11(Tue)10:24 No.258426
    you can only be a "real cyclist" with some sporty outfits? get real.

    this is one of the most garbage filled threads i've ever seen on /n/
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)12:54 No.258453
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    >what does it take to be a real cyclist other than a fucking bike, some bike knowledge, the desire to ride, and a few sporty outfits?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/11(Tue)13:02 No.258454
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