>> |
02/28/11(Mon)18:06 No.258311>>258307 So
mad. She looks good to me, sort of Danish, Icelandic features. The
outfit is fine, like a 60's princess, bike too. And on another note, I
never used the word hipster period until I was introduced to it. I
wasn't even born in this country, and I go to noise shows and dress what
you'd otherwise call sporty or artsy. Matter of fact that's what it was
before all this hipster bullshit came up, an art scene, or an
alternative music scene. But then faggots wanted to put a finger on it
as if wing tipped shoes came AFTER so called "hipsters". Then all of a
sudden I began hearing shit like "pretentious hipster", "bike snob",
etc. WTF is this shit? That's what comes to mind frankly, nobody would
be caught dead calling someone a hipster at a noise show, it just
doesn't happen. It's outsiders who want to create a subculture bag to
wrap around such a diverse dimension of people frankly. I recommend you
go to a noise show and see for yourself. You're gonna see bands you
dislike, bands you may enjoy, etc. |